tencent cloud


Integration on Android Devices

Last updated: 2023-03-08 17:05:57

    Development Preparations

    1. Sign up for a Tencent Cloud account and log in to the FaceID console to activate the service.
    2. Download the FaceID SDK at the SDK download address and integrate it locally.
    3. Apply for and download the license.

    FaceID SDK for Android Integration Process

    SDK provides the files huiyansdk_android_overseas_1.0.9.6_release.aar, tencent-ai-sdk-youtu-base-, tencent-ai-sdk-common-1.1.36-release.aar, and tencent-ai-sdk-aicamera-1.0.22-release.aar (the specific version numbers of the files downloaded from the official website shall prevail). The files are encapsulated with the face liveness detection feature.

    Environment Requirements

    The current FaceID SDK for Android is supported by API 19 (Android 4.4) or later.


    1. Add the files huiyansdk_android_overseas_1.0.9.6_release.aar, tencent-ai-sdk-youtu-base-, tencent-ai-sdk-common-1.1.36-release.aar, and tencent-ai-sdk-aicamera-1.0.22-release.aar (the specific version numbers of the files downloaded from the official website shall prevail) to the libs directory of your project.

    2. Configure build.gradle in your project as follows:

    // Set .so architecture filtering in NDK (using armeabi-v7a as an example)
        abiFilters 'armeabi-v7a'
    dependencies {
        // Import the FaceID SDK
        implementation files("libs/huiyansdk_android_overseas_1.0.9.5_release.aar")
        // FaceID general algorithm SDK
        implementation files("libs/tencent-ai-sdk-youtu-base-")
        // Common capability components
        implementation files("libs/tencent-ai-sdk-common-1.1.27-release.aar")
        implementation files("libs/tencent-ai-sdk-aicamera-1.0.18-release.aar")
          // Third-Party libraries that the FaceID SDK depends on
        // gson
        implementation 'com.google.code.gson:gson:2.8.5'
    1. Make the necessary permission declaration in the AndroidManifest.xml file.
    <!-- Camera permission -->
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
        android:required="true" />
    <uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera.autofocus" />
    <!-- Permissions required by the SDK -->
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
    <!-- Optional permissions for the SDK -->
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />

    If your app needs to be compatible with Android 6.0 or later, in addition to declaring the above permissions in the "AndroidManifest.xml" file, you also need to add the code Dynamically apply for permissions.

    SDK APIs Use Instructions

    Initialization API

    This API is called during app initialization, which is mainly used to perform some initialization operations for the SDK. We recommend you call this API in Application.

    public void onCreate() {
        instance = this;
        // Initialize the SDK during app initialization

    I. Full integration mode

    In this mode, you can get the data of each step and you should be responsible for data forwarding.

    The following diagram shows the overall logic of interaction between the SDK, client, and server in the full integration mode. (You can select full integration or simplified integration as needed.)

    1. Initialize the configuration and pull configuration parameters
    Before using the FaceID SDK, you need to call this method to pass in basic configuration parameters and use the callback to pull the local configuration parameter information.
    // HuiYanOs parameters
    HuiYanOsConfig huiYanOsConfig = new HuiYanOsConfig();
    // The license file is placed in "assets"
    // Pull the local configuration parameter information before starting identity verification
    HuiYanOsApi.startGetAuthConfigData(huiYanOsConfig, new HuiYanConfigCallback() {
            public void onSuccess(String result) {
                // The configuration information is obtained successfully and sent to the server to get the verification start configuration, and the server delivers the light sequence (implemented by yourself via step 4 as shown in the figure above).
                String reflectSequence = getAuthLightData(result);
          // ... Subsequent steps
            public void onFail(int errorCode, String errMsg) {
                // Failed to get configuration parameters (implemented by yourself)
                showError(errorCode, errMsg);

    Note: You need to contact the customer service to apply for the "YTFaceSDK.license", and then place the license file in the Assets Folder.


    If you need to stop the verification process (such as when the light sequence network is abnormal or an error occurs), you can call HuiYanOsApi.startAuthByLightData (null, HuiYanResultCallBack) and pass in null to terminate the process.

    2. Complete the remaining steps of liveness verification

    ​After you obtain the configuration information from the server, you need to call this API to pass in the reflectSequence delivered by the server, i.e., the light sequence for identity verification, so as to complete the local identity verification.

    // Start identity verification. `reflectSequence` is the light sequence data obtained from the server.
    HuiYanOsApi.startAuthByLightData(reflectSequence, new HuiYanResultCallBack() {
            public void onSuccess(byte[] data, String videoPath) {
                // 1. Send the local verification data to the server for comparison and verification to get the final result (implemented by yourself via step 9 as shown in the figure above)
                // 2. Process the local identity verification video `videoPath` (implemented by yourself)
            public void onFail(int errorCode, String errMsg) {
                // An error occurred. The local identity verification failed.
                showError(errorCode, errMsg);

    Supplementary description of interactions between the frontend and the backend

    Step 4 shown in the figure above needs to be implemented in callback of startGetAuthConfigData#onSuccess in SDK by yourself. DeviceData is needed by Tencent Cloud API GenerateReflectSequence.

