tencent cloud



Last updated: 2023-07-17 15:12:24


    A user's conversation list usually contains multiple conversations. If there is a new message in one of the conversations, a badge needs to be displayed in the list cell to indicate the unread count. After the user clicks to enter the conversation and goes back to the conversation list, the unread count is cleared, and the badge disappears. The Chat SDK also supports getting the total unread message count of all or some conversations (using filters), which is displayed at the bottom tab of the conversation list.
    This document describes how to implement the conversation unread count notification feature.

    Getting the Total Unread Count of All Conversations

    In general cases, to get the total unread count of all the conversations, you can traverse the conversation list to get the V2TIMConversation information of each conversation and add the unreadCount values of all the V2TIMConversation objects to get the final result and display it on the UI. The Chat SDK provides the getTotalUnreadMessageCount API to query the total unread count of all the conversations. When the total unread count changes, the SDK will notify the latest total unread count through the onTotalUnreadMessageCountChanged callback.
    1. This feature is supported only by the SDK of the Enhanced edition on v5.3.425 or later.
    2. This feature applies only to work groups (Work), public groups (Public), and communities (Community), but not to audio-video groups (AVChatRoom) or meeting groups (Meeting). For more information on the group types, see Group Overview.
    Below are detailed steps.

    Getting the total unread count of all conversations

    Call getTotalUnreadMessageCount (Android / iOS and macOS / Windows) to get the total unread message count of all conversations and display it on the UI.
    Sample code:
    iOS and macOS
    V2TIMManager.getConversationManager().getTotalUnreadMessageCount(new V2TIMValueCallback<Long>() {
    public void onSuccess(Long aLong) {
    Log.i("imsdk", "success");
    public void onError(int code, String desc) {
    Log.i("imsdk", "failure, code:" + code + ", desc:" + desc);
    [[V2TIMManager sharedInstance] getTotalUnreadMessageCount:^(UInt64 totalCount) {
    // Obtained successfully. `totalCount` is the total unread message count of all conversations.
    // Update the unread count on the UI
    } fail:^(int code, NSString *desc) {
    // Failed to obtain
    template <class T>
    class ValueCallback final : public V2TIMValueCallback<T> {
    using SuccessCallback = std::function<void(const T&)>;
    using ErrorCallback = std::function<void(int, const V2TIMString&)>;
    ValueCallback() = default;
    ~ValueCallback() override = default;
    void SetCallback(SuccessCallback success_callback, ErrorCallback error_callback) {
    success_callback_ = std::move(success_callback);
    error_callback_ = std::move(error_callback);
    void OnSuccess(const T& value) override {
    if (success_callback_) {
    void OnError(int error_code, const V2TIMString& error_message) override {
    if (error_callback_) {
    error_callback_(error_code, error_message);
    SuccessCallback success_callback_;
    ErrorCallback error_callback_;
    auto callback = new ValueCallback<uint64_t>{};
    [=](const uint64_t& count) {
    // Got the total unread count of all conversations successfully
    delete callback;
    [=](int error_code, const V2TIMString& error_message) {
    // Failed to get the total unread count of all conversations
    delete callback;

    Notification of a change in the total unread count

    Call addConversationListener (Android / iOS and Mac / Windows) to add a conversation listener to receive notifications of a change in the total unread count of all conversations (such notifications can be received only after the getTotalUnreadMessageCount API is called).
    You can get the changed total unread count in onTotalUnreadMessageCountChanged (Android / iOS and macOS / Windows) of V2TIMConversationListener.
    Sample code:
    iOS and macOS
    public void onTotalUnreadMessageCountChanged(long totalUnreadCount) {
    // Received a notification of a change in the total unread count of all conversations
    Log.i("imsdk", "onTotalUnreadMessageCountChanged");
    // Add a conversation listener
    [[V2TIMManager sharedInstance] addConversationListener:self];
    // Received a notification of a change in the total unread count of all conversations
    - (void)onTotalUnreadMessageCountChanged:(UInt64)totalUnreadCount {
    // `totalUnreadCount` is the total unread count.
    class ConversationListener final : public V2TIMConversationListener {
    * Notification of the change of the total unread message count of all conversations (supported by 5.3.425 or later)
    * @note
    * - The total unread message count excludes the unread message count of Do-Not-Disturb conversations (conversations whose message receiving option is
    void OnTotalUnreadMessageCountChanged(uint64_t totalUnreadCount) override {
    // Received a notification of a change in the total unread count of all conversations
    // Other member functions...
    // Add a conversation event listener. Keep `conversationListener` valid before the listener is removed to ensure event callbacks are received.
    ConversationListener conversationListener;

