tencent cloud


Data Types

Last updated: 2023-10-17 10:51:59


    Instance details

    Used by actions: DescribeAuditInstanceList.

    Name Type Description
    AuditStatus String Audit status. Valid values: ON (Enabled), OFF (Not enabled).
    BillingAmount Integer Audit log size. This parameter is only used for the free trial edition of Database Audit.
    BillingConfirmed Integer Billing confirmation status. Valid values: 0 (Unconfirmed), 1 (Confirmed).
    ColdLogExpireDay Integer Infrequent access storage period
    ColdLogSize Integer Storage size of infrequently accessed logs in MB
    HotLogExpireDay Integer Storage period of frequently accessed logs in days
    HotLogSize Integer Storage size of frequently accessed logs in MB
    InstanceId String Instance ID
    LogExpireDay Integer Log retention period in days, which is the sum of the frequent and infrequent access storage periods.
    CreateTime String Instance creation time
    InstanceInfo AuditInstanceInfo Instance details


    Query condition of the instance list

    Used by actions: DescribeAuditInstanceList.

    Name Type Required Description
    Name String Yes Filter name
    Values Array of String Yes Filter value


    Instance details

    Used by actions: DescribeAuditInstanceList.

    Name Type Description
    AppId Integer appId
    AuditStatus Integer Audit status. Valid values: 0 (Not enabled), 1 (Enabled).
    InstanceId String Instance ID
    InstanceName String Instance name
    ProjectId Integer Project ID
    Region String The region where the instance resides
    ResourceTags Array of String Resource tags
    Note: u200dThis field may returnu200d·nullu200d, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Recipient description.

    Used by actions: DescribeAllUserContact.

    Name Type Description
    Id Integer Recipient ID.
    Name String Recipient name.
    Mail String Recipient email.


    Instance diagnosis event

    Used by actions: DescribeDBDiagEvents, DescribeDBDiagHistory.

    Name Type Description
    DiagType String Diagnosis type.
    EndTime Timestamp End time.
    StartTime Timestamp Start time.
    EventId Integer Unique event ID.
    Severity Integer Severity, which can be divided into 5 levels: 1: fatal, 2: severe, 3: warning, 4: notice, 5: healthy.
    Outline String Diagnosis summary.
    DiagItem String Diagnosis item description.
    InstanceId String Instance ID.
    Metric String Reserved field.
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Region String Region.


    Exception information.

    Used by actions: DescribeHealthScore.

    Name Type Description
    EventId Integer Event ID.
    DiagType String Diagnosis type.
    StartTime Timestamp ISO8601 Start time.
    EndTime Timestamp ISO8601 End time.
    Outline String Summary.
    Severity Integer Severity, which can be divided into 5 levels: 1 (Critical), 2 (Severe), 3 (Alarm), 4 (Reminder), 5 (Healthy).
    ScoreLost Integer Deduction.
    Metric String Reserved field.
    Count Integer Number of alarms.


    Describes the group information.

    Used by actions: DescribeAllUserGroup.

    Name Type Description
    Id Integer Group ID.
    Name String Group name.
    MemberCount Integer Number of group members.


    Details of the health report task.

    Used by actions: DescribeDBDiagReportTasks.

    Name Type Description
    AsyncRequestId Integer Async task request ID.
    Source String Source that triggers the task. Valid values: DAILY_INSPECTION (instance inspection), SCHEDULED (scheduled task), and MANUAL (manual trigger).
    Progress Integer Task progress in %.
    CreateTime Timestamp Task creation time.
    StartTime Timestamp Task start time.
    EndTime Timestamp Task end time.
    InstanceInfo InstanceBasicInfo Basic information of the instance to which the task belongs.
    HealthStatus HealthStatus Health information in health report.


    Details of the obtained health score.

    Used by actions: DescribeHealthScore.

    Name Type Description
    IssueTypes Array of IssueTypeInfo Exception details.
    EventsTotalCount Integer Total number of exceptions.
    HealthScore Integer Health score.
    HealthLevel String Health level, such as HEALTH, SUB_HEALTH, RISK, and HIGH_RISK.


    Instance health status.

    Used by actions: DescribeDBDiagReportTasks.

    Name Type Description
    HealthScore Integer Health score out of 100 points.
    HealthLevel String Health level. Valid values: HEALTH (healthy), SUB_HEALTH (sub-healthy), RISK (dangerous), and HIGH_RISK (high-risk).
    ScoreLost Integer Total deducted scores.
    ScoreDetails Array of ScoreDetail Deduction details.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Basic instance information.

