tencent cloud


Sync Request for Hash Calculation

Last updated: 2023-03-09 15:17:42


    This API uses a sync GET request to perform hash calculation and return a calculated hash value in real time.

    Billing Description

    • Calling the API will incur hash calculation fees and COS read request fees as described in Request Fees.
    • If the files are stored in COS STANDARD_IA storage class, calling the API will incur STANDARD_IA data retrieval fees as described in Data Retrieval Fees.
    • Processing is not supported for files stored in the ARCHIVE or DEEP ARCHIVE storage classes. To process these files, you first need to restore them as instructed in POST Object restore.


    • File size: Calculation on files that are less than 128 MB is supported. For files that are greater than 128 MB, use Async API for Hash Calculation.
    • Request timeout period: 10 seconds
    • Calling the API requires a signature. For more information, see Request Signature.
    • This API can be used in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Hong Kong (China), Singapore, and Silicon Valley regions.


    Sample request

    GET /for-test.mp4?ci-process=filehash&type=md5 HTTP/1.1
    Host: <BucketName-APPID>.cos.<Region>.myqcloud.com
    Date: <GMT Date>
    Authorization: <Auth String>
    Content-Length: <length>

    Request headers

    This API only uses Common Request Headers.

    Request parameters

    The parameters are described as follows:

    Node Name (Keyword) Description Type Required
    ci-process Operation type. It is fixed at filehash for hash calculation. String Yes
    type Supported hash algorithm. Valid values: md5, sha1, sha256 String Yes
    addtoheader Whether to automatically add the calculated hash value to the custom header in the file. Format: x-cos-meta-md5/sha1/sha256
    Valid values: true, false. If this parameter is left empty, it is false by default.
    String No

    Request body

    This request does not have a request body.


    Response headers

    This API only returns Common Response Headers.

    Response body

    The response body returns application/xml data. The following contains all the nodes:


    The nodes are described as follows:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type
    Response None Result storage container Container

    Response has the following sub-nodes:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type
    FileHashCodeResult Response File hash result Container
    Input Response Basic information of the input file Container

    FileHashCodeResult has the following sub-nodes:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type
    MD5 Response.FileHashCodeResult This field is returned if type in the request is md5. String
    SHA1 Response.FileHashCodeResult This field is returned if type in the request is sha1. String
    SHA256 Response.FileHashCodeResult This field is returned if type in the request is sha256. String
    FileSize Response.FileHashCodeResult File size Int

    Input has the following sub-nodes:

    Node Name (Keyword) Parent Node Description Type
    Region Response.JobsDetail.Input Region of the bucket String
    Bucket Response.JobsDetail.Input Bucket where the input file resides String
    Object Response.JobsDetail.Input Name of the input file in the bucket String

    Error codes

    There are no specific error messages for this request operation. For common error messages, see Error Codes.



    GET /for-test.mp4?ci-process=filehash&type=md5 HTTP/1.1
    Host: test-1234567890.cos.ap-beijing.myqcloud.com
    Authorization: q-sign-algorithm=sha1&q-ak=AKIDWtTCBYjM5OwLB9CAwA1Qb2ThTSUjfG****-sign-time=1484213027;32557109027&q-key-time=1484213027;32557109027&q-header-list=host&q-url-param-list=acl&q-signature=dcc1eb2022b79cb2a780bf062d3a40e120b4****
    Content-Length: 0


    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/xml
    Content-Length: 666
    Connection: keep-alive
    Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2022 15:23:12 GMT
    Server: tencent-cos
    x-cos-request-id: NTg3NzRiMjVfYmRjMzVfMTViMl82ZGZmNw==