tencent cloud



Last updated: 2022-11-17 16:50:16


    Instantiation API

    API Description
    shareInstance Gets an instance.

    Camera and mic APIs

    API Description
    startCameraSimple Starts the camera preview.
    startCameraCustom Starts the camera preview.
    setVideoResolution Changes the shooting resolution. For this API to work, it must be called after startCamera.
    setVideoRenderMode Sets the rendering mode. For this API to work, it must be called after startCamera.
    setVideoBitrate Changes the shooting bitrate.
    setZoom Sets the camera factor. For this API to work, it must be called after startCamera.
    switchCamera Switches between the front and rear cameras. For this API to work, it must be called after startCamera.
    toggleTorch Turns on/off the flashlight. For this API to work, it must be called after startCamera.
    stopCameraPreview Stops the camera preview.

    Shooting APIs

    API Description
    setHomeOrientation Sets the orientation for shooting.
    setRenderRotation Sets the rotation for rendering.
    setAspectRatio Sets the aspect ratio.
    setRecordSpeed Sets the shooting speed (not supported in UGSV Lite).
    setMute Sets whether to mute audio.
    startRecord Starts shooting. The SDK will automatically generate the video path.
    startRecord Starts shooting.
    startRecord Starts shooting.
    pauseRecord Pauses shooting.
    pauseRecord Pauses shooting.
    resumeRecord Resumes shooting.
    stopRecord Stops shooting.
    pauseAudioSession Pauses the audio session. If you use a different player for preview, make sure you call this API before the preview.
    resumeAudioSession Restarts the audio session of the SDK.

    Shooting effect APIs

    API Description
    setWaterMark Sets a global watermark (not supported in UGSV Lite).
    getBeautyManager Gets the beauty filter management object.
    setBeautyStyle Sets the beautification and brightening strength.
    setFilter Sets the color filter.
    setFilter Sets two filters (not supported in UGSV Lite).
    setSpecialRatio Sets the filter strength.
    setEyeScaleLevel Sets the strength of the big eyes effect.
    setFaceScaleLevel Sets the strength of the slim face effect.
    setFaceVLevel Sets the V shape effect.
    setChinLevel Sets the chin length.
    setFaceShortLevel Sets the face length.
    setNoseSlimLevel Sets the nose size.
    setGreenScreenFile Sets the green screen.
    selectMotionTmpl Sets the animated effect.
    setMotionMute Sets whether to mute an animated effect.

    Background music APIs

    API Description
    setBGM Sets the background music (not supported in UGSV Lite).
    setBGMAsset Sets the background music (not supported in UGSV Lite).
    setBGMLoop Sets whether to loop the background music (not supported in UGSV Lite).
    playBGMFromTime Plays the background music (not supported in UGSV Lite).
    stopBGM Stops the background music (not supported in UGSV Lite).
    pauseBGM Pauses the background music (not supported in UGSV Lite).
    resumeBGM Resumes the background music (not supported in UGSV Lite).
    setMicVolume Sets the mic volume.
    setBGMVolume Sets the volume of the background music.
    setReverbType Sets the reverb effect. (not supported in UGSV Lite).
    setVoiceChangerType Sets the voice changing effect (not supported in UGSV Lite).
    snapshot Takes a screenshot/photo (not supported in UGSV Lite). For this API to work, it must be called after startCamera.


    Shooting callbacks

    API Description
    onRecordProgress The shooting progress.
    onRecordComplete The shooting ended.
    onRecordEvent A shooting event (not in use yet).


    Definitions of key types

    API Description
    TXUGCSimpleConfig Shooting parameters.
    TXUGCCustomConfig Shooting parameter.
    TXUGCRecordResult The shooting result.

    Enumerated types

    API Description
    TXVideoQuality Video quality options.
    TXVideoResolution Resolution.
    TXVideoRenderMode Rendering modes.
    TXVideoAspectRatio Aspect ratios.
    TXVideoRecordSpeed Shooting speeds.
    TXVideoHomeOrientation Orientation modes.
    TXVideoEncodeMode Codecs.
    TXVideoReverbType Reverb effects.
    TXVideoVoiceChangerType Voice changing effects.
    TXVideoBeautyStyle Beauty styles.
    TXAudioSampleRate Audio sample rates.
    TXUGCRecordResultCode Error codes for the shooting result.

    Error Codes

    Shooting result

    Message Code Description
    UGC_RECORD_RESULT_OK 0 The shooting was successful (ended by the user), and a video will be generated.
    UGC_RECORD_RESULT_OK_INTERRUPT 1 The shooting was successful (interrupted by an alarm, a call, or switching of the app to the background), and a video will be generated.
    UGC_RECORD_RESULT_OK_UNREACH_MINDURATION 2 The shooting was successful (the duration was shorter than the minimum duration allowed), and a video will be generated.
    UGC_RECORD_RESULT_OK_BEYOND_MAXDURATION 3 The shooting was successful (the duration was longer than the maximum duration allowed), and a video will be generated.
    UGC_RECORD_RESULT_FAILED 1001 The shooting failed. No video will be generated.