tencent cloud


Data Types

Last updated: 2023-10-12 16:44:49


    AI-based intelligent analysis template details

    Used by actions: DescribeAIAnalysisTemplates.

    Name Type Description
    Definition Integer Unique ID of intelligent analysis template.
    Name String Intelligent analysis template name.
    Comment String Intelligent analysis template description.
    ClassificationConfigure ClassificationConfigureInfo Control parameter of intelligent categorization task.
    TagConfigure TagConfigureInfo Control parameter of intelligent tagging task.
    CoverConfigure CoverConfigureInfo Control parameter of intelligent cover generating task.
    FrameTagConfigure FrameTagConfigureInfo Control parameter of intelligent frame-specific tagging task.
    CreateTime String Creation time of template in ISO date format.
    UpdateTime String Last modified time of template in ISO date format.
    Type String The template type. Valid values:
    * Preset
    * Custom
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.


    Details of a video content recognition template

    Used by actions: DescribeAIRecognitionTemplates.

    Name Type Description
    Definition Integer Unique ID of a video content recognition template.
    Name String Name of a video content recognition template.
    Comment String Description of a video content recognition template.
    FaceConfigure FaceConfigureInfo Face recognition control parameter.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    OcrFullTextConfigure OcrFullTextConfigureInfo Full text recognition control parameter.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    OcrWordsConfigure OcrWordsConfigureInfo Text keyword recognition control parameter.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    AsrFullTextConfigure AsrFullTextConfigureInfo Full speech recognition control parameter.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    AsrWordsConfigure AsrWordsConfigureInfo Speech keyword recognition control parameter.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    CreateTime String Creation time of a template in ISO date format.
    UpdateTime String Last modified time of a template in ISO date format.
    Type String The template type. Valid values:
    * Preset
    * Custom
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.


    A subtask of a scheme.

    Used by actions: CreateSchedule, DescribeSchedules, ModifySchedule.

    Name Type Required Description
    ActivityType String Yes The subtask type.
  • input: The start.
  • output: The end.
  • action-trans: Transcoding.
  • action-samplesnapshot: Sampled screencapturing.
  • action-AIAnalysis: Content analysis.
  • action-AIRecognition: Content recognition.
  • action-aiReview: Content moderation.
  • action-animated-graphics: Animated screenshot generation.
  • action-image-sprite: Image sprite generation.
  • action-snapshotByTimeOffset: Time point screencapturing.
  • action-adaptive-substream: Adaptive bitrate streaming.

  • Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ReardriveIndex Array of Integer No The indexes of the subsequent actions.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ActivityPara ActivityPara No The parameters of a subtask.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    A subtask of a scheme.

    Used by actions: CreateSchedule, ModifySchedule.

    Name Type Required Description
    TranscodeTask TranscodeTaskInput No A transcoding task.
    AnimatedGraphicTask AnimatedGraphicTaskInput No An animated screenshot generation task.
    SnapshotByTimeOffsetTask SnapshotByTimeOffsetTaskInput No A time point screencapturing task.
    SampleSnapshotTask SampleSnapshotTaskInput No A sampled screencapturing task.
    ImageSpriteTask ImageSpriteTaskInput No An image sprite generation task.
    AdaptiveDynamicStreamingTask AdaptiveDynamicStreamingTaskInput No An adaptive bitrate streaming task.
    AiContentReviewTask AiContentReviewTaskInput No A content moderation task.
    AiAnalysisTask AiAnalysisTaskInput No A content analysis task.
    AiRecognitionTask AiRecognitionTaskInput No A content recognition task.


    The execution results of the subtasks of a scheme.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    TranscodeTask MediaProcessTaskTranscodeResult The result of a transcoding task.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    AnimatedGraphicTask MediaProcessTaskAnimatedGraphicResult The result of an animated image generating task.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    SnapshotByTimeOffsetTask MediaProcessTaskSampleSnapshotResult The result of a time point screenshot task.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    SampleSnapshotTask MediaProcessTaskSampleSnapshotResult The result of a sampled screenshot task.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ImageSpriteTask MediaProcessTaskImageSpriteResult The result of an image sprite task.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    AdaptiveDynamicStreamingTask MediaProcessTaskAdaptiveDynamicStreamingResult The result of an adaptive bitrate streaming task.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    RecognitionTask ScheduleRecognitionTaskResult The result of a content recognition task.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ReviewTask ScheduleReviewTaskResult The result of a content moderation task.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    AnalysisTask ScheduleAnalysisTaskResult The result of a content analysis task.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    The execution result of a scheme.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    ActivityType String The type of the scheme’s subtask.
  • Transcode: Transcoding
  • SampleSnapshot: Sampled screenshot
  • AnimatedGraphics: Animated image generating
  • SnapshotByTimeOffset: Time point screenshot
  • ImageSprites: Image sprite generating
  • AdaptiveDynamicStreaming: Adaptive bitrate streaming
  • AiContentReview: Content moderation
  • AIRecognition: Content recognition
  • AIAnalysis: Content analysis
  • ActivityResItem ActivityResItem The execution results of the subtasks of the scheme.


    Adaptive bitrate streaming information

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Definition Integer Adaptive bitrate streaming specification.
    Package String Container format. Valid values: HLS, MPEG-DASH.
    Path String Playback address.
    Storage TaskOutputStorage Storage location of adaptive bitrate streaming files.


    Input parameter type of adaptive bitrate streaming

    Used by actions: CreateSchedule, CreateWorkflow, DescribeTaskDetail, ModifySchedule, ParseNotification, ProcessMedia, ResetWorkflow.

    Name Type Required Description
    Definition Integer Yes Adaptive bitrate streaming template ID.
    WatermarkSet Array of WatermarkInput No List of up to 10 image or text watermarks.
    OutputStorage TaskOutputStorage No
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    OutputObjectPath String No The relative or absolute output path of the manifest file after being transcoded to adaptive bitrate streaming. If this parameter is left empty, a relative path in the following format will be used by default: {inputName}_adaptiveDynamicStreaming_{definition}.{format}.
    SubStreamObjectName String No The relative output path of the substream file after being transcoded to adaptive bitrate streaming. If this parameter is left empty, a relative path in the following format will be used by default: {inputName}_adaptiveDynamicStreaming_{definition}_{subStreamNumber}.{format}.
    SegmentObjectName String No The relative output path of the segment file after being transcoded to adaptive bitrate streaming (in HLS format only). If this parameter is left empty, a relative path in the following format will be used by default: {inputName}_adaptiveDynamicStreaming_{definition}_{subStreamNumber}_{segmentNumber}.{format}.
    AddOnSubtitles Array of AddOnSubtitle No
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    DrmInfo DrmInfo No
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Details of an adaptive bitrate streaming template

    Used by actions: DescribeAdaptiveDynamicStreamingTemplates.

    Name Type Description
    Definition Integer Unique ID of an adaptive bitrate streaming template.
    Type String Template type. Valid values:
  • Preset: preset template;
  • Custom: custom template.
  • Name String Name of an adaptive bitrate streaming template.
    Comment String Description of an adaptive bitrate streaming template.
    Format String Adaptive bitrate streaming format. Valid values:
  • HLS;
  • StreamInfos Array of AdaptiveStreamTemplate Parameter information of input streams for transcoding to adaptive bitrate streaming. Up to 10 streams can be input.
    DisableHigherVideoBitrate Integer Whether to prohibit transcoding from low bitrate to high bitrate. Valid values:
  • 0: no,
  • 1: yes.
  • DisableHigherVideoResolution Integer Whether to prohibit transcoding from low resolution to high resolution. Valid values:
  • 0: no,
  • 1: yes.
  • CreateTime String Creation time of template in ISO date format.
    UpdateTime String Last modified time of template in ISO date format.


    Adaptive bitrate streaming parameter template

    Used by actions: CreateAdaptiveDynamicStreamingTemplate, DescribeAdaptiveDynamicStreamingTemplates, ModifyAdaptiveDynamicStreamingTemplate.

    Name Type Required Description
    Video VideoTemplateInfo Yes Video parameter information.
    Audio AudioTemplateInfo Yes Audio parameter information.
    RemoveAudio Integer No Whether to remove audio stream. Valid values:
  • 0: no,
  • 1: yes.
  • RemoveVideo Integer No Whether to remove video stream. Valid values:
  • 0: no,
  • 1: yes.
  • AddOnSubtitle

    The information of the subtitles to add.

    Used by actions: CreateWorkflow, ProcessMedia, ResetWorkflow.

    Name Type Required Description
    Type String No The mode. Valid values:
  • subtitle-stream: Add a subtitle track.
  • close-caption-708: Embed CEA-708 subtitles in SEI frames.
  • close-caption-608: Embed CEA-608 subtitles in SEI frames.

  • Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Subtitle MediaInputInfo No The subtitle file.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Intelligent analysis results

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Type String Task type. Valid values:
  • Classification: intelligent categorization
  • Cover: intelligent cover generating
  • Tag: intelligent tagging
  • FrameTag: intelligent frame-specific tagging
  • Highlight: intelligent highlight generating
  • ClassificationTask AiAnalysisTaskClassificationResult Query result of intelligent categorization task in video content analysis, which is valid if task type is Classification.
    CoverTask AiAnalysisTaskCoverResult Query result of intelligent cover generating task in video content analysis, which is valid if task type is Cover.
    TagTask AiAnalysisTaskTagResult Query result of intelligent tagging task in video content analysis, which is valid if task type is Tag.
    FrameTagTask AiAnalysisTaskFrameTagResult Query result of intelligent frame-specific tagging task in video content analysis, which is valid if task type is FrameTag.
    HighlightTask AiAnalysisTaskHighlightResult The result of a highlight generation task. This parameter is valid if Type is Highlight.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Input type of intelligent categorization task

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Definition Integer Intelligent video categorization template ID.


    Result information of intelligent categorization

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    ClassificationSet Array of MediaAiAnalysisClassificationItem List of intelligently generated video categories.


    Result type of intelligent categorization task

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Status String Task status. Valid values: PROCESSING, SUCCESS, FAIL.
    ErrCodeExt String The error code. An empty string indicates the task is successful; any other value returned indicates the task failed. For details, see Error Codes.
    ErrCode Integer Error code. 0 indicates the task is successful; otherwise it is failed. This parameter is no longer recommended. Consider using the new error code parameter ErrCodeExt.
    Message String Error message.
    Input AiAnalysisTaskClassificationInput Input of intelligent categorization task.
    Output AiAnalysisTaskClassificationOutput Output of intelligent categorization task.


    Input type of intelligent categorization task

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Definition Integer Intelligent video cover generating template ID.


    Result information of intelligent cover generating

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    CoverSet Array of MediaAiAnalysisCoverItem List of intelligently generated covers.
    OutputStorage TaskOutputStorage Storage location of intelligently generated cover.


    Result type of intelligent cover generating task

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Status String Task status. Valid values: PROCESSING, SUCCESS, FAIL.
    ErrCodeExt String The error code. An empty string indicates the task is successful; any other value returned indicates the task failed. For details, see Error Codes.
    ErrCode Integer Error code. 0 indicates the task is successful; otherwise it is failed. This parameter is no longer recommended. Consider using the new error code parameter ErrCodeExt.
    Message String Error message.
    Input AiAnalysisTaskCoverInput Input of intelligent cover generating task.
    Output AiAnalysisTaskCoverOutput Output of intelligent cover generating task.


    Input type of intelligent frame-specific tagging task

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Definition Integer Intelligent frame-specific video tagging template ID.


    Result information of intelligent frame-specific tagging

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    SegmentSet Array of MediaAiAnalysisFrameTagSegmentItem List of frame-specific video tags.


    Result type of intelligent frame-specific tagging

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Status String Task status. Valid values: PROCESSING, SUCCESS, FAIL.
    ErrCodeExt String The error code. An empty string indicates the task is successful; any other value returned indicates the task failed. For details, see Error Codes.
    ErrCode Integer Error code. 0 indicates the task is successful; otherwise it is failed. This parameter is no longer recommended. Consider using the new error code parameter ErrCodeExt.
    Message String Error message.
    Input AiAnalysisTaskFrameTagInput Input of intelligent frame-specific tagging task.
    Output AiAnalysisTaskFrameTagOutput Output of intelligent frame-specific tagging task.


    The input of an intelligent highlight generation task.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Definition Integer The ID of the intelligent highlight generation template.


    The output of an intelligent highlight generation task.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    HighlightSet Array of MediaAiAnalysisHighlightItem A list of the highlight segments generated.
    OutputStorage TaskOutputStorage The storage location of the highlight segments.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    The result of an intelligent highlight generation task.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Status String The task status. Valid values: PROCESSING, SUCCESS, FAIL.
    ErrCode Integer Error code. 0: The task succeeded; other values: The task failed.
    Message String The error message.
    Input AiAnalysisTaskHighlightInput The input of the intelligent highlight generation task.
    Output AiAnalysisTaskHighlightOutput The output of the intelligent highlight generation task.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    AI video intelligent analysis input parameter types

    Used by actions: CreateSchedule, CreateWorkflow, DescribeTaskDetail, DescribeWorkflows, ModifySchedule, ParseNotification, ProcessLiveStream, ProcessMedia, ResetWorkflow.

    Name Type Required Description
    Definition Integer Yes Video content analysis template ID.
    ExtendedParameter String No An extended parameter, whose value is a stringfied JSON.
    Note: This parameter is for customers with special requirements. It needs to be customized offline.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Input type of intelligent tagging task

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Definition Integer Intelligent video tagging template ID.


    Result information of intelligent tagging

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    TagSet Array of MediaAiAnalysisTagItem List of intelligently generated video tags.


    Result type of intelligent tagging task

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Status String Task status. Valid values: PROCESSING, SUCCESS, FAIL.
    ErrCodeExt String The error code. An empty string indicates the task is successful; any other value returned indicates the task failed. For details, see Error Codes.
    ErrCode Integer Error code. 0 indicates the task is successful; otherwise it is failed. This parameter is no longer recommended. Consider using the new error code parameter ErrCodeExt.
    Message String Error message.
    Input AiAnalysisTaskTagInput Input of intelligent tagging task.
    Output AiAnalysisTaskTagOutput Output of intelligent tagging task.


    Content audit result

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Type String Task type. Valid values:
  • Porn (in images)
  • Terrorism (in images)
  • Political (in images)
  • Porn.Asr
  • Porn.Ocr
  • Political.Asr
  • Political.Ocr
  • Terrorism.Ocr
  • Prohibited.Asr
  • Prohibited.Ocr
  • SampleRate Float Sample rate, which indicates the number of video frames captured per second for audit
    Duration Float Audited video duration in seconds.
    PornTask AiReviewTaskPornResult Query result of an intelligent porn information detection in image task in video content audit, which is valid when task type is Porn.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    TerrorismTask AiReviewTaskTerrorismResult The result of detecting terrorism content in images, which is valid when the task type is Terrorism.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    PoliticalTask AiReviewTaskPoliticalResult The result of detecting politically sensitive information in images, which is valid when the task type is Political.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    PornAsrTask AiReviewTaskPornAsrResult Query result of an ASR-based porn information detection in text task in video content audit, which is valid when task type is Porn.Asr.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    PornOcrTask AiReviewTaskPornOcrResult Query result of an OCR-based porn information detection in text task in video content audit, which is valid when task type is Porn.Ocr.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    PoliticalAsrTask AiReviewTaskPoliticalAsrResult The result of detecting politically sensitive information based on ASR, which is valid when the task type is Political.Asr.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    PoliticalOcrTask AiReviewTaskPoliticalOcrResult The result of detecting politically sensitive information based on OCR, which is valid when the task type is Political.Ocr.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    TerrorismOcrTask AiReviewTaskTerrorismOcrResult The result of detecting terrorism content based on OCR, which is valid when task type is Terrorism.Ocr.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ProhibitedAsrTask AiReviewTaskProhibitedAsrResult Query result of ASR-based prohibited information detection in speech task in video content audit, which is valid if task type is Prohibited.Asr.
    ProhibitedOcrTask AiReviewTaskProhibitedOcrResult Query result of OCR-based prohibited information detection in text task in video content audit, which is valid if task type is Prohibited.Ocr.


    Task type of intelligent content audit

    Used by actions: CreateSchedule, CreateWorkflow, DescribeTaskDetail, DescribeWorkflows, ModifySchedule, ParseNotification, ProcessLiveStream, ProcessMedia, ResetWorkflow.

    Name Type Required Description
    Definition Integer Yes Video content audit template ID.


    The parameters for a video quality control task.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification, ProcessLiveStream, ProcessMedia.

    Name Type Required Description
    Definition Integer No The ID of the quality control template.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ChannelExtPara String No The channel extension parameter, which is a serialized JSON string.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Intelligent recognition result.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Type String The task type. Valid values:
  • FaceRecognition: Face recognition
  • AsrWordsRecognition: Speech keyword recognition
  • OcrWordsRecognition: Text keyword recognition
  • AsrFullTextRecognition: Full speech recognition
  • OcrFullTextRecognition: Full text recognition
  • TransTextRecognition: Speech translation
  • FaceTask AiRecognitionTaskFaceResult Face recognition result, which is valid when Type is
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    AsrWordsTask AiRecognitionTaskAsrWordsResult Speech keyword recognition result, which is valid when Type is
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    AsrFullTextTask AiRecognitionTaskAsrFullTextResult Full speech recognition result, which is valid when Type is
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    OcrWordsTask AiRecognitionTaskOcrWordsResult Text keyword recognition result, which is valid when Type is
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    OcrFullTextTask AiRecognitionTaskOcrFullTextResult Full text recognition result, which is valid when Type is
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    TransTextTask AiRecognitionTaskTransTextResult The translation result. This parameter is valid only if Type is
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Full speech recognition result.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Status String Task status. Valid values: PROCESSING, SUCCESS, FAIL.
    ErrCodeExt String The error code. An empty string indicates the task is successful; any other value returned indicates the task failed. For details, see Error Codes.
    ErrCode Integer Error code. 0 indicates the task is successful; otherwise it is failed. This parameter is no longer recommended. Consider using the new error code parameter ErrCodeExt.
    Message String Error message.
    Input AiRecognitionTaskAsrFullTextResultInput Input information of a full speech recognition task.
    Output AiRecognitionTaskAsrFullTextResultOutput Output information of a full speech recognition task.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Input for full speech recognition.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Definition Integer Full speech recognition template ID.


    Full speech recognition result.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    SegmentSet Array of AiRecognitionTaskAsrFullTextSegmentItem List of full speech recognition segments.
    SubtitlePath String Subtitles file address.
    OutputStorage TaskOutputStorage Subtitles file storage location.


    Full speech recognition segment.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Confidence Float Confidence of a recognition segment. Value range: 0-100.
    StartTimeOffset Float Start time offset of a recognition segment in seconds.
    EndTimeOffset Float End time offset of a recognition segment in seconds.
    Text String Recognized text.


    Speech keyword recognition result.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Status String Task status. Valid values: PROCESSING, SUCCESS, FAIL.
    ErrCodeExt String The error code. An empty string indicates the task is successful; any other value returned indicates the task failed. For details, see Error Codes.
    ErrCode Integer Error code. 0 indicates the task is successful; otherwise it is failed. This parameter is no longer recommended. Consider using the new error code parameter ErrCodeExt.
    Message String Error message.
    Input AiRecognitionTaskAsrWordsResultInput Input information of a speech keyword recognition task.
    Output AiRecognitionTaskAsrWordsResultOutput Output information of a speech keyword recognition task.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Input for speech keyword recognition.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Definition Integer Speech keyword recognition template ID.


    Speech keyword recognition result.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Word String Speech keyword.
    SegmentSet Array of AiRecognitionTaskAsrWordsSegmentItem List of time segments that contain the speech keyword.


    Output of speech keyword recognition.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    ResultSet Array of AiRecognitionTaskAsrWordsResultItem Speech keyword recognition result set.


    Speech recognition segment.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    StartTimeOffset Float Start time offset of a recognition segment in seconds.
    EndTimeOffset Float End time offset of a recognition segment in seconds.
    Confidence Float Confidence of a recognition segment. Value range: 0-100.


    Face recognition result.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Status String Task status. Valid values: PROCESSING, SUCCESS, FAIL.
    ErrCodeExt String The error code. An empty string indicates the task is successful; any other value returned indicates the task failed. For details, see Error Codes.
    ErrCode Integer Error code. 0 indicates the task is successful; otherwise it is failed. This parameter is no longer recommended. Consider using the new error code parameter ErrCodeExt.
    Message String Error message.
    Input AiRecognitionTaskFaceResultInput Input information of a face recognition task.
    Output AiRecognitionTaskFaceResultOutput Output information of a face recognition task.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Face recognition input.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Definition Integer Face recognition template ID.


    Face recognition result

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Id String Unique ID of a figure.
    Type String Figure library type, indicating to which figure library the recognized figure belongs:
  • Default: Default figure library;
  • UserDefine: Custom figure library.
  • Name String Name of a figure.
    SegmentSet Array of AiRecognitionTaskFaceSegmentItem Result set of segments that contain a figure.
    Gender String The person’s gender.
  • Male
  • Female

  • Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    Birthday String The person’s birth date.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    Profession String The person’s job or job title.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    SchoolOfGraduation String The college the person graduated from.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    Abstract String The person’s profile.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    PlaceOfBirth String The person’s place of birth.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    PersonType String Whether the person is a politician or artist.
  • Politician
  • Artist

  • Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    Remark String Sensitivity
  • Normal
  • Sensitive

  • Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    Url String The screenshot URL.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.


    Output of intelligent face recognition.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    ResultSet Array of AiRecognitionTaskFaceResultItem Intelligent face recognition result set.


    Face recognition result segment

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    StartTimeOffset Float Start time offset of a recognition segment in seconds.
    EndTimeOffset Float End time offset of a recognition segment in seconds.
    Confidence Float Confidence of a recognition segment. Value range: 0-100.
    AreaCoordSet Array of Integer Zone coordinates of a recognition result. The array contains four elements: [x1,y1,x2,y2], i.e., the horizontal and vertical coordinates of the top-left and bottom-right corners.


    Input parameter type of video content recognition

    Used by actions: CreateSchedule, CreateWorkflow, DescribeTaskDetail, DescribeWorkflows, ModifySchedule, ParseNotification, ProcessLiveStream, ProcessMedia, ResetWorkflow.

    Name Type Required Description
    Definition Integer Yes Intelligent video recognition template ID.


    Full text recognition result.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Status String Task status. Valid values: PROCESSING, SUCCESS, FAIL.
    ErrCodeExt String The error code. An empty string indicates the task is successful; any other value returned indicates the task failed. For details, see Error Codes.
    ErrCode Integer Error code. 0 indicates the task is successful; otherwise it is failed. This parameter is no longer recommended. Consider using the new error code parameter ErrCodeExt.
    Message String Error message.
    Input AiRecognitionTaskOcrFullTextResultInput Input information of a full text recognition task.
    Output AiRecognitionTaskOcrFullTextResultOutput Output information of a full text recognition task.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Input for full text recognition.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Definition Integer Full text recognition template ID.


    Output of full text recognition.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    SegmentSet Array of AiRecognitionTaskOcrFullTextSegmentItem Full text recognition result set.


    Full text recognition segment.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    StartTimeOffset Float Start time offset of a recognition segment in seconds.
    EndTimeOffset Float End time offset of a recognition segment in seconds.
    TextSet Array of AiRecognitionTaskOcrFullTextSegmentTextItem Recognition segment result set.