    Getting the Total Unread Message Count of Some Conversations by Filters

    The Chat SDK provides the getUnreadMessageCountByFilter API for you to query the total unread message count of some conversations based on filters. To listen for the changes of the total unread message count of some conversations based on filters, call subscribeUnreadMessageCountByFilter to register the listening. When the total unread count under the specified filters changes, the SDK will notify you of the latest total unread count through the onUnreadMessageCountChangedByFilter callback.
    1. This feature is supported only by the SDK of the Enhanced edition on v7.0.3754 or later.
    2. This feature applies only to work groups (Work), public groups (Public), and communities (Community), but not to audio-video groups (AVChatRoom) or meeting groups (Meeting). For more information on the group types, see Group Overview.
    Below are detailed steps.

    Getting the total unread message count of some conversations

    Call getUnreadMessageCountByFilter (Android / iOS and Mac / Windows) to get the total unread message count of some conversations and update it on the UI. The filter condition V2TIMConversationListFilter is described as follows:
    Conversation type (0 indicates that this item is not filtered.)
    One-to-one or group conversation
    Conversation group name (If no value is entered, this item is not filtered.)
    It is not the group name but the conversation group name. For more information, see Conversation Group.
    Conversation tag type (0 indicates that this item is not filtered.)
    For more information, see Conversation Tag.
    Sample code:
    iOS and macOS
    V2TIMConversationListFilter filter = new V2TIMConversationListFilter();
    V2TIMManager.getConversationManager().getUnreadMessageCountByFilter(filter, new V2TIMValueCallback<Long>() {
    public void onSuccess(Long totalUnreadCount) {
    tvLog.setText("getUnreadMessageCountByFilter success, totalUnreadCount:" + totalUnreadCount);
    public void onError(int code, String desc) {
    tvLog.setText("getUnreadMessageCountByFilter failed");
    V2TIMConversationListFilter *filter = [[V2TIMConversationListFilter alloc] init];
    filter.type = V2TIM_GROUP;
    filter.conversationGroup = @"conversation_group";
    [[V2TIMManager sharedInstance] getUnreadMessageCountByFilter:filter succ:^(UInt64 totalUnreadCount) {
    [self appendString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"getUnreadMessageCountByFilter success totalUnreadCount:%llu", totalUnreadCount]];
    } fail:^(int code, NSString *desc) {
    [self appendString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"getUnreadMessageCountByFilter failed"]];
    template <class T>
    class ValueCallback final : public V2TIMValueCallback<T> {
    using SuccessCallback = std::function<void(const T&)>;
    using ErrorCallback = std::function<void(int, const V2TIMString&)>;
    ValueCallback() = default;
    ~ValueCallback() override = default;
    void SetCallback(SuccessCallback success_callback, ErrorCallback error_callback) {
    success_callback_ = std::move(success_callback);
    error_callback_ = std::move(error_callback);
    void OnSuccess(const T& value) override {
    if (success_callback_) {
    void OnError(int error_code, const V2TIMString& error_message) override {
    if (error_callback_) {
    error_callback_(error_code, error_message);
    SuccessCallback success_callback_;
    ErrorCallback error_callback_;
    auto callback = new ValueCallback<uint64_t>{};
    [=](const uint64_t& count) {
    // Got the total unread count successfully
    delete callback;
    [=](int error_code, const V2TIMString& error_message) {
    // Failed to get the total unread count
    delete callback;
    V2TIMConversationListFilter filter;
    filter.type = V2TIM_GROUP;
    filter.conversationGroup = "conversation_group";
    V2TIMManager::GetInstance()->GetConversationManager()->GetUnreadMessageCountByFilter(filter, callback);

    Registering the listening for the changes of the total unread message count of some conversations

    Call addConversationListener (Android / iOS and macOS / Windows) to add a conversation listener. Then call the subscribeUnreadMessageCountByFilter (Android / iOS and macOS / Windows) API to register the listening for the changes of the total unread message count under specified filters.
    You can get the changed total unread count in onUnreadMessageCountChangedByFilter (Android / iOS and macOS / Windows) of V2TIMConversationListener.
    You can specify multiple filters for the unread count listening. The filter parameter in the onUnreadMessageCountChangedByFilter callback lists the filters specified when subscribeUnreadMessageCountByFilter is called. The filter parameter contains the conversationType, conversationGroup, and markType fields. We can distinguish between different filters by checking whether all three fields are the same.
    Sample code:
    iOS and macOS
    // Add a conversation listener
    // Register the listening for the changes of the total unread message count under specified filters
    V2TIMConversationListFilter filter = new V2TIMConversationListFilter();
    // Notification on the change of the total unread message count under specified filters
    public void onUnreadMessageCountChangedByFilter(V2TIMConversationListFilter filter, long totalUnreadCount) {
    // `filter` indicates the filter conditions. `totalUnreadCount` indicates the total unread message count.
    Log.i(TAG, "onUnreadMessageCountChangedByFilter:" + totalUnreadCount + "\\n");
    // Add a conversation listener
    [[V2TIMManager sharedInstance] addConversationListener:self];
    // Register the listening for the changes of the total unread message count under specified filters
    V2TIMConversationListFilter *filter = [[V2TIMConversationListFilter alloc] init];
    filter.type = V2TIM_GROUP;
    filter.conversationGroup = @"conversation_group";
    [[V2TIMManager sharedInstance] subscribeUnreadMessageCountByFilter:filter];
    // Notification on the change of the total unread message count under specified filters
    - (void)onUnreadMessageCountChangedByFilter:(V2TIMConversationListFilter *)filter totalUnreadCount:(UInt64)totalUnreadCount {
    // `filter` indicates the filter conditions. `totalUnreadCount` indicates the total unread message count.
    class ConversationListener final : public V2TIMConversationListener {
    // Notification on the change of the total unread message count under specified filters
    void OnUnreadMessageCountChangedByFilter(const V2TIMConversationListFilter &filter, uint64_t totalUnreadCount) override {
    // `filter` indicates the filter conditions. `totalUnreadCount` indicates the total unread message count.
    // Other member functions...
    // Add a conversation event listener. Keep `conversationListener` valid before the listener is removed to ensure event callbacks are received.
    ConversationListener conversationListener;
    // Register the listening for the changes of the total unread message count under specified filters
    V2TIMConversationListFilter filter;
    filter.type = V2TIM_GROUP;
    filter.conversationGroup = "conversation_group";

    Canceling the listening for the changes of the total unread message count of some conversations

    Call the unsubscribeUnreadMessageCountByFilter (Android / iOS and macOS / Windows) API to cancel the listening for the changes of the total unread message count under specified filters.
    Sample code:
    iOS and macOS
    // Cancel the listening for the changes of the total unread message count under specified filters
    V2TIMConversationListFilter filter = new V2TIMConversationListFilter();
    // Cancel the listening for the changes of the total unread message count under specified filters
    V2TIMConversationListFilter *filter = [[V2TIMConversationListFilter alloc] init];
    filter.type = V2TIM_GROUP;
    filter.conversationGroup = @"conversation_group";
    [[V2TIMManager sharedInstance] unsubscribeUnreadMessageCountByFilter:filter];
    // Cancel the listening for the changes of the total unread message count under specified filters
    V2TIMConversationListFilter filter;
    filter.type = V2TIM_GROUP;
    filter.conversationGroup = "conversation_group";

    Clearing the Conversation Unread Count

    After the user clicks to enter a conversation and goes back to the conversation list, the unread count needs to be cleared, after which the badge in the conversation list needs to disappear. The Chat SDK provides three APIs to clear the unread count for different conversation types:
    markC2CMessageAsRead is used to clear the unread count of a one-to-one conversation.
    markGroupMessageAsRead is used to clear the unread count of a group conversation.
    markAllMessageAsRead is used to clear the unread count of all the conversations.
    Below are detailed steps.
    This feature is supported only by the SDK of the Enhanced edition on v5.8.1668 or later.

