tencent cloud



Last updated: 2022-06-14 13:11:48


    MLVB mic connect live room


    The backend API supports up to 100 concurrent requests per second. If you need higher concurrency capability, please contact us for processing in advance.


    Based on Tencent Cloud's PaaS services Live Video Broadcast (LVB), Video on Demand (VOD), and Instant Messaging (IM), MLVBLiveRoom provides the following features:

    • A host can create a live room to start live streaming, and viewers can enter the room to watch the stream.
    • Hosts and viewers can interact with each other through video mic connect.
    • Hosts in two rooms can compete and interact with each other through mic connect.
    • Each live room has a chat room that supports an unlimited number of members. In chat rooms, users can send various text and custom messages. Custom messages can be used to send on-screen comments, give likes, and give gifts.

    MLVBLiveRoom is an open-source class depending on two closed-source Tencent Cloud SDKs:

    • LiteAVSDK: the TXLivePusher and TXLivePlayer components of the LiteAVSDK are used for publishing and playback respectively.
    • IM SDK: the AVChatRoom feature of the IM SDK is used to implement chat rooms during live streaming. In addition, the mic connect processes between different hosts are implemented through IM messages.

    Basic SDK APIs


    This API is used to get MLVBLiveRoom singleton objects.

    MLVBLiveRoom sharedInstance(Context context)


    Parameter Type Description
    context Context Android context, which will be converted to ApplicationContext for the system APIs to call.


    MLVBLiveRoom instance


    You can call MLVBLiveRoom#destroySharedInstance() to terminate singleton objects.


    This API is used to terminate MLVBLiveRoom singleton objects.

    void destroySharedInstance()

    After the instance is terminated, the externally cached MLVBLiveRoom instance cannot be used, and you need to call MLVBLiveRoom#sharedInstance(Context) again to get a new instance.


    This API is used to set callback.

    abstract void setListener(IMLVBLiveRoomListener listener)


    Parameter Type Description
    listener IMLVBLiveRoomListener Callback API


    You can call IMLVBLiveRoomListener to get various status notifications of MLVBLiveRoom.


    The SDK uses the main queue for callback by default. To customize a callback thread, use MLVBLiveRoom#setListenerHandler(Handler).


    This API is used to set the thread that drives callback.

    abstract void setListenerHandler(Handler listenerHandler)


    Parameter Type Description
    listenerHandler Handler Thread


    This API is used to log in.

    abstract void login(final LoginInfo loginInfo, final IMLVBLiveRoomListener.LoginCallback callback)


    Parameter Type Description
    loginInfo final LoginInfo Login information
    callback final IMLVBLiveRoomListener.LoginCallback Login result callback


    This API is used to log out.

    abstract void logout()


    This API is used to set profile.

    abstract void setSelfProfile(String userName, String avatarURL)


    Parameter Type Description
    userName String Nickname
    avatarURL String Profile photo address

    Room APIs


    This API is used to get the room list.

    abstract void getRoomList(int index, int count, final IMLVBLiveRoomListener.GetRoomListCallback callback)


    Parameter Type Description
    index int Room index starting value, which is 0
    count int Number of rooms to be returned
    callback final IMLVBLiveRoomListener.GetRoomListCallback Callback of the room list getting result


    This API supports room list pagination. You can use the index and count parameters to specify the room list pagination logic:

    • index = 0 & count = 10: to obtain the 10 rooms on the first page
    • index = 11 & count = 10: to obtain the 10 rooms on the second page


    This API is used to get the list of viewers in a room.

    abstract void getAudienceList(IMLVBLiveRoomListener.GetAudienceListCallback callback)


    Parameter Type Description
    callback IMLVBLiveRoomListener.GetAudienceListCallback Callback of the room list getting result


    When viewers enter a room, the backend adds their information to the viewer list of the room. You can call this API to get the viewer list.


    A viewer list can contain up to 30 viewers. This list length is sufficient for common UI display. Longer lists not only waste storage space but also slow down the return of lists.