    Used by actions: DescribeDBDiagReportTasks.

    Name Type Description
    InstanceId String Instance ID.
    InstanceName String Instance name.
    Vip String Private IP of the instance.
    Vport Integer Private port of the instance.
    Product String Instance service.
    EngineVersion String Instance engine version.


    Instance configuration.

    Used by actions: DescribeDiagDBInstances, ModifyDiagDBInstanceConf.

    Name Type Required Description
    DailyInspection String No Whether to enable database inspection. Valid values: Yes, No.
    OverviewDisplay String No Whether to enable instance overview. Valid values: Yes, No.
    KeyDelimiters Array of String No Custom big key analysis separator for Redis only
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Queries the list of instances and returns their information.

    Used by actions: DescribeDiagDBInstances.

    Name Type Description
    InstanceId String Instance ID.
    InstanceName String Instance name.
    Region String Instance region.
    HealthScore Integer Health score.
    Product String Service.
    EventCount Integer Number of exceptions.
    InstanceType Integer Instance type. Valid values: 1 (MASTER), 2 (DR), 3 (RO), 4 (SDR)
    Cpu Integer Number of cores.
    Memory Integer Memory in MB.
    Volume Integer Disk storage in GB.
    EngineVersion String Database version.
    Vip String Private network address.
    Vport Integer Private network port.
    Source String Access source.
    GroupId String Group ID.
    GroupName String Group name.
    Status Integer Instance status. Valid values: 0 (delivering), 1 (running), 4 (terminating), 5 (isolated)
    UniqSubnetId String Unified subnet ID.
    DeployMode String TencentDB instance type.
    InitFlag Integer TencentDB instance initialization flag. Valid values: 0 (not initialized), 1 (initialized).
    TaskStatus Integer Task status.
    UniqVpcId String Unified VPC ID.
    InstanceConf InstanceConfs Instance inspection/overview status.
    DeadlineTime Timestamp Resource expiration time.
    IsSupported Boolean Whether it is an instance supported by DBbrain.
    SecAuditStatus String Status of instance security audit log. Valid values: ON (enabled), OFF (disabled).
    AuditPolicyStatus String Status of instance audit log. Valid values: ALL_AUDIT (full audit is enabled), RULE_AUDIT (rule audit is enabled), UNBOUND (audit is disabled).
    AuditRunningStatus String Running status of instance audit log. Valid values: normal (running), paused (suspension due to overdue payment).
    InternalVip String Private VIP
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    InternalVport Integer Private network port
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    CreateTime String Creation time
    ClusterId String Cluster ID. This field is only required for cluster database products like TDSQL-C.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ClusterName String Cluster name. This field is only required for cluster database products like TDSQL-C.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Metric information.

    Used by actions: DescribeHealthScore.

    Name Type Description
    IssueType String Metric categories. Valid values: AVAILABILITY, MAINTAINABILITY, PERFORMANCE, and RELIABILITY.
    Events Array of EventInfo Exception.
    TotalCount Integer Total number of exceptions.


    Email sending configuration

    Used by actions: CreateMailProfile, CreateSchedulerMailProfile.

    Name Type Required Description
    SendMail Integer Yes Whether to enable email sending. Valid values: 0 (no), 1 (yes).
    Region Array of String Yes Region configuration, such as "ap-guangzhou" and "ap-shanghai". For the inspection email sending template, configure the region where you need to send the inspection email. For the subscription email sending template, configure the region where the current subscribed instance resides.
    HealthStatus Array of String Yes Sends a report with the specified health level, such as HEALTH, SUB_HEALTH, RISK, and HIGH_RISK.
    ContactPerson Array of Integer No Recipient ID. Either ContactPerson or ContactGroup should be passed in.
    ContactGroup Array of Integer No Recipient group ID. Either ContactPerson or ContactGroup should be passed in.


    Monitoring data in float type

    Used by actions: DescribeTopSpaceTableTimeSeries.

    Name Type Description
    Metric String Metric name.
    Unit String Metric unit.
    Values Array of Float Metric value.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Monitoring metric value in float type in a unit of time interval

    Used by actions: DescribeTopSpaceTableTimeSeries.

    Name Type Description
    Series Array of MonitorFloatMetric Monitoring metric.
    Timestamp Array of Integer Timestamp corresponding to monitoring metric.


    Monitoring data

    Used by actions: DescribeSlowLogTimeSeriesStats, DescribeTopSpaceSchemaTimeSeries.

