tencent cloud



Last updated: 2023-03-07 18:16:40
    Tencent Cloud Command Line Interface (TCCLI) is a unified tool for managing Tencent Cloud resources. With TCCLI, you can quickly and easily call Tencent Cloud APIs to manage your resources and automate them through scripts for diversified combination and reuse.
    The table below describes the basic and advanced TCCLI features:
    Configures TCCLI
    Provides help information
    Outputs results in JSON, table or text format
    Supports multi-version API access
    Specifies the nearest access point (Endpoint)
    Filters return results
    Outputs the input parameters structure to JSON
    Reads and calls a JSON file
    Calls complex type dot (.) expansion

    Installing TCCLI

    1. Before installing TCCLI, make sure that your system has the Python environment and pip tool installed. For more information, see Python.
    Use Python 2.7 or a later version. For more information, please see Python's official website and pip's official website.
    TCCLI depends on the TencentCloudApi Python SDK. If the version number of the TencentCloudApi Python SDK is earlier than that of TCCLI to be installed, the TencentCloudApi Python SDK will be automatically upgraded when TCCLI is installed.
    2. In Windows, press Win+R, enter cmd and click OK. This document uses the LinuxOS as an example.
    3. Run the following command to install TCCLI.
    pip install tccli
    Run the following commands to upgrade TCCLI earlier than version
    sudo pip uninstall tccli jmespath
    sudo pip install tccli
    4. Run the following command to verify whether TCCLI is successfully installed:
    tccli --version
    If the following result is returned, it indicates that TCCLI has been successfully installed.
    [root@VM_180_248_centos ~]# tccli --version
    5. Run the following command to enable the autocomplete feature that also corrects uppercase/lowercase misuse.
    complete -C 'tccli_completer' tccli
    The following code snippets display the autocomplete process:
    [root@VM_33_50_centos ~]# tccli c
    cam cbs cdn chdfs ckafka cloudhsm cms cr cynosdb
    captcha ccc cds cim clb cme configure cvm
    cat cdb cfs cis cloudaudit cmq cpdp cws
    [root@VM_33_50_centos ~]# tccli cvm R
    RebootInstances ResetInstance ResetInstancesType
    RenewHosts ResetInstancesInternetMaxBandwidth ResizeInstanceDisks
    RenewInstances ResetInstancesPassword RunInstances
    [root@VM_33_50_centos ~]# tccli cvm RunInstances --
    --ActionTimer --generate-cli-skeleton --InstanceType --SecurityGroupIds
    --ClientToken --HostName --InternetAccessible --SystemDisk
    --cli-input-json --HpcClusterId --LoginSettings --TagSpecification
    --DataDisks --ImageId --output --timeout
    --DisasterRecoverGroupIds --InstanceChargePrepaid --Placement --UserData
    --DryRun --InstanceChargeType --profile --version
    --endpoint --InstanceCount --region --VirtualPrivateCloud
    --EnhancedService --InstanceMarketOptions --secretId
    --filter --InstanceName --secretKey
    [root@VM_33_50_centos ~]# tccli cvm RunInstances --Placement