    Full text recognition segment.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Confidence Float Confidence of a recognition segment. Value range: 0-100.
    AreaCoordSet Array of Integer Zone coordinates of a recognition result. The array contains four elements: [x1,y1,x2,y2], i.e., the horizontal and vertical coordinates of the top-left and bottom-right corners.
    Text String Recognized text.


    Text keyword recognition result.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Status String Task status. Valid values: PROCESSING, SUCCESS, FAIL.
    ErrCodeExt String The error code. An empty string indicates the task is successful; any other value returned indicates the task failed. For details, see Error Codes.
    ErrCode Integer Error code. 0 indicates the task is successful; otherwise it is failed. This parameter is no longer recommended. Consider using the new error code parameter ErrCodeExt.
    Message String Error message.
    Input AiRecognitionTaskOcrWordsResultInput Input information of a text keyword recognition task.
    Output AiRecognitionTaskOcrWordsResultOutput Output information of a text keyword recognition task.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Input for text keyword recognition.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Definition Integer Text keyword recognition template ID.


    Text keyword recognition result.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Word String Text keyword.
    SegmentSet Array of AiRecognitionTaskOcrWordsSegmentItem List of segments that contain a text keyword.


    Output of text keyword recognition.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    ResultSet Array of AiRecognitionTaskOcrWordsResultItem Text keyword recognition result set.


    Text recognition segment.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    StartTimeOffset Float Start time offset of a recognition segment in seconds.
    EndTimeOffset Float End time offset of a recognition segment in seconds.
    Confidence Float Confidence of a recognition segment. Value range: 0-100.
    AreaCoordSet Array of Integer Zone coordinates of a recognition result. The array contains four elements: [x1,y1,x2,y2], i.e., the horizontal and vertical coordinates of the top-left and bottom-right corners.


    The translation result.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Status String The task status. Valid values: PROCESSING, SUCCESS, FAIL.
    ErrCodeExt String The error code. An empty string indicates the task is successful; any other value indicates the task has failed. For details, see Error Codes.
    ErrCode Integer The error code. 0 indicates the task is successful; other values indicate the task has failed. This parameter is not recommended. Please use ErrCodeExt instead.
    Message String The error message.
    Input AiRecognitionTaskTransTextResultInput The input of the translation task.
    Output AiRecognitionTaskTransTextResultOutput The output of the translation task.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    The translation input.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Definition Integer The translation template ID.


    The translation result.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    SegmentSet Array of AiRecognitionTaskTransTextSegmentItem The translated segments.
    SubtitlePath String The subtitle URL.
    OutputStorage TaskOutputStorage The subtitle storage location.


    The translated segments.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Confidence Float The confidence score for a segment. Value range: 0-100.
    StartTimeOffset Float The start time offset (seconds) of a segment.
    EndTimeOffset Float The end time offset (seconds) of a segment.
    Text String The text transcript.
    Trans String The translation.


    The input parameters for ASR-based detection of politically sensitive information.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Definition Integer The template ID.


    The information about the sensitive content detected based on ASR.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Confidence Float The confidence score for the ASR-based detection of sensitive information. Value range: 0-100.
    Suggestion String The suggestion for handling the sensitive information detected based on ASR. Valid values:
  • pass
  • review
  • block
  • SegmentSet Array of MediaContentReviewAsrTextSegmentItem The video segments that contain sensitive information detected based on ASR.


    The input parameters for OCR-based detection of politically sensitive information.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Definition Integer The template ID.


    The information about the sensitive content detected based on OCR.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Confidence Float The confidence score for the OCR-based detection of sensitive information. Value range: 0-100.
    Suggestion String The suggestion for handling the sensitive information detected based on OCR. Valid values:
  • pass
  • review
  • block
  • SegmentSet Array of MediaContentReviewOcrTextSegmentItem The video segments that contain sensitive information detected based on OCR.


    The input parameters for the detection of politically sensitive information.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Definition Integer The template ID.


    The sensitive information detected.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Confidence Float The confidence score for the detection of sensitive information. Value range: 0-100.
    Suggestion String The suggestion for handling the sensitive information detected. Valid values:
  • pass
  • review
  • block
  • Label String The labels for the detected sensitive content. The relationship between the values of this parameter and those of the LabelSet parameter in PoliticalImgReviewTemplateInfo is as follows:
  • violation_photo (banned icons)

  • Other values (politician/entertainment/sport/entrepreneur/scholar/celebrity/military):
  • politician
  • SegmentSet Array of MediaContentReviewPoliticalSegmentItem The video segments that contain sensitive information.


    Input parameter type of an ASR-based porn information detection in text task during content audit

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Definition Integer ID of a porn information detection template.


    ASR-detected porn information in text

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Confidence Float Score of the ASR-detected porn information in text from 0 to 100.
    Suggestion String Suggestion for the ASR-detected porn information in text. Valid values:
  • pass.
  • review.
  • block.
  • SegmentSet Array of MediaContentReviewAsrTextSegmentItem List of video segments that contain the ASR-detected porn information in text.


    Input parameter type of an OCR-based porn information detection in text task during content audit

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Definition Integer ID of a porn information detection template.


    OCR-detected porn information in text

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Confidence Float Score of the OCR-detected porn information in text from 0 to 100.
    Suggestion String Suggestion for the OCR-detected porn information in text. Valid values:
  • pass.
  • review.
  • block.
  • SegmentSet Array of MediaContentReviewOcrTextSegmentItem List of video segments that contain the OCR-detected porn information in text.


    Input parameter type of a porn information detection task during content audit

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Required Description
    Definition Integer Yes The ID of a porn detection template.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Porn information detection result

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Confidence Float Score of the detected porn information in video from 0 to 100.
    Suggestion String Suggestion for the detected porn information. Valid values:
  • pass.
  • review.
  • block.
  • Label String Tag of the detected porn information in video. Valid values:
  • porn: Porn.
  • sexy: Sexiness.
  • vulgar: Vulgarity.
  • intimacy: Intimacy.
  • SegmentSet Array of MediaContentReviewSegmentItem List of video segments that contain the detected porn information.


    Input parameter type of ASR-based prohibited information detection in speech task in content audit

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Definition Integer Prohibited information detection template ID.


    ASR-detected prohibited information in speech

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Confidence Float Score of ASR-detected prohibited information in speech between 0 and 100.
    Suggestion String Suggestion for ASR-detected prohibited information in speech. Valid values:
  • pass.
  • review.
  • block.
  • SegmentSet Array of MediaContentReviewAsrTextSegmentItem List of video segments that contain the ASR-detected prohibited information in speech.


    Input parameter type of OCR-based prohibited information detection in text task in content audit

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Definition Integer Prohibited information detection template ID.


    OCR-detected prohibited information in text

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Confidence Float Score of OCR-detected prohibited information in text between 0 and 100.
    Suggestion String Suggestion for OCR-detected prohibited information in text. Valid values:
  • pass.
  • review.
  • block.
  • SegmentSet Array of MediaContentReviewOcrTextSegmentItem List of video segments that contain the OCR-detected prohibited information in text.


    The result of ASR-based detection of politically sensitive information.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Status String Task status. Valid values: PROCESSING, SUCCESS, FAIL.
    ErrCodeExt String The error code. An empty string indicates the task is successful; any other value returned indicates the task failed. For details, see Error Codes.
    ErrCode Integer Error code. 0 indicates the task is successful; otherwise it is failed. This parameter is no longer recommended. Consider using the new error code parameter ErrCodeExt.
    Message String Error message.
    Input AiReviewPoliticalAsrTaskInput The input parameter for ASR-based detection of politically sensitive information.
    Output AiReviewPoliticalAsrTaskOutput The output of ASR-based detection of politically sensitive information.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    The result of OCR-based detection of politically sensitive information.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Status String Task status. Valid values: PROCESSING, SUCCESS, FAIL.
    ErrCodeExt String The error code. An empty string indicates the task is successful; any other value returned indicates the task failed. For details, see Error Codes.
    ErrCode Integer Error code. 0 indicates the task is successful; otherwise it is failed. This parameter is no longer recommended. Consider using the new error code parameter ErrCodeExt.
    Message String Error message.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Input AiReviewPoliticalOcrTaskInput The input parameter for OCR-based detection of politically sensitive information.
    Output AiReviewPoliticalOcrTaskOutput The output of OCR-based detection of politically sensitive information.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    The result of sensitive information detection.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Status String Task status. Valid values: PROCESSING, SUCCESS, FAIL.
    ErrCodeExt String The error code. An empty string indicates the task is successful; any other value returned indicates the task failed. For details, see Error Codes.
    ErrCode Integer Error code. 0 indicates the task is successful; otherwise it is failed. This parameter is no longer recommended. Consider using the new error code parameter ErrCodeExt.
    Message String Error message.
    Input AiReviewPoliticalTaskInput The input parameter for sensitive information detection.
    Output AiReviewPoliticalTaskOutput The output of sensitive information detection.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Result type of an ASR-based porn information detection in text task during content audit

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Status String Task status. Valid values: PROCESSING, SUCCESS, FAIL.
    ErrCodeExt String The error code. An empty string indicates the task is successful; any other value returned indicates the task failed. For details, see Error Codes.
    ErrCode Integer Error code. 0 indicates the task is successful; otherwise it is failed. This parameter is no longer recommended. Consider using the new error code parameter ErrCodeExt.
    Message String Error message.
    Input AiReviewPornAsrTaskInput Input for an ASR-based porn information detection in text task during content audit.
    Output AiReviewPornAsrTaskOutput Output of an ASR-based porn information detection in text task during content audit.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Result type of an OCR-based porn information detection in text task during content audit

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Status String Task status. Valid values: PROCESSING, SUCCESS, FAIL.
    ErrCodeExt String The error code. An empty string indicates the task is successful; any other value returned indicates the task failed. For details, see Error Codes.
    ErrCode Integer Error code. 0 indicates the task is successful; otherwise it is failed. This parameter is no longer recommended. Consider using the new error code parameter ErrCodeExt.
    Message String Error message.
    Input AiReviewPornOcrTaskInput Input for an OCR-based porn information detection in text task during content audit.
    Output AiReviewPornOcrTaskOutput Output of an OCR-based porn information detection in text task during content audit.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Result type of a porn information detection task during content audit

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Status String Task status. Valid values: PROCESSING, SUCCESS, FAIL.
    ErrCodeExt String The error code. An empty string indicates the task is successful; any other value returned indicates the task failed. For details, see Error Codes.
    ErrCode Integer Error code. 0 indicates the task is successful; otherwise it is failed. This parameter is no longer recommended. Consider using the new error code parameter ErrCodeExt.
    Message String Error message.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Input AiReviewPornTaskInput Input for a porn information detection task during content audit.
    Output AiReviewPornTaskOutput Output of a porn information detection task during content audit.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Result type of ASR-based prohibited information detection in speech task in content audit

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Status String Task status. Valid values: PROCESSING, SUCCESS, FAIL.
    ErrCodeExt String The error code. An empty string indicates the task is successful; any other value returned indicates the task failed. For details, see Error Codes.
    ErrCode Integer Error code. 0: success; other values: failure.
  • 40000: invalid input parameter. Please check it;
  • 60000: invalid source file (e.g., video data is corrupted). Please check whether the source file is normal;
  • 70000: internal service error. Please try again.
  • Message String Error message.
    Input AiReviewProhibitedAsrTaskInput Input of ASR-based prohibited information detection in speech task in content audit
    Output AiReviewProhibitedAsrTaskOutput Output of ASR-based prohibited information detection in speech task in content audit


    Result type of OCR-based prohibited information detection in text task in content audit

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Status String Task status. Valid values: PROCESSING, SUCCESS, FAIL.
    ErrCodeExt String The error code. An empty string indicates the task is successful; any other value returned indicates the task failed. For details, see Error Codes.
    ErrCode Integer Error code. 0: success; other values: failure.
  • 40000: invalid input parameter. Please check it;
  • 60000: invalid source file (e.g., video data is corrupted). Please check whether the source file is normal;
  • 70000: internal service error. Please try again.
  • Message String Error message.
    Input AiReviewProhibitedOcrTaskInput Input of OCR-based prohibited information detection in text task in content audit
    Output AiReviewProhibitedOcrTaskOutput Output of OCR-based prohibited information detection in text task in content audit


    The result of OCR-based detection of terrorism content.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Status String Task status. Valid values: PROCESSING, SUCCESS, FAIL.
    ErrCodeExt String The error code. An empty string indicates the task is successful; any other value returned indicates the task failed. For details, see Error Codes.
    ErrCode Integer Error code. 0: success; other values: failure.
  • 40000: invalid input parameter. Please check it;
  • 60000: invalid source file (e.g., video data is corrupted). Please check whether the source file is normal;
  • 70000: internal service error. Please try again.
  • Message String Error message.
    Input AiReviewTerrorismOcrTaskInput The input parameter for OCR-based detection of terrorism content.
    Output AiReviewTerrorismOcrTaskOutput The output of OCR-based detection of terrorism content.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    The result of sensitive information detection.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Status String Task status. Valid values: PROCESSING, SUCCESS, FAIL.
    ErrCodeExt String The error code. An empty string indicates the task is successful; any other value returned indicates the task failed. For details, see Error Codes.
    ErrCode Integer Error code. 0 indicates the task is successful; otherwise it is failed. This parameter is no longer recommended. Consider using the new error code parameter ErrCodeExt.
    Message String Error message.
    Input AiReviewTerrorismTaskInput The input parameter for sensitive information detection.
    Output AiReviewTerrorismTaskOutput The output of sensitive information detection.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    The input parameter for OCR-based detection of sensitive information.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Definition Integer The template ID.


    The information about the sensitive content detected based on OCR.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Confidence Float The confidence score for the OCR-based detection of sensitive information. Value range: 1-100.
    Suggestion String The suggestion for handling the sensitive information detected based on OCR. Valid values:
  • pass
  • review
  • block
  • SegmentSet Array of MediaContentReviewOcrTextSegmentItem The video segments that contain sensitive information detected based on OCR.


    The input parameter for the detection of sensitive information.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Definition Integer The template ID.


    The information about the sensitive content detected.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Confidence Float The confidence score for the detection of sensitive information. Value range: 0-100.
    Suggestion String The suggestion for handling the sensitive information detected. Valid values:
  • pass
  • review
  • block
  • Label String The labels for the detected sensitive content. Valid values:
  • guns
  • crowd
  • police
  • bloody
  • banners (sensitive flags)
  • militant
  • explosion
  • terrorists
  • scenario (sensitive scenes)
  • SegmentSet Array of MediaContentReviewSegmentItem The video segments that contain sensitive information.


    AI-based sample management - face information.

    Used by actions: CreatePersonSample, DescribePersonSamples, ModifyPersonSample.

    Name Type Description
    FaceId String Face image ID.
    Url String Face image address.


    AI-based sample management - face data operation.

    Used by actions: ModifyPersonSample.

    Name Type Required Description
    Type String Yes Operation type. Valid values: add, delete, reset. The reset operation will clear the existing face data of a figure and add FaceContents as the specified face data.
    FaceIds Array of String No Face ID set. This field is required when Type is delete.
    FaceContents Array of String No String set generated by Base64-encoding the face image.
  • This field is required when Type is add or reset;
  • Array length limit: 5 images.

  • Note: The image must be a relatively clear full-face photo of a figure in at least 200 * 200 px.


    AI-based sample management - face information failing to be processed.

    Used by actions: CreatePersonSample, ModifyPersonSample.

    Name Type Description
    Index Integer Corresponds to incorrect image subscripts in the FaceContents input parameter, starting from 0.
    ErrCode Integer Error code. Valid values:
  • 0: Succeeded;
  • Other values: Failed.
  • Message String Error description.


    AI-based sample management - figure information.

    Used by actions: CreatePersonSample, DescribePersonSamples, ModifyPersonSample.

    Name Type Description
    PersonId String Figure ID.
    Name String Name of a figure.
    Description String Figure description.
    FaceInfoSet Array of AiSampleFaceInfo Face information.
    TagSet Array of String Figure tag.
    UsageSet Array of String Use case.
    CreateTime String Creation time in ISO date format.
    UpdateTime String Last modified time in ISO date format.


    AI-based sample management - tag operation.

    Used by actions: ModifyPersonSample, ModifyWordSample.

    Name Type Required Description
    Type String Yes Operation type. Valid values: add, delete, reset.
    Tags Array of String Yes Tag. Length limit: 128 characters.


    AI-based sample management - keyword output information.

    Used by actions: DescribeWordSamples.

    Name Type Description
    Keyword String Keyword.
    TagSet Array of String Keyword tag.
    UsageSet Array of String Keyword use case.
    CreateTime String Creation time in ISO date format.
    UpdateTime String Last modified time in ISO date format.


    AI-based sample management - keyword input information.

    Used by actions: CreateWordSamples.

    Name Type Required Description
    Keyword String Yes Keyword. Length limit: 20 characters.
    Tags Array of String No Keyword tag
  • Array length limit: 20 tags;
  • Tag length limit: 128 characters.
  • AnimatedGraphicTaskInput

    Type of an animated image generating task.

    Used by actions: CreateSchedule, CreateWorkflow, DescribeTaskDetail, ModifySchedule, ParseNotification, ProcessMedia, ResetWorkflow.

    Name Type Required Description
    Definition Integer Yes Animated image generating template ID.
    StartTimeOffset Float Yes Start time of an animated image in a video in seconds.
    EndTimeOffset Float Yes End time of an animated image in a video in seconds.
    OutputStorage TaskOutputStorage No Target bucket of a generated animated image file. If this parameter is left empty, the OutputStorage value of the upper folder will be inherited.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    OutputObjectPath String No Output path to a generated animated image file, which can be a relative path or an absolute path. If this parameter is left empty, the following relative path will be used by default: {inputName}_animatedGraphic_{definition}.{format}.


    Details of an animated image generating template.

    Used by actions: DescribeAnimatedGraphicsTemplates.

    Name Type Description
    Definition Integer Unique ID of an animated image generating template.
    Type String Template type. Valid values:
  • Preset: Preset template;
  • Custom: Custom template.
  • Name String Name of an animated image generating template.
    Comment String Description of an animated image generating template.
    Width Integer Maximum value of the width (or long side) of an animated image in px. Value range: 0 and [128, 4,096].
  • If both Width and Height are 0, the resolution will be the same as that of the source video;
  • If Width is 0, but Height is not 0, Width will be proportionally scaled;
  • If Width is not 0, but Height is 0, Height will be proportionally scaled;
  • If both Width and Height are not 0, the custom resolution will be used.

  • Default value: 0.
    Height Integer Maximum value of the height (or short side) of an animated image in px. Value range: 0 and [128, 4,096].
  • If both Width and Height are 0, the resolution will be the same as that of the source video;
  • If Width is 0, but Height is not 0, Width will be proportionally scaled;
  • If Width is not 0, but Height is 0, Height will be proportionally scaled;
  • If both Width and Height are not 0, the custom resolution will be used.

  • Default value: 0.
    ResolutionAdaptive String Resolution adaption. Valid values:
  • open: Enabled. In this case, Width represents the long side of a video, while Height the short side;
  • close: Disabled. In this case, Width represents the width of a video, while Height the height.

  • Default value: open.
    Format String Animated image format.
    Fps Integer Frame rate.
    Quality Float Image quality.
    CreateTime String Creation time of a template in ISO date format.
    UpdateTime String Last modified time of a template in ISO date format.


    Artifact removal (smoothing) configuration.

    Used by actions: CreateTranscodeTemplate, ModifyTranscodeTemplate.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String No Whether to enable the feature. Valid values:
  • ON
  • OFF

  • Default value: ON.
    Type String No The strength. Valid values:
  • weak
  • strong

  • Default value: weak.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Control parameter of a full speech recognition task.

    Used by actions: CreateAIRecognitionTemplate, DescribeAIRecognitionTemplates.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Switch of a full speech recognition task. Valid values:
  • ON: Enables an intelligent full speech recognition task;
  • OFF: Disables an intelligent full speech recognition task.
  • SubtitleFormat String No Format of the generated subtitles file. If this parameter is left empty or an empty string is entered, no subtitles files will be generated. Valid value:
  • vtt: Generates a WebVTT subtitles file.
  • AsrFullTextConfigureInfoForUpdate

    Control parameter of a full speech recognition task.

    Used by actions: ModifyAIRecognitionTemplate.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String No Switch of a full speech recognition task. Valid values:
  • ON: Enables an intelligent full speech recognition task;
  • OFF: Disables an intelligent full speech recognition task.
  • SubtitleFormat String No Format of the generated subtitles file. If an empty string is entered, no subtitles files will be generated. Valid value:
  • vtt: Generates a WebVTT subtitles file.
  • AsrWordsConfigureInfo

    Speech keyword recognition control parameter.

    Used by actions: CreateAIRecognitionTemplate, DescribeAIRecognitionTemplates.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Switch of a speech keyword recognition task. Valid values:
  • ON: Enables a speech keyword recognition task;
  • OFF: Disables a speech keyword recognition task.
  • LabelSet Array of String No Keyword filter tag, which specifies the keyword tag that needs to be returned. If this parameter is left empty, all results will be returned.
    There can be up to 10 tags, each with a length limit of 16 characters.


    Speech keyword recognition control parameter.

    Used by actions: ModifyAIRecognitionTemplate.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String No Switch of a speech keyword recognition task. Valid values:
  • ON: Enables a speech keyword recognition task;
  • OFF: Disables a speech keyword recognition task.
  • LabelSet Array of String No Keyword filter tag, which specifies the keyword tag that needs to be returned. If this parameter is left empty, all results will be returned.
    There can be up to 10 tags, each with a length limit of 16 characters.


    The audio improvement configuration.

    Used by actions: CreateTranscodeTemplate, ModifyTranscodeTemplate.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String No Whether to enable the feature. Valid values:
  • ON
  • OFF

  • Default value: ON.
    Types Array of String No The audio improvement options. You can specify multiple options. Valid values:
  • declick: Noise removal.
  • deesser: De-essing.

  • Default: declick.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    The noise reduction configuration.

    Used by actions: CreateTranscodeTemplate, ModifyTranscodeTemplate.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String No Whether to enable the feature. Valid values:
  • ON
  • OFF

  • Default value: ON.


    The audio enhancement configuration.

    Used by actions: CreateTranscodeTemplate, ModifyTranscodeTemplate.

    Name Type Required Description
    Denoise AudioDenoiseConfig No The audio noise reduction configuration.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Separate AudioSeparateConfig No The audio separation configuration.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    VolumeBalance VolumeBalanceConfig No The volume equalization configuration.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Beautify AudioBeautifyConfig No The audio improvement configuration.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    The audio separation configuration.

    Used by actions: CreateTranscodeTemplate, ModifyTranscodeTemplate.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String No Whether to enable the feature. Valid values:
  • ON
  • OFF

  • Default value: ON.
    Type String No The scenario. Valid values:
  • normal: Separate voice and background audio.
  • music: Separate vocals and instrumentals.

  • Default value: normal.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Track String No The output audio track. Valid values:
  • vocal: Voice.
  • background: Output background audio if the scenario is normal, and output instrumentals if the scenario is music.

  • Default value: vocal.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Audio stream configuration parameter

    Used by actions: CreateAdaptiveDynamicStreamingTemplate, CreateTranscodeTemplate, CreateWorkflow, DescribeTranscodeTemplates, ModifyAdaptiveDynamicStreamingTemplate, ProcessMedia, ResetWorkflow.

    Name Type Required Description
    Codec String Yes Audio stream codec.
    When the outer Container parameter is mp3, the valid value is:
  • libmp3lame.

  • When the outer Container parameter is ogg or flac, the valid value is:
  • flac.