    One-to-one chat

    Call markC2CMessageAsRead (Android / iOS and macOS / Windows) to clear the unread count of a specified one-to-one conversation.
    Sample code:
    iOS and macOS
    String userID = "userID";
    V2TIMManager.getMessageManager().markC2CMessageAsRead(userID, new V2TIMCallback() {
    public void onSuccess() {
    Log.i("imsdk", "success");
    public void onError(int code, String desc) {
    Log.i("imsdk", "failure, code:" + code + ", desc:" + desc);
    [[V2TIMManager sharedInstance] markC2CMessageAsRead:@"conversationID" // ID of the target one-to-one conversation
    // Cleared the unread count successfully
    } fail:^(int code, NSString *msg) {
    // Failed to clear the unread count
    class Callback final : public V2TIMCallback {
    using SuccessCallback = std::function<void()>;
    using ErrorCallback = std::function<void(int, const V2TIMString&)>;
    Callback() = default;
    ~Callback() override = default;
    void SetCallback(SuccessCallback success_callback, ErrorCallback error_callback) {
    success_callback_ = std::move(success_callback);
    error_callback_ = std::move(error_callback);
    void OnSuccess() override {
    if (success_callback_) {
    void OnError(int error_code, const V2TIMString& error_message) override {
    if (error_callback_) {
    error_callback_(error_code, error_message);
    SuccessCallback success_callback_;
    ErrorCallback error_callback_;
    V2TIMString userID = u8"userID";
    auto callback = new Callback;
    [=]() {
    // Cleared the unread count successfully
    delete callback;
    [=](int error_code, const V2TIMString& error_message) {
    // Failed to clear the unread count
    delete callback;
    V2TIMManager::GetInstance()->GetMessageManager()->MarkC2CMessageAsRead(userID, callback);
    After the markC2CMessageAsRead is called successfully:
    1. If the caller has called addConversationListener to add a conversation listener, it will receive the onConversationChanged callback and update the UI.
    2. The sender will receive the onRecvC2CReadReceipt callback that contains the timestamp when the conversation unread count is cleared.
    Sample code:
    iOS and macOS
    public void onConversationChanged(List<V2TIMConversation> conversationList) {
    // The caller received the notification of a change in the conversation information.
    Log.i("imsdk", "onConversationChanged");
    public void onRecvC2CReadReceipt(List<V2TIMMessageReceipt> receiptList) {
    // Read receipt for the one-to-one message
    Log.i("imsdk", "onRecvC2CReadReceipt");
    // Add a conversation listener
    [[V2TIMManager sharedInstance] addConversationListener:self];
    // The caller received the notification of a change in the conversation information.
    - (void)onConversationChanged:(NSArray<V2TIMConversation*> *)conversationList {
    // Update the UI based on the `V2TIMConversation` in `conversationList`, for example, clear the badge in the cell of the one-to-one conversation
    // Read receipt for the one-to-one message
    - (void)onRecvC2CReadReceipt:(NSArray<V2TIMMessageReceipt *> *)receiptList {
    class ConversationListener final : public V2TIMConversationListener {
    * If the key information of some conversations changes (for example, the unread count changes, or the last message is updated),
    * use "lastMessage -> timestamp" to sort the conversation list again.
    * @param conversationList Conversation list
    void OnConversationChanged(const V2TIMConversationVector& conversationList) override {}
    // Other members …
    // Add a conversation event listener. Keep `conversationListener` valid before the listener is removed to ensure event callbacks are received.
    ConversationListener conversationListener;
    class AdvancedMsgListener final : public V2TIMAdvancedMsgListener {
    * One-to-one message read notification (This callback is received when the recipient calls the `MarkC2CMessageAsRead` API.
    * The callback contains only the UserID and read timestamp information of the recipient.)
    * @param receiptList Read receipt list
    void OnRecvC2CReadReceipt(const V2TIMMessageReceiptVector& receiptList) override {}
    // Other members …
    // Add an event listener for advanced messages. Keep `advancedMsgListener` valid before it is removed to ensure event callbacks are received.
    AdvancedMsgListener advancedMsgListener;