    Configuring TCCLI

    1. Run the following command to enter the interactive mode for quick configuration.
    tccli configure
    Configure the parameters as follows:
    TencentCloud API secretId [*afcQ]:
    TencentCloud API secretKey [*ArFd]:
    secretId: SecretId of your TencentCloud API key, which can be obtained at Manage API Key. A root account can apply for up to two API keys.
    secretKey: SecretKey of your TencentCloud API key, which can be obtained at Manage API Key.
    region: the region of Tencent Cloud services. Use the relevant APIs to obtain available regions, such as Region List for CVM.
    output: optional, output format of the request return packet. Valid values: JSON, table, text. Default value: JSON. For more information, please run the tccli configure help command.
    2. In command line mode, you can configure the information in an automated script:
    # The `set` subcommand is used to configure one or more items.
    tccli configure set secretId AKIDwLw1234***********nR2OTI787aBCDP
    tccli configure set region ap-guangzhou output json
    # The `get` subcommand is used to obtain configuration information.
    tccli configure get secretKey
    secretKey = OxXj7khcV1234*********dCc1LiArFd
    # The `list` subcommand is used to print out all configuration information.
    tccli configure list
    secretId = AKIDwLw1234**********nR2OTI787aBCDP
    secretKey = OxXj7khcV1234*********dCc1LiArFd
    region = ap-guangzhou
    output = json
    Use the tccli configure [list, get or set] help command such as tccli configure list help to view more information.
    3. Configure multiple accounts for easy use.
    # Specify the account name `test` in an interactive mode.
    $ tccli configure --profile test
    TencentCloud API secretId [*BCDP]:AKIDwLw1234***********R2OTI787aBCDP
    TencentCloud API secretKey [*ArFd]:OxXj7khcV1234*********dCc1LiArFd
    region: ap-guangzhou
    # Specify the account name “test” for `set/get/list` subcommands. This command has the same effect as the previous one.
    $ tccli configure set region ap-guangzhou output json secretId AKIDwLw1234***********R2OTI787aBCDP secretKey OxXj7khcV1234*********dCc1LiArFd --profile test
    # Modify a parameter (such as region) alone:
    $ tccli configure set region ap-beijing
    # View the key or configurations of the `test` user.
    $ tccli configure get secretKey --profile test
    $ tccli configure list --profile test
    # Specify an account when calling an API such as DescribeZones API for CVM.
    $ tccli cvm DescribeZones --profile test

    Using TCCLI

    Basic features

    TCCLI supports custom configurations, provides help information, and outputs results in JSON, table or text.
    The non-simple parameters in the examples must be in standard JSON format.
    TCCLI currently supports the following three calling methods:
    JSON strings
    JSON file --cli-input-json
    Complex type dot (.) expansion --cli-unfold-argument

    Calling sample of JSON strings

    Run the following command to create a CVM instance.
    $ tccli cvm RunInstances --InstanceChargeType POSTPAID_BY_HOUR --InstanceChargePrepaid '{"Period":1,"RenewFlag":"DISABLE_NOTIFY_AND_MANUAL_RENEW"}' --Placement '{"Zone":"ap-guangzhou-2"}' --InstanceType S1.SMALL1 --ImageId img-8toqc6s3 --SystemDisk '{"DiskType":"CLOUD_BASIC", "DiskSize":50}' --InternetAccessible '{"InternetChargeType":"TRAFFIC_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR","InternetMaxBandwidthOut":10,"PublicIpAssigned":true}' --InstanceCount 1 --InstanceName TCCLI-TEST --LoginSettings '{"Password":"isd@cloud"}' --SecurityGroupIds '["sg-0rszg2vb"]' --HostName TCCLI-HOST-NAME1
    Run the following command to obtain the CVM’s monitoring data.
    [root@VM_33_50_centos ~]# tccli monitor GetMonitorData --Namespace "QCE/CVM" --Period 300 --MetricName "CPUUsage" --Instances '[{"Dimensions":[{"Name":"InstanceId","Value":"ins-cac6a4w8"}]}]'

    Calling sample of JSON file (--cli-input-json)

    1. Run the following command to output the input parameters to a JSON file.
    [root@VM_33_50_centos ~]# tccli cvm RunInstances --generate-cli-skeleton > /tmp/RunInstances.json
    2. Replace with your actual values, and pass in the JSON file in the format of --cli-input-json followed by file://+file path as shown below:
    [root@VM_33_50_centos ~]# tccli cvm RunInstances --cli-input-json file:///tmp/RunInstances.json
    "RequestId": "20e2b42d-3260-4750-9293-79116208330e",
    "InstanceIdSet": null

    Calling sample of complex type dot (.) expansion (--cli-unfold-argument)