    You need to send DeviceData obtained through SDK to a storage platform such as COS and ensure that the platform is accessible through external networks. The input parameter DeviceDataUrl of GenerateReflectSequence is the URL on the storage platform where data is uploaded. Tencent Cloud API gets DeviceData generated by SDK, where DeviceDataMd5 is the MD5 value of data and is used by Tencent Cloud services to verify data integrity.

    In step 9 shown in the figure above, you need to upload LiveData in callback of startAuthByLightData #onSuccess in SDK. LiveData is needed by Tencent Cloud API DetectReflectLivenessAndCompare.

    You need to send LiveData obtained through SDK to a storage platform such as COS and ensure that the platform is accessible through external networks. The input parameter LiveDataUrl of DetectReflectLivenessAndCompare is the URL on the storage platform where data is uploaded. Tencent Cloud API gets LiveData generated by SDK, where LiveDataMd5 is the MD5 value of data and is used by Tencent Cloud services to verify data integrity. (Similarly, the preceding description is also applicable to input parameters ImageUrl and ImageMd5 of DetectReflectLivenessAndCompare.)

    II. Simplified integration mode

    You only need to pass in the token and start the corresponding liveness detection method to complete liveness detection and return the result. (You can select full integration or simplified integration as needed.)

    For details on how to obtain the token, see Tencent Cloud API ApplyLivenessToken.

    The following diagram shows the overall logic of interaction between the SDK, client, and server in the simplified integration mode.

    Start simplified liveness verification
    // HuiYanOs parameters
    HuiYanOsConfig huiYanOsConfig = new HuiYanOsConfig();
    // The license file is placed in "assets"
    if (compatCheckBox.isChecked()) {
    // Whether to return the best frame
    if (needBestImageCB.isChecked()) {
    // Start simplified liveness verification. `currentToken` is the token distributed by the backend.
    HuiYanOsApi.startHuiYanAuth(currentToken, huiYanOsConfig, new HuiYanOsAuthCallBack() {
        public void onSuccess(HuiYanOsAuthResult authResult) {
            showToast("Liveness verification passed.");
            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(authResult.getBestImage())) {
               CommonUtils.decryptBestImgBase64(authResult.getBestImage(), false);
        public void onFail(int errorCode, String errorMsg, String token) {
            String msg = "Liveness verification failed " + "code: " + errorCode + " msg: " + errorMsg + " token: " + token;
            Log.e(TAG, "onFail" + msg);

    HuiYanOsAuthResult is the result returned for successful liveness verification.

    Note: You need to contact the customer service to apply for the "YTFaceSDK.license", and then place the license file in the Assets Folder.

    API for releasing SDK resources

    Before your app exits, you can call the API to release SDK resources.

    protected void onDestroy() {
        // Release the resources before exit

    Setting obfuscation rules

    If the obfuscation feature is enabled for your app, add the following to your obfuscation file to ensure the normal running of the SDK:

    # The following FaceID SDK obfuscation rules should be added:
    -keep class com.tencent.could.huiyansdk.** {*;}
    -keep class com.tencent.could.aicamare.** {*;}
    -keep class com.tencent.could.component.** {*;}
    -keep class com.tencent.youtu.** {*;}
    -keep class com.tenpay.utils.SMUtils {*;}

    FAQs About Integration

    1. What should I do if Invoke-customs are only supported starting with Android O (--min-api 26) appears after I integrate the FaceID?

      Add the following configuration to the build.gradle file:

       // Java 1.8 is supported
       compileOptions {
           sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
           targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
    1. If the integrator uses the obfuscation tool AndResGuard, you can add the following obfuscation configuration:
    // for HuiYanSDK

    API Description

    The FaceID SDK mainly involves the following classes: HuiYanOsApi (API class), HuiYanOsConfig (configuration parameter class), and HuiYanConfigCallback and HuiYanResultCallBack (result and callback classes).


    API Feature Description
    init() Initializes FaceID SDK
    release() Releases resources
    startGetAuthConfigData() Gets the local configuration information of the FaceID SDK
    startAuthByLightData() Passes in the light sequence obtained from the server to continue the liveness detection for identity verification
    startHuiYanAuth() Simplified identity verification API, which can be called to complete the entire verification process


    public static void init(Context context)


    It is an API for initializing the FaceID SDK.