    Group chat

    Call markGroupMessageAsRead (Android / iOS and macOS / Windows) to clear the unread message count of a specified group conversation.
    Sample code:
    iOS and macOS
    String groupID = "groupID";
    V2TIMManager.getMessageManager().markGroupMessageAsRead(groupID, new V2TIMCallback() {
    public void onSuccess() {
    Log.i("imsdk", "success");
    public void onError(int code, String desc) {
    Log.i("imsdk", "failure, code:" + code + ", desc:" + desc);
    [[V2TIMManager sharedInstance] markGroupMessageAsRead:@"conversationID" // ID of the target group conversation
    // Cleared the unread count successfully
    } fail:^(int code, NSString *msg) {
    // Failed to clear the unread count
    class Callback final : public V2TIMCallback {
    using SuccessCallback = std::function<void()>;
    using ErrorCallback = std::function<void(int, const V2TIMString&)>;
    Callback() = default;
    ~Callback() override = default;
    void SetCallback(SuccessCallback success_callback, ErrorCallback error_callback) {
    success_callback_ = std::move(success_callback);
    error_callback_ = std::move(error_callback);
    void OnSuccess() override {
    if (success_callback_) {
    void OnError(int error_code, const V2TIMString& error_message) override {
    if (error_callback_) {
    error_callback_(error_code, error_message);
    SuccessCallback success_callback_;
    ErrorCallback error_callback_;
    V2TIMString groupID = u8"groupID";
    auto callback = new Callback;
    [=]() {
    // Cleared the unread count successfully
    delete callback;
    [=](int error_code, const V2TIMString& error_message) {
    // Cleared the unread count successfully
    delete callback;
    V2TIMManager::GetInstance()->GetMessageManager()->MarkGroupMessageAsRead(groupID, callback);
    After markGroupMessageAsRead is called successfully, if the caller has called addConversationListener to add a conversation listener, it will receive the onConversationChanged callback and update the UI.
    Sample code:
    iOS and macOS
    public void onConversationChanged(List<V2TIMConversation> conversationList) {
    // The caller received the notification of a change in the conversation information.
    Log.i("imsdk", "onConversationChanged");
    // Add a conversation listener
    [[V2TIMManager sharedInstance] addConversationListener:self];
    // The caller received the notification of a change in the conversation information.
    - (void)onConversationChanged:(NSArray<V2TIMConversation*> *)conversationList {
    // Update the UI based on the `V2TIMConversation` in `conversationList`, for example, clear the badge in the cell of the group conversation
    class ConversationListener final : public V2TIMConversationListener {
    void OnConversationChanged(const V2TIMConversationVector& conversationList) override {}
    // The caller received the notification of a change in the conversation information.
    // Add a conversation event listener. Keep `conversationListener` valid before the listener is removed to ensure event callbacks are received.
    ConversationListener conversationListener;

    All conversations

    Call markAllMessageAsRead (Android / iOS and macOS / Windows) to clear the unread message count of all conversations.
    Sample code:
    iOS and macOS
    V2TIMManager.getMessageManager().markAllMessageAsRead(new V2TIMCallback() {
    public void onSuccess() {
    Log.i("imsdk", "success");
    public void onError(int code, String desc) {
    Log.i("imsdk", "failure, code:" + code + ", desc:" + desc);
    [[V2TIMManager sharedInstance] markAllMessageAsRead:^{
    // Cleared the unread count successfully
    } fail:^(int code, NSString *desc) {
    // Failed to clear the unread count
    class Callback final : public V2TIMCallback {
    using SuccessCallback = std::function<void()>;
    using ErrorCallback = std::function<void(int, const V2TIMString&)>;
    Callback() = default;
    ~Callback() override = default;
    void SetCallback(SuccessCallback success_callback, ErrorCallback error_callback) {
    success_callback_ = std::move(success_callback);
    error_callback_ = std::move(error_callback);
    void OnSuccess() override {
    if (success_callback_) {
    void OnError(int error_code, const V2TIMString& error_message) override {
    if (error_callback_) {
    error_callback_(error_code, error_message);
    SuccessCallback success_callback_;
    ErrorCallback error_callback_;
    auto callback = new Callback;
    [=]() {
    // Cleared the unread count successfully
    delete callback;
    [=](int error_code, const V2TIMString& error_message) {
    // Failed to clear the unread count
    delete callback;
    After markAllMessageAsRead is called successfully, if the caller has called addConversationListener in advance to add a conversation listener, it will receive the onConversationChanged callback and update the UI.
    Sample code:
    iOS and macOS
    public void onConversationChanged(List<V2TIMConversation> conversationList) {
    // Received the notification of a change in the conversation information
    Log.i("imsdk", "onConversationChanged");
    // Add a conversation listener
    [[V2TIMManager sharedInstance] addConversationListener:self];
    // The caller received the notification of a change in the conversation information.
    - (void)onConversationChanged:(NSArray<V2TIMConversation*> *)conversationList {
    // Update the UI, for example, clear the badge on the bottom tab of the conversation list
    class ConversationListener final : public V2TIMConversationListener {
    void OnConversationChanged(const V2TIMConversationVector& conversationList) override {}
    // The caller received the notification of a change in the conversation information.
    // Add a conversation event listener. Keep `conversationListener` valid before the listener is removed to ensure event callbacks are received.
    ConversationListener conversationListener;

    Sending a Message Excluded from the Conversation Unread Count

    In normal cases, both one-to-one messages and group messages that are sent will be included in the unread count. Specifically, you can get the conversation unread count through the unreadCount of the V2TIMConversation conversation object. If you want to send messages that will not be included in the unread count, such as tips or control messages, when calling sendMessage, you can:
    Android: call setExcludedFromUnreadCount and set it to true.
    iOS/Windows: set the message object isExcludedFromUnreadCount to YES/true.
    For how to use sendMessage, see Sending Message.
    The setExcludedFromUnreadCount or isExcludedFromUnreadCount parameter is supported only by the SDK of the Enhanced edition on v5.3.425 or later.
    Sample code:
    iOS and macOS
    // Create the message object
    V2TIMMessage v2TIMMessage = V2TIMManager.getMessageManager().createTextMessage(content);
    // Set not to update the `lastMessage` of the conversation
    // Send the message
    V2TIMManager.getMessageManager().sendMessage(v2TIMMessage, "userID", null, V2TIMMessage.V2TIM_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, false, null, new V2TIMSendCallback<V2TIMMessage>() {
    public void onSuccess(V2TIMMessage v2TIMMessage) {
    Log.i("imsdk", "success");
    public void onProgress(int progress) {
    Log.i("imsdk", "progress:" + progress);
    public void onError(int code, String desc) {
    Log.i("imsdk", "failure, code:" + code + ", desc:" + desc);
    // Create the message object
    V2TIMMessage *message = [[V2TIMManager sharedInstance] createTextMessage:@"This is a signaling message"];
    // Set the identifier for excluding from the unread message count
    message.isExcludedFromUnreadCount = YES;
    // Send the message
    [[V2TIMManager sharedInstance] sendMessage:msg receiver:@"userA" groupID:nil
    priority:V2TIM_PRIORITY_DEFAULT onlineUserOnly:YES offlinePushInfo:nil progress:^(uint32_t progress) {
    } succ:^{
    // Message sent successfully
    } fail:^(int code, NSString *msg) {
    // Failed to send the message
    class SendCallback final : public V2TIMSendCallback {
    using SuccessCallback = std::function<void(const V2TIMMessage&)>;
    using ErrorCallback = std::function<void(int, const V2TIMString&)>;
    using ProgressCallback = std::function<void(uint32_t)>;
    SendCallback() = default;
    ~SendCallback() override = default;
    void SetCallback(SuccessCallback success_callback, ErrorCallback error_callback,
    ProgressCallback progress_callback) {
    success_callback_ = std::move(success_callback);
    error_callback_ = std::move(error_callback);
    progress_callback_ = std::move(progress_callback);
    void OnSuccess(const V2TIMMessage& message) override {
    if (success_callback_) {
    void OnError(int error_code, const V2TIMString& error_message) override {
    if (error_callback_) {
    error_callback_(error_code, error_message);
    void OnProgress(uint32_t progress) override {
    if (progress_callback_) {
    SuccessCallback success_callback_;
    ErrorCallback error_callback_;
    ProgressCallback progress_callback_;
    // Create the message object
    V2TIMMessage message = V2TIMManager::GetInstance()->GetMessageManager()->CreateTextMessage(u8"content");
    // Set not to update the `lastMessage` of the conversation
    message.isExcludedFromUnreadCount = true;
    auto callback = new SendCallback{};
    callback->SetCallback([=](const V2TIMMessage& message) { delete callback; },
    [=](int error_code, const V2TIMString& error_message) { delete callback; },
    [=](uint32_t progress) {});
    message, u8"userID", {}, V2TIMMessagePriority::V2TIM_PRIORITY_NORMAL, false, {}, callback);
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