    This API is used to create a room (called by a host).

    abstract void createRoom(final String roomID, final String roomInfo, final IMLVBLiveRoomListener.CreateRoomCallback callback)


    Parameter Type Description
    roomID final String Room ID. It is recommended that you use the user IDs of hosts as room IDs, eliminating the need for mapping on the backend. This parameter can be left empty, and in that case, the backend will generate a room ID instead.
    roomInfo final String Room information, for example, the room name. This parameter is optional and can be in JSON format.
    callback final IMLVBLiveRoomListener.CreateRoomCallback Callback of the room creation result


    Generally, a host can start live streaming in the following call process:

    1. The host calls startLocalPreview() to enable camera preview, during which the host can adjust beauty filter parameters.
    2. The host calls createRoom to create a live room. No matter whether the room is created successfully, the result will be notified to the host through IMLVBLiveRoomListener.CreateRoomCallback.


    This API is used to enter a room (called by a viewer).

    abstract void enterRoom(final String roomID, final TXCloudVideoView view, final IMLVBLiveRoomListener.EnterRoomCallback callback)


    Parameter Type Description
    roomID final String Room ID
    view final TXCloudVideoView Control that carries the video image
    callback final IMLVBLiveRoomListener.EnterRoomCallback Callback of the room entry result


    The general process for a viewer to watch a live stream is as follows:

    1. The viewer calls getRoomList() to refresh the latest live room list and gets the room list through IMLVBLiveRoomListener.GetRoomListCallback.
    2. The viewer selects a live room and calls enterRoom() to enter the live room.


    This API is used to exit a room.

    abstract void exitRoom(IMLVBLiveRoomListener.ExitRoomCallback callback)


    Parameter Type Description
    callback IMLVBLiveRoomListener.ExitRoomCallback Callback of the room exit result


    This API is used to set custom information.

    abstract void setCustomInfo(final MLVBCommonDef.CustomFieldOp op, final String key, final Object value, final IMLVBLiveRoomListener.SetCustomInfoCallback callback)


    Parameter Type Description
    op final MLVBCommonDef.CustomFieldOp Operation. For more information, please see MLVBCommonDef.CustomFieldOp.
    key final String Custom key
    value final Object Value
    callback final IMLVBLiveRoomListener.SetCustomInfoCallback Callback of the completion of custom message setting


    Sometimes you may need to generate certain additional information for a room. Such information can be cached to the server by using this API.


    • When op is MLVBCommonDef.CustomFieldOp#SET, value can be a string or an integer.
    • When op is MLVBCommonDef.CustomFieldOp#INC, value must be an integer.
    • When op is MLVBCommonDef.CustomFieldOp#DEC, value must be an integer.


    This API is used to get custom information.

    abstract void getCustomInfo(final IMLVBLiveRoomListener.GetCustomInfoCallback callback)


    Parameter Type Description
    callback final IMLVBLiveRoomListener.GetCustomInfoCallback Callback of the custom information getting result

    Mic Connect Between a Host and a Viewer


    This API is used by a viewer to request mic connect.

    abstract void requestJoinAnchor(String reason, IMLVBLiveRoomListener.RequestJoinAnchorCallback callback)


    Parameter Type Description
    reason String Reason for mic connect
    callback IMLVBLiveRoomListener.RequestJoinAnchorCallback Callback of the mic connect request result


    The process for mic connect between a host and a viewer is as follows:

    1. The viewer calls requestJoinAnchor() to send a mic connect request to the host.
    2. The host receives the IMLVBLiveRoomListener#onRequestJoinAnchor(AnchorInfo, String) callback notification.
    3. The host calls responseJoinAnchor() to specify whether to accept the mic connect request from the viewer.
    4. The viewer receives a IMLVBLiveRoomListener.RequestJoinAnchorCallback callback notification and gets to know whether the request is accepted.
    5. If the request is accepted, the viewer calls startLocalPreview() to enable the local camera. If the application has not obtained the camera and mic permissions, a permission prompt will be displayed on the UI.
    6. The viewer calls joinAnchor() to officially enter the mic connect status.
    7. Once the viewer enters the mic connect status, the host receives the IMLVBLiveRoomListener#onAnchorEnter(AnchorInfo) notification.
    8. The host calls startRemoteView() to view the video image of the mic connect viewer.
    9. If there are other mic connect viewers in the live room of the host, the new mic connect viewer will receive the onAnchorJoin() callback notification and can call startRemoteView to display the video images of the other mic connect viewers.


    This API is used by a host to process mic connect requests.

    abstract int responseJoinAnchor(String userID, boolean agree, String reason)


    Parameter Type Description
    userID String Viewer ID
    agree boolean true: accept; false: reject
    reason String Reason for accepting or rejecting a mic connect request


    0: successful. Other values: failed.


    After receiving the IMLVBLiveRoomListener#onRequestJoinAnchor(AnchorInfo, String) callback notification, a host needs to call this API to process the mic connect request of the viewer.


    This API is used by a viewer to enter the mic connect status.

    abstract void joinAnchor(final IMLVBLiveRoomListener.JoinAnchorCallback callback)


    Parameter Type Description
    callback final IMLVBLiveRoomListener.JoinAnchorCallback Callback of the result of entering the mic connect status


    Once a viewer enters the mic connect status, the host and other mic connect viewers in the host's live room will receive the IMLVBLiveRoomListener#onAnchorEnter(AnchorInfo) callback notification.


    This API is used by a viewer to exit mic connect.

    abstract void quitJoinAnchor(final IMLVBLiveRoomListener.QuitAnchorCallback callback)


    Parameter Type Description
    callback final IMLVBLiveRoomListener.QuitAnchorCallback Callback of the result of exiting mic connect


    Once a viewer exits mic connect, the host and other mic connect viewers in the host's live room will receive the IMLVBLiveRoomListener#onAnchorExit(AnchorInfo) callback notification.


    This API is used by a host to kick out a mic connect viewer.

    abstract void kickoutJoinAnchor(String userID)


    Parameter Type Description
    userID String ID of the mic connect viewer


    After a host calls this API to kick out a mic connect viewer, the kicked out viewer will receive the IMLVBLiveRoomListener#onKickoutJoinAnchor() callback notification.

    Cross-Room Host Competition


    This API is used by a host to request for cross-room competition.

    abstract void requestRoomPK(String userID, final IMLVBLiveRoomListener.RequestRoomPKCallback callback)


    Parameter Type Description
    userID String ID of the invited host
    callback final IMLVBLiveRoomListener.RequestRoomPKCallback Callback of the result of the cross-room host competition request


    Hosts in different rooms can compete with each other. The process for host A and host B to start cross-room competition during live streaming is as follows:

    1. Host A calls requestRoomPK() to send a competition request to host B.
    2. Host B receives the IMLVBLiveRoomListener#onRequestRoomPK(AnchorInfo) callback notification.
    3. Host B calls responseRoomPK() to specify whether to accept the competition request from host A.
    4. If host B accepts the request of host A, host B calls startRemoteView() to display the video image of host A.
    5. Host A receives the IMLVBLiveRoomListener.RequestRoomPKCallback callback notification and gets to know whether the request is accepted.
    6. If the request of host A is accepted, host A calls startRemoteView() to display the video image of host B.


    This API is used by a host to respond to a cross-room competition request.

    abstract int responseRoomPK(String userID, boolean agree, String reason)


    Parameter Type Description
    userID String ID of the host who initiates the competition request
    agree boolean true: accept; false: reject
    reason String Reason for accepting or rejecting the competition request


    0: successful. Other values: failed.


    Once the invited host responds to the cross-room competition request, the inviting host will receive the IMLVBLiveRoomListener.RequestRoomPKCallback callback notification.


    This API is used to exit cross-room competition.

    abstract void quitRoomPK(final IMLVBLiveRoomListener.QuitRoomPKCallback callback)


    Parameter Type Description
    callback final IMLVBLiveRoomListener.QuitRoomPKCallback Callback of the result of exiting cross-room competition


    If either host exits cross-room competition, the other host will receive the IMLVBLiveRoomListener#onQuitRoomPK(AnchorInfo) callback notification.

