tencent cloud


API Category

Last updated: 2021-07-13 17:27:38

Health Report Email Sending APIs

API Name Feature
AddUserContact Adds the contact information
CreateDBDiagReportUrl Creates a URL for a health report
CreateMailProfile Creates email configuration
CreateSchedulerMailProfile Creates the regularly generated email sending configuration
DescribeAllUserContact Obtains information of the contact in the email
DescribeAllUserGroup Obtains information of the contact group in the email
DescribeDBDiagReportTasks Queries the list of health report generation tasks
DescribeMailProfile Obtains email configuration

Other APIs

API Name Feature
CreateDBDiagReportTask Creates a health report generation task
DescribeDBSpaceStatus Queries overview of instance space usage during a specified time period
DescribeDiagDBInstances Obtains instance information list
DescribeHealthScore Obtains health score
DescribeTopSpaceSchemaTimeSeries Obtains daily space statistics of top databases during a specified time period
DescribeTopSpaceSchemas Obtains the space statistics of top databases
DescribeTopSpaceTableTimeSeries Queries daily space statistics of top tables during a specified time period
DescribeTopSpaceTables Queries space statistics of top tables
ModifyDiagDBInstanceConf Enables/disables instance inspection

Slow Log Analysis APIs

API Name Feature
DescribeSlowLogTimeSeriesStats Gets slow log statistics histogram
DescribeSlowLogTopSqls Queries slow log statistics in specified time period by SQL template
DescribeSlowLogUserHostStats Obtains the statistical distribution chart of slow log source addresses.
DescribeUserSqlAdvice Obtains SQL statement optimization suggestions

Exception Detection APIs

API Name Feature
DescribeDBDiagEvent Gets diagnosis event details
DescribeDBDiagHistory Gets instance diagnosis history
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