tencent cloud


Last updated: 2023-06-29 11:20:56
    The following code shows how to make QUIC requests with the Android client. For details of the API description, see Android APIs.

    Creating GET Requests

    //Create QuicClient and initialize QUIC configuration. It is recommended to use QuicClient as a global variable. For more information about the API, see %!s(<nil>).
    QuicClient quicClient = new QuicClient.Builder()
    .setCongestionType(QuicClient.CONGESTION_TYPE_BBR) //Use BBR algorithm.
    .setConnectTimeoutMillis(6 * 1000) //Configure connection timeout.
    //Create QuicRequest and specify the request URL.
    String url="";
    QuicRequest request = new QuicRequest.Builder(url).get().build();
    //Execute the request asynchronously and get the result. See %!s(<nil>) for instructions.
    quicClient.newCall(request).enqueue(new QuicCallback() {
    public void onResponse(QuicCall call, QuicResponse response) throws IOException {
    //When the request is executed successfully, it returns the response data.
    ResponseBody body = response.body();
    if(body != null) {
    String res = body.string();
    public void onFailed(QuicCall call, int errorCode, String error) {
    //When the request fails to be executed, it returns the error message.

    Creating POST Requests

    //Create QuicClient and initialize QUIC configuration. It is recommended to use QuicClient as a global variable. For detailed steps, see %!s(<nil>).
    QuicClient quicClient = new QuicClient.Builder()
    .setCongestionType(QuicClient.CONGESTION_TYPE_BBR) //Use BBR algorithm.
    .setConnectTimeoutMillis(3 * 1000) //Configure connection timeout.
    //Construct body data.
    String body="your body string";
    RequestBody requestBody = RequestBody.create(MediaType.parse("application/json"), body);
    //Create QuicRequest.
    String url="";
    QuicRequest request = new QuicRequest.Builder(url).post(requestBody).build();
    //Execute the request asynchronously and get the result. See %!s(<nil>) for instructions.
    quicClient.newCall(request).enqueue(new QuicCallback() {
    public void onResponse(QuicCall call, QuicResponse response) throws IOException {
    //When the request is executed successfully, it returns the response data.
    ResponseBody body = response.body();
    if(body != null) {
    String res = body.string();
    public void onFailed(QuicCall call, int errorCode, String error) {
    //When the request fails to be executed, it returns the error message.

    Canceling Requests

    //Create QuicCall. See %!s(<nil>) for instructions.
    QuicCall quicCall = quicClient.newCall(request);
    // Initiate a request.
    //Cancel the request using the cancel method via QuicCall.
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