    Video APIs


    This API is used to enable the preview image of the local video.

    abstract void startLocalPreview(boolean frontCamera, TXCloudVideoView view)


    Parameter Type Description
    frontCamera boolean YES: front camera; NO: rear camera
    view TXCloudVideoView Control that carries the video image


    This API is used to stop local video capturing and preview.

    abstract void stopLocalPreview()


    This API is used to start rendering remote video images.

    abstract void startRemoteView(final AnchorInfo anchorInfo, final TXCloudVideoView view, final IMLVBLiveRoomListener.PlayCallback callback)


    Parameter Type Description
    anchorInfo final AnchorInfo Information of the remote user
    view final TXCloudVideoView Control that carries the video image
    callback final IMLVBLiveRoomListener.PlayCallback Player listener

    Call this API upon onUserVideoAvailable callback.


    This API is used to stop rendering remote video images.

    abstract void stopRemoteView(final AnchorInfo anchorInfo)


    Parameter Type Description
    anchorInfo final AnchorInfo Information of the remote user


    This API is used to start screen capturing.

    abstract void startScreenCapture()


    This API is used to stop screen capturing.

    abstract void stopScreenCapture()

    Audio APIs


    This API is used to specify whether to mute local audio.

    abstract void muteLocalAudio(boolean mute)


    Parameter Type Description
    mute boolean true: mute; false: unmute.


    This API is used to specify whether to mute a specified user.

    abstract void muteRemoteAudio(String userID, boolean mute)


    Parameter Type Description
    userID String ID of the specified user
    mute boolean true: mute; false: unmute


    This API is used to specify whether to mute all remote users.

    abstract void muteAllRemoteAudio(boolean mute)


    Parameter Type Description
    mute boolean true: mute; false: unmute

    Camera APIs


    This API is used to switch between cameras.

    abstract void switchCamera()


    This API is used to set the camera zoom factor (focal length).

    abstract boolean setZoom(int distance)


    Parameter Type Description
    distance int Value range: 1-5. The value 1 indicates the furthest view (normal lens), and 5 indicates the nearest view (enlarging lens). The maximum value is recommended to be 5. If the maximum value is greater than 5, the video image will become blurry.


    This API is used to enable or disable flash.

    abstract boolean enableTorch(boolean enable)


    Parameter Type Description
    enable boolean true: enable; false: disable


    This API is used to set the waiting picture to be displayed when the host blocks the camera.

    abstract void setCameraMuteImage(Bitmap bitmap)


    Parameter Type Description
    bitmap Bitmap Bitmap


    When the host blocks the camera, or the camera cannot be used because the application is switched to the background, we need to display a waiting picture to viewers saying like "the host leaves temporarily and will come back soon".


    This API is used to set the waiting picture to be displayed when the host blocks the camera.

    abstract void setCameraMuteImage(final int id)


    Parameter Type Description
    id final int Resource file of the default waiting picture to be displayed


    When the host blocks the camera, or the camera cannot be used because the application is switched to the background, we need to display a waiting picture to viewers saying like "the host leaves temporarily and will come back soon".

    Beauty Filter APIs


    This API is used to get the beauty filter management object TXBeautyManager.

    public TXBeautyManager getBeautyManager()

    With TXBeautyManager, you can use the following features:

    • Set beauty effects such as the beauty filter style, skin brightening, rosy skin, eye enlarging, face slimming, chin slimming, chin lengthening or shortening, face shortening, nose narrowing, eye brightening, teeth whitening, eye bag removal, wrinkle removal, and smile line removal.
    • Adjust the hairline, eye spacing, eye corners, mouth shape, nose wings, nose position, lip thickness, and face shape.
    • Set animated effects such as face widgets (materials).
    • Add makeup effects.
    • Recognize gestures.


    This API is used to specify the material filter effect.

    abstract void setFilter(Bitmap image)


    Parameter Type Description
    image Bitmap Specified material, which is an image from the color lookup table. The material must be in PNG format.


    This API is used to set the strength of a filter.

    abstract void setFilterConcentration(float concentration)


    Parameter Type Description
    concentration float Value range: 0-1. The larger the value, the more obvious the effect. Default value: 0.5.


