tencent cloud


Reporting over SkyWalking Protocol

Last updated: 2023-12-25 15:58:45
    GO2Sky is a package provided by Go for developers to implement SkyWalking agent's probe, which can be used to report data to the SkyWalking collector. This document describes how to report the data of a Go application over the SkyWalking protocol.


    Step 1. Get the endpoint and token

    Log in to the APM console, enter the Application monitoring > Application list page, click Access application, and select the Go language and the SkyWalking data collection method. Then, get the endpoint and token in the step of access method selection.

    Step 2. Report application data

    Report the data of a Go application over the SkyWalking protocol:
    1. Instrument the application. Instrument the cross-service calls in Go as instructed in the GO2Sky documentation. You need to modify a small amount of the business code of your Go application to instrument it before you can use SkyWalking to report its data.
    2. Modify the reporting configuration. Change the serverAddr and auth of the reporter to the endpoint and token of APM respectively.
    3. Restart the service to start reporting data.
    4. Verify the access.
    Send a request to the application, and after receiving the response, view the call data in the APM console. You can find call details in Tracing > Call query within one minute. The monitoring curve and statistics will start to be displayed normally after one minute.

    GO2Sky modification example

    The following is a GO2Sky-based demo modification example. You can modify it as needed.
    1. Set the reporting address and authentication under NewGRPCReporter (refer to step 1 for how to get the reporting address and token).
    report, err = reporter.NewGRPCReporter(
    Change the parameters to the private network endpoint and token displayed in the console.
    2. Configure the server. Below is a demo:
    import (
    v3 "github.com/SkyAPM/go2sky-plugins/gin/v3"
    var (
    grpc bool
    oapServer string
    listenAddr string
    serviceName string
    client *http.Client
    func init() {
    flag.BoolVar(&grpc, "grpc", false, "use grpc reporter")
    // `` should be replaced with the private network endpoint of APM.
    flag.StringVar(&oapServer, "oap-server", "", "oap server address")
    flag.StringVar(&listenAddr, "listen-addr", "", "listen address")
    flag.StringVar(&serviceName, "service-name", "go2sky-server", "service name")
    func main() {
    log.Println("reporter.NewGRPCReporter start")
    var report go2sky.Reporter
    var err error
    Parameter description:
    @oapServer: SkyWalking backend collector address
    report, err = reporter.NewGRPCReporter(
    // `c944279f910baee6d2e102817270696f` should be replaced with your token.
    //report, err = reporter.NewLogReporter()
    if err != nil {
    log.Fatalf("crate grpc reporter error: %v \\n", err)
    Parameter description:
    @service: Service name, which ends with @ and represents the DMP tenant where the service resides.
    @opts: A reporter instance in the fixed format
    tracer, err := go2sky.NewTracer(serviceName, go2sky.WithReporter(report))
    if err != nil {
    log.Fatalf("crate tracer error: %v \\n", err)
    r := gin.New()
    GO2Sky's middleware implements path tracing.
    `v3` is short for `github.com/SkyAPM/go2sky-plugins/gin/v3`.
    r.Use(v3.Middleware(r, tracer))
    r.GET("/ping", func(c *gin.Context) {
    c.JSON(200, gin.H{
    "message": "hi gin",
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