  • When the outer Container parameter is m4a, the valid values include:
  • libfdk_aac;
  • libmp3lame;
  • ac3.

  • When the outer Container parameter is mp4 or flv, the valid values include:
  • libfdk_aac: more suitable for mp4;
  • libmp3lame: more suitable for flv.

  • When the outer Container parameter is hls, the valid values include:
  • libfdk_aac;
  • libmp3lame.
  • Bitrate Integer Yes Audio stream bitrate in Kbps. Value range: 0 and [26, 256].
    If the value is 0, the bitrate of the audio stream will be the same as that of the original audio.
    SampleRate Integer Yes Audio stream sample rate. Valid values:
  • 32,000
  • 44,100
  • 48,000

  • In Hz.
    AudioChannel Integer No Audio channel system. Valid values:
  • 1: Mono
  • 2: Dual
  • 6: Stereo

  • When the media is packaged in audio format (FLAC, OGG, MP3, M4A), the sound channel cannot be set to stereo.
    Default value: 2


    Audio stream configuration parameter

    Used by actions: CreateWorkflow, ModifyTranscodeTemplate, ProcessMedia, ResetWorkflow.

    Name Type Required Description
    Codec String No Audio stream codec.
    When the outer Container parameter is mp3, the valid value is:
  • libmp3lame.

  • When the outer Container parameter is ogg or flac, the valid value is:
  • flac.

  • When the outer Container parameter is m4a, the valid values include:
  • libfdk_aac;
  • libmp3lame;
  • ac3.

  • When the outer Container parameter is mp4 or flv, the valid values include:
  • libfdk_aac: More suitable for mp4;
  • libmp3lame: More suitable for flv;
  • mp2.

  • When the outer Container parameter is hls, the valid values include:
  • libfdk_aac;
  • libmp3lame.
  • Bitrate Integer No Audio stream bitrate in Kbps. Value range: 0 and [26, 256]. If the value is 0, the bitrate of the audio stream will be the same as that of the original audio.
    SampleRate Integer No Audio stream sample rate. Valid values:
  • 32,000
  • 44,100
  • 48,000

  • In Hz.
    AudioChannel Integer No Audio channel system. Valid values:
  • 1: Mono
  • 2: Dual
  • 6: Stereo

  • When the media is packaged in audio format (FLAC, OGG, MP3, M4A), the sound channel cannot be set to stereo.
    StreamSelects Array of Integer No The audio tracks to retain. All audio tracks are retained by default.


    An AWS S3 file upload trigger.

    Used by actions: CreateSchedule, CreateWorkflow, ModifySchedule, ResetWorkflow.

    Name Type Required Description
    S3Bucket String Yes The AWS S3 bucket bound to the scheme.
    S3Region String Yes The region of the AWS S3 bucket.
    Dir String No The bucket directory bound. It must be an absolute path that starts and ends with /, such as /movie/201907/. If you do not specify this, the root directory will be bound.
    Formats Array of String No The file formats that will trigger the scheme, such as ["mp4", "flv", "mov"]. If you do not specify this, the upload of files in any format will trigger the scheme.
    S3SecretId String No The key ID of the AWS S3 bucket.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    S3SecretKey String No The key of the AWS S3 bucket.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    AwsSQS AwsSQS No The SQS queue of the AWS S3 bucket.
    Note: The queue must be in the same region as the bucket.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    The information of an AWS SQS queue.

    Used by actions: CreateSchedule, CreateWorkflow, DescribeTaskDetail, EditMedia, ModifySchedule, ProcessMedia, ResetWorkflow.

    Name Type Required Description
    SQSRegion String Yes The region of the SQS queue.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    SQSQueueName String Yes The name of the SQS queue.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    S3SecretId String No The key ID required to read from/write to the SQS queue.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    S3SecretKey String No The key required to read from/write to the SQS queue.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Control parameter of intelligent categorization task

    Used by actions: CreateAIAnalysisTemplate, DescribeAIAnalysisTemplates.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Switch of intelligent categorization task. Valid values:
  • ON: enables intelligent categorization task;
  • OFF: disables intelligent categorization task.
  • ClassificationConfigureInfoForUpdate

    Control parameter of intelligent categorization task

    Used by actions: ModifyAIAnalysisTemplate.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String No Switch of intelligent categorization task. Valid values:
  • ON: enables intelligent categorization task;
  • OFF: disables intelligent categorization task.
  • ColorEnhanceConfig

    Color enhancement configuration.

    Used by actions: CreateTranscodeTemplate, ModifyTranscodeTemplate.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String No Whether to enable the feature. Valid values:
  • ON
  • OFF

  • Default value: ON.
    Type String No The strength. Valid values:
  • weak
  • normal
  • strong

  • Default value: weak.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    The audio element information of a video editing/compositing task.

    Used by actions: EditMedia.

    Name Type Required Description
    SourceMedia ComposeSourceMedia Yes The media information of the element.
    TrackTime ComposeTrackTime No The time of the element in the timeline. If this is not specified, the element will follow the previous element.
    AudioOperations Array of ComposeAudioOperation No The operations performed, such as muting.


    The audio operations of a video editing/compositing task.

    Used by actions: EditMedia.

    Name Type Required Description
    Type String Yes The operation type. Valid values:
  • Volume: Volume adjustment.
  • Volume Float No The volume level. This parameter is valid if Type is Volume. Value range: 0–5.
  • If the parameter value is 0, the video will be muted.
  • If the parameter value is smaller than 1, the volume will be reduced.
  • If the parameter value is 1, the original volume will be kept.
  • If the parameter value is greater than 1, the volume will be increased.
  • ComposeAudioStream

    The audio stream information of a video editing/compositing task.

    Used by actions: EditMedia.

    Name Type Required Description
    Codec String No The codec of the audio stream. Valid values:
  • AAC: AAC (default), which is used for the MP4 container.
  • MP3: MP3 codec, which is used for the MP3 container.
  • SampleRate Integer No The sample rate (Hz) of the audio stream.
  • 16000 (default)
  • 32000
  • 44100
  • 48000
  • AudioChannel Integer No The number of sound channels. Valid values:
  • 1: Mono.
  • 2: Dual (default).
  • ComposeCanvas

    The canvas information of a video editing/compositing task.

    Used by actions: EditMedia.

    Name Type Required Description
    Color String No The RGB value of the background color. The format is #RRGGBB, such as #F0F0F0.
    Default value: #000000 (black).
    Width Integer No The canvas width (px), which is the width of the output video. Value range: 0–3840.
    The default value is 0, which means that the canvas is as wide as the first video.
    Height Integer No The canvas height (px), which is the height of the output video. Value range: 0–3840.
    The default value is 0, which means that the canvas is as high as the first video.


    The placeholder element information of a video editing/compositing task.

    Used by actions: EditMedia.

    Name Type Required Description
    Duration String Yes The element duration.
  • The value of this parameter ends with s, which means seconds. For example, 3.5s indicates 3.5 seconds.
  • ComposeImageItem

    The image element information of a video editing/compositing task.

    Used by actions: EditMedia.

    Name Type Required Description
    SourceMedia ComposeSourceMedia Yes The media information of the element.
    TrackTime ComposeTrackTime No The time of the element in the timeline. If this is not specified, the element will follow the previous element.
    XPos String No The horizontal distance of the element's center from the canvas origin. Two formats are supported:
  • If the value ends with %, it specifies the distance as a percentage of the canvas width. For example, 10% means that the distance is 10% of the canvas width.

  • u200c
  • If the value ends with px, it specifies the distance in pixels. For example, 100px means that the distance is 100 pixels.

  • Default value: 50%.
    YPos String No The vertical distance of the element's center from the canvas origin. Two formats are supported:
  • If the value ends with %, it specifies the distance as a percentage of the canvas height. For example, 10% means that the distance is 10% of the canvas height.

  • u200c
  • If the value ends with px, it specifies the distance in pixels. For example, 100px means that the distance is 100 pixels.

  • Default value: 50%.
    Width String No The width of the video segment. Two formats are supported:
  • If the value ends with %, it specifies the width as a percentage of the canvas width. For example, 10% means that the video width is 10% of the canvas width.

  • u200c
  • If the value ends with px, it specifies the width in pixels. For example, 100px means that the video width is 100 pixels.

  • If one or both parameters are empty or set to 0:
  • If both Width and Height are empty, the original width and height of the element will be kept.
  • If Width is empty and Height is not, the width will be auto scaled.
  • If Width is not empty and Height is, the height will be auto scaled.
  • Height String No The height of the element. Two formats are supported:
  • If the value ends with %, it specifies the height as a percentage of the canvas height. For example, 10% means that the height is 10% of the canvas height.

  • u200c
  • If the value ends with px, it specifies the height in pixels. For example, 100px means that the height is 100 pixels.

  • If one or both parameters are empty or set to 0:
  • If both Width and Height are empty, the original width and height of the video will be kept.
  • If Width is empty and Height is not, the width will be auto scaled.
  • If Width is not empty and Height is, the height will be auto scaled.
  • ImageOperations Array of ComposeImageOperation No The image operations, such as image rotation.


    The image operations of a video editing/compositing task.

    Used by actions: EditMedia.

    Name Type Required Description
    Type String Yes The type. Valid values:
  • Rotate: Image rotation.
  • Flip: Image flipping.
  • RotateAngle Float No This is valid if Type is Rotate. The angle of rotation around the image center. Value range: 0–360.
    FlipType String No This is valid if Type is Flip. How to flip the image. Valid values:xa0
  • Horizental: Flip horizontally.
  • Vertical: Flip vertically.
  • ComposeMediaConfig

    The information of a video editing/compositing task.

    The figure below outlines the relationships among tracks, elements, and the timeline.


    Used by actions: EditMedia.

    Name Type Required Description
    TargetInfo ComposeTargetInfo No The information of the output video.
    Canvas ComposeCanvas No The canvas information of the output video.
    Styles Array of ComposeStyles No The global styles. This parameter is used together with Tracks to specify styles, such as the subtitle style.
    Tracks Array of ComposeMediaTrack No The information of media tracks (consisting of video, audio, image, and text elements) used to composite the video. About tracks and the timeline:
    • The timeline of a track is the same as the timeline of the output video.
    • The elements of different tracks are overlaid at the same time point in the timeline.
      • Video, image, and text elements are overlaid according to their track number, with the first track on top.
      • Audio elements are mixed.
    Note: The different elements of the same track cannot be overlaid (except subtitles).


    The element information of a video editing/compositing task.

    Used by actions: EditMedia.

    Name Type Required Description
    Type String Yes The element type. Valid values:
  • Video
  • Audio
  • Image
  • Transition
  • Subtitle
  • Empty
  • Video ComposeVideoItem No The information of the video element, which is valid if Type is Video.
    Audio ComposeAudioItem No The information of the audio element, which is valid if Type is Audio.
    Image ComposeImageItem No The information of the image element, which is valid if Type is Image.
    Transition ComposeTransitionItem No The information of the transition element, which is valid if Type is Transition.
    Subtitle ComposeSubtitleItem No The information of the subtitle element, which is valid if Type is Subtitle.
    Empty ComposeEmptyItem No The information of the empty element, which is valid if Type is Empty. An empty element is used as a placeholder in the timeline.


    The track information of a video editing/compositing task.

    Used by actions: EditMedia.

    Name Type Required Description
    Type String Yes The track type. Valid values:
    • Video: Video track. A video track can consist of the following elements:
      • Video
      • Image
      • Transition
      • Empty
    • Audio: Audio track. An audio track can consist of the following elements:
      • Audio
      • Transition
      • Empty
    • Title: Text track. A text track can consist of the following elements:
      • Subtitle
    Items Array of ComposeMediaItem Yes The elements of a track.


    The material source of a video editing/compositing task.

    Used by actions: EditMedia.

    Name Type Required Description
    FileId String Yes The material ID, which can be found in FileInfos.
    StartTime String No The start time of the material. The following two formats are supported.
  • If the value of this parameter ends with s, it specifies the time in seconds. For example, 3.5s indicates the time when 3.5 seconds of the material elapses.

  • u200c
  • If the value of this parameter ends with %, it specifies the time as a percentage of the material's duration. For example, 10% indicates the time when 10% of the material's duration elapses.

  • Default value: 0s.
    EndTime String No The end time of the material. This parameter and StartTime determine which time segment of the material is used. The following two formats are supported:
  • If the value of this parameter ends with s, it specifies the time in seconds. For example, 3.5s indicates the time when 3.5 seconds of the material elapses.

  • u200c
  • If the value of this parameter ends with %, it specifies the time as a percentage of the material's duration. For example, 10% indicates the time when 10% of the material's duration elapses.

  • If the track duration is set, the default value is StartTime plus the track duration. If not, the default value is StartTime plus 1 second.
    Note: EndTime must be at least 0.02 seconds later than StartTime.


    The style information of a video editing/compositing task.

    Used by actions: EditMedia.

    Name Type Required Description
    Id String Yes The style ID, which identifies an element style.
    Note: The style ID can be up to 32 characters long and can contain letters, digits, and special characters -_
    Type String Yes The type. Valid values:
  • Subtitle: The subtitle style.
  • Subtitle ComposeSubtitleStyle No The subtitle style details. This parameter is valid if Type is Subtitle.


    The subtitle element information of a video editing/compositing task.

    Used by actions: EditMedia.

    Name Type Required Description
    StyleId String Yes The subtitle style ID, which corresponds to the Id field of ComposeStyles.
    Text String Yes The subtitle text.
    TrackTime ComposeTrackTime No The time of the element in the timeline. If this is not specified, the element will follow the previous element.


    The subtitle style of a video editing/compositing task.

    Used by actions: EditMedia.

    Name Type Required Description
    Height String No The subtitle height. Two formats are supported:
  • If the value ends with %, it specifies the height as a percentage of the canvas height. For example, 10% means that the height is 10% of the canvas height.

  • u200c
  • If the value ends with px, it specifies the height in pixels. For example, 100px means that the height is 100 pixels.

  • The default value is the value of FontSize.
    MarginBottom String No The bottom margin. Two formats are supported:
  • If the value ends with %, it specifies the margin as a percentage of the canvas height. For example, 10% means that the margin is 10% of the canvas height.

  • u200c
  • If the value ends with px, it specifies the margin in pixels. For example, 100px means that the margin is 100 pixels.

  • Default value: 0px.
    FontType String No The font type. Valid values:
  • SimHei(default): Chinese font Heiti.

  • SimSun: Chinese font Songti.
  • FontSize String No The font size. Two formats are supported:
  • If the value ends with %, it specifies the size as a percentage of the canvas height. For example, 10% means that the size is 10% of the canvas height.

  • u200c
  • If the value ends with px, it specifies the size in pixels. For example, 100px means that the size is 100 pixels.

  • Default value: 2%.
    FontBold Integer No Whether to bold the text (some fonts may not support bold). Valid values:
  • 0 (default): No.
  • 1: Yes.
  • FontItalic Integer No Whether to italicize the text (some fonts may not support italics). Valid values:
  • 0 (default): No.
  • 1: Yes.
  • FontColor String No The font color (#RRGGBBAA).
    Default value: 0x000000FF (black).
    Note: AA in the color notation defines the opacity of the color. It's optional.
    FontAlign String No The text alignment. Valid values:
  • Center(default)
  • Left
  • Right
  • FontAlignMargin String No The margin for left/right align.
  • If FontAlign is Left, this parameter specifies the left margin of the subtitles.
  • If FontAlign is Right, this parameter specifies the right margin of the subtitles.

  • Two formats are supported:
  • If the value ends with %, it specifies the margin as a percentage of the canvas width. For example, 10% means that the margin is 10% of the canvas width.

  • u200c
  • If the value ends with px, it specifies the margin in pixels. For example, 100px means that the margin is 100 pixels.
  • BorderWidth String No The subtitle border width. Two formats are supported:
  • If the value ends with %, it specifies the width as a percentage of the canvas height. For example, 10% means that the width is 10% of the canvas height.

  • u200c
  • If the value ends with px, it specifies the width in pixels. For example, 100px means that the width is 100 pixels.

  • The default value is 0, which means the subtitles will have no borders.
    BorderColor String No The border color, whose format is the same as that for FontColor. This parameter is valid if BorderWidth is not 0.
    BottomColor String No The text background color, whose format is the same as that for FontColor.
    The default value is an empty string, which means the subtitles will not have a background color.


    The output video information of a video editing/compositing task.

    Used by actions: EditMedia.

    Name Type Required Description
    Container String No The container. Valid values:
  • mp4 (default), for video files.
  • mp3, for audio files.
  • RemoveVideo Integer No Whether to remove video data. Valid values:
  • 0 (default): No.
  • 1: Yes.
  • RemoveAudio Integer No Whether to remove audio data. Valid values:
  • 0 (default): No.
  • 1: Yes.
  • VideoStream ComposeVideoStream No The information of the output video stream.
    AudioStream ComposeAudioStream No The information of the output audio stream.


    The time information of an element on the output video track of a video editing/compositing task.

    Used by actions: EditMedia.

    Name Type Required Description
    Start String No The time when the element starts on the track.
  • The value of this parameter ends with s, which means seconds. For example, 3.5s indicates the time when 3.5 seconds of the video elapses.

  • Note: If this parameter is not specified, the start time will be the end time of the previous element. Therefore, you can also use the placeholder parameter ComposeEmptyItem to configure the start time.
    Duration String No The element duration.
  • The value of this parameter ends with s, which means seconds. For example, 3.5s means 3.5 seconds.

  • The default value is the material duration, which is determined by EndTime and StartTime of ComposeSourceMedia. If ComposeSourceMedia is not specified, the duration will be 1 second.


    The transition element information of a video editing/compositing task.

    Used by actions: EditMedia.

    Name Type Required Description
    Duration String No The element duration.
  • The value of this parameter ends with s, which means seconds. For example, 3s indicates 3 seconds.

  • Default value: 1s.
  • The number before s must be an integer. Non-integers will be rounded down to the nearest integer.
  • The transition element must be between two non-empty elements.
  • The duration of the transition element must be shorter than that of the preceding element and the following element.

  • u200c
  • The start time of the following element on the track will be automatically changed to the end time of the preceding element minus the duration of the transition element.
  • Transitions Array of ComposeTransitionOperation No The transition effects.
    The default transition effect is fade.
    Note: You can add at most one image transition and one audio transition.


    The transition information of a video editing/compositing task.

    Used by actions: EditMedia.

    Name Type Required Description
    Type String Yes The transition type.

    The image transition, which connects two video segments.
  • ImageFadeInFadeOut

  • u200c
  • BowTieHorizontal

  • u200c
  • BowTieVertical

  • u200c
  • ButterflyWaveScrawler
  • Cannabisleaf
  • Circle
  • CircleCrop

  • u200c
  • Circleopen
  • Crosswarp
  • Cube
  • DoomScreenTransition
  • Doorway
  • Dreamy
  • DreamyZoom
  • FilmBurn
  • GlitchMemories
  • Heart
  • InvertedPageCurl
  • Luma
  • Mosaic
  • Pinwheel
  • PolarFunction
  • PolkaDotsCurtain
  • Radial
  • RotateScaleFade
  • Squeeze
  • Swap
  • Swirl
  • UndulatingBurnOutSwirl
  • Windowblinds
  • WipeDown
  • WipeLeft
  • WipeRight
  • WipeUp
  • ZoomInCircles

  • The audio transition, which connects two audio segments.
  • AudioFadeInFadeOut
  • ComposeVideoItem

    The video element information of a video editing/compositing task.

    Used by actions: EditMedia.

    Name Type Required Description
    SourceMedia ComposeSourceMedia Yes The media information of the element.
    TrackTime ComposeTrackTime No The time of the element in the timeline. If this is not specified, the element will follow the previous element.
    XPos String No The horizontal distance of the element's center from the canvas origin. Two formats are supported:
  • If the value ends with %, it specifies the distance as a percentage of the canvas width. For example, 10% means that the distance is 10% of the canvas width.

  • u200c
  • If the value ends with px, it specifies the distance in pixels. For example, 100px means that the distance is 100 pixels.

  • Default value: 50%.
    YPos String No The vertical distance of the element's center from the canvas origin. Two formats are supported:
  • If the value ends with %, it specifies the distance as a percentage of the canvas height. For example, 10% means that the distance is 10% of the canvas height.

  • u200c
  • If the value ends with px, it specifies the distance in pixels. For example, 100px means that the distance is 100 pixels.

  • Default value: 50%.
    Width String No The width of the video segment. Two formats are supported:
  • If the value ends with %, it specifies the width as a percentage of the canvas width. For example, 10% means that the video width is 10% of the canvas width.

  • u200c
  • If the value ends with px, it specifies the width in pixels. For example, 100px means that the video width is 100 pixels.

  • If one or both parameters are empty or set to 0:
  • If both Width and Height are empty, the original width and height of the element will be kept.
  • If Width is empty and Height is not, the width will be auto scaled.
  • If Width is not empty and Height is, the height will be auto scaled.
  • Height String No The height of the element. Two formats are supported:
  • If the value ends with %, it specifies the height as a percentage of the canvas height. For example, 10% means that the height is 10% of the canvas height.

  • u200c
  • If the value ends with px, it specifies the height in pixels. For example, 100px means that the height is 100 pixels.

  • If one or both parameters are empty or set to 0:
  • If both Width and Height are empty, the original width and height of the element will be kept.
  • If Width is empty and Height is not, the width will be auto scaled.
  • If Width is not empty and Height is, the height will be auto scaled.
  • ImageOperations Array of ComposeImageOperation No The image operations, such as image rotation.
    AudioOperations Array of ComposeAudioOperation No The audio operations, such as muting.


    The video stream information of a video edit/compositing task.

    Used by actions: EditMedia.

    Name Type Required Description
    Codec String No The codec. Valid values:
  • H.264 (default)
  • Fps Integer No The video frame rate (Hz). Value range: 0–60.
    The default value is 0, which means that the frame rate will be the same as that of the first video.


    Details of a content audit template

    Used by actions: DescribeContentReviewTemplates.

    Name Type Description
    Definition Integer Unique ID of a content audit template.
    Name String Name of a content audit template. Length limit: 64 characters.
    Comment String Description of a content audit template. Length limit: 256 characters.
    PornConfigure PornConfigureInfo Porn information detection control parameter.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    TerrorismConfigure TerrorismConfigureInfo The parameters for detecting sensitive information.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    PoliticalConfigure PoliticalConfigureInfo The parameters for detecting sensitive information.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ProhibitedConfigure ProhibitedConfigureInfo Control parameter of prohibited information detection. Prohibited information includes:
  • Abusive;
  • Drug-related.

  • Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    UserDefineConfigure UserDefineConfigureInfo Custom content audit control parameter.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    CreateTime String Creation time of a template in ISO date format.
    UpdateTime String Last modified time of a template in ISO date format.
    Type String The template type. Valid values:
    * Preset
    * Custom
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Input rule bound to COS.

    Used by actions: CreateSchedule, CreateWorkflow, ModifySchedule, ResetWorkflow.

    Name Type Required Description
    Bucket String Yes Name of the COS bucket bound to a workflow, such as TopRankVideo-125xxx88.
    Region String Yes Region of the COS bucket bound to a workflow, such as ap-chongiqng.
    Dir String No Input path directory bound to a workflow, such as /movie/201907/. If this parameter is left empty, the / root directory will be used.
    Formats Array of String No Format list of files that can trigger a workflow, such as ["mp4", "flv", "mov"]. If this parameter is left empty, files in all formats can trigger the workflow.


    The information of the COS object to process.

