tencent cloud


Integration Documentation for iOS

Last updated: 2022-07-28 14:47:15

    Development Preparations

    1. Sign up for a Tencent Cloud account and log in to the eKYC console to activate the service.
    2. Download the required version of SDK via the eKYC SDK download link and integrate it locally.
    3. Contact the business or customer service to get the license file of your version.

    Integrating the eKYC SDK for iOS

    Environment requirements

    1. Xcode 12.0 or later is required. We recommend you use the latest version.
    2. The FaceID SDK for iOS is only supported by iOS 11.0 or later.


    Importing required libraries and files

    1. Click Link Binary With Libraries to add required frameworks (libraries) that the SDK depends on as below:
    ├── HKOCRSDK.framework
    ├── tiny_opencv2.framework
    └── YtSDKKitOcrVideoIdent.framework
    1. Click Link Binary With Libraries to add system frameworks.
    └── Accelerate.framework
    └── CoreML.framework
    1. Click Copy Bundle Resources to add bundle files.
    └── face-tracker-v001.bundle
    └── huiyan_verification.bundle
    └── ytsdkviidres.bundle
    1. Set Build Phases.

      1. Click Other Linker Flags to add -ObjC.

      2. Integrate .m files. It is necessary to set the file extension as .mm, or change the file type to Objective-C++ Source.

    2. Set permissions

    As the SDK requires a camera permission, include the following key-value pair in info.plist of the main project to add the corresponding permission declaration.

    <key>Privacy - Camera Usage Description</key>
    <string>eKYC SDK needs to access your camera</string>

    SDK APIs Use Instructions

    Initialization API

    This API is called when you initialize your app. It is mainly used for some SDK initialization operations.

    #import <HuiYanEKYCVerification/VerificationKit.h>
    - (void)viewDidLoad {
      [[VerificationKit sharedInstance] initWithViewController:self];
    API for starting the eKYC process

    ​When you need to start the eKYC process, you just need to call the startVerifiWithConfig method and set ekycToken and some other custom fields.

    - (IBAction)startVerificationEvent:(id)sender {
      VerificationConfig *config = [[VerificationConfig alloc] init];
      config.licPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"eKYC_license.lic" ofType:nil];
      config.languageType = (LanguageType)(selectTag + 1);
      config.verAutoTimeOut = 30000;// Set the authentication timeout period
      config.hyFaceTimeOut = 15000;// Set the timeout period of a single face authentication operation
      config.ekycToken = self.eKYCTokenTextField.text;
      [[VerificationKit sharedInstance] startVerifiWithConfig:config withSuccCallback:^(int errorCode, id  _Nonnull resultInfo, id  _Nullable reserved) {
          NSLog(@"ErrCode:%d msg:%@",errorCode,resultInfo);
          NSString *showMsg = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"ErrCode:%d msg:%@",errorCode,resultInfo];
          [self showAlertViewWithMsg:showMsg];
      } withFialCallback:^(int errorCode, NSString * _Nonnull errorMsg, id  _Nullable reserved) {
          NSLog(@"ErrCode:%d msg:%@ extra:%@",errorCode,errorMsg,reserved);
          NSString *showMsg = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"ErrCode:%d msg:%@ extra:%@",errorCode,errorMsg,reserved];
          [self showAlertViewWithMsg:showMsg];

    ekycToken is the unique credential obtained from the server for this eKYC process.

    Note: The file "eKYC_license.lic" is the license file obtained from the business or customer service, and you need to place the license file into Copy Bundle Resources.

    API for releasing SDK resources

    You can call this API after you finish operations and no longer need the SDK.

    - (void)dealloc {
      [VerificationKit clearInstance];


    1. For errors similar to the following ones:

      Change the property of the SDK file to Objective-C++ Source.

    2. For the absence of image in the SDK interface:

      Select TARGETS -> Build Settings -> Other Linker Flags to configure -ObjC.

    3. For following errors:

    Select TARGETS -> Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries to add the system library Accelerate.framework.

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    Open a ticket if you're looking for further assistance. Our Ticket is 7x24 avaliable.

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