    This method expands and joins a complex type in dots to solve the input difficulties with the CLI autocomplete feature and avoid errors. For example, {"a":{"b": "c"}} will be expanded to --a.b c. For a complex array, use .0 and .1 to represent the first and second elements of the array. For a simple array, separate multiple elements with spaces, such as --Integer 10 20 and --String str1 str2.
    Run the following command to create a CVM instance.
    [root@VM_33_50_centos ~]# tccli cvm RunInstances --cli-unfold-argument --InstanceChargeType POSTPAID_BY_HOUR --InstanceChargePrepaid.Period 1 --InstanceChargePrepaid.RenewFlag DISABLE_NOTIFY_AND_MANUAL_RENEW --Placement.Zone ap-guangzhou-2 --InstanceType S1.SMALL1 --ImageId img-8toqc6s3 --SystemDisk.DiskType CLOUD_BASIC --SystemDisk.DiskSize 50 --InternetAccessible.InternetChargeType TRAFFIC_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR --InternetAccessible.InternetMaxBandwidthOut 10 --InternetAccessible.PublicIpAssigned True --InstanceCount 1 --InstanceName TCCLI-TEST --LoginSettings.Password isd@cloud --SecurityGroupIds sg-0rszg2vb --HostName TCCLI-HOST-NAME1