    Used by actions: DescribeMediaMetaData, EditMedia, ProcessMedia.

    Name Type Required Description
    Bucket String Yes The COS bucket of the object to process, such as TopRankVideo-125xxx88.
    Region String Yes The region of the COS bucket, such as ap-chongqing.
    Object String Yes The path of the object to process, such as /movie/201907/WildAnimal.mov.


    The information of the output COS object after media processing.

    Used by actions: CreateSchedule, CreateWorkflow, EditMedia, ModifySchedule, ProcessLiveStream, ProcessMedia, ResetWorkflow.

    Name Type Required Description
    Bucket String No The bucket to which the output file of media processing is saved, such as TopRankVideo-125xxx88. If this parameter is left empty, the value of the upper layer will be inherited.
    Region String No The region of the output bucket, such as ap-chongqing. If this parameter is left empty, the value of the upper layer will be inherited.


    Control parameter of intelligent cover generating task

    Used by actions: CreateAIAnalysisTemplate, DescribeAIAnalysisTemplates.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Switch of intelligent cover generating task. Valid values:
  • ON: enables intelligent cover generating task;
  • OFF: disables intelligent cover generating task.
  • CoverConfigureInfoForUpdate

    Control parameter of intelligent cover generating task

    Used by actions: ModifyAIAnalysisTemplate.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String No Switch of intelligent cover generating task. Valid values:
  • ON: enables intelligent cover generating task;
  • OFF: disables intelligent cover generating task.
  • DrmInfo

    The DRM encryption details.

    Used by actions: CreateWorkflow, ProcessMedia, ResetWorkflow.

    Name Type Required Description
    Type String Yes The encryption type.
  • simpleaes: AES-128 encryption.

  • Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    SimpleAesDrm SimpleAesDrm No The AES-128 encryption details.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    VOD video file editing information

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, EditMedia, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Required Description
    InputInfo MediaInputInfo Yes Video input information.
    StartTimeOffset Float No The start offset (seconds) for video clipping. This parameter is valid for video clipping tasks.
    EndTimeOffset Float No The end offset (seconds) for video clipping. This parameter is valid for video clipping tasks.
    Id String No The ID of the material associated with an element. This parameter is required for video compositing tasks.

    Note: The ID can be up to 32 characters long and can contain letters, digits, and special characters -_
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Configuration for output files of video editing

    Used by actions: EditMedia.

    Name Type Required Description
    Container String No The container. Valid values: mp4 (default), hls, mov, flv, avi.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Type String No The clip mode. Valid values: normal (default), fast.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Video editing task information

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    TaskId String Task ID.
    Status String Task status. Valid values:
  • PROCESSING: processing;
  • FINISH: completed.
  • ErrCode Integer Error code
  • 0: success;
  • Other values: failure.
  • Message String Error message.
    Input EditMediaTaskInput Input of video editing task.
    Output EditMediaTaskOutput Output of video editing task.


    Input of video editing task.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    FileInfoSet Array of EditMediaFileInfo Information of input video file.


    Output of video editing task

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    OutputStorage TaskOutputStorage Target storage of edited file.
    Path String Path of edited video file.


    Audio/Video enhancement configuration.

    Used by actions: CreateTranscodeTemplate, DescribeTranscodeTemplates, ModifyTranscodeTemplate.

    Name Type Required Description
    VideoEnhance VideoEnhanceConfig No Video enhancement configuration.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    AudioEnhance AudioEnhanceConfig No The audio enhancement configuration.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Control parameter of a face recognition task

    Used by actions: CreateAIRecognitionTemplate, DescribeAIRecognitionTemplates.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Switch of a face recognition task. Valid values:
  • ON: Enables an intelligent face recognition task;
  • OFF: Disables an intelligent face recognition task.
  • Score Float No Face recognition filter score. If this score is reached or exceeded, a recognition result will be returned. Value range: 0-100. Default value: 95.
    DefaultLibraryLabelSet Array of String No The default face filter labels, which specify the types of faces to return. If this parameter is left empty, the detection results for all labels are returned. Valid values:
  • entertainment (people in the entertainment industry)
  • sport (sports celebrities)
  • politician
  • UserDefineLibraryLabelSet Array of String No Custom face tags for filter, which specify the face recognition results to return. If this parameter is not specified or left empty, the recognition results for all custom face tags are returned.
    Up to 100 tags are allowed, each containing no more than 16 characters.
    FaceLibrary String No Figure library. Valid values:
  • Default: Default figure library;
  • UserDefine: Custom figure library.
  • All: Both default and custom figure libraries will be used.

  • Default value: All (both default and custom figure libraries will be used.)


    Control parameter of a face recognition task

    Used by actions: ModifyAIRecognitionTemplate.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String No Switch of a face recognition task. Valid values:
  • ON: Enables an intelligent face recognition task;
  • OFF: Disables an intelligent face recognition task.
  • Score Float No Face recognition filter score. If this score is reached or exceeded, a recognition result will be returned. Value range: 0-100.
    DefaultLibraryLabelSet Array of String No The default face filter labels, which specify the types of faces to return. If this parameter is left empty, the detection results for all labels are returned. Valid values:
  • entertainment (people in the entertainment industry)
  • sport (sports celebrities)
  • politician
  • UserDefineLibraryLabelSet Array of String No Custom face tags for filter, which specify the face recognition results to return. If this parameter is not specified or left empty, the recognition results for all custom face tags are returned.
    Up to 100 tags are allowed, each containing no more than 16 characters.
    FaceLibrary String No Figure library. Valid values:
  • Default: Default figure library;
  • UserDefine: Custom figure library.
  • All: Both default and custom figure libraries will be used.
  • FaceEnhanceConfig

    Face enhancement configuration.

    Used by actions: CreateTranscodeTemplate, ModifyTranscodeTemplate.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String No Whether to enable the feature. Valid values:
  • ON
  • OFF

  • Default value: ON.
    Intensity Float No The strength. Value range: 0.0-1.0
    Default value: 0.0.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Frame interpolation configuration.

    Used by actions: CreateTranscodeTemplate, ModifyTranscodeTemplate.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String No Whether to enable the feature. Valid values:
  • ON
  • OFF

  • Default value: ON.
    Fps Integer No The frame rate (Hz). Value range: [0, 100].
    Default value: 0.
    Note: For transcoding, this parameter will overwrite Fps of VideoTemplate.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Control parameter of intelligent frame-specific tagging task

    Used by actions: CreateAIAnalysisTemplate, DescribeAIAnalysisTemplates.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Switch of intelligent frame-specific tagging task. Valid values:
  • ON: enables intelligent frame-specific tagging task;
  • OFF: disables intelligent frame-specific tagging task.
  • FrameTagConfigureInfoForUpdate

    Control parameter of intelligent frame-specific tagging task

    Used by actions: ModifyAIAnalysisTemplate.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String No Switch of intelligent frame-specific tagging task. Valid values:
  • ON: enables intelligent frame-specific tagging task;
  • OFF: disables intelligent frame-specific tagging task.
  • HdrConfig

    HDR configuration.

    Used by actions: CreateTranscodeTemplate, ModifyTranscodeTemplate.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String No Whether to enable the feature. Valid values:
  • ON
  • OFF

  • Default value: ON.
    Type String No The strength. Valid values:
  • HDR10
  • HLG

  • Default value: HDR10.
    Note: The video codec must be libx265.
    Note: The bit depth for video encoding is 10 bits.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Opening and closing credits parameters

    Used by actions: CreateWorkflow, ProcessMedia, ResetWorkflow.

    Name Type Required Description
    HeadSet Array of MediaInputInfo No The opening segments.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    TailSet Array of MediaInputInfo No The closing segments.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    The information of a highlight segment.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Confidence Float The confidence score.
    StartTimeOffset Float The start time offset of the segment.
    EndTimeOffset Float The end time offset of the segment.


    Overall enhancement configuration.

    Used by actions: CreateTranscodeTemplate, ModifyTranscodeTemplate.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String No Whether to enable the feature. Valid values:
  • ON
  • OFF

  • Default value: ON.
    Type String No The strength. Valid values:
  • weak
  • normal
  • strong

  • Default value: weak.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Input parameter type of an image sprite generating task

    Used by actions: CreateSchedule, CreateWorkflow, DescribeTaskDetail, ModifySchedule, ParseNotification, ProcessMedia, ResetWorkflow.

    Name Type Required Description
    Definition Integer Yes ID of an image sprite generating template.
    OutputStorage TaskOutputStorage No Target bucket of a generated image sprite. If this parameter is left empty, the OutputStorage value of the upper folder will be inherited.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    OutputObjectPath String No Output path to a generated image sprite file, which can be a relative path or an absolute path. If this parameter is left empty, the following relative path will be used by default: {inputName}_imageSprite_{definition}_{number}.{format}.
    WebVttObjectName String No Output path to the WebVTT file after an image sprite is generated, which can only be a relative path. If this parameter is left empty, the following relative path will be used by default: {inputName}_imageSprite_{definition}.{format}.
    ObjectNumberFormat NumberFormat No Rule of the {number} variable in the image sprite output path.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Details of an image sprite generating template

    Used by actions: DescribeImageSpriteTemplates.

    Name Type Description
    Definition Integer Unique ID of an image sprite generating template.
    Type String Template type. Valid values:
  • Preset: Preset template;
  • Custom: Custom template.
  • Name String Name of an image sprite generating template.
    Width Integer Subimage width of an image sprite.
    Height Integer Subimage height of an image sprite.
    ResolutionAdaptive String Resolution adaption. Valid values:
  • open: enabled. In this case, Width represents the long side of a video, while Height the short side;
  • close: disabled. In this case, Width represents the width of a video, while Height the height.

  • Default value: open.
    SampleType String Sampling type.
    SampleInterval Integer Sampling interval.
    RowCount Integer Subimage row count of an image sprite.
    ColumnCount Integer Subimage column count of an image sprite.
    CreateTime String Creation time of a template in ISO date format.
    UpdateTime String Last modified time of a template in ISO date format.
    FillType String Fill type. "Fill" refers to the way of processing a screenshot when its aspect ratio is different from that of the source video. The following fill types are supported:
  • stretch: Stretch. The screenshot will be stretched frame by frame to match the aspect ratio of the source video, which may make the screenshot "shorter" or "longer";
  • black: Fill with black. This option retains the aspect ratio of the source video for the screenshot and fills the unmatched area with black color blocks.

  • Default value: black.
    Comment String Template description.
    Format String The image format.


    Input parameter of an image watermarking template

    Used by actions: CreateWatermarkTemplate.

    Name Type Required Description
    ImageContent String Yes String generated by Base64-encoding a watermark image. JPEG and PNG images are supported.
    Width String No Watermark width. % and px formats are supported:
  • If the string ends in %, the Width of the watermark will be the specified percentage of the video width. For example, 10% means that Width is 10% of the video width;
  • If the string ends in px, the Width of the watermark will be in pixels. For example, 100px means that Width is 100 pixels. Value range: [8, 4096].

  • Default value: 10%.
    Height String No Watermark height. % and px formats are supported:
  • If the string ends in %, the Height of the watermark will be the specified percentage of the video height. For example, 10% means that Height is 10% of the video height;
  • If the string ends in px, the Height of the watermark will be in pixels. For example, 100px means that Height is 100 pixels. Value range: 0 or [8, 4096].

  • Default value: 0px, which means that Height will be proportionally scaled according to the aspect ratio of the original watermark image.
    RepeatType String No Repeat type of an animated watermark. Valid values:
  • once: no longer appears after watermark playback ends.
  • repeat_last_frame: stays on the last frame after watermark playback ends.
  • repeat (default): repeats the playback until the video ends.
  • ImageWatermarkInputForUpdate

    Input parameter of an image watermarking template

    Used by actions: ModifyWatermarkTemplate.

    Name Type Required Description
    ImageContent String No String generated by Base64-encoding a watermark image. JPEG and PNG images are supported.
    Width String No Watermark width. % and px formats are supported:
  • If the string ends in %, the Width of the watermark will be the specified percentage of the video width. For example, 10% means that Width is 10% of the video width;
  • If the string ends in px, the Width of the watermark will be in pixels. For example, 100px means that Width is 100 pixels. Value range: [8, 4096].
  • Height String No Watermark height. % and px formats are supported:
  • If the string ends in %, the Height of the watermark will be the specified percentage of the video height. For example, 10% means that Height is 10% of the video height;
  • If the string ends in px, the Height of the watermark will be in pixels. For example, 100px means that Height is 100 pixels. Value range: 0 or [8, 4096].

  • Default value: 0px, which means that Height will be proportionally scaled according to the aspect ratio of the original watermark image.
    RepeatType String No Repeat type of an animated watermark. Valid values:
  • once: no longer appears after watermark playback ends.
  • repeat_last_frame: stays on the last frame after watermark playback ends.
  • repeat (default): repeats the playback until the video ends.
  • ImageWatermarkTemplate

    Image watermarking template

    Used by actions: DescribeWatermarkTemplates.

    Name Type Description
    ImageUrl String Watermark image address.
    Width String Watermark width. % and px formats are supported:
  • If the string ends in %, the Width of the watermark will be the specified percentage of the video width; for example, 10% means that Width is 10% of the video width;
  • If the string ends in px, the Width of the watermark will be in px; for example, 100px means that Width is 100 px.
  • Height String Watermark height. % and px formats are supported:
  • If the string ends in %, the Height of the watermark will be the specified percentage of the video height. For example, 10% means that Height is 10% of the video height;
  • If the string ends in px, the Height of the watermark will be in pixels. For example, 100px means that Height is 100 pixels.

  • 0px means that Height will be proportionally scaled according to the video width.
    RepeatType String Repeat type of an animated watermark. Valid values:
  • once: no longer appears after watermark playback ends.
  • repeat_last_frame: stays on the last frame after watermark playback ends.
  • repeat (default): repeats the playback until the video ends.
  • LiveActivityResItem

    The output of a live scheme subtask.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail.

    Name Type Description
    LiveRecordTask LiveScheduleLiveRecordTaskResult The output of a live recording task.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    The output of a live scheme subtask.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail.

    Name Type Description
    ActivityType String The task type.
  • LiveRecord: Live recording.

  • Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    LiveActivityResItem LiveActivityResItem The task output.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    The information of a live recording file.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail.

    Name Type Description
    Url String The URL of the recording file.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Size Integer The size of the recording file.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Duration Integer The duration of the recording file.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    StartTime String The recording start time in ISO date format.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    EndTime String The recording end time in ISO date format.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    The live recording result.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail.

    Name Type Description
    OutputStorage TaskOutputStorage The storage of the recording file.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    FileList Array of LiveRecordFile The recording segments.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    The input parameters of a live recording task.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail.

    Name Type Required Description
    Definition Integer Yes The live recording template ID.
    OutputStorage TaskOutputStorage No The storage of the recording file. If this parameter is left empty, the OutputStorage value of the parent folder will be inherited.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    OutputObjectPath String No The output path of the recording file.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    The result of a live scheme's live recording task.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail.

    Name Type Description
    Status String The task status. Valid values: PROCESSING, SUCCESS, FAIL.
    ErrCodeExt String The error code. An empty string indicates the task is successful; any other value indicates the task has failed. For details, see Error Codes.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ErrCode Integer The error code. 0 indicates the task is successful; other values indicate the task has failed. This parameter is not recommended. Please use ErrCodeExt instead.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Message String The error message.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Input LiveRecordTaskInput The input of a live recording task.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Output LiveRecordResult The output of a live recording task.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    BeginProcessTime String The time when the task was started, in ISO date format.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    FinishTime String The time when the task was completed, in ISO date format.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    The information of a live scheme subtask.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail.

    Name Type Description
    TaskId String The ID of a live scheme subtask.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Status String The task status. Valid values:

  • Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ErrCode Integer If the value returned is not 0, there was a source error. If 0 is returned, refer to the error codes of the corresponding task type.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Message String If there was a source error, this parameter is the error message. For other errors, refer to the error messages of the corresponding task type.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Url String The URL of the live stream.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    LiveActivityResultSet Array of LiveActivityResult The task output.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Live stream AI recognition results

    Used by actions: ParseLiveStreamProcessNotification.

    Name Type Description
    ResultSet Array of LiveStreamAiRecognitionResultItem Content recognition result list.


    AI-based live stream recognition result

    Used by actions: ParseLiveStreamProcessNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Type String The result type. Valid values:
  • FaceRecognition: Face recognition
  • AsrWordsRecognition: Speech keyword recognition
  • OcrWordsRecognition: Text keyword recognition
  • AsrFullTextRecognition: Full speech recognition
  • OcrFullTextRecognition: Full text recognition
  • TransTextRecognition: Speech translation
  • FaceRecognitionResultSet Array of LiveStreamFaceRecognitionResult Face recognition result, which is valid when Type is
    AsrWordsRecognitionResultSet Array of LiveStreamAsrWordsRecognitionResult Speech keyword recognition result, which is valid when Type is
    OcrWordsRecognitionResultSet Array of LiveStreamOcrWordsRecognitionResult Text keyword recognition result, which is valid when Type is
    AsrFullTextRecognitionResultSet Array of LiveStreamAsrFullTextRecognitionResult Full speech recognition result, which is valid when Type is
    OcrFullTextRecognitionResultSet Array of LiveStreamOcrFullTextRecognitionResult Full text recognition result, which is valid when Type is
    TransTextRecognitionResultSet Array of LiveStreamTransTextRecognitionResult The translation result. This parameter is valid only if Type is TransTextRecognition.


    The result of detecting sensitive information in live streaming videos.

    Used by actions: ParseLiveStreamProcessNotification.

    Name Type Description
    StartPtsTime Float Start PTS time of a suspected segment in seconds.
    EndPtsTime Float End PTS time of a suspected segment in seconds.
    Confidence Float The confidence score for the detected sensitive segments.
    Suggestion String Suggestion for porn information detection of a suspected segment. Valid values:
  • pass
  • review
  • block
  • Label String The labels for the detected sensitive information. Valid values:
  • politician
  • violation_photo (banned icons)
  • Name String The name of a sensitive person or banned icon.
    AreaCoordSet Array of Integer The pixel coordinates of the detected sensitive people or banned icons. The format is [x1, y1, x2, y2], which indicates the coordinates of the top-left and bottom-right corners.
    Url String URL of a suspected image (which will not be permanently stored
    and will be deleted after PicUrlExpireTime).
    PicUrlExpireTime String Expiration time of a suspected image URL in ISO date format.


    Result of porn information detection in image in AI-based live stream content audit

    Used by actions: ParseLiveStreamProcessNotification.

    Name Type Description
    StartPtsTime Float Start PTS time of a suspected segment in seconds.
    EndPtsTime Float End PTS time of a suspected segment in seconds.
    Confidence Float Score of a suspected porn segment.
    Suggestion String Suggestion for porn information detection of a suspected segment. Valid values:
  • pass
  • review
  • block
  • Label String Tag of the detected porn information in video. Valid values:
  • porn: Porn.
  • sexy: Sexiness.
  • vulgar: Vulgarity.
  • intimacy: Intimacy.
  • Url String URL of a suspected image (which will not be permanently stored
    and will be deleted after PicUrlExpireTime).
    PicUrlExpireTime String Expiration time of a suspected image URL in ISO date format.


    The result of detecting sensitive information in live streaming videos.

    Used by actions: ParseLiveStreamProcessNotification.

    Name Type Description
    StartPtsTime Float Start PTS time of a suspected segment in seconds.
    EndPtsTime Float End PTS time of a suspected segment in seconds.
    Confidence Float The confidence score for the detected sensitive segments.
    Suggestion String The suggestion for handling the sensitive segments. Valid values:
  • pass
  • review
  • block
  • Label String The labels for the detected sensitive content. Valid values:
  • guns
  • crowd
  • police
  • bloody
  • banners (sensitive flags)
  • militant
  • explosion
  • terrorists
  • Url String URL of a suspected image (which will not be permanently stored
    and will be deleted after PicUrlExpireTime).
    PicUrlExpireTime String Expiration time of a suspected image URL in ISO date format.


    Result of AI-based live stream audit

    Used by actions: ParseLiveStreamProcessNotification.

    Name Type Description
    ResultSet Array of LiveStreamAiReviewResultItem List of content audit results.


    Result of AI-based live stream audit

    Used by actions: ParseLiveStreamProcessNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Type String The type of moderation result. Valid values:
  • ImagePorn
  • ImageTerrorism
  • ImagePolitical
  • VoicePorn
  • ImagePornResultSet Array of LiveStreamAiReviewImagePornResult Result of porn information detection in image, which is valid when Type is ImagePorn.
    ImageTerrorismResultSet Array of LiveStreamAiReviewImageTerrorismResult The result of detecting sensitive information in images, which is valid if Type is ImageTerrorism.
    ImagePoliticalResultSet Array of LiveStreamAiReviewImagePoliticalResult The result of detecting sensitive information in images, which is valid if Type is ImagePolitical.
    VoicePornResultSet Array of LiveStreamAiReviewVoicePornResult The result for moderation of pornographic content in audio. This parameter is valid if Type is VoicePorn.


    Result of porn information detection in speech in AI-based live stream content audit

    Used by actions: ParseLiveStreamProcessNotification.

    Name Type Description
    StartPtsTime Float Start PTS time of a suspected segment in seconds.
    EndPtsTime Float End PTS time of a suspected segment in seconds.
    Confidence Float Score of a suspected porn segment.
    Suggestion String Suggestion for porn information detection of a suspected segment. Valid values:
  • pass
  • review
  • block
  • Label String Tag of the detected porn information in video. Valid values:
  • sexual_moan: Sexual moans.
  • LiveStreamAsrFullTextRecognitionResult

    ASR-based full live stream recognition

    Used by actions: ParseLiveStreamProcessNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Text String Recognized text.
    StartPtsTime Float Start PTS time of recognized segment in seconds.
    EndPtsTime Float End PTS time of recognized segment in seconds.
    Confidence Float Confidence of recognized segment. Value range: 0–100.


    AI-based ASR-based live streaming keyword recognition result

    Used by actions: ParseLiveStreamProcessNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Word String Speech keyword.
    StartPtsTime Float Start PTS time of recognized segment in seconds.
    EndPtsTime Float End PTS time of recognized segment in seconds.
    Confidence Float Confidence of recognized segment. Value range: 0–100.


    AI-based live streaming face recognition result

    Used by actions: ParseLiveStreamProcessNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Id String Unique ID of figure.
    Name String Figure name.
    Type String Figure library type, indicating to which figure library the recognized figure belongs:
  • Default: default figure library
  • UserDefine: custom figure library
  • StartPtsTime Float Start PTS time of recognized segment in seconds.
    EndPtsTime Float End PTS time of recognized segment in seconds.
    Confidence Float Confidence of recognized segment. Value range: 0–100.
    AreaCoordSet Array of Integer Zone coordinates of recognition result. The array contains four elements: [x1,y1,x2,y2], i.e., the horizontal and vertical coordinates of the top-left and bottom-right corners.


    OCR-based full live stream recognition

    Used by actions: ParseLiveStreamProcessNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Text String Speech text.
    StartPtsTime Float Start PTS time of recognized segment in seconds.
    EndPtsTime Float End PTS time of recognized segment in seconds.
    Confidence Float Confidence of recognized segment. Value range: 0–100.
    AreaCoordSet Array of Integer Zone coordinates of recognition result. The array contains four elements: [x1,y1,x2,y2], i.e., the horizontal and vertical coordinates of the top-left and bottom-right corners.