    Name Type Description
    Metric String Metric name.
    Unit String Metric unit.
    Values Array of Float Metric value.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Monitoring metric value in a unit of time interval

    Used by actions: DescribeSlowLogTimeSeriesStats, DescribeTopSpaceSchemaTimeSeries.

    Name Type Description
    Series Array of MonitorMetric Monitoring metric.
    Timestamp Array of Integer Timestamp corresponding to monitoring metric.


    Relational database thread

    Used by actions: DescribeMySqlProcessList.

    Name Type Description
    ID String Thread ID.
    User String Thread operation account name.
    Host String Thread operation host address.
    DB String Thread operation database.
    State String Thread operation status.
    Command String Thread execution type.
    Time String Thread operation duration in seconds.
    Info String Thread operation statement.


    Real-time session statistics.

    Used by actions: DescribeProxyProcessStatistics.

    Name Type Description
    Items Array of SessionItem Array of session details
    AllConnSum Integer The total number of connections
    ActiveConnSum Integer The total number of active connections


    Information configured by the user.

    Used by actions: CreateMailProfile, CreateSchedulerMailProfile, DescribeMailProfile.

    Name Type Required Description
    Language String Yes Email language, such as en.
    MailConfiguration MailConfiguration Yes Email template content.


    Space information of Redis key prefixes

    Used by actions: DescribeRedisTopKeyPrefixList.

    Name Type Description
    AveElementSize Integer Average element length
    Length Integer Total memory usage in bytes
    KeyPreIndex String Key prefix
    ItemCount Integer The number of elements
    Count Integer The number of keys
    MaxElementSize Integer The max element length


    SchemaItem array

    Used by actions: DescribeSlowLogTopSqls.

    Name Type Required Description
    Schema String Yes Database name


    Database space statistics.

    Used by actions: DescribeTopSpaceSchemas.

    Name Type Description
    TableSchema String Database name.
    DataLength Float Data space in MB.
    IndexLength Float Index space in MB.
    DataFree Float Fragmented space in MB.
    TotalLength Float Total space usage in MB.
    FragRatio Float Fragmentation rate in %.
    TableRows Integer Number of rows.
    PhysicalFileSize Float Total size in MB of physical files exclusive to all tables in the database.
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Time series of database space data

    Used by actions: DescribeTopSpaceSchemaTimeSeries.

    Name Type Description
    TableSchema String Database name
    SeriesData MonitorMetricSeriesData Space metric value in a unit of time interval


    Deduction details.

    Used by actions: DescribeDBDiagReportTasks.

    Name Type Description
    IssueType String Deduction item type. Valid values: Availability, Maintainability, Performance, Reliability.
    ScoreLost Integer Total deducted scores.
    ScoreLostMax Integer Upper limit of the deducted scores.
    Items Array of ScoreItem List of deduction items.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Diagnosis deduction item.

    Used by actions: DescribeDBDiagReportTasks.

    Name Type Description
    DiagItem String Exception diagnosis item name.
    IssueType String Diagnosis item type. Valid values: Availability, Maintainability, Performance, Reliability.
    TopSeverity String Health level. Valid values: Healthy, Reminder, Alarm, Severe, Critical.
    Count Integer Number of occurrences of this exception diagnosis item.
    ScoreLost Integer Deducted scores.


    Security audit log export task information.

    Used by actions: DescribeSecurityAuditLogExportTasks.

    Name Type Description
    AsyncRequestId Integer Async task Id.
    StartTime Timestamp Task start time.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    EndTime Timestamp Task end time.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    CreateTime Timestamp Task creation time.
    Status String Task status.
    Progress Integer Task progress.
    LogStartTime Timestamp Exported log start time.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    LogEndTime Timestamp Exported log end time.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    TotalSize Integer Total size of log files in KB.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    DangerLevels Array of Integer List of risk levels. Valid values: 0 (no risk), 1 (low risk), 2 (medium risk), 3 (high risk).
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Access source details of the real-time session

    Used by actions: DescribeProxyProcessStatistics.

    Name Type Description
    Ip String Access source
    ActiveConn String The number of active connections from the current access source
    AllConn Integer The total number of connections from the current access source


    Details of slow log source addresses.

    Used by actions: DescribeSlowLogUserHostStats.

    Name Type Description
    UserHost String Source addresses.
    Ratio Float Proportion (in %) of slow logs from this source address to the total number of slow logs.
    Count Integer Number of slow logs from this source address.


    Slow log details

    Used by actions: DescribeSlowLogs.