    More use cases

    Use the following commands to learn more about TCCLI:
    Run the tccli help command to learn all command usage.
    [root@VM_33_50_centos ~]# tccli help
    tccli (Tencent Cloud Command Line Interface) is a tool to manage your Tencent Cloud services.
    Before using tccli, you should use the command(tccli configure) to configure your profile as the default For more in
    formation, please enter tccli configure help
    tccli [options] <service> [options] <action> [options] [options and parameters]
    show the tccli help info
    show the version of tccli
    Describes how to manage loan anti-fraud via APIs.
    Describes how to customize modeling via APIs.
    Describes how to operate genuine music library via APIs, including material acquisition, data reporting, etc.
    Run the tccli cvm help command to view supported APIs. This document uses CVM as an example.
    [root@VM_33_50_centos ~]# tccli cvm help
    Only the latest version will be displayed by default. Use `help --version xxxx-xx-xx` to check other versions.
    Describes how to manage and operate CVM instances via APIs, including image, key, and other resources.
    tccli cvm <action> [--param...]
    show the tccli cvm help info
    Creates a CDH instance
    Binds a key pair
    Binds a security group
    Run the tccli cbs DescribeDisks help command to view the supported API parameters. This document uses DescribeDisks API for CBS as an example.
    [root@VM_33_50_centos ~]# tccli cbs DescribeDisks help
    This API is used to query the list of cloud disks.
    * You can filter cloud disks by ID, type, status, etc. The relationship between different filters is logical `AND`. For more information on filters, see
    * If the parameter is empty, a number (as specified by `Limit`; the default is 20) of cloud disk will be returned.
    tccli cbs DescribeDisks [--param...]
    show the tccli cbs DescribeDisks help info
    identify the region to which the instance you want to work with belongs.
    specify a request timeout
    specify a SecretKey
    --Limit (Integer | Optional)
    The number of returned results. Default value: 20. Maximum value: 100. For more information on `Limit`, see the relevant sections in API [Introduction](https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/362/15633).
    --OrderField (String | Optional)
    Field by which the cloud disks are sorted in the response. Valid values: <br><li>CREATE_TIME: sort by creation time <br><li>DEADLINE: sort by expiration time
    <br>By default, the results are sorted by creation time.
    --Offset (Integer | Optional)
    The offset. Default value: 0. For more information on `Offset`, see the relevant sections in API [Introduction](https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/362/15633).
    Output results to JSON, table or text.
    [root@VM_33_50_centos ~]# tccli cvm DescribeRegions
    "TotalCount": 20,
    "RegionSet": [
    "RegionState": "AVAILABLE",
    "Region": "ap-beijing",
    "RegionName": "North China (Beijing)"
    "RegionState": "AVAILABLE",
    "Region": "ap-chengdu",
    "RegionName": "Southwest China (Chengdu)"
    "RegionState": "AVAILABLE",
    "Region": "ap-guangzhou",
    "RegionName": "South China (Guangzhou)"
    "RegionState": "AVAILABLE",
    "Region": "ap-hongkong",
    "RegionName": "Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, China (Hong Kong)"
    "RegionState": "AVAILABLE",
    "Region": "ap-singapore",
    "RegionName": "Southeast Asia (Singapore)"
    "RegionState": "AVAILABLE",
    "Region": "ap-tokyo",
    "RegionName": "Asia Pacific (Tokyo)"
    "RegionState": "AVAILABLE",
    "Region": "eu-frankfurt",
    "RegionName": "Europe (Frankfurt)"
    "RequestId": "e5125cf1-****-****-****-316f18eed021"
    [root@VM_33_50_centos ~]# tccli cvm DescribeRegions --output table
    | action |
    | RequestId | TotalCount |
    | 1af5f2a0-****-****-****-462f0271a69f | 20 |
    || RegionSet ||
    || Region | RegionName | RegionState ||
    || ap-bangkok | Asia Pacific (Bangkok) | AVAILABLE ||
    || ap-beijing | North China (Beijing) | AVAILABLE ||
    || ap-chengdu | Southwest China (Chengdu) | AVAILABLE ||
    || ap-chongqing | Southwest China (Chongqing) | AVAILABLE ||
    || ap-guangzhou | South China (Guangzhou) | AVAILABLE ||
    || ap-guangzhou-open| South China (Guangzhou Open) | AVAILABLE ||
    || ap-hongkong | Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan (Hong Kong, China) | AVAILABLE ||
    || ap-mumbai | Asia Pacific (Mumbai) | AVAILABLE ||
    || ap-nanjing | East China (Nanjing) | AVAILABLE ||
    || ap-seoul | Asia Pacific (Seoul) | AVAILABLE ||
    || ap-shanghai | East China (Shanghai) | AVAILABLE ||
    || ap-singapore | Southeast Asia (Singapore) | AVAILABLE ||
    || ap-tokyo | Asia Pacific (Tokyo) | AVAILABLE ||
    || eu-frankfurt | Europe (Frankfurt) | AVAILABLE ||
    || eu-moscow | Europe (Moscow) | AVAILABLE ||
    || na-ashburn | Eastern US (Virginia) | AVAILABLE ||
    || na-siliconvalley | Western US (Silicon Valley) | AVAILABLE ||
    || na-toronto | North America (Toronto) | AVAILABLE ||
    [root@VM_33_50_centos ~]# tccli cvm DescribeRegions --output text
    70bbd02f-****-****-****-afc5c34018ae 20
    REGIONSET ap-bangkok Asia Pacific (Bangkok) AVAILABLE
    REGIONSET ap-beijing North China (Beijing) AVAILABLE
    REGIONSET ap-chengdu Southwest China (Chengdu) AVAILABLE
    REGIONSET ap-chongqing Southwest China (Chongqing) AVAILABLE
    REGIONSET ap-guangzhou South China (Guangzhou) AVAILABLE
    REGIONSET ap-guangzhou-open South China (Guangzhou Open) AVAILABLE
    REGIONSET ap-hongkong Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan (Hong Kong, China) AVAILABLE
    REGIONSET ap-mumbai Asia Pacific (Mumbai) AVAILABLE
    REGIONSET ap-nanjing East China (Nanjing) AVAILABLE
    REGIONSET ap-seoul Asia Pacific (Seoul) AVAILABLE
    REGIONSET ap-shanghai East China (Shanghai) AVAILABLE
    REGIONSET ap-singapore Southeast Asia (Singapore) AVAILABLE
    REGIONSET ap-tokyo Asia Pacific (Tokyo) AVAILABLE
    REGIONSET eu-frankfurt Europe (Frankfurt) AVAILABLE
    REGIONSET eu-moscow Europe (Moscow) AVAILABLE
    REGIONSET na-ashburn Eastern US (Virginia) AVAILABLE
    REGIONSET na-siliconvalley Western US (Silicon Valley) AVAILABLE
    REGIONSET na-toronto North America (Toronto) AVAILABLE

    Advanced features

    This document uses CVM as an example to describe how to use TCCLI advanced features, including multi-version access, specifying nearest access point, filtering the return results, outputting input parameters to JSON, and passing in a JSON file.