    Input parameters:

    Parameter Type Parameter Name Description
    context Context Context of the app


    public static void release() 


    It is an API for releasing FaceID SDK resources.


    public static void startGetAuthConfigData(HuiYanOsConfig startConfig, HuiYanConfigCallback configCallback) 


    It is a configuration parameter pulled by the FaceID SDK during local detection in order to obtain the light sequence in subsequent steps.

    Input parameters:

    Parameter Type Parameter Description
    HuiYanOsConfig startConfig Configuration parameter
    HuiYanConfigCallback configCallback Callback for configuration result pull


    public static void startAuthByLightData(String reflectSequence, HuiYanResultCallBack resultCallBack) 


    ​ It is an API used to pass in the light sequence data pulled from the server to the FaceID SDK in order to continue the identity verification process for the local detection result.

    Input parameters:

    Parameter Type Parameter Description
    String reflectSequence Light sequence obtained from the server to start identity verification
    HuiYanResultCallBack resultCallBack Callback for the local identity verification result


    public static void startHuiYanAuth(final String startToken, final HuiYanOsConfig startConfig, HuiYanOsAuthCallBack authCallBack)


    Simplified identity verification API, which can be called to complete the entire verification process.

    Input parameters:

    Parameter Type Parameter Name Description
    String startToken Business token requested from the server for starting identity verification
    HuiYanOsConfig startConfig Configuration parameter
    HuiYanOsAuthCallBack authCallBack Callback for the liveness detection result


    "HuiYanOsConfig" is the configuration entity class during FaceID SDK startup, which mainly covers the following attributes:

    Type Name Description Default Value
    PageColorStyle pageColorStyle Color pattern used for face verification PageColorStyle.Light
    String authLicense Name of the license file requested for user identity verification Empty
    long authTimeOutMs Liveness detection timeout period 10000 milliseconds (10 seconds)
    boolean isDeleteVideoCache Specifies whether to delete the local cache of the video for identity verification true
    boolean isShowGuidePage Specifies whether to open the guide page for identity verification true
    boolean isNeedBestImage Specifies whether to return the best frame (for the simplified process only) false
    LanguageStyle languageStyle Language type Same as the system language
    String languageCode Language code (see Language codes for Android), which is used together with languageStyle Empty


    This is the enumeration class of default color patterns on the default identity verification UI. Currently, two color patterns are supported: light and dark patterns.

    PageColorStyle Type Description
    PageColorStyle.Light Light pattern
    PageColorStyle.Dark Dark pattern


    LanguageStyle Description
    LanguageStyle.AUTO Auto
    LanguageStyle.ENGLISH English
    LanguageStyle.SIMPLIFIED_CHINESE Simplified Chinese
    LanguageStyle.TRADITIONAL_CHINESE Traditional Chinese
    LanguageStyle.CUSTOMIZE_LANGUAGE Custom language


    The result type corresponding to the callback for successful simplified liveness verification.

    Type Name Description Default Value
    String token Token used in the current liveness verification process Empty
    String bestImage Base64-encoded data of the best frame image for liveness verification Empty

    Error Codes

    Below are the current error codes in the FaceID SDK (global edition) in failure callbacks and their meaning:

    Error Code Value Description
    HY_NETWORK_ERROR 210 Network request exception.
    HY_LOCAL_REF_FAILED_ERROR 211 Check failed during local SDK initialization. Common exceptions are non-existent or expired license file.
    HY_USER_CANCEL_ERROR 212 The user actively canceled the identity verification process.
    HY_INNER_ERROR_CODE 213 An internal exception occurred in the SDK, causing the identity verification process to be stopped.
    HY_DO_NOT_CHANGE_ERROR 214 The app was switched during identity verification, causing the process to be stopped.
    HY_CAMERA_PERMISSION_ERROR 215 An exception occurred while getting the camera.
    HY_INIT_SDK_ERROR 216 The liveness detection method was directly called before the "init()" method was called.
    HY_VERIFY_LOCAL_ERROR 217 Local face detection failed.
    HY_PERMISSION_CHECK_ERROR 218 The permissions required by the local SDK were insufficient.
    HY_APP_STOP_ERROR 219 If reflectSequence of startAuthByLightData is null, the integrator actively stopped the identity verification process.
    HY_CHECK_LIVE_DATA_ERROR 220 Failed to verify the light sequence that was passed in.
    HY_INITIALIZATION_PARAMETER_EXCEPTION 221 An exception occurred while directly calling the method for setting light sequence parameters without getting the device configuration.
    HY_VERIFY_LOCAL_TIME_OUT 222 Local motion detection timed out.
    HY_PREPARE_TIME_OUT 223 The preparation process (between camera launch and the first detection of face) timed out.
    HY_CHECK_PERMISSION_ERROR 224 Failed to apply for the camera permission inside the SDK.


    Callback class for initialization and acquisition of the local configuration.

     * Callback for FaceID SDK initialization and acquisition of the local configuration
    public interface HuiYanConfigCallback {
         * API for successfully getting configuration
         * @param result: Configuration information
        void onSuccess(String result);
         * API for failing to get configuration
         * @param errorCode: Error code
         * @param errMsg: Error message
        void onFail(int errorCode, String errMsg);


    Callback class for local identity verification process and local result acquisition.

     * Callback type for identity verification completion
    public interface HuiYanResultCallBack {
         * Callback success data
         * @param data: Data for comparison
         * @param videoPath: The path of the identity verification video
        void onSuccess(byte[] data, String videoPath);
         * Callback failure result
         * @param errorCode: Error code
         * @param errMsg: Error message
        void onFail(int errorCode, String errMsg);


    Callback API for the simplified liveness verification process

     * Callback for the simplified liveness verification result 
     * @author jerrydong
     * @since 2022/6/10 
    public interface HuiYanOsAuthCallBack { 
         * Callback for successful liveness verification 
         * @param authResult Result 
        void onSuccess(HuiYanOsAuthResult authResult); 
         * Liveness verification failed 
         * @param errorCode: Error code
         @param errorMsg: Error message
         * @param token The token used in the current verification process 
        void onFail(int errorCode, String errorMsg, String token);

    Adding a Language

    To add a language, perform the following two steps:

    1. Add the corresponding language folder to the project in the main module (which integrates the FaceID SDK).

    2. Copy hy_customer_string.xml to the language folder and modify the value content.

    3. Specify the target language code in the code (with Thai as an example).


    Language codes for Android

    Some of language codes for Android are provided for reference.

    Language Code Language - Country/Region
    af-ZA Afrikaans - South Africa
    sq-AL Albanian - Albania
    ar-DZ Arabic - Algeria
    ar-BH Arabic - Bahrain
    ar-EG Arabic - Egypt
    ar-IQ Arabic - Iraq
    ar-JO Arabic - Jordan
    ar-KW Arabic - Kuwait
    ar-LB Arabic - Lebanon
    ar-LY Arabic - Libya
    ar-MA Arabic - Morocco
    ar-OM Arabic - Oman
    ar-QA Arabic - Qatar
    eu-ES Basque - Basque
    be-BY Belarusian - Belarus
    bg-BG Bulgarian - Bulgaria
    ca-ES Catalan - Catalonia
    zh-HK Chinese - Hong Kong (China)
    zh-MO Chinese - Macao (China)
    zh-CN Chinese - China
    zh-SG Chinese - Singapore
    zh-TW Chinese - Taiwan (China)
    zh-CHS Simplified Chinese
    zh-CHT Traditional Chinese
    hr-HR Croatian - Croatia
    cs-CZ Czech - Czech Republic
    da-DK Danish - Denmark
    div-MV Dhivehi - Maldives
    nl-BE Dutch - Belgium
    nl-NL Dutch - Netherlands
    en-AU English - Australia
    en-CA English - Canada
    en-ZA English - South Africa
    en-PH English - Philippines
    en-NZ English - New Zealand
    en-GB English - UK
    en-US English - US
    fa-IR Persian - Iran
    fi-FI Finnish - Finland
    fr-FR French - France
    fr-BE French - Belgium
    fr-MC French - Monaco
    fr-CH French - Switzerland
    gl-ES Galician - Galicia
    ka-GE Georgian - Georgia
    de-DE German - Germany
    de-LU German - Luxembourg
    de-CH German - Switzerland
    el-GR Greek - Greece
    gu-IN Gujarati - India
    he-IL Hebrew - Israel
    hi-IN Hindi - India
    hu-HU Hungarian - Hungary
    is-IS Icelandic - Iceland
    it-IT Italian - Italy
    ja-JP Japanese - Japan
    kk-KZ Kazakh - Kazakhstan
    kn-IN Kannada - India
    ko-KR Korean - South Korea
    lv-LV Latvian - Latvia
    lt-LT Lithuanian - Lithuania
    ms-BN Malay - Brunei
    ms-MY Malay - Malaysia
    mr-IN Marathi - India
    mn-MN Mongolian - Mongolia
    nn-NO Nynorsk - Norway
    pl-PL Polish - Poland
    pt-BR Portuguese - Brazil
    pt-PT Portuguese - Portugal
    ro-RO Romanian - Romania
    sa-IN Sanskrit - India
    ru-RU Russian - Russia
    sk-SK Slovak - Slovakia
    es-AR Spanish - Argentina
    es-ES Spanish - Spain
    sv-SE Swedish - Sweden
    th-TH Thai - Thailand
    tr-TR Turkish - Türkiye
    uk-UA Ukrainian - Ukraine
    ur-PK Urdu - Pakistan
    vi-VN Vietnamese - Vietnam
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