    AI-based OCR-based live streaming keyword recognition result

    Used by actions: ParseLiveStreamProcessNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Word String Text keyword.
    StartPtsTime Float Start PTS time of recognized segment in seconds.
    EndPtsTime Float End PTS time of recognized segment in seconds.
    Confidence Float Confidence of recognized segment. Value range: 0–100.
    AreaCoords Array of Integer Zone coordinates of recognition result. The array contains four elements: [x1,y1,x2,y2], i.e., the horizontal and vertical coordinates of the top-left and bottom-right corners.


    Information of a live stream processing error

    Used by actions: ParseLiveStreamProcessNotification.

    Name Type Description
    ErrCode Integer Error code:
  • 0: No error;
  • If this parameter is not 0, an error has occurred. Please see the error message (Message).
  • Message String Error message.


    Information of a live stream processing task

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail.

    Name Type Description
    TaskId String The media processing task ID.
    Status String Task flow status. Valid values:
  • PROCESSING: Processing;
  • FINISH: Completed.
  • ErrCode Integer Error code. 0: success; other values: failure.
    Message String Error message.
    Url String Live stream URL.


    Event notification configuration of a task.

    Used by actions: ProcessLiveStream.

    Name Type Required Description
    CmqModel String No CMQ model. There are two types: Queue and Topic. Currently, only Queue is supported.
    CmqRegion String No CMQ region, such as sh and bj.
    QueueName String No This parameter is valid when the model is Queue, indicating the name of the CMQ queue for receiving event notifications.
    TopicName String No This parameter is valid when the model is Topic, indicating the name of the CMQ topic for receiving event notifications.
    NotifyType String No The notification type, CMQ by default. If this parameter is set to URL, HTTP callbacks are sent to the URL specified by NotifyUrl.

    Note: If you do not pass this parameter or pass in an empty string, CMQ will be used. To use a different notification type, specify this parameter accordingly.
    NotifyUrl String No HTTP callback URL, required if NotifyType is set to URL


    The live stream translation result.

    Used by actions: ParseLiveStreamProcessNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Text String The text transcript.
    StartPtsTime Float The PTS (seconds) of the start of a segment.
    EndPtsTime Float The PTS (seconds) of the end of a segment.
    Confidence Float The confidence score for a segment. Value range: 0-100.
    Trans String The translation.


    Low-light enhancement configuration.

    Used by actions: CreateTranscodeTemplate, ModifyTranscodeTemplate.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String No Whether to enable the feature. Valid values:
  • ON
  • OFF

  • Default value: ON.
    Type String No The strength. Valid values:
  • normal

  • Default value: normal.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Intelligent categorization result

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Classification String Name of intelligently generated category.
    Confidence Float Confidence of intelligently generated category between 0 and 100.


    Information of intelligently generated cover

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    CoverPath String Storage path of intelligently generated cover.
    Confidence Float Confidence of intelligently generated cover between 0 and 100.


    Result information of intelligent frame-specific tagging

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Tag String Frame-specific tag name.
    CategorySet Array of String
    Confidence Float Confidence of intelligently generated frame-specific tag between 0 and 100.


    List of frame-specific tag segments

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    StartTimeOffset Float Start time offset of frame-specific tag.
    EndTimeOffset Float End time offset of frame-specific tag.
    TagSet Array of MediaAiAnalysisFrameTagItem List of tags in time period.


    The information of intelligently generated highlight segments.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    HighlightPath String The URL of the highlight segments.
    CovImgPath String The URL of the thumbnail.
    Confidence Float The confidence score. Value range: 0-100.
    Duration Float The duration of the highlights.
    SegmentSet Array of HighlightSegmentItem A list of the highlight segments.


    Result information of intelligent tagging

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Tag String Tag name.
    Confidence Float Confidence of tag between 0 and 100.


    Result information of an animated image generating task

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Storage TaskOutputStorage Storage location of a generated animated image file.
    Path String Path to a generated animated image file.
    Definition Integer ID of an animated image generating template. For more information, please see Animated Image Generating Parameter Template.
    Container String Animated image format, such as gif.
    Height Integer Height of an animated image in px.
    Width Integer Width of an animated image in px.
    Bitrate Integer Bitrate of an animated image in bps.
    Size Integer Size of an animated image in bytes.
    Md5 String MD5 value of an animated image.
    StartTimeOffset Float Start time offset of an animated image in the video in seconds.
    EndTimeOffset Float End time offset of an animated image in the video in seconds.


    Information of the audio stream in a VOD file

    Used by actions: DescribeMediaMetaData, DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Bitrate Integer Bitrate of an audio stream in bps.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    SamplingRate Integer Sample rate of an audio stream in Hz.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Codec String Audio stream codec, such as aac.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Channel Integer Number of sound channels, e.g., 2
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.


    Suspected segment identified during ASR-based text audit during content audit

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    StartTimeOffset Float Start time offset of a suspected segment in seconds.
    EndTimeOffset Float End time offset of a suspected segment in seconds.
    Confidence Float Confidence of a suspected segment.
    Suggestion String Suggestion for suspected segment audit. Valid values:
  • pass.
  • review.
  • block.
  • KeywordSet Array of String List of suspected keywords.


    Suspected segment identified during OCR-based text audit during content audit

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    StartTimeOffset Float Start time offset of a suspected segment in seconds.
    EndTimeOffset Float End time offset of a suspected segment in seconds.
    Confidence Float Confidence of a suspected segment.
    Suggestion String Suggestion for suspected segment audit. Valid values:
  • pass.
  • review.
  • block.
  • KeywordSet Array of String List of suspected keywords.
    AreaCoordSet Array of Integer Zone coordinates (at the pixel level) of suspected text: [x1, y1, x2, y2], i.e., the coordinates of the top-left and bottom-right corners.
    Url String URL of a suspected image (which will not be permanently stored
    and will be deleted after PicUrlExpireTime).
    PicUrlExpireTime String Expiration time of a suspected image URL in ISO date format.


    The information about the sensitive segments detected.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    StartTimeOffset Float Start time offset of a suspected segment in seconds.
    EndTimeOffset Float End time offset of a suspected segment in seconds.
    Confidence Float The confidence score for the detected sensitive segments.
    Suggestion String The suggestion for handling the sensitive segments. Valid values:
  • pass
  • review
  • block
  • Name String The name of a sensitive person or banned icon.
    Label String The labels for the detected sensitive segments. The relationship between the values of this parameter and those of the LabelSet parameter in PoliticalImgReviewTemplateInfo is as follows:
  • violation_photo (banned icons)

  • politician:
  • nation_politician (state leader)
  • province_politician (provincial officials)
  • bureau_politician (bureau-level officials)
  • county_politician (county-level officials)
  • rural_politician (township-level officials)
  • sensitive_politician (sensitive people)
  • foreign_politician (state leaders of other countries)

  • entertainment:
  • sensitive_entertainment (sensitive people in the entertainment industry

  • sport:
  • sensitive_sport (sensitive sports celebrities)

  • entrepreneur:
  • sensitive_entrepreneur

  • scholar:
  • sensitive_scholar

  • celebrity:
  • sensitive_celebrity
  • historical_celebrity (sensitive historical figures)

  • military:
  • sensitive_military (sensitive people in military)
  • Url String URL of a suspected image (which will not be permanently stored
    and will be deleted after PicUrlExpireTime).
    AreaCoordSet Array of Integer The pixel coordinates of the detected sensitive people or banned icons. The format is [x1, y1, x2, y2], which indicates the coordinates of the top-left and bottom-right corners.
    PicUrlExpireTime String Expiration time of a suspected image URL in ISO date format.


    The information about the detected pornographic/sensitive segments.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    StartTimeOffset Float Start time offset of a suspected segment in seconds.
    EndTimeOffset Float End time offset of a suspected segment in seconds.
    Confidence Float Score of a suspected porn segment.
    Label String Tag of porn information detection result of a suspected segment.
    Suggestion String Suggestion for porn information detection of a suspected segment. Valid values:
  • pass.
  • review.
  • block.
  • Url String URL of a suspected image (which will not be permanently stored
    and will be deleted after PicUrlExpireTime).
    PicUrlExpireTime String Expiration time of a suspected image URL in ISO date format.


    Image sprite information

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Definition Integer Image sprite specification. For more information, please see Image Sprite Parameter Template.
    Height Integer Subimage height of an image sprite.
    Width Integer Subimage width of an image sprite.
    TotalCount Integer Total number of subimages in each image sprite.
    ImagePathSet Array of String Path to each image sprite.
    WebVttPath String Path to a WebVtt file for the position-time relationship among subimages in an image sprite. The WebVtt file indicates the corresponding time points of each subimage and their coordinates in the image sprite, which is typically used by the player for implementing preview.
    Storage TaskOutputStorage Storage location of an image sprite file.


    The information of the object to process.

    Used by actions: CreateWorkflow, DescribeMediaMetaData, DescribeTaskDetail, EditMedia, ParseNotification, ProcessMedia, ResetWorkflow.

    Name Type Required Description
    Type String Yes The input type. Valid values:
  • COS: A COS bucket address.
  • URL: A URL.
  • AWS-S3: An AWS S3 bucket address. Currently, this type is only supported for transcoding tasks.
  • CosInputInfo CosInputInfo No The information of the COS object to process. This parameter is valid and required when Type is COS.
    UrlInputInfo UrlInputInfo No The URL of the object to process. This parameter is valid and required when Type is URL.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    S3InputInfo S3InputInfo No The information of the AWS S3 object processed. This parameter is required if Type is AWS-S3.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.


    Metadata of a VOD media file

    Used by actions: DescribeMediaMetaData, DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Size Integer Size of an uploaded media file in bytes (which is the sum of size of m3u8 and ts files if the video is in HLS format).
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Container String Container, such as m4a and mp4.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Bitrate Integer Sum of the average bitrate of a video stream and that of an audio stream in bps.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Height Integer Maximum value of the height of a video stream in px.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Width Integer Maximum value of the width of a video stream in px.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Duration Float Video duration in seconds.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Rotate Integer Selected angle during video recording in degrees.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    VideoStreamSet Array of MediaVideoStreamItem Video stream information.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    AudioStreamSet Array of MediaAudioStreamItem Audio stream information.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    VideoDuration Float Video duration in seconds.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    AudioDuration Float Audio duration in seconds.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Result type of adaptive bitrate streaming task

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Status String Task status. Valid values: PROCESSING, SUCCESS, FAIL.
    ErrCodeExt String The error code. An empty string indicates the task is successful; any other value returned indicates the task failed. For details, see Error Codes.
    ErrCode Integer Error code. 0 indicates the task is successful; otherwise it is failed. This parameter is no longer recommended. Consider using the new error code parameter ErrCodeExt.
    Message String Error message.
    Input AdaptiveDynamicStreamingTaskInput Input of an adaptive bitrate streaming task.
    Output AdaptiveDynamicStreamingInfoItem Output of an adaptive bitrate streaming task.
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Result type of an animated image generating task

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Status String Task status. Valid values: PROCESSING, SUCCESS, FAIL.
    ErrCodeExt String The error code. An empty string indicates the task is successful; any other value returned indicates the task failed. For details, see Error Codes.
    ErrCode Integer Error code. 0 indicates the task is successful; otherwise it is failed. This parameter is no longer recommended. Consider using the new error code parameter ErrCodeExt.
    Message String Error message.
    Input AnimatedGraphicTaskInput Input for an animated image generating task.
    Output MediaAnimatedGraphicsItem Output of an animated image generating task.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Result type of an image sprite generating task

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Status String Task status. Valid values: PROCESSING, SUCCESS, FAIL.
    ErrCodeExt String The error code. An empty string indicates the task is successful; any other value returned indicates the task failed. For details, see Error Codes.
    ErrCode Integer Error code. 0 indicates the task is successful; otherwise it is failed. This parameter is no longer recommended. Consider using the new error code parameter ErrCodeExt.
    Message String Error message.
    Input ImageSpriteTaskInput Input for an image sprite generating task.
    Output MediaImageSpriteItem Output of an image sprite generating task.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    The type of media processing task.

    Used by actions: CreateWorkflow, DescribeWorkflows, ProcessMedia, ResetWorkflow.

    Name Type Required Description
    TranscodeTaskSet Array of TranscodeTaskInput No List of transcoding tasks.
    AnimatedGraphicTaskSet Array of AnimatedGraphicTaskInput No List of animated image generating tasks.
    SnapshotByTimeOffsetTaskSet Array of SnapshotByTimeOffsetTaskInput No List of time point screencapturing tasks.
    SampleSnapshotTaskSet Array of SampleSnapshotTaskInput No List of sampled screencapturing tasks.
    ImageSpriteTaskSet Array of ImageSpriteTaskInput No List of image sprite generating tasks.
    AdaptiveDynamicStreamingTaskSet Array of AdaptiveDynamicStreamingTaskInput No List of adaptive bitrate streaming tasks.


    Query result type of a task

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Type String Task type. Valid values:
  • Transcode: Transcoding
  • AnimatedGraphics: Animated image generating
  • SnapshotByTimeOffset: Time point screencapturing
  • SampleSnapshot: Sampled screencapturing
  • ImageSprites: Image sprite generating
  • CoverBySnapshot: Screencapturing for cover image
  • AdaptiveDynamicStreaming: Adaptive bitrate streaming
  • TranscodeTask MediaProcessTaskTranscodeResult Query result of a transcoding task, which is valid when task type is Transcode.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    AnimatedGraphicTask MediaProcessTaskAnimatedGraphicResult Query result of an animated image generating task, which is valid when task type is AnimatedGraphics.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    SnapshotByTimeOffsetTask MediaProcessTaskSnapshotByTimeOffsetResult Query result of a time point screencapturing task, which is valid when task type is SnapshotByTimeOffset.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    SampleSnapshotTask MediaProcessTaskSampleSnapshotResult Query result of a sampled screencapturing task, which is valid when task type is SampleSnapshot.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ImageSpriteTask MediaProcessTaskImageSpriteResult Query result of an image sprite generating task, which is valid when task type is ImageSprite.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    AdaptiveDynamicStreamingTask MediaProcessTaskAdaptiveDynamicStreamingResult Query result of an adaptive bitrate streaming task, which is valid if the task type is AdaptiveDynamicStreaming.
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Result type of a sampled screencapturing task

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Status String Task status. Valid values: PROCESSING, SUCCESS, FAIL.
    ErrCodeExt String The error code. An empty string indicates the task is successful; any other value returned indicates the task failed. For details, see Error Codes.
    ErrCode Integer Error code. 0 indicates the task is successful; otherwise it is failed. This parameter is no longer recommended. Consider using the new error code parameter ErrCodeExt.
    Message String Error message.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Input SampleSnapshotTaskInput Input for a sampled screencapturing task.
    Output MediaSampleSnapshotItem Output of a sampled screencapturing task.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Result type of a time point screencapturing task

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Status String Task status. Valid values: PROCESSING, SUCCESS, FAIL.
    ErrCodeExt String The error code. An empty string indicates the task is successful; any other value returned indicates the task failed. For details, see Error Codes.
    ErrCode Integer Error code. 0 indicates the task is successful; otherwise it is failed. This parameter is no longer recommended. Consider using the new error code parameter ErrCodeExt.
    Message String Error message.
    Input SnapshotByTimeOffsetTaskInput Input for a time point screencapturing task.
    Output MediaSnapshotByTimeOffsetItem Output of a time point screencapturing task.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Result type of a transcoding task

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Status String Task status. Valid values: PROCESSING, SUCCESS, FAIL.
    ErrCodeExt String The error code. An empty string indicates the task is successful; any other value returned indicates the task failed. For details, see Error Codes.
    ErrCode Integer Error code. 0 indicates the task is successful; otherwise it is failed. This parameter is no longer recommended. Consider using the new error code parameter ErrCodeExt.
    Message String Error message.
    Input TranscodeTaskInput Input for a transcoding task.
    Output MediaTranscodeItem Output of a transcoding task.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Progress Integer Transcoding progress. Value range: 0-100
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.


    Information of a sampled screenshot

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Definition Integer Sampled screenshot specification ID. For more information, please see Sampled Screencapturing Parameter Template.
    SampleType String Sample type. Valid values:
  • Percent: Samples at the specified percentage interval.
  • Time: Samples at the specified time interval.
  • Interval Integer Sampling interval
  • If SampleType is Percent, this value means taking a screenshot at an interval of the specified percentage.
  • If SampleType is Time, this value means taking a screenshot at an interval of the specified time (in seconds). The first screenshot is always the first video frame.
  • Storage TaskOutputStorage Storage location of a generated screenshot file.
    ImagePathSet Array of String List of paths to generated screenshots.
    WaterMarkDefinition Array of Integer List of watermarking template IDs if the screenshots are watermarked.


    Information of the time point screenshots in a VOD file

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Definition Integer Specification of a time point screenshot. For more information, please see Parameter Template for Time Point Screencapturing.
    PicInfoSet Array of MediaSnapshotByTimePicInfoItem Information set of screenshots of the same specification. Each element represents a screenshot.
    Storage TaskOutputStorage Location of a time point screenshot file.


    Information of a time point screenshot

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    TimeOffset Float The timestamp (seconds) of the screenshot.
    Path String Path to the screenshot.
    WaterMarkDefinition Array of Integer List of watermarking template IDs if the screenshots are watermarked.


    Transcoding information

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    OutputStorage TaskOutputStorage Target bucket of an output file.
    Path String Path to an output video file.
    Definition Integer Transcoding specification ID. For more information, please see Transcoding Parameter Template.
    Bitrate Integer Sum of the average bitrate of a video stream and that of an audio stream in bps.
    Height Integer Maximum value of the height of a video stream in px.
    Width Integer Maximum value of the width of a video stream in px.
    Size Integer Total size of a media file in bytes (which is the sum of size of m3u8 and ts files if the video is in HLS format).
    Duration Float Video duration in seconds.
    Container String Container, such as m4a and mp4.
    Md5 String MD5 value of a video.
    AudioStreamSet Array of MediaAudioStreamItem Audio stream information.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    VideoStreamSet Array of MediaVideoStreamItem Video stream information.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Information of the video stream in a VOD file

    Used by actions: DescribeMediaMetaData, DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Bitrate Integer Bitrate of a video stream in bps.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Height Integer Height of a video stream in px.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Width Integer Width of a video stream in px.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Codec String Video stream codec, such as h264.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Fps Integer Frame rate in Hz.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ColorPrimaries String Color primaries
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
    ColorSpace String Color space
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
    ColorTransfer String Color transfer
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
    HdrType String HDR type
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.


    The mosaic effect parameters to use in a media processing task.

    Used by actions: CreateWorkflow, ProcessMedia, ResetWorkflow.

    Name Type Required Description
    CoordinateOrigin String No Origin position, which currently can only be:
  • TopLeft: the origin of coordinates is in the top-left corner of the video, and the origin of the blur is in the top-left corner of the image or text.

  • Default value: TopLeft.
    XPos String No The horizontal position of the origin of the blur relative to the origin of coordinates of the video. % and px formats are supported:
  • If the string ends in %, the XPos of the blur will be the specified percentage of the video width; for example, 10% means that XPos is 10% of the video width;
  • If the string ends in px, the XPos of the blur will be the specified px; for example, 100px means that XPos is 100 px.

  • Default value: 0 px.
    YPos String No Vertical position of the origin of blur relative to the origin of coordinates of video. % and px formats are supported:
  • If the string ends in %, the YPos of the blur will be the specified percentage of the video height; for example, 10% means that YPos is 10% of the video height;
  • If the string ends in px, the YPos of the blur will be the specified px; for example, 100px means that YPos is 100 px.

  • Default value: 0 px.
    Width String No Blur width. % and px formats are supported:
  • If the string ends in %, the Width of the blur will be the specified percentage of the video width; for example, 10% means that Width is 10% of the video width;
  • If the string ends in px, the Width of the blur will be in px; for example, 100px means that Width is 100 px.

  • Default value: 10%.
    Height String No Blur height. % and px formats are supported:
  • If the string ends in %, the Height of the blur will be the specified percentage of the video height; for example, 10% means that Height is 10% of the video height;
  • If the string ends in px, the Height of the blur will be in px; for example, 100px means that Height is 100 px.

  • Default value: 10%.
    StartTimeOffset Float No Start time offset of blur in seconds. If this parameter is left empty or 0 is entered, the blur will appear upon the first video frame.
  • If this parameter is left empty or 0 is entered, the blur will appear upon the first video frame;
  • If this value is greater than 0 (e.g., n), the blur will appear at second n after the first video frame;
  • If this value is smaller than 0 (e.g., -n), the blur will appear at second n before the last video frame.
  • EndTimeOffset Float No End time offset of blur in seconds.
  • If this parameter is left empty or 0 is entered, the blur will exist till the last video frame;
  • If this value is greater than 0 (e.g., n), the blur will exist till second n;
  • If this value is smaller than 0 (e.g., -n), the blur will exist till second n before the last video frame.
  • NumberFormat

    Rule of the {number} variable in the output file name.

    Used by actions: CreateWorkflow, ProcessMedia, ResetWorkflow.

    Name Type Required Description
    InitialValue Integer No Start value of the {number} variable. Default value: 0.
    Increment Integer No Increment of the {number} variable. Default value: 1.
    MinLength Integer No Minimum length of the {number} variable. A placeholder will be used if the variable length is below the minimum requirement. Default value: 1.
    PlaceHolder String No Placeholder used when the {number} variable length is below the minimum requirement. Default value: 0.


    Control parameter of a full text recognition task

    Used by actions: CreateAIRecognitionTemplate, DescribeAIRecognitionTemplates.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Switch of a full text recognition task. Valid values:
  • ON: Enables an intelligent full text recognition task;
  • OFF: Disables an intelligent full text recognition task.
  • OcrFullTextConfigureInfoForUpdate

    Control parameter of a full text recognition task

    Used by actions: ModifyAIRecognitionTemplate.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String No Switch of a full text recognition task. Valid values:
  • ON: Enables an intelligent full text recognition task;
  • OFF: Disables an intelligent full text recognition task.
  • OcrWordsConfigureInfo

    Text keyword recognition control parameter.

    Used by actions: CreateAIRecognitionTemplate, DescribeAIRecognitionTemplates.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Switch of a text keyword recognition task. Valid values:
  • ON: Enables a text keyword recognition task;
  • OFF: Disables a text keyword recognition task.
  • LabelSet Array of String No Keyword filter tag, which specifies the keyword tag that needs to be returned. If this parameter is left empty, all results will be returned.
    There can be up to 10 tags, each with a length limit of 16 characters.


    Text keyword recognition control parameter.

    Used by actions: ModifyAIRecognitionTemplate.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String No Switch of a text keyword recognition task. Valid values:
  • ON: Enables a text keyword recognition task;
  • OFF: Disables a text keyword recognition task.
  • LabelSet Array of String No Keyword filter tag, which specifies the keyword tag that needs to be returned. If this parameter is left empty, all results will be returned.
    There can be up to 10 tags, each with a length limit of 16 characters.


    Custom specification parameters for video processing, which are used to override corresponding parameters in templates.

    Used by actions: CreateWorkflow, ProcessMedia, ResetWorkflow.

    Name Type Required Description
    Container String No Container format. Valid values: mp4, flv, hls, mp3, flac, ogg, and m4a; mp3, flac, ogg, and m4a are formats of audio files.
    RemoveVideo Integer No Whether to remove video data. Valid values:
  • 0: retain
  • 1: remove
  • RemoveAudio Integer No Whether to remove audio data. Valid values:
  • 0: retain
  • 1: remove
  • VideoTemplate VideoTemplateInfoForUpdate No Video stream configuration parameter.
    AudioTemplate AudioTemplateInfoForUpdate No Audio stream configuration parameter.
    TEHDConfig TEHDConfigForUpdate No The TSC transcoding parameters.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    SubtitleTemplate SubtitleTemplate No The subtitle settings.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    AddonAudioStream Array of MediaInputInfo No The information of the external audio track to add.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    StdExtInfo String No An extended field for transcoding.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    AddOnSubtitles Array of AddOnSubtitle No The subtitle file to add.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    The parameters for detecting sensitive information based on ASR.