    Multi-version API access

    Some products may have APIs in multiple versions, and TCCLI accesses the latest version by default. If you want to access a specific legacy version, you can do so in the following way:
    Method 1: use the default CVM version 2017-03-12
    tccli configure set cvm.version 2017-03-12
    Method 2: specify the version number during use
    tccli cvm help --version 2017-03-12
    tccli cvm DescribeZones help --version 2017-03-12
    tccli cvm DescribeZones --version 2017-03-12

    Specifying the nearest access point (Endpoint)

    By default, TCCLI requests the nearest endpoint for accessing a service. You can also specify the endpoint for a product.
    Set the default endpoint of the CVM product
    tccli configure set cvm.endpoint cvm.ap-guangzhou.tencentcloudapi.com
    Specify the endpoint when calling
    tccli cvm DescribeZones --endpoint cvm.ap-guangzhou.tencentcloudapi.com

    Filtering return results

    Output without any filtering (using the return result of the CVM DescribeZones API as an example):
    [root@VM_180_248_centos ~]# tccli cvm DescribeZones
    "TotalCount": 4,
    "ZoneSet": [
    "ZoneState": "AVAILABLE",
    "ZoneId": "100001",
    "Zone": "ap-guangzhou-1",
    "ZoneName": "Guangzhou Zone 1"
    "ZoneState": "AVAILABLE",
    "ZoneId": "100002",
    "Zone": "ap-guangzhou-2",
    "ZoneName": "Guangzhou Zone 2"
    "ZoneState": "AVAILABLE",
    "ZoneId": "100003",
    "Zone": "ap-guangzhou-3",
    "ZoneName": "Guangzhou Zone 3"
    "ZoneState": "AVAILABLE",
    "ZoneId": "100004",
    "Zone": "ap-guangzhou-4",
    "ZoneName": "Guangzhou Zone 4"
    "RequestId": "4fd313a6-****-****-****-898c02fcae02"
    View a specified field
    [root@VM_180_248_centos ~]# tccli cvm DescribeZones --filter TotalCount
    View the information of the Nth sub-object of a specified object in array type
    [root@VM_180_248_centos ~]# tccli cvm DescribeZones --filter ZoneSet[0]
    "ZoneState": "AVAILABLE",
    "ZoneId": "100001",
    "Zone": "ap-guangzhou-1",
    "ZoneName": "Guangzhou Zone 1"
    View a certain field of all the sub-objects with a certain name under the specified object in array type.
    [root@VM_180_248_centos ~]# tccli cvm DescribeZones --filter ZoneSet[*].ZoneName
    "Guangzhou Zone 1",
    "Guangzhou Zone 2",
    "Guangzhou Zone 3",
    "Guangzhou Zone 4"
    Filter the sub-objects in an array and display them with a new name
    The filter needs to be marked with single quotes.
    [root@VM_180_248_centos ~]# tccli cvm DescribeZones --filter 'ZoneSet[*].{name:ZoneName, id:ZoneId}'
    "name": "Guangzhou Zone 1",
    "id": "100001"
    "name": "Guangzhou Zone 2",
    "id": "100002"
    "name": "Guangzhou Zone 3",
    "id": "100003"
    "name": "Guangzhou Zone 4",
    "id": "100004"


    How do I purchase TCCLI?

    This service is free of charge. Please submit a ticket if you need any help.

    How do I implement API authentication?

    Select the Making API Requests > Signature directory of the product that supports API to authenticate access requests. For example, see Signature for CVM.
    Contact Us

    Contact our sales team or business advisors to help your business.

    Technical Support

    Open a ticket if you're looking for further assistance. Our Ticket is 7x24 avaliable.

    7x24 Phone Support