tencent cloud

Vendor Assessment of DevOps Platform Market in China, 2022
Published: 2022-09-01

About Report

IDC has released the research report IDC MarketScape: Vendor Assessment of DevOps Platform Market in China, 2022, specifically for the Chinese market, for industry players to refer to when choosing DevOps platform product and service providers.

Tencent Cloud CODING has been successfully selected as the leader position, leading in the two dimensions of strategy and capability in China. IDC report pointed out that: Tencent cloud CODING in the field of one-stop DevOps platform has the best user experience, for different sizes, different types of research and development teams can be well applicable, and in testing, delivery, consulting, market cooperation and other aspects, Tencent cloud CODING has settled a large number of partners, established a comprehensive and mature ecological partner system.

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