    Used by actions: CreateContentReviewTemplate, DescribeContentReviewTemplates.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Whether to detect sensitive information based on ASR. Valid values:
  • ON
  • OFF
  • BlockConfidence Integer No Threshold score for violation. If this score is reached or exceeded during intelligent audit, it will be deemed that a suspected violation has occurred. If this parameter is left empty, 100 will be used by default. Value range: 0-100.
    ReviewConfidence Integer No Threshold score for human audit. If this score is reached or exceeded during intelligent audit, human audit will be considered necessary. If this parameter is left empty, 75 will be used by default. Value range: 0-100.


    The parameters for detecting sensitive information based on ASR.

    Used by actions: ModifyContentReviewTemplate.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String No Whether to detect sensitive information based on ASR. Valid values:
  • ON
  • OFF
  • BlockConfidence Integer No Threshold score for violation. If this score is reached or exceeded during intelligent audit, it will be deemed that a suspected violation has occurred. Value range: 0-100.
    ReviewConfidence Integer No Threshold score for human audit. If this score is reached or exceeded during intelligent audit, human audit will be considered necessary. Value range: 0-100.


    The parameters for detecting sensitive information.

    Used by actions: CreateContentReviewTemplate, DescribeContentReviewTemplates.

    Name Type Required Description
    ImgReviewInfo PoliticalImgReviewTemplateInfo No The parameters for detecting sensitive information in images.
    AsrReviewInfo PoliticalAsrReviewTemplateInfo No The parameters for detecting sensitive information based on ASR.
    OcrReviewInfo PoliticalOcrReviewTemplateInfo No The parameters for detecting sensitive information based on OCR.


    The parameters for detecting sensitive information.

    Used by actions: ModifyContentReviewTemplate.

    Name Type Required Description
    ImgReviewInfo PoliticalImgReviewTemplateInfoForUpdate No The parameters for detecting sensitive information in images.
    AsrReviewInfo PoliticalAsrReviewTemplateInfoForUpdate No The parameters for detecting sensitive information based on ASR.
    OcrReviewInfo PoliticalOcrReviewTemplateInfoForUpdate No The parameters for detecting sensitive information based on OCR.


    The parameters for detecting sensitive information in images.

    Used by actions: CreateContentReviewTemplate, DescribeContentReviewTemplates.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Whether to detect sensitive information in images. Valid values:
  • ON
  • OFF
  • LabelSet Array of String No The filter labels for sensitive information detection in images, which specify the types of sensitive information to return. If this parameter is left empty, the detection results for all labels are returned. Valid values:
  • violation_photo (banned icons)
  • politician
  • entertainment (people in the entertainment industry)
  • sport (people in the sports industry)
  • entrepreneur
  • scholar
  • celebrity
  • military (people in military)
  • BlockConfidence Integer No Threshold score for violation. If this score is reached or exceeded during intelligent audit, it will be deemed that a suspected violation has occurred. If this parameter is left empty, 97 will be used by default. Value range: 0-100.
    ReviewConfidence Integer No Threshold score for human audit. If this score is reached or exceeded during intelligent audit, human audit will be considered necessary. If this parameter is left empty, 95 will be used by default. Value range: 0-100.


    The parameters for detecting sensitive information in images.

    Used by actions: ModifyContentReviewTemplate.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String No Whether to detect sensitive information in images. Valid values:
  • ON
  • OFF
  • LabelSet Array of String No The filter labels for sensitive information detection in images, which specify the types of sensitive information to return. If this parameter is left empty, the detection results for all labels are returned. Valid values:
  • violation_photo (banned icons)
  • politician
  • entertainment (people in the entertainment industry)
  • sport (people in the sports industry)
  • entrepreneur
  • scholar
  • celebrity
  • military (people in military)
  • BlockConfidence Integer No Threshold score for violation. If this score is reached or exceeded during intelligent audit, it will be deemed that a suspected violation has occurred. Value range: 0-100.
    ReviewConfidence Integer No Threshold score for human audit. If this score is reached or exceeded during intelligent audit, human audit will be considered necessary. Value range: 0-100.


    The parameters for detecting sensitive information based on OCR.

    Used by actions: CreateContentReviewTemplate, DescribeContentReviewTemplates.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Whether to detect sensitive information based on OCR. Valid values:
  • ON
  • OFF
  • BlockConfidence Integer No Threshold score for violation. If this score is reached or exceeded during intelligent audit, it will be deemed that a suspected violation has occurred. If this parameter is left empty, 100 will be used by default. Value range: 0-100.
    ReviewConfidence Integer No Threshold score for human audit. If this score is reached or exceeded during intelligent audit, human audit will be considered necessary. If this parameter is left empty, 75 will be used by default. Value range: 0-100.


    The parameters for detecting sensitive information based on OCR.

    Used by actions: ModifyContentReviewTemplate.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String No Whether to detect sensitive information based on OCR. Valid values:
  • ON
  • OFF
  • BlockConfidence Integer No Threshold score for violation. If this score is reached or exceeded during intelligent audit, it will be deemed that a suspected violation has occurred. Value range: 0-100.
    ReviewConfidence Integer No Threshold score for human audit. If this score is reached or exceeded during intelligent audit, human audit will be considered necessary. Value range: 0-100.


    Control parameter of a porn information detection in speech task

    Used by actions: CreateContentReviewTemplate, DescribeContentReviewTemplates.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Switch of a porn information detection in speech task. Valid values:
  • ON: Enables a porn information detection in speech task;
  • OFF: Disables a porn information detection in speech task.
  • BlockConfidence Integer No Threshold score for violation. If this score is reached or exceeded during intelligent audit, it will be deemed that a suspected violation has occurred. If this parameter is left empty, 100 will be used by default. Value range: 0-100.
    ReviewConfidence Integer No Threshold score for human audit. If this score is reached or exceeded during intelligent audit, human audit will be considered necessary. If this parameter is left empty, 75 will be used by default. Value range: 0-100.


    Control parameter of a porn information detection in speech task.

    Used by actions: ModifyContentReviewTemplate.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String No Switch of a porn information detection in speech task. Valid values:
  • ON: Enables a porn information detection in speech task;
  • OFF: Disables a porn information detection in speech task.
  • BlockConfidence Integer No Threshold score for violation. If this score is reached or exceeded during intelligent audit, it will be deemed that a suspected violation has occurred. Value range: 0-100.
    ReviewConfidence Integer No Threshold score for human audit. If this score is reached or exceeded during intelligent audit, human audit will be considered necessary. Value range: 0-100.


    Control parameter of a porn information detection task

    Used by actions: CreateContentReviewTemplate, DescribeContentReviewTemplates.

    Name Type Required Description
    ImgReviewInfo PornImgReviewTemplateInfo No Control parameter of porn information detection in image.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    AsrReviewInfo PornAsrReviewTemplateInfo No Control parameter of porn information detection in speech.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    OcrReviewInfo PornOcrReviewTemplateInfo No Control parameter of porn information detection in text.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Control parameter of a porn information detection task.

    Used by actions: ModifyContentReviewTemplate.

    Name Type Required Description
    ImgReviewInfo PornImgReviewTemplateInfoForUpdate No Control parameter of porn information detection in image.
    AsrReviewInfo PornAsrReviewTemplateInfoForUpdate No Control parameter of porn information detection in speech.
    OcrReviewInfo PornOcrReviewTemplateInfoForUpdate No Control parameter of porn information detection in text.


    Control parameter of a porn information detection in image task

    Used by actions: CreateContentReviewTemplate, DescribeContentReviewTemplates.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Switch of a porn information detection in image task. Valid values:
  • ON: Enables a porn information detection in image task;
  • OFF: Disables a porn information detection in image task.
  • LabelSet Array of String No Filter tag for porn information detection in image. If an audit result contains the selected tag, it will be returned; if the filter tag is empty, all audit results will be returned. Valid values:
  • porn: Porn;
  • vulgar: Vulgarity;
  • intimacy: Intimacy;
  • sexy: Sexiness.
  • BlockConfidence Integer No Threshold score for violation. If this score is reached or exceeded during intelligent audit, it will be deemed that a suspected violation has occurred. If this parameter is left empty, 90 will be used by default. Value range: 0-100.
    ReviewConfidence Integer No Threshold score for human audit. If this score is reached or exceeded during intelligent audit, human audit will be considered necessary. If this parameter is left empty, 0 will be used by default. Value range: 0-100.


    Control parameter of a porn information detection in image task.

    Used by actions: ModifyContentReviewTemplate.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String No Switch of a porn information detection in image task. Valid values:
  • ON: Enables a porn information detection in image task;
  • OFF: Disables a porn information detection in image task.
  • LabelSet Array of String No Filter tag for porn information detection in image. If an audit result contains the selected tag, it will be returned; if the filter tag is empty, all audit results will be returned. Valid values:
  • porn: Porn;
  • vulgar: Vulgarity;
  • intimacy: Intimacy;
  • sexy: Sexiness.
  • BlockConfidence Integer No Threshold score for violation. If this score is reached or exceeded during intelligent audit, it will be deemed that a suspected violation has occurred. Value range: 0-100.
    ReviewConfidence Integer No Threshold score for human audit. If this score is reached or exceeded during intelligent audit, human audit will be considered necessary. Value range: 0-100.


    Control parameter of a porn information detection in text task

    Used by actions: CreateContentReviewTemplate, DescribeContentReviewTemplates.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Switch of a porn information detection in text task. Valid values:
  • ON: Enables a porn information detection in text task;
  • OFF: Disables a porn information detection in text task.
  • BlockConfidence Integer No Threshold score for violation. If this score is reached or exceeded during intelligent audit, it will be deemed that a suspected violation has occurred. If this parameter is left empty, 100 will be used by default. Value range: 0-100.
    ReviewConfidence Integer No Threshold score for human audit. If this score is reached or exceeded during intelligent audit, human audit will be considered necessary. If this parameter is left empty, 75 will be used by default. Value range: 0-100.


    Control parameter of a porn information detection in text task.

    Used by actions: ModifyContentReviewTemplate.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String No Switch of a porn information detection in text task. Valid values:
  • ON: Enables a porn information detection in text task;
  • OFF: Disables a porn information detection in text task.
  • BlockConfidence Integer No Threshold score for violation. If this score is reached or exceeded during intelligent audit, it will be deemed that a suspected violation has occurred. Value range: 0-100.
    ReviewConfidence Integer No Threshold score for human audit. If this score is reached or exceeded during intelligent audit, human audit will be considered necessary. Value range: 0-100.


    Control parameter of prohibited information detection in speech task

    Used by actions: CreateContentReviewTemplate, DescribeContentReviewTemplates.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Switch of prohibited information detection in speech task. Valid values:
  • ON: enables prohibited information detection in speech task;
  • OFF: disables prohibited information detection in speech task.
  • BlockConfidence Integer No Threshold score for violation. If this score is reached or exceeded during intelligent audit, it will be deemed that a suspected violation has occurred. If this parameter is left empty, 100 will be used by default. Value range: 0–100.
    ReviewConfidence Integer No Threshold score for human audit. If this score is reached or exceeded during intelligent audit, human audit will be considered necessary. If this parameter is left empty, 75 will be used by default. Value range: 0–100.


    Control parameter of prohibited information detection in speech task

    Used by actions: ModifyContentReviewTemplate.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String No Switch of prohibited information detection in speech task. Valid values:
  • ON: enables prohibited information detection in speech task;
  • OFF: disables prohibited information detection in speech task.
  • BlockConfidence Integer No Threshold score for violation. If this score is reached or exceeded during intelligent audit, it will be deemed that a suspected violation has occurred. If this parameter is left empty, 100 will be used by default. Value range: 0–100.
    ReviewConfidence Integer No Threshold score for human audit. If this score is reached or exceeded during intelligent audit, human audit will be considered necessary. If this parameter is left empty, 75 will be used by default. Value range: 0–100.


    Control parameter of prohibited information detection task

    Used by actions: CreateContentReviewTemplate, DescribeContentReviewTemplates.

    Name Type Required Description
    AsrReviewInfo ProhibitedAsrReviewTemplateInfo No Control parameter of prohibited information detection in speech.
    OcrReviewInfo ProhibitedOcrReviewTemplateInfo No Control parameter of prohibited information detection in text.


    Control parameter of prohibited information detection task

    Used by actions: ModifyContentReviewTemplate.

    Name Type Required Description
    AsrReviewInfo ProhibitedAsrReviewTemplateInfoForUpdate No Control parameter of prohibited information detection in speech.
    OcrReviewInfo ProhibitedOcrReviewTemplateInfoForUpdate No Control parameter of prohibited information detection in text.


    Control parameter of prohibited information detection in text task

    Used by actions: CreateContentReviewTemplate, DescribeContentReviewTemplates.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Switch of prohibited information detection in text task. Valid values:
  • ON: enables prohibited information detection in text task;
  • OFF: disables prohibited information detection in text task.
  • BlockConfidence Integer No Threshold score for violation. If this score is reached or exceeded during intelligent audit, it will be deemed that a suspected violation has occurred. If this parameter is left empty, 100 will be used by default. Value range: 0–100.
    ReviewConfidence Integer No Threshold score for human audit. If this score is reached or exceeded during intelligent audit, human audit will be considered necessary. If this parameter is left empty, 75 will be used by default. Value range: 0–100.


    Control parameter of prohibited information detection in text task

    Used by actions: ModifyContentReviewTemplate.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String No Switch of prohibited information detection in text task. Valid values:
  • ON: enables prohibited information detection in text task;
  • OFF: disables prohibited information detection in text task.
  • BlockConfidence Integer No Threshold score for violation. If this score is reached or exceeded during intelligent audit, it will be deemed that a suspected violation has occurred. If this parameter is left empty, 100 will be used by default. Value range: 0–100.
    ReviewConfidence Integer No Threshold score for human audit. If this score is reached or exceeded during intelligent audit, human audit will be considered necessary. If this parameter is left empty, 75 will be used by default. Value range: 0–100.


    The quality check output.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    NoAudio Boolean Whether there is an audio track. true indicates that there isn't.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    NoVideo Boolean Whether there is a video track. true indicates that there isn't.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    QualityEvaluationScore Integer The no-reference video quality score. Value range: 0-100.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    QualityControlResultSet Array of QualityControlResult The issues detected by quality control.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    The information of a checked segment in quality control.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Confidence Integer The confidence score. Value range: 0-100.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    StartTimeOffset Float The start timestamp (second) of the segment.
    EndTimeOffset Float The end timestamp (second) of the segment.
    AreaCoordSet Array of Integer The coordinates (px) of the top left and bottom right corner.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    The issues detected by quality control.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Type String The issue type. Valid values:
    HighLighting (overexposure)
    CrashScreen (video corruption)
    SolidColorScreen (blank screen)
    Mosaic (pixelation)
    AppletCode (Weixin Mini Program code)
    LowEvaluation (low no-reference video quality score)
    QualityControlItems Array of QualityControlItem The information of a checked segment in quality control.


    Input parameter of image watermark template

    Used by actions: CreateWorkflow, ProcessMedia, ResetWorkflow.

    Name Type Required Description
    ImageContent MediaInputInfo Yes Input content of watermark image. JPEG and PNG images are supported.
    Width String No Watermark width. % and px formats are supported:
  • If the string ends in %, the Width of the watermark will be the specified percentage of the video width; for example, 10% means that Width is 10% of the video width;
  • If the string ends in px, the Width of the watermark will be in px; for example, 100px means that Width is 100 px.

  • Default value: 10%.
    Height String No Watermark height. % and px formats are supported:
  • If the string ends in %, the Height of the watermark will be the specified percentage of the video height; for example, 10% means that Height is 10% of the video height;
  • If the string ends in px, the Height of the watermark will be in px; for example, 100px means that Height is 100 px.

  • Default value: 0 px, which means that Height will be proportionally scaled according to the aspect ratio of the original watermark image.
    RepeatType String No Repeat type of an animated watermark. Valid values:
  • once: no longer appears after watermark playback ends.
  • repeat_last_frame: stays on the last frame after watermark playback ends.
  • repeat (default): repeats the playback until the video ends.
  • RawTranscodeParameter

    Specifications for custom transcoding

    Used by actions: CreateWorkflow, ProcessMedia, ResetWorkflow.

    Name Type Required Description
    Container String Yes Container. Valid values: mp4; flv; hls; mp3; flac; ogg; m4a. Among them, mp3, flac, ogg, and m4a are for audio files.
    RemoveVideo Integer No Whether to remove video data. Valid values:
  • 0: retain;
  • 1: remove.

  • Default value: 0.
    RemoveAudio Integer No Whether to remove audio data. Valid values:
  • 0: retain;
  • 1: remove.

  • Default value: 0.
    VideoTemplate VideoTemplateInfo No Video stream configuration parameter. This field is required when RemoveVideo is 0.
    AudioTemplate AudioTemplateInfo No Audio stream configuration parameter. This field is required when RemoveAudio is 0.
    TEHDConfig TEHDConfig No TESHD transcoding parameter.


    Custom watermark specifications.

    Used by actions: CreateWorkflow, ProcessMedia, ResetWorkflow.

    Name Type Required Description
    Type String Yes Watermark type. Valid values:
  • image: image watermark.
  • CoordinateOrigin String No Origin position, which currently can only be:
  • TopLeft: the origin of coordinates is in the top-left corner of the video, and the origin of the watermark is in the top-left corner of the image or text.

  • Default value: TopLeft.
    XPos String No The horizontal position of the origin of the watermark relative to the origin of coordinates of the video. % and px formats are supported:
  • If the string ends in %, the XPos of the watermark will be the specified percentage of the video width; for example, 10% means that XPos is 10% of the video width;
  • If the string ends in px, the XPos of the watermark will be the specified px; for example, 100px means that XPos is 100 px.

  • Default value: 0 px.
    YPos String No The vertical position of the origin of the watermark relative to the origin of coordinates of the video. % and px formats are supported:
  • If the string ends in %, the YPos of the watermark will be the specified percentage of the video height; for example, 10% means that YPos is 10% of the video height;
  • If the string ends in px, the YPos of the watermark will be the specified px; for example, 100px means that YPos is 100 px.

  • Default value: 0 px.
    ImageTemplate RawImageWatermarkInput No Image watermark template. This field is required when Type is image and is invalid when Type is text.


    The AWS S3 storage information of a source file.

    Used by actions: DescribeMediaMetaData, EditMedia, ProcessMedia.

    Name Type Required Description
    S3Bucket String Yes The AWS S3 bucket.
    S3Region String Yes The region of the AWS S3 bucket.
    S3Object String Yes The path of the AWS S3 object.
    S3SecretId String No The key ID required to access the AWS S3 object.
    S3SecretKey String No The key required to access the AWS S3 object.


    The AWS S3 storage information of an output file.

    Used by actions: CreateSchedule, CreateWorkflow, EditMedia, ModifySchedule, ProcessLiveStream, ProcessMedia, ResetWorkflow.

    Name Type Required Description
    S3Bucket String Yes The AWS S3 bucket.
    S3Region String Yes The region of the AWS S3 bucket.
    S3SecretId String No The key ID required to upload files to the AWS S3 object.
    S3SecretKey String No The key required to upload files to the AWS S3 object.


    Input parameter type of a sampled screencapturing task.

    Used by actions: CreateSchedule, CreateWorkflow, DescribeTaskDetail, ModifySchedule, ParseNotification, ProcessMedia, ResetWorkflow.

    Name Type Required Description
    Definition Integer Yes Sampled screencapturing template ID.
    WatermarkSet Array of WatermarkInput No List of up to 10 image or text watermarks.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    OutputStorage TaskOutputStorage No Target bucket of a sampled screenshot. If this parameter is left empty, the OutputStorage value of the upper folder will be inherited.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    OutputObjectPath String No Output path to a generated sampled screenshot, which can be a relative path or an absolute path. If this parameter is left empty, the following relative path will be used by default: {inputName}_sampleSnapshot_{definition}_{number}.{format}.
    ObjectNumberFormat NumberFormat No Rule of the {number} variable in the sampled screenshot output path.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Details of a sampled screencapturing template

    Used by actions: DescribeSampleSnapshotTemplates.

    Name Type Description
    Definition Integer Unique ID of a sampled screencapturing template.
    Type String Template type. Valid values:
  • Preset: Preset template;
  • Custom: Custom template.
  • Name String Name of a sampled screencapturing template.
    Comment String Template description.
    Width Integer Maximum value of the width (or long side) of a screenshot in px. Value range: 0 and [128, 4,096].
  • If both Width and Height are 0, the resolution will be the same as that of the source video;
  • If Width is 0, but Height is not 0, Width will be proportionally scaled;
  • If Width is not 0, but Height is 0, Height will be proportionally scaled;
  • If both Width and Height are not 0, the custom resolution will be used.

  • Default value: 0.
    Height Integer Maximum value of the height (or short side) of a screenshot in px. Value range: 0 and [128, 4,096].
  • If both Width and Height are 0, the resolution will be the same as that of the source video;
  • If Width is 0, but Height is not 0, Width will be proportionally scaled;
  • If Width is not 0, but Height is 0, Height will be proportionally scaled;
  • If both Width and Height are not 0, the custom resolution will be used.

  • Default value: 0.
    ResolutionAdaptive String Resolution adaption. Valid values:
  • open: Enabled. In this case, Width represents the long side of a video, while Height the short side;
  • close: Disabled. In this case, Width represents the width of a video, while Height the height.

  • Default value: open.
    Format String Image format.
    SampleType String Sampled screencapturing type.
    SampleInterval Integer Sampling interval.
    CreateTime String Creation time of a template in ISO date format.
    UpdateTime String Last modified time of a template in ISO date format.
    FillType String Fill type. "Fill" refers to the way of processing a screenshot when its aspect ratio is different from that of the source video. The following fill types are supported:
  • stretch: Stretch. The screenshot will be stretched frame by frame to match the aspect ratio of the source video, which may make the screenshot "shorter" or "longer";
  • black: Fill with black. This option retains the aspect ratio of the source video for the screenshot and fills the unmatched area with black color blocks.
  • white: Fill with white. This option retains the aspect ratio of the source video for the screenshot and fills the unmatched area with white color blocks.
  • gauss: Fill with Gaussian blur. This option retains the aspect ratio of the source video for the screenshot and fills the unmatched area with Gaussian blur.

  • Default value: black.


    The result of a content analysis task of a scheme.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Status String The task status. Valid values: PROCESSING, SUCCESS, FAIL.
    ErrCodeExt String The error code. An empty string indicates the task is successful; any other value returned indicates the task has failed. For details, see Error Codes.
    ErrCode Integer The error code. 0 indicates the task is successful; other values indicate the task has failed. This parameter is not recommended. Please use ErrCodeExt instead.
    Message String The error message.
    Input AiAnalysisTaskInput The input of the content analysis task.
    Output Array of AiAnalysisResult The output of the content analysis task.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    The result of a quality control task.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Status String The task status. Valid values: PROCESSING, SUCCESS, FAIL.
    ErrCodeExt String The error code. An empty string indicates the task is successful; any other value indicates the task has failed. For details, see Error Codes.
    ErrCode Integer The error code. 0 indicates the task is successful; other values indicate the task has failed. This parameter is not recommended. Please use ErrCodeExt instead.
    Message String The error message.
    Input AiQualityControlTaskInput The input of the quality control task.
    Output QualityControlData The output of the quality control task.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    The result of a content recognition task of a scheme.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Status String The task status. Valid values: PROCESSING, SUCCESS, FAIL.
    ErrCodeExt String The error code. An empty string indicates the task is successful; any other value returned indicates the task has failed. For details, see Error Codes.
    ErrCode Integer The error code. 0 indicates the task is successful; other values indicate the task has failed. This parameter is not recommended. Please use ErrCodeExt instead.
    Message String The error message.
    Input AiRecognitionTaskInput The input of the content recognition task.
    Output Array of AiRecognitionResult The output of the content recognition task.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    The result of a content moderation task of a scheme.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    Status String The task status. Valid values: PROCESSING, SUCCESS, FAIL.
    ErrCodeExt String The error code. An empty string indicates the task is successful; any other value returned indicates the task has failed. For details, see Error Codes.
    ErrCode Integer The error code. 0 indicates the task is successful; other values indicate the task has failed. This parameter is not recommended. Please use ErrCodeExt instead.
    Message String The error message.
    Input AiContentReviewTaskInput The input of the content moderation task.
    Output Array of AiContentReviewResult The output of the content moderation task.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    The information of a scheme.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    TaskId String The scheme ID.
    Status String The scheme status. Valid values:
  • ErrCode Integer If the value returned is not 0, there was a source error. If 0 is returned, refer to the error codes of the corresponding task type.
    Message String If there was a source error, this parameter is the error message. For other errors, refer to the error messages of the corresponding task type.
    InputInfo MediaInputInfo The information of the file processed.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    MetaData MediaMetaData The metadata of the source video.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ActivityResultSet Array of ActivityResult The output of the scheme.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    The details of a scheme.

    Used by actions: DescribeSchedules.

    Name Type Description
    ScheduleId Integer The scheme ID.
    ScheduleName String The scheme name.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Type String The scheme type. Valid values:
  • Preset
  • Custom

  • Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Status String The scheme status. Valid values:
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Trigger WorkflowTrigger The trigger of the scheme.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Activities Array of Activity The subtasks of the scheme.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    OutputStorage TaskOutputStorage The bucket to save the output file.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    OutputDir String The directory to save the output file.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    TaskNotifyConfig TaskNotifyConfig The notification configuration.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    CreateTime String The creation time in ISO date format.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    UpdateTime String The last updated time in ISO date format.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Banding removal configuration.

    Used by actions: CreateTranscodeTemplate, ModifyTranscodeTemplate.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String No Whether to enable the feature. Valid values:
  • ON
  • OFF

  • Default value: ON.
    Intensity Float No The strength. Value range: 0.0-1.0
    Default value: 0.0
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Detail enhancement configuration.

    Used by actions: CreateTranscodeTemplate, ModifyTranscodeTemplate.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String No Whether to enable the feature. Valid values:
  • ON
  • OFF

  • Default value: ON.
    Intensity Float No The strength. Value range: 0.0-1.0
    Default value: 0.0
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    The AES-128 encryption details.

    Used by actions: CreateWorkflow, ProcessMedia, ResetWorkflow.

    Name Type Required Description
    Uri String Yes The URI of decryption key.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Key String Yes The encryption key (a 32-byte string).
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Vector String No The initialization vector for encryption (a 32-byte string).
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Input parameter type of a time point screencapturing task

    Used by actions: CreateSchedule, CreateWorkflow, DescribeTaskDetail, ModifySchedule, ParseNotification, ProcessMedia, ResetWorkflow.

    Name Type Required Description
    Definition Integer Yes ID of a time point screencapturing template.
    ExtTimeOffsetSet Array of String No List of screenshot time points in the format of s or %:
  • If the string ends in s, it means that the time point is in seconds; for example, 3.5s means that the time point is the 3.5th second;
  • If the string ends in %, it means that the time point is the specified percentage of the video duration; for example, 10% means that the time point is 10% of the video duration.
  • TimeOffsetSet Array of Float No List of time points of screenshots in seconds.
    WatermarkSet Array of WatermarkInput No List of up to 10 image or text watermarks.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    OutputStorage TaskOutputStorage No Target bucket of a generated time point screenshot file. If this parameter is left empty, the OutputStorage value of the upper folder will be inherited.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    OutputObjectPath String No Output path to a generated time point screenshot, which can be a relative path or an absolute path. If this parameter is left empty, the following relative path will be used by default: {inputName}_snapshotByTimeOffset_{definition}_{number}.{format}.
    ObjectNumberFormat NumberFormat No Rule of the {number} variable in the time point screenshot output path.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Details of a time point screencapturing template.

    Used by actions: DescribeSnapshotByTimeOffsetTemplates.

    Name Type Description
    Definition Integer Unique ID of a time point screencapturing template.
    Type String Template type. Valid values:
  • Preset: Preset template;
  • Custom: Custom template.
  • Name String Name of a time point screencapturing template.
    Comment String Template description.
    Width Integer Maximum value of the width (or long side) of a screenshot in px. Value range: 0 and [128, 4,096].
  • If both Width and Height are 0, the resolution will be the same as that of the source video;
  • If Width is 0, but Height is not 0, Width will be proportionally scaled;
  • If Width is not 0, but Height is 0, Height will be proportionally scaled;
  • If both Width and Height are not 0, the custom resolution will be used.

  • Default value: 0.
    Height Integer Maximum value of the height (or short side) of a screenshot in px. Value range: 0 and [128, 4,096].
  • If both Width and Height are 0, the resolution will be the same as that of the source video;
  • If Width is 0, but Height is not 0, Width will be proportionally scaled;
  • If Width is not 0, but Height is 0, Height will be proportionally scaled;
  • If both Width and Height are not 0, the custom resolution will be used.

  • Default value: 0.
    ResolutionAdaptive String Resolution adaption. Valid values:
  • open: Enabled. In this case, Width represents the long side of a video, while Height the short side;
  • close: Disabled. In this case, Width represents the width of a video, while Height the height.

  • Default value: open.
    Format String Image format.
    CreateTime String Creation time of a template in ISO date format.
    UpdateTime String Last modified time of a template in ISO date format.
    FillType String Fill type. "Fill" refers to the way of processing a screenshot when its aspect ratio is different from that of the source video. The following fill types are supported:
  • stretch: Stretch. The screenshot will be stretched frame by frame to match the aspect ratio of the source video, which may make the screenshot "shorter" or "longer";
  • black: Fill with black. This option retains the aspect ratio of the source video for the screenshot and fills the unmatched area with black color blocks.
  • white: Fill with white. This option retains the aspect ratio of the source video for the screenshot and fills the unmatched area with white color blocks.
  • gauss: Fill with Gaussian blur. This option retains the aspect ratio of the source video for the screenshot and fills the unmatched area with Gaussian blur.

  • Default value: black.


    The subtitle settings.

    Used by actions: CreateWorkflow, ProcessMedia, ResetWorkflow.

    Name Type Required Description
    Path String No The URL of the subtitles to add to the video.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    StreamIndex Integer No The subtitle track to add to the video. If both Path and StreamIndex are specified, Path will be used. You need to specify at least one of the two parameters.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    FontType String No The font. Valid values:
  • hei.ttf: Heiti.
  • song.ttf: Songti.
  • simkai.ttf: Kaiti.
  • arial.ttf: Arial.

  • The default is hei.ttf.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    FontSize String No The font size (pixels). If this is not specified, the font size in the subtitle file will be used.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    FontColor String No The font color in 0xRRGGBB format. Default value: 0xFFFFFF (white).
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    FontAlpha Float No The text transparency. Value range: 0-1.
  • 0: Fully transparent.
  • 1: Fully opaque.

  • Default value: 1.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Super resolution configuration.

    Used by actions: CreateTranscodeTemplate, ModifyTranscodeTemplate.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String No Whether to enable the feature. Valid values:
  • ON
  • OFF

  • Default value: ON.
    Type String No The strength. Valid values:
  • lq: For low-resolution videos with obvious noise
  • hq: For high-resolution videos

  • Default value: lq.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Size Integer No The ratio of the target resolution to the original resolution. Valid values:
  • 2

  • Default value: 2.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Input parameter of an SVG watermarking template

    Used by actions: CreateWatermarkTemplate, DescribeWatermarkTemplates.

    Name Type Required Description
    Width String No Watermark width, which supports six formats of px, %, W%, H%, S%, and L%:
  • If the string ends in px, the Width of the watermark will be in px; for example, 100px means that Width is 100 px; if 0px is entered
    and Height is not 0px, the watermark width will be proportionally scaled based on the source SVG image; if 0px is entered for both Width and Height, the watermark width will be the width of the source SVG image;
  • If the string ends in W%, the Width of the watermark will be the specified percentage of the video width; for example, 10W% means that Width is 10% of the video width;
  • If the string ends in H%, the Width of the watermark will be the specified percentage of the video height; for example, 10H% means that Width is 10% of the video height;
  • If the string ends in S%, the Width of the watermark will be the specified percentage of the short side of the video; for example, 10S% means that Width is 10% of the short side of the video;
  • If the string ends in L%, the Width of the watermark will be the specified percentage of the long side of the video; for example, 10L% means that Width is 10% of the long side of the video;
  • If the string ends in %, the meaning is the same as W%.

  • Default value: 10W%.
    Height String No Watermark height, which supports six formats of px, %, W%, H%, S%, and L%:
  • If the string ends in px, the Height of the watermark will be in px; for example, 100px means that Height is 100 px; if 0px is entered
    and Width is not 0px, the watermark height will be proportionally scaled based on the source SVG image; if 0px is entered for both Width and Height, the watermark height will be the height of the source SVG image;
  • If the string ends in W%, the Height of the watermark will be the specified percentage of the video width; for example, 10W% means that Height is 10% of the video width;
  • If the string ends in H%, the Height of the watermark will be the specified percentage of the video height; for example, 10H% means that Height is 10% of the video height;
  • If the string ends in S%, the Height of the watermark will be the specified percentage of the short side of the video; for example, 10S% means that Height is 10% of the short side of the video;
  • If the string ends in L%, the Height of the watermark will be the specified percentage of the long side of the video; for example, 10L% means that Height is 10% of the long side of the video;
  • If the string ends in %, the meaning is the same as H%.

  • Default value: 0 px.


    Input parameter of an SVG watermarking template

    Used by actions: ModifyWatermarkTemplate.

    Name Type Required Description
    Width String No Watermark width, which supports six formats of px, %, W%, H%, S%, and L%:
  • If the string ends in px, the Width of the watermark will be in px; for example, 100px means that Width is 100 px; if 0px is entered
    and Height is not 0px, the watermark width will be proportionally scaled based on the source SVG image; if 0px is entered for both Width and Height, the watermark width will be the width of the source SVG image;
  • If the string ends in W%, the Width of the watermark will be the specified percentage of the video width; for example, 10W% means that Width is 10% of the video width;
  • If the string ends in H%, the Width of the watermark will be the specified percentage of the video height; for example, 10H% means that Width is 10% of the video height;
  • If the string ends in S%, the Width of the watermark will be the specified percentage of the short side of the video; for example, 10S% means that Width is 10% of the short side of the video;
  • If the string ends in L%, the Width of the watermark will be the specified percentage of the long side of the video; for example, 10L% means that Width is 10% of the long side of the video;
  • If the string ends in %, the meaning is the same as W%.

  • Default value: 10W%.
    Height String No Watermark height, which supports six formats of px, %, W%, H%, S%, and L%:
  • If the string ends in px, the Height of the watermark will be in px; for example, 100px means that Height is 100 px; if 0px is entered
    and Width is not 0px, the watermark height will be proportionally scaled based on the source SVG image; if 0px is entered for both Width and Height, the watermark height will be the height of the source SVG image;
  • If the string ends in W%, the Height of the watermark will be the specified percentage of the video width; for example, 10W% means that Height is 10% of the video width;
  • If the string ends in H%, the Height of the watermark will be the specified percentage of the video height; for example, 10H% means that Height is 10% of the video height;
  • If the string ends in S%, the Height of the watermark will be the specified percentage of the short side of the video; for example, 10S% means that Height is 10% of the short side of the video;
  • If the string ends in L%, the Height of the watermark will be the specified percentage of the long side of the video; for example, 10L% means that Height is 10% of the long side of the video;
  • If the string ends in %, the meaning is the same as H%.
    Default value: 0 px.
  • TEHDConfig

    TESHD parameter configuration.

    Used by actions: CreateTranscodeTemplate, CreateWorkflow, DescribeTranscodeTemplates, ProcessMedia, ResetWorkflow.

    Name Type Required Description
    Type String Yes TESHD type. Valid values:
  • TEHD-100: TESHD-100.

  • If this parameter is left empty, TESHD will not be enabled.
    MaxVideoBitrate Integer No Maximum bitrate, which is valid when Type is TESHD.
    If this parameter is left empty or 0 is entered, there will be no upper limit for bitrate.


    TESHD parameter configuration.

    Used by actions: CreateWorkflow, ModifyTranscodeTemplate, ProcessMedia, ResetWorkflow.

    Name Type Required Description
    Type String No The TSC type. Valid values:
  • TEHD-100: TSC-100 (video TSC).
  • TEHD-200: TSC-200 (audio TSC).

  • If this parameter is left blank, no modification will be made.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    MaxVideoBitrate Integer No The maximum video bitrate. If this parameter is not specified, no modifications will be made.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Control parameter of intelligent tagging task

    Used by actions: CreateAIAnalysisTemplate, DescribeAIAnalysisTemplates.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Switch of intelligent tagging task. Valid values:
  • ON: enables intelligent tagging task;
  • OFF: disables intelligent tagging task.
  • TagConfigureInfoForUpdate

    Control parameter of intelligent tagging task

    Used by actions: ModifyAIAnalysisTemplate.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String No Switch of intelligent tagging task. Valid values:
  • ON: enables intelligent tagging task;
  • OFF: disables intelligent tagging task.
  • TaskNotifyConfig

    Event notification configuration of a task.

    Used by actions: CreateSchedule, CreateWorkflow, DescribeSchedules, DescribeTaskDetail, DescribeWorkflows, EditMedia, ModifySchedule, ProcessMedia, ResetWorkflow.

    Name Type Required Description
    NotifyType String No The notification type. Valid values:
  • CMQ: This value is no longer used. Please use TDMQ-CMQ instead.
  • TDMQ-CMQ: Message queue
  • URL: If NotifyType is set to URL, HTTP callbacks are sent to the URL specified by NotifyUrl. HTTP and JSON are used for the callbacks. The packet contains the response parameters of the ParseNotification API.
  • SCF: This notification type is not recommended. You need to configure it in the SCF console.
  • AWS-SQS: AWS queue. This type is only supported for AWS tasks, and the queue must be in the same region as the AWS bucket.

  • Note: If you do not pass this parameter or pass in an empty string, CMQ will be used. To use a different notification type, specify this parameter accordingly.
    NotifyMode String No Workflow notification method. Valid values: Finish, Change. If this parameter is left empty, Finish will be used.
    NotifyUrl String No HTTP callback URL, required if NotifyType is set to URL
    CmqModel String No The CMQ or TDMQ-CMQ model. Valid values: Queue, Topic.
    CmqRegion String No The CMQ or TDMQ-CMQ region, such as sh (Shanghai) or bj (Beijing).
    TopicName String No The CMQ or TDMQ-CMQ topic to receive notifications. This parameter is valid when CmqModel is Topic.
    QueueName String No The CMQ or TDMQ-CMQ queue to receive notifications. This parameter is valid when CmqModel is Queue.
    AwsSQS AwsSQS No The AWS SQS queue. This parameter is required if NotifyType is AWS-SQS.

    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    NotifyKey String No The key used to generate the callback signature.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    The information of the media processing output object.

    Used by actions: CreateSchedule, CreateWorkflow, DescribeSchedules, DescribeTaskDetail, DescribeWorkflows, EditMedia, ModifySchedule, ParseNotification, ProcessLiveStream, ProcessMedia, ResetWorkflow.

    Name Type Required Description
    Type String Yes The storage type for a media processing output file. Valid values:
  • COS: Tencent Cloud COS
  • >AWS-S3: AWS S3. This type is only supported for AWS tasks, and the output bucket must be in the same region as the bucket of the source file.
  • CosOutputStorage CosOutputStorage No The location to save the output object in COS. This parameter is valid and required when Type is COS.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    S3OutputStorage S3OutputStorage No The AWS S3 bucket to save the output file. This parameter is required if Type is AWS-S3.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.


    Task overview information

    Used by actions: DescribeTasks.

    Name Type Description
    TaskId String Task ID.
    TaskType String Task type. Valid values:
  • WorkflowTask: Workflow processing task;
  • LiveProcessTask: Live stream processing task.
  • CreateTime String Creation time of a task in ISO date format.
    BeginProcessTime String Start time of task execution in ISO date format. If the task has not been started yet, this field will be 0000-00-00T00:00:00Z.
    FinishTime String End time of a task in ISO date format. If the task has not been completed yet, this field will be 0000-00-00T00:00:00Z.
    SubTaskTypes Array of String The subtask type.


    The parameters for detecting sensitive information.

    Used by actions: CreateContentReviewTemplate, DescribeContentReviewTemplates.

    Name Type Description
    ImgReviewInfo TerrorismImgReviewTemplateInfo The parameters for detecting sensitive information in images.
    OcrReviewInfo TerrorismOcrReviewTemplateInfo The parameters for detecting sensitive information based on OCR.


    The parameters for detecting sensitive information.

    Used by actions: ModifyContentReviewTemplate.

    Name Type Required Description
    ImgReviewInfo TerrorismImgReviewTemplateInfoForUpdate No The parameters for detecting sensitive information in images.
    OcrReviewInfo TerrorismOcrReviewTemplateInfoForUpdate No The parameters for detecting sensitive information based on OCR.


    The parameters for detecting sensitive information in images.

    Used by actions: CreateContentReviewTemplate, DescribeContentReviewTemplates.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Whether to detect sensitive information in images. Valid values:
  • ON
  • OFF
  • LabelSet Array of String No The filter labels for sensitive information detection in images, which specify the types of sensitive information to return. If this parameter is left empty, the detection results for all labels are returned. Valid values:
  • guns
  • crowd
  • bloody
  • police
  • banners (sensitive flags)
  • militant
  • explosion
  • terrorists
  • scenario (sensitive scenes)
  • BlockConfidence Integer No Threshold score for violation. If this score is reached or exceeded during intelligent audit, it will be deemed that a suspected violation has occurred. If this parameter is left empty, 90 will be used by default. Value range: 0-100.
    ReviewConfidence Integer No Threshold score for human audit. If this score is reached or exceeded during intelligent audit, human audit will be considered necessary. If this parameter is left empty, 80 will be used by default. Value range: 0-100.


    The parameters for detecting sensitive information in images.

    Used by actions: ModifyContentReviewTemplate.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String No Whether to detect sensitive information in images. Valid values:
  • ON
  • OFF
  • LabelSet Array of String No The filter labels for sensitive information detection in images, which specify the types of sensitive information to return. If this parameter is left empty, the detection results for all labels are returned. Valid values:
  • guns
  • crowd
  • bloody
  • police
  • banners (sensitive flags)
  • militant
  • explosion
  • terrorists
  • scenario (sensitive scenes)
  • BlockConfidence Integer No Threshold score for violation. If this score is reached or exceeded during intelligent audit, it will be deemed that a suspected violation has occurred. Value range: 0-100.
    ReviewConfidence Integer No Threshold score for human audit. If this score is reached or exceeded during intelligent audit, human audit will be considered necessary. Value range: 0-100.


    The parameters for detecting sensitive information based on OCR.

    Used by actions: CreateContentReviewTemplate, DescribeContentReviewTemplates.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Whether to detect sensitive information based on OCR. Valid values:
  • ON
  • OFF
  • BlockConfidence Integer No Threshold score for violation. If this score is reached or exceeded during intelligent audit, it will be deemed that a suspected violation has occurred. If this parameter is left empty, 100 will be used by default. Value range: 0–100.
    ReviewConfidence Integer No Threshold score for human audit. If this score is reached or exceeded during intelligent audit, human audit will be considered necessary. If this parameter is left empty, 75 will be used by default. Value range: 0–100.


    The parameters for detecting sensitive information based on OCR.

    Used by actions: ModifyContentReviewTemplate.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String No Whether to detect sensitive information based on OCR. Valid values:
  • ON
  • OFF
  • BlockConfidence Integer No Threshold score for violation. If this score is reached or exceeded during intelligent audit, it will be deemed that a suspected violation has occurred. If this parameter is left empty, 100 will be used by default. Value range: 0–100.
    ReviewConfidence Integer No Threshold score for human audit. If this score is reached or exceeded during intelligent audit, human audit will be considered necessary. If this parameter is left empty, 75 will be used by default. Value range: 0–100.


    Text watermarking template

    Used by actions: CreateWatermarkTemplate, DescribeWatermarkTemplates.

    Name Type Required Description
    FontType String Yes Font type. Currently, two types are supported:
  • simkai.ttf: Both Chinese and English are supported;
  • arial.ttf: Only English is supported.
  • FontSize String Yes Font size in Npx format where N is a numeric value.
    FontColor String Yes Font color in 0xRRGGBB format. Default value: 0xFFFFFF (white).
    FontAlpha Float Yes Text transparency. Value range: (0, 1]
  • 0: Completely transparent
  • 1: Completely opaque

  • Default value: 1.


    Text watermarking template

    Used by actions: ModifyWatermarkTemplate.

    Name Type Required Description
    FontType String No Font type. Currently, two types are supported:
  • simkai.ttf: Both Chinese and English are supported;
  • arial.ttf: Only English is supported.
  • FontSize String No Font size in Npx format where N is a numeric value.
    FontColor String No Font color in 0xRRGGBB format. Default value: 0xFFFFFF (white).
    FontAlpha Float No Text transparency. Value range: (0, 1]
  • 0: Completely transparent
  • 1: Completely opaque
  • TranscodeTaskInput

    Input parameter type of a transcoding task

    Used by actions: CreateSchedule, CreateWorkflow, DescribeTaskDetail, ModifySchedule, ParseNotification, ProcessMedia, ResetWorkflow.

    Name Type Required Description
    Definition Integer Yes ID of a video transcoding template.
    RawParameter RawTranscodeParameter No Custom video transcoding parameter, which is valid if Definition is 0.
    This parameter is used in highly customized scenarios. We recommend you use Definition to specify the transcoding parameter preferably.
    OverrideParameter OverrideTranscodeParameter No Video transcoding custom parameter, which is valid when Definition is not 0.
    When any parameters in this structure are entered, they will be used to override corresponding parameters in templates.
    This parameter is used in highly customized scenarios. We recommend you only use Definition to specify the transcoding parameter.
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
    WatermarkSet Array of WatermarkInput No List of up to 10 image or text watermarks.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    MosaicSet Array of MosaicInput No List of blurs. Up to 10 ones can be supported.
    StartTimeOffset Float No Start time offset of a transcoded video, in seconds.
  • If this parameter is left empty or set to 0, the transcoded video will start at the same time as the original video.
  • If this parameter is set to a positive number (n for example), the transcoded video will start at the nth second of the original video.
  • If this parameter is set to a negative number (-n for example), the transcoded video will start at the nth second before the end of the original video.
  • EndTimeOffset Float No End time offset of a transcoded video, in seconds.
  • If this parameter is left empty or set to 0, the transcoded video will end at the same time as the original video.
  • If this parameter is set to a positive number (n for example), the transcoded video will end at the nth second of the original video.
  • If this parameter is set to a negative number (-n for example), the transcoded video will end at the nth second before the end of the original video.
  • OutputStorage TaskOutputStorage No Target bucket of an output file. If this parameter is left empty, the OutputStorage value of the upper folder will be inherited.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    OutputObjectPath String No Path to a primary output file, which can be a relative path or an absolute path. If this parameter is left empty, the following relative path will be used by default: {inputName}_transcode_{definition}.{format}.
    SegmentObjectName String No Path to an output file part (the path to ts during transcoding to HLS), which can only be a relative path. If this parameter is left empty, the following relative path will be used by default: {inputName}_transcode_{definition}_{number}.{format}.
    ObjectNumberFormat NumberFormat No Rule of the {number} variable in the output path after transcoding.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    HeadTailParameter HeadTailParameter No Opening and closing credits parameters
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.