    This API is used to set the watermark. You do not need to specify the watermark height. The SDK will automatically calculate the height according to the aspect ratio of the watermark.

    abstract void setWatermark(Bitmap image, float x, float y, float width)


    Parameter Type Description
    image Bitmap Watermark image. If null is passed in, the watermark will be removed.
    x float Normalized X coordinate of the watermark position. Value range: [0,1].
    y float Normalized Y coordinate of the watermark position. Value range: [0,1].
    width float Normalized width of the watermark. Value range: [0,1].


    This API is used to configure the green screen file.

    abstract boolean setGreenScreenFile(String file)


    Parameter Type Description
    file String Path to the green screen file. Two settings modes are supported: 1. place the resource file in the assets directory and use the file name as the path name; 2. use the absolute path of the file as the path name.


    false: failed. true: successful.


    Green screen files must be JPG or PNG images or MP4 or 3GP videos supported by Android.


    API level 18 is required.


    This API is used to adjust the exposure.

    abstract void setExposureCompensation(float value)


    Parameter Type Description
    value float Exposure ratio, which indicates the ratio of the maximum exposure adjustment value that the phone supports. Value range: -1 to 1. A negative value means to decrease exposure, and a positive value means to increase exposure. 0 means no exposure adjustment.

    Message Sending APIs


    This API is used to send text messages.

    abstract void sendRoomTextMsg(String message, final IMLVBLiveRoomListener.SendRoomTextMsgCallback callback)


    Parameter Type Description
    message String Text message
    callback final IMLVBLiveRoomListener.SendRoomTextMsgCallback Callback of the sending result of the text message


    This API is used to send custom text messages.

    abstract void sendRoomCustomMsg(String cmd, String message, final IMLVBLiveRoomListener.SendRoomCustomMsgCallback callback)


    Parameter Type Description
    cmd String Custom command word used to distinguish between different message types
    message String Custom text message
    callback final IMLVBLiveRoomListener.SendRoomCustomMsgCallback Callback of the sending result of the custom text message

    Background Audio Mixing APIs


    This API is used to play background music.

    abstract boolean playBGM(String path)


    Parameter Type Description
    path String Path to the background music file


    true: success. false: failure.


    This API is used to stop background music playback.

    abstract void stopBGM()


    This API is used to pause background music playback.

    abstract void pauseBGM()


    This API is used to resume background music playback.

    abstract void resumeBGM()


    This API is used to get the total length of the background music file.

    abstract int getBGMDuration(String path)


    Parameter Type Description
    path String Path to the music file. If path is left empty, the length of the music file being played back will be returned.


    If this API is successfully called, the length of the music file will be returned, in milliseconds. Otherwise, -1 will be returned.


    This API is used to set the microphone volume when background music is played back.

    abstract void setMicVolumeOnMixing(int volume)


    Parameter Type Description
    volume int Volume. 100 indicates a normal volume. Recommended value range: 0-200.


    This API is used to set the background music volume when background music is played back.

    abstract void setBGMVolume(int volume)


    Parameter Type Description
    volume int Volume. 100 indicates a normal volume. Recommended value range: 0-200. If you need to turn up the background music volume, use a larger value.


    This API is used to set the reverb effect.

    abstract void setReverbType(int reverbType)


    Parameter Type Description
    reverbType int Reverb type. Valid values:
    TXLiveConstants#REVERB_TYPE_0: disable reverb
    TXLiveConstants#REVERB_TYPE_1: karaoke room
    TXLiveConstants#REVERB_TYPE_2: small room
    TXLiveConstants#REVERB_TYPE_3: big hall
    TXLiveConstants#REVERB_TYPE_4: deep
    TXLiveConstants#REVERB_TYPE_5: resonant
    TXLiveConstants#REVERB_TYPE_6: metallic


    This API is used to set the voice changing type.

    abstract void setVoiceChangerType(int voiceChangerType)


    Parameter Type Description
    voiceChangerType int Voice changing type. For more information, please see TXVoiceChangerType.


    This API is used to adjust the pitch of background music.

    abstract void setBgmPitch(float pitch)


    Parameter Type Description
    pitch float Pitch. 0 indicates a normal pitch. Value range: -1 to 1.


    This API is used for audio mixing, for example, mixing background music with sounds collected from the microphone for playback.