tencent cloud


Generic Repository

Last updated: 2024-01-02 10:30:46
    This document describes how to store generic artifacts in CODING-AR, including how to create a repository and push, pull, and delete artifacts.

    Open CODING-AR

    1. Log in to the CODING Console and click Use Now to go to CODING page.
    2. Click
    in the upper-right corner to open the project list page and click a project icon to open the project.
    3. In the menu on the left, click Artifact Management.

    Create an Artifact Repository

    Click Create Repository.
    Select Generic as the repository type.
    Enter a repository name.
    Enter a repository description (optional).
    Configure the permissions of different roles on the current repository. By default, all project members have the Pull and Push permissions.
    Click Create.

    Push a Generic Artifact

    You can push a generic artifact in either of the following ways:
    Command line
    Direct upload

    Upload via command line

    Push an artifact using the command in the Guide.
    For example, to push a file named demo.properties:
    curl -T demo.properties -u username "https://********-generic.pkg.coding.net/my-projects/my-generic/demo.properties?version=0.1"

    Direct upload

    On the repository page, click Direct Upload or drag a file onto the current page.
    Select a file, specify the upload mode and version, confirm the package name, and click Upload.

    View a Generic Artifact

    After an artifact is uploaded successfully, a success message will be displayed in the lower right corner. Click Package List to view the package uploaded.

    Pull a Generic Artifact

    You can pull a generic artifact in either of the following ways:
    Command line
    Direct download

    Pull via command line

    Pull an artifact using the command in the Guide.
    curl -L -u username "https://********-generic.pkg.coding.net/my-projects/my-generic/demo.properties?version=0.1" -o demo.properties

    Direct download

    On the repository page, select a package in Package List and download a version in Version List as needed.

    Delete a Generic Artifact

    Delete a generic artifact via the command line.
    Run the command in the guide.
    curl -X DELETE -u username "https://********-generic.pkg.coding.net/my-projects/my-generic/demo.properties?version=0.1"
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