    Details of a transcoding template

    Used by actions: DescribeTranscodeTemplates.

    Name Type Description
    Definition String Unique ID of a transcoding template.
    Container String Container format. Valid values: mp4, flv, hls, mp3, flac, ogg.
    Name String Name of a transcoding template.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Comment String Template description.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Type String Template type. Valid values:
  • Preset: Preset template;
  • Custom: Custom template.
  • RemoveVideo Integer Whether to remove video data. Valid values:
  • 0: Retain;
  • 1: Remove.
  • RemoveAudio Integer Whether to remove audio data. Valid values:
  • 0: Retain;
  • 1: Remove.
  • VideoTemplate VideoTemplateInfo Video stream configuration parameter. This field is valid only when RemoveVideo is 0.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    AudioTemplate AudioTemplateInfo Audio stream configuration parameter. This field is valid only when RemoveAudio is 0.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    TEHDConfig TEHDConfig TESHD transcoding parameter. To enable it, please contact your Tencent Cloud sales rep.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ContainerType String Container format filter. Valid values:
  • Video: Video container format that can contain both video stream and audio stream;
  • PureAudio: Audio container format that can contain only audio stream.
  • CreateTime String Creation time of a template in ISO date format.
    UpdateTime String Last modified time of a template in ISO date format.
    EnhanceConfig EnhanceConfig Audio/Video enhancement configuration.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    The URL of the object to process.

    Used by actions: DescribeMediaMetaData, EditMedia, ProcessMedia.

    Name Type Required Description
    Url String Yes URL of a video.


    Control parameter of a custom speech audit task

    Used by actions: CreateContentReviewTemplate, DescribeContentReviewTemplates.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Switch of a custom speech audit task. Valid values:
  • ON: Enables a custom speech audit task;
  • OFF: Disables a custom speech audit task.
  • LabelSet Array of String No Custom speech filter tag. If an audit result contains the selected tag, it will be returned; if the filter tag is empty, all audit results will be returned. To use the tag filtering feature, you need to add the corresponding tag when adding materials for custom speech keywords.
    There can be up to 10 tags, each with a length limit of 16 characters.
    BlockConfidence Integer No Threshold score for violation. If this score is reached or exceeded during intelligent audit, it will be deemed that a suspected violation has occurred. If this parameter is left empty, 100 will be used by default. Value range: 0-100.
    ReviewConfidence Integer No Threshold score for human audit. If this score is reached or exceeded during intelligent audit, human audit will be considered necessary. If this parameter is left empty, 75 will be used by default. Value range: 0-100.


    Control parameter of a custom speech audit task

    Used by actions: ModifyContentReviewTemplate.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String No Switch of a custom speech audit task. Valid values:
  • ON: Enables a custom speech audit task;
  • OFF: Disables a custom speech audit task.
  • LabelSet Array of String No Custom speech filter tag. If an audit result contains the selected tag, it will be returned; if the filter tag is empty, all audit results will be returned. To use the tag filtering feature, you need to add the corresponding tag when adding materials for custom speech keywords.
    There can be up to 10 tags, each with a length limit of 16 characters.
    BlockConfidence Integer No Threshold score for violation. If this score is reached or exceeded during intelligent audit, it will be deemed that a suspected violation has occurred. Value range: 0-100.
    ReviewConfidence Integer No Threshold score for human audit. If this score is reached or exceeded during intelligent audit, human audit will be considered necessary. Value range: 0-100.


    Control parameter of a custom audit task

    Used by actions: CreateContentReviewTemplate, DescribeContentReviewTemplates.

    Name Type Required Description
    FaceReviewInfo UserDefineFaceReviewTemplateInfo No Control parameter of custom figure audit.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    AsrReviewInfo UserDefineAsrTextReviewTemplateInfo No Control parameter of custom speech audit.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    OcrReviewInfo UserDefineOcrTextReviewTemplateInfo No Control parameter of custom text audit.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Control parameter of a custom audit task.

    Used by actions: ModifyContentReviewTemplate.

    Name Type Required Description
    FaceReviewInfo UserDefineFaceReviewTemplateInfoForUpdate Yes Control parameter of custom figure audit.
    AsrReviewInfo UserDefineAsrTextReviewTemplateInfoForUpdate Yes Control parameter of custom speech audit.
    OcrReviewInfo UserDefineOcrTextReviewTemplateInfoForUpdate Yes Control parameter of custom text audit.


    Control parameter of a custom figure audit task

    Used by actions: CreateContentReviewTemplate, DescribeContentReviewTemplates.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Switch of a custom figure audit task. Valid values:
  • ON: Enables a custom figure audit task;
  • OFF: Disables a custom figure audit task.
  • LabelSet Array of String No Custom figure filter tag. If an audit result contains the selected tag, it will be returned; if the filter tag is empty, all audit results will be returned. To use the tag filtering feature, you need to add the corresponding tag when adding materials for the custom figure library.
    There can be up to 10 tags, each with a length limit of 16 characters.
    BlockConfidence Integer No Threshold score for violation. If this score is reached or exceeded during intelligent audit, it will be deemed that a suspected violation has occurred. If this parameter is left empty, 97 will be used by default. Value range: 0-100.
    ReviewConfidence Integer No Threshold score for human audit. If this score is reached or exceeded during intelligent audit, human audit will be considered necessary. If this parameter is left empty, 95 will be used by default. Value range: 0-100.


    Control parameter of a custom figure audit task.

    Used by actions: ModifyContentReviewTemplate.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String No Switch of a custom figure audit task. Valid values:
  • ON: Enables a custom figure audit task;
  • OFF: Disables a custom figure audit task.
  • LabelSet Array of String No Custom figure filter tag. If an audit result contains the selected tag, it will be returned; if the filter tag is empty, all audit results will be returned. To use the tag filtering feature, you need to add the corresponding tag when adding materials for the custom figure library.
    There can be up to 10 tags, each with a length limit of 16 characters.
    BlockConfidence Integer No Threshold score for violation. If this score is reached or exceeded during intelligent audit, it will be deemed that a suspected violation has occurred. Value range: 0-100.
    ReviewConfidence Integer No Threshold score for human audit. If this score is reached or exceeded during intelligent audit, human audit will be considered necessary. Value range: 0-100.


    Control parameter of a custom text audit task

    Used by actions: CreateContentReviewTemplate, DescribeContentReviewTemplates.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Switch of a custom text audit task. Valid values:
  • ON: Enables a custom text audit task;
  • OFF: Disables a custom text audit task.
  • LabelSet Array of String No Custom text filter tag. If an audit result contains the selected tag, it will be returned; if the filter tag is empty, all audit results will be returned. To use the tag filtering feature, you need to add the corresponding tag when adding materials for custom text keywords.
    There can be up to 10 tags, each with a length limit of 16 characters.
    BlockConfidence Integer No Threshold score for violation. If this score is reached or exceeded during intelligent audit, it will be deemed that a suspected violation has occurred. If this parameter is left empty, 100 will be used by default. Value range: 0-100.
    ReviewConfidence Integer No Threshold score for human audit. If this score is reached or exceeded during intelligent audit, human audit will be considered necessary. If this parameter is left empty, 75 will be used by default. Value range: 0-100.


    Control parameter of a custom text audit task.

    Used by actions: ModifyContentReviewTemplate.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String No Switch of a custom text audit task. Valid values:
  • ON: Enables a custom text audit task;
  • OFF: Disables a custom text audit task.
  • LabelSet String No Custom text filter tag. If an audit result contains the selected tag, it will be returned; if the filter tag is empty, all audit results will be returned. To use the tag filtering feature, you need to add the corresponding tag when adding materials for custom text keywords.
    There can be up to 10 tags, each with a length limit of 16 characters.
    BlockConfidence Integer No Threshold score for violation. If this score is reached or exceeded during intelligent audit, it will be deemed that a suspected violation has occurred. Value range: 0-100.
    ReviewConfidence Integer No Threshold score for human audit. If this score is reached or exceeded during intelligent audit, human audit will be considered necessary. Value range: 0-100.


    Image noise removal configuration.

    Used by actions: CreateTranscodeTemplate, ModifyTranscodeTemplate.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String No Whether to enable the feature. Valid values:
  • ON
  • OFF

  • Default value: ON.
    Type String No The strength. Valid values:
  • weak
  • strong

  • Default value: weak.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Video enhancement configuration.

    Used by actions: CreateTranscodeTemplate, ModifyTranscodeTemplate.

    Name Type Required Description
    FrameRate FrameRateConfig No Frame interpolation configuration.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    SuperResolution SuperResolutionConfig No Super resolution configuration.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Hdr HdrConfig No HDR configuration.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Denoise VideoDenoiseConfig No Image noise removal configuration.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ImageQualityEnhance ImageQualityEnhanceConfig No Overall enhancement configuration.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ColorEnhance ColorEnhanceConfig No Color enhancement configuration.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    SharpEnhance SharpEnhanceConfig No Detail enhancement configuration.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    FaceEnhance FaceEnhanceConfig No Face enhancement configuration.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    LowLightEnhance LowLightEnhanceConfig No Low-light enhancement configuration.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ScratchRepair ScratchRepairConfig No Banding removal configuration.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ArtifactRepair ArtifactRepairConfig No Artifact removal (smoothing) configuration.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Video stream configuration parameter

    Used by actions: CreateAdaptiveDynamicStreamingTemplate, CreateTranscodeTemplate, CreateWorkflow, DescribeTranscodeTemplates, ModifyAdaptiveDynamicStreamingTemplate, ProcessMedia, ResetWorkflow.

    Name Type Required Description
    Codec String Yes The video codec. Valid values:
  • libx264: H.264
  • libx265: H.265
  • av1: AOMedia Video 1

  • Note: You must specify a resolution (not higher than 640 x 480) if the H.265 codec is used.
    Note: You can only use the AOMedia Video 1 codec for MP4 files.
    Fps Integer Yes The video frame rate (Hz). Value range: [0, 100].
    If the value is 0, the frame rate will be the same as that of the source video.
    Note: For adaptive bitrate streaming, the value range of this parameter is [0, 60].
    Bitrate Integer Yes The video bitrate (Kbps). Value range: 0 and [128, 35000].
    If the value is 0, the bitrate of the video will be the same as that of the source video.
    ResolutionAdaptive String No Resolution adaption. Valid values:
  • open: Enabled. When resolution adaption is enabled, Width indicates the long side of a video, while Height indicates the short side.
  • close: Disabled. When resolution adaption is disabled, Width indicates the width of a video, while Height indicates the height.

  • Default value: open.
    Note: When resolution adaption is enabled, Width cannot be smaller than Height.
    Width Integer No Maximum value of the width (or long side) of a video stream in px. Value range: 0 and [128, 4,096].
  • If both Width and Height are 0, the resolution will be the same as that of the source video;
  • If Width is 0, but Height is not 0, Width will be proportionally scaled;
  • If Width is not 0, but Height is 0, Height will be proportionally scaled;
  • If both Width and Height are not 0, the custom resolution will be used.

  • Default value: 0.
    Height Integer No Maximum value of the height (or short side) of a video stream in px. Value range: 0 and [128, 4,096].
  • If both Width and Height are 0, the resolution will be the same as that of the source video;
  • If Width is 0, but Height is not 0, Width will be proportionally scaled;
  • If Width is not 0, but Height is 0, Height will be proportionally scaled;
  • If both Width and Height are not 0, the custom resolution will be used.

  • Default value: 0.
    Gop Integer No Frame interval between I keyframes. Value range: 0 and [1,100000].
    If this parameter is 0 or left empty, the system will automatically set the GOP length.
    FillType String No The fill mode, which indicates how a video is resized when the video’s original aspect ratio is different from the target aspect ratio. Valid values:
  • stretch: Stretch the image frame by frame to fill the entire screen. The video image may become "squashed" or "stretched" after transcoding.
  • black: Keep the image's original aspect ratio and fill the blank space with black bars.
  • white: Keep the image’s original aspect ratio and fill the blank space with white bars.
  • gauss: Keep the image’s original aspect ratio and apply Gaussian blur to the blank space.

  • Default value: black.
    Note: Only stretch and black are supported for adaptive bitrate streaming.
    Vcrf Integer No The control factor of video constant bitrate. Value range: [1, 51]
    If this parameter is specified, CRF (a bitrate control method) will be used for transcoding. (Video bitrate will no longer take effect.)
    It is not recommended to specify this parameter if there are no special requirements.


    Video stream configuration parameter

    Used by actions: CreateWorkflow, ModifyTranscodeTemplate, ProcessMedia, ResetWorkflow.

    Name Type Required Description
    Codec String No The video codec. Valid values:
  • libx264: H.264
  • libx265: H.265
  • av1: AOMedia Video 1

  • Note: You must specify a resolution (not higher than 640 x 480) if the H.265 codec is used.
    Note: You can only use the AOMedia Video 1 codec for MP4 files.
    Fps Integer No Video frame rate in Hz. Value range: [0, 100].
    If the value is 0, the frame rate will be the same as that of the source video.
    Bitrate Integer No Bitrate of a video stream in Kbps. Value range: 0 and [128, 35,000].
    If the value is 0, the bitrate of the video will be the same as that of the source video.
    ResolutionAdaptive String No Resolution adaption. Valid values:
  • open: Enabled. When resolution adaption is enabled, Width indicates the long side of a video, while Height indicates the short side.
  • close: Disabled. When resolution adaption is disabled, Width indicates the width of a video, while Height indicates the height.

  • Note: When resolution adaption is enabled, Width cannot be smaller than Height.
    Width Integer No Maximum value of the width (or long side) of a video stream in px. Value range: 0 and [128, 4,096].
  • If both Width and Height are 0, the resolution will be the same as that of the source video;
  • If Width is 0, but Height is not 0, Width will be proportionally scaled;
  • If Width is not 0, but Height is 0, Height will be proportionally scaled;
  • If both Width and Height are not 0, the custom resolution will be used.
  • Height Integer No Maximum value of the height (or short side) of a video stream in px. Value range: 0 and [128, 4,096].
    Gop Integer No Frame interval between I keyframes. Value range: 0 and [1,100000]. If this parameter is 0, the system will automatically set the GOP length.
    FillType String No Fill type. "Fill" refers to the way of processing a screenshot when its aspect ratio is different from that of the source video. The following fill types are supported:
  • stretch: stretch. The screenshot will be stretched frame by frame to match the aspect ratio of the source video, which may make the screenshot "shorter" or "longer";
  • black: fill with black. This option retains the aspect ratio of the source video for the screenshot and fills the unmatched area with black color blocks.
  • white: fill with white. This option retains the aspect ratio of the source video for the screenshot and fills the unmatched area with white color blocks.
  • gauss: fill with Gaussian blur. This option retains the aspect ratio of the source video for the screenshot and fills the unmatched area with Gaussian blur.
  • Vcrf Integer No The control factor of video constant bitrate. Value range: [0, 51]. This parameter will be disabled if you enter 0.
    It is not recommended to specify this parameter if there are no special requirements.
    ContentAdaptStream Integer No Whether to enable adaptive encoding. Valid values:
  • 0: Disable
  • 1: Enable

  • Default value: 0. If this parameter is set to 1, multiple streams with different resolutions and bitrates will be generated automatically. The highest resolution, bitrate, and quality of the streams are determined by the values of width and height, Bitrate, and Vcrf in VideoTemplate respectively. If these parameters are not set in VideoTemplate, the highest resolution generated will be the same as that of the source video, and the highest video quality will be close to VMAF 95. To use this parameter or learn about the billing details of adaptive encoding, please contact your sales rep.


    The volume equalization configuration.

    Used by actions: CreateTranscodeTemplate, ModifyTranscodeTemplate.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String No Whether to enable the feature. Valid values:
  • ON
  • OFF

  • Default value: ON.
    Type String No The type. Valid values:
  • loudNorm: Loudness normalization.
  • gainControl: Volume leveling.

  • Default value: loudNorm.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    The watermark parameters to use in a media processing task.

    Used by actions: CreateWorkflow, ProcessMedia, ResetWorkflow.

    Name Type Required Description
    Definition Integer Yes ID of a watermarking template.
    RawParameter RawWatermarkParameter No Custom watermark parameter, which is valid if Definition is 0.
    This parameter is used in highly customized scenarios. We recommend you use Definition to specify the watermark parameter preferably.
    Custom watermark parameter is not available for screenshot.
    TextContent String No Text content of up to 100 characters. This field is required only when the watermark type is text.
    Text watermark is not available for screenshot.
    SvgContent String No SVG content of up to 2,000,000 characters. This field is required only when the watermark type is SVG.
    SVG watermark is not available for screenshot.
    StartTimeOffset Float No Start time offset of a watermark in seconds. If this parameter is left empty or 0 is entered, the watermark will appear upon the first video frame.
  • If this parameter is left empty or 0 is entered, the watermark will appear upon the first video frame;
  • If this value is greater than 0 (e.g., n), the watermark will appear at second n after the first video frame;
  • If this value is smaller than 0 (e.g., -n), the watermark will appear at second n before the last video frame.
  • EndTimeOffset Float No End time offset of a watermark in seconds.
  • If this parameter is left empty or 0 is entered, the watermark will exist till the last video frame;
  • If this value is greater than 0 (e.g., n), the watermark will exist till second n;
  • If this value is smaller than 0 (e.g., -n), the watermark will exist till second n before the last video frame.
  • WatermarkTemplate

    Details of a watermarking template

    Used by actions: DescribeWatermarkTemplates.

    Name Type Description
    Definition Integer Unique ID of a watermarking template.
    Type String Watermark type. Valid values:
  • image: Image watermark;
  • text: Text watermark.
  • Name String Name of a watermarking template.
    Comment String Template description.
    XPos String Horizontal position of the origin of the watermark image relative to the origin of the video.
  • If the string ends in %, the Left edge of the watermark will be at the position of the specified percentage of the video width; for example, 10% means that the Left edge is at 10% of the video width;
  • If the string ends in px, the Left edge of the watermark will be at the position of the specified px of the video width; for example, 100px means that the Left edge is at the position of 100 px.
  • YPos String Vertical position of the origin of the watermark image relative to the origin of the video.
  • If the string ends in %, the Top edge of the watermark will beat the position of the specified percentage of the video height; for example, 10% means that the Top edge is at 10% of the video height;
  • If the string ends in px, the Top edge of the watermark will be at the position of the specified px of the video height; for example, 100px means that the Top edge is at the position of 100 px.
  • ImageTemplate ImageWatermarkTemplate Image watermarking template. This field is valid only when Type is image.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    TextTemplate TextWatermarkTemplateInput Text watermarking template. This field is valid only when Type is text.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    SvgTemplate SvgWatermarkInput SVG watermarking template. This field is valid when Type is svg.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    CreateTime String Creation time of a template in ISO date format.
    UpdateTime String Last modified time of a template in ISO date format.
    CoordinateOrigin String Origin position. Valid values:
  • topLeft: The origin of coordinates is in the top-left corner of the video, and the origin of the watermark is in the top-left corner of the image or text;
  • topRight: The origin of coordinates is in the top-right corner of the video, and the origin of the watermark is in the top-right corner of the image or text;
  • bottomLeft: The origin of coordinates is in the bottom-left corner of the video, and the origin of the watermark is in the bottom-left corner of the image or text;
  • bottomRight: The origin of coordinates is in the bottom-right corner of the video, and the origin of the watermark is in the bottom-right corner of the image or text.
  • WorkflowInfo

    Workflow information details.

    Used by actions: DescribeWorkflows.

    Name Type Description
    WorkflowId Integer Workflow ID.
    WorkflowName String Workflow name.
    Status String Workflow status. Valid values:
  • Enabled: Enabled,
  • Disabled: Disabled.
  • Trigger WorkflowTrigger Input rule bound to a workflow. If an uploaded video hits the rule for the object, the workflow will be triggered.
    OutputStorage TaskOutputStorage The location to save the media processing output file.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    MediaProcessTask MediaProcessTaskInput The media processing parameters to use.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    AiContentReviewTask AiContentReviewTaskInput Type parameter of a video content audit task.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    AiAnalysisTask AiAnalysisTaskInput Video content analysis task parameter.
    AiRecognitionTask AiRecognitionTaskInput Type parameter of a video content recognition task.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    TaskNotifyConfig TaskNotifyConfig Event notification information of a task. If this parameter is left empty, no event notifications will be obtained.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    TaskPriority Integer Task flow priority. The higher the value, the higher the priority. Value range: [-10, 10]. If this parameter is left empty, 0 will be used.
    OutputDir String The directory to save the media processing output file, such as /movie/201907/.
    CreateTime String Creation time of a workflow in ISO date format.
    UpdateTime String Last modified time of a workflow in ISO date format.


    The information of the media processing task.

    Used by actions: DescribeTaskDetail, ParseNotification.

    Name Type Description
    TaskId String The media processing task ID.
    Status String Task flow status. Valid values:
  • PROCESSING: Processing;
  • FINISH: Completed.
  • ErrCode Integer If the value returned is not 0, there was a source error. If 0 is returned, refer to the error codes of the corresponding task type.
    Message String Except those for source errors, error messages vary with task type.
    InputInfo MediaInputInfo The information of the file processed.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    MetaData MediaMetaData Metadata of a source video.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    MediaProcessResultSet Array of MediaProcessTaskResult The execution status and result of the media processing task.
    AiContentReviewResultSet Array of AiContentReviewResult Execution status and result of a video content audit task.
    AiAnalysisResultSet Array of AiAnalysisResult Execution status and result of video content analysis task.
    AiRecognitionResultSet Array of AiRecognitionResult Execution status and result of a video content recognition task.
    AiQualityControlTaskResult ScheduleQualityControlTaskResult The execution status and result of a quality control task.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Input rule. If an uploaded video hits the rule, the workflow will be triggered.

    Used by actions: CreateSchedule, CreateWorkflow, DescribeSchedules, DescribeWorkflows, ModifySchedule, ResetWorkflow.

    Name Type Required Description
    Type String Yes The trigger type. Valid values:
  • CosFileUpload: Tencent Cloud COS trigger.
  • AwsS3FileUpload: AWS S3 trigger. Currently, this type is only supported for transcoding tasks and schemes (not supported for workflows).

  • CosFileUploadTrigger CosFileUploadTrigger No This parameter is required and valid when Type is CosFileUpload, indicating the COS trigger rule.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    AwsS3FileUploadTrigger AwsS3FileUploadTrigger No The AWS S3 trigger. This parameter is valid and required if Type is AwsS3FileUpload.

    Note: Currently, the key for the AWS S3 bucket, the trigger SQS queue, and the callback SQS queue must be the same.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
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