tencent cloud


Muting/Unmuting Group Members

Last updated: 2021-04-28 17:31:11
This document is currently invalid. Please refer to the documentation page of the product.

    You can mute a group member or all group members for a specified period of time. During the muting period, the muted member cannot send messages in the current group. This muting operation is effective only for the current group. During the muting period, even if the muted member quits the group and rejoins it, the muting will remain effective until the muting period is over or the member is unmuted.
    This document mainly describes how to mute and unmute group members in web and Mini Program SDKs.

    Use Limits

    • Group type limits

      Work Group (Work or Private of the Earlier Version) Public Group (Public) Meeting Group (Meeting or ChatRoom of the Earlier Version) Audio-Video Chat Room (AVChatRoom)
      Not supported Supported Supported Supported
    • Member role restrictions

      Member Role Permissions
      App admin App admins are allowed to mute or unmute all members in all groups under the current SDKAppID.
      Group owner The group owner is allowed to mute or unmute admins and common members in the current group.
      Group admin Group admins are allowed to mute or unmute common members in the current group.
      Common member No muting permissions


    Step 1: confirm the operation permission

    1. Call the getGroupProfile API to query the type of the current group and confirm whether muting/unmuting is supported.


      If the type of the group is Private or Work (work group), muting is not supported.

    2. Call the getGroupMemberProfile API to query the member role of the specified userID in the current group and confirm whether the user has the permission to perform muting/unmuting.

    Step 2: mute/unmute a group member

    Muting/Unmuting a single user

    App admins, the group owner, or group admins can call the setGroupMemberMuteTime API to mute or unmute a specified member in the specified group. For each call, only 1 member can be muted/unmuted.
    The following table lists the request parameters.

    Name Type Description
    groupID String Group ID
    userID String Group Member ID
    muteTime Number The muting period, in seconds. 0: unmuting.

    A sample request is shown as follows:

    let promise = tim.setGroupMemberMuteTime({
      groupID: 'group1',
      userID: 'user1',
      muteTime: 1000

    Muting/Unmuting all members


    To use this feature, you need to upgrade the SDK to 2.6.2 or higher. At present, for muting and unmuting all members, no group tip message is delivered.

    App admins or the group owner can call the updateGroupProfile API to mute/unmute all admins and common members in the specified group.
    The following table lists the request parameters.

    Name Type Description
    groupID String Group ID
    muteAllMembers Boolean Set muting. true: mute all members. false: unmute all members.

    A sample request is shown as follows:

    let promise = tim.updateGroupProfile({
      groupID: 'group1',
      muteAllMembers: true, // true: mute all members. false: unmute all members.
    promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      console.log(imResponse.data.group) // Detailed group profile after modification
    }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('updateGroupProfile error:', imError); // Information on the failure in modifying the group profile

    Step 3: monitor and process the event TIM.EVENT.MESSAGE_RECEIVED

    After a group member is muted, the member will receive a group tip indicating that he/she has been muted. You can traverse event.data to get relevant data and render it to the interface.


    After relevant muting/unmuting notifications are received, we recommend that you implement the disable/enable input box or input area status.

    tim.on(TIM.EVENT.MESSAGE_RECEIVED, function(event) {
      // A newly pushed one-to-one message, group message, group tip, or group system notification is received. You can traverse event.data to obtain the message list and render it to the UI.
      // event.name - TIM.EVENT.MESSAGE_RECEIVED
      // event.data - An array that stores the Message objects - [Message]
      const length = event.data.length;
      let message;
      for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        message = event.data[i];
        switch (message.type) {
          // Mute user A, user A will receive a group tip message indicating that he/she has been muted.
          case TIM.TYPES.MSG_GRP_TIP:
          case TIM.TYPES.MSG_TEXT: // Text message. For more message types, see Message.
    _handleGroupTip(message) {
      switch (message.payload.operationType) {
        case TIM.TYPES.GRP_TIP_MBR_PROFILE_UPDATED: // Group member profile is modified. For example, a member is muted.
          const memberList = message.payload.memberList;
          for (let member of memberList) {
            console.log(`${member.userID} muted for ${member.muteTime} seconds`);
        case TIM.TYPES.GRP_TIP_MBR_JOIN: // A member joins the group
        case TIM.TYPES.GRP_TIP_MBR_QUIT: // A member quits the group
        case TIM.TYPES.GRP_TIP_MBR_KICKED_OUT: // A member is kicked out of the group
        case TIM.TYPES.GRP_TIP_GRP_PROFILE_UPDATED: // Group profile modified

    Step 4: check the muting status

    • For SDK 2.6.2 and higher, you can call the getGroupMemberList API to pull the muting stop timestamp (muteUntil) of a group member. Based on its value, you can find out whether the member is muted and the remaining muting time. After the member is unmuted, the following calculation formula for the member is valid: GroupMember.muteUntil * 1000 <= Date.now().
      // Starting from v2.6.2, the getGroupMemberList API can be used to pull the muting stop timestamps of group members.
      let promise = tim.getGroupMemberList({ groupID: 'group1', count: 30, offset:0 }); // Pull 30 group members starting from 0
      promise.then(function(imResponse) {
      console.log(imResponse.data.memberList); // Group member list
      for (let groupMember of imResponse.data.memberList) {
        if (groupMember.muteUntil * 1000  > Date.now()) {
          console.log(`${groupMember.userID} muted`);
        } else {
          console.log(`${groupMember.userID} not muted`);
      }).catch(function(imError) {
      console.warn('getGroupMemberProfile error:', imError);
    • For SDK versions earlier than 2.6.2, you can call the getGroupMemberProfile API to query the muting stop timestamps (muteUntil) and other profile information of group members.
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