    Name Type Description
    Timestamp String Slow log start time
    SqlText String SQL statement
    Database String Database
    UserName String User source
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    UserHost String IP source
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    QueryTime Integer Execution time in seconds
    LockTime Integer Lock time in seconds
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    RowsExamined Integer Number of scanned rows
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    RowsSent Integer Number of returned rows
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Top slow SQL statements

    Used by actions: DescribeSlowLogTopSqls.

    Name Type Description
    LockTime Float Total SQL lock wait time in seconds.
    LockTimeMax Float Maximum lock wait time in seconds
    LockTimeMin Float Minimum lock wait time in seconds
    RowsExamined Integer Total number of scanned rows
    RowsExaminedMax Integer Maximum number of scanned rows
    RowsExaminedMin Integer Minimum number of scanned rows
    QueryTime Float Total duration in seconds
    QueryTimeMax Float Maximum execution time in seconds
    QueryTimeMin Float Minimum execution time in seconds
    RowsSent Integer Total number of returned rows
    RowsSentMax Integer Maximum number of returned rows
    RowsSentMin Integer Minimum number of returned rows
    ExecTimes Integer Number of executions
    SqlTemplate String SQL template
    SqlText String SQL statements with parameter (random)
    Schema String Database name
    QueryTimeRatio Float Ratio of the total duration in %
    LockTimeRatio Float Ratio of the total SQL lock wait time in %
    RowsExaminedRatio Float Ratio of total number of scanned rows in %
    RowsSentRatio Float Ratio of total number of returned rows in %
    QueryTimeAvg Float Average execution time in seconds
    RowsSentAvg Float Average number of returned rows
    LockTimeAvg Float Average lock wait time in seconds
    RowsExaminedAvg Float Average number of scanned rows
    Md5 String MD5 value of the SQL template


    Details of the source users of slow logs

    Used by actions: DescribeSlowLogUserHostStats.

    Name Type Description
    UserName String Source username
    Ratio Float Percentage of the number of slow logs from this source username to the total number of slow logs
    Count Integer Number of slow logs from this source username


    Database tablespace statistics.

    Used by actions: DescribeTopSpaceTables.

    Name Type Description
    TableName String Table name.
    TableSchema String Database name.
    Engine String Database table storage engine.
    DataLength Float Data space in MB.
    IndexLength Float Index space in MB.
    DataFree Float Fragmented space in MB.
    TotalLength Float Total space usage in MB.
    FragRatio Float Fragmentation rate in %.
    TableRows Integer Number of rows.
    PhysicalFileSize Float Size in MB of the physical file exclusive to a table.


    Time series of database tablespace data

    Used by actions: DescribeTopSpaceTableTimeSeries.

    Name Type Description
    TableName String Table name.
    TableSchema String Database name.
    Engine String Database table storage engine.
    SeriesData MonitorFloatMetricSeriesData Space metric value in a unit of time interval


    Information about Redis session killing task status

    Used by actions: DescribeProxySessionKillTasks.

    Name Type Description
    AsyncRequestId Integer Async task ID.
    InstProxyList Array of String List of all proxies of the current instance.
    InstProxyCount Integer Total number of proxies of the current instance.
    CreateTime Timestamp ISO8601 Task creation time.
    StartTime Timestamp ISO8601 Task start time.
    TaskStatus String Task status. Valid values: created (create), chosen (to be executed), running (being executed), failed (failed), and finished (completed).
    FinishedProxyList Array of String IDs of the proxies that have completed the session killing tasks.
    FailedProxyList Array of String IDs of the proxies that failed to execute the session killing tasks.
    EndTime Timestamp ISO8601 Task end time.
    Progress Integer Task progress.
    InstanceId String Instance ID.


    Slow log statistics in the specified time range

    Used by actions: DescribeSlowLogTimeSeriesStats.

    Name Type Description
    Count Integer Total number
    Timestamp Integer Statistics start time


    Information configured by user, including email configuration.

    Used by actions: DescribeMailProfile.

    Name Type Description
    ProfileId String Configured ID
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ProfileType String Configuration type. Valid values: dbScan_mail_configuration (email configuration of the database inspection report), scheduler_mail_configuration (email configuration of the scheduled task report).
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ProfileLevel String Configuration level. Valid values: User (user-level), Instance (instance-level). For database inspection emails, it should be User. For scheduled task emails, it should be Instance.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ProfileName String Configuration name.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ProfileInfo ProfileInfo Configuration details.
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