tencent cloud


Reporting with go-redis Middleware

Last updated: 2023-12-25 16:00:35
    This document describes how to report the data of a Go application with the go-redis middleware.


    Step 1. Get the endpoint and token

    Log in to the APM console, enter the Application monitoring > Application list page, click Access application, and select the Go language and the go-redis data collection method. Then, get the endpoint and token in the step of access method selection.

    Step 2. Install the Jaeger agent

    1. Download the Jaeger agent.
    2. Run the following command to start the agent:
    nohup ./jaeger-agent --reporter.grpc.host-port={{collectorRPCHostPort}} --agent.tags=token={{token}}

    Step 3. Select the reporting type to report application data

    Select the reporting type to report the data of a Go application through the go-redis middleware:


    1. Import the instrumentation dependency opentracing-contrib/goredis.
    Dependency path: github.com/opentracing-contrib/goredis
    Version requirement: ≥ v0.0.0-20190807091203-90a2649c5f87
    2. Configure Jaeger, create a trace object, and set GlobalTracer. Below is a sample:
    cfg := &jaegerConfig.Configuration{
    ServiceName: clientServerName, // Call trace of the target service. Enter the service name.
    Sampler: &jaegerConfig.SamplerConfig{ // Sampling policy configuration. See section 4.1.1 for details.
    Type: "const",
    Param: 1,
    Reporter: &jaegerConfig.ReporterConfig{ // Configure how the client reports trace information. All fields are optional.
    LogSpans: true,
    LocalAgentHostPort: endPoint,
    // Token configuration
    Tags: []opentracing.Tag{ // Set the tag, where information such as token can be stored.
    opentracing.Tag{Key: "token", Value: token}, // Set the token
    tracer, closer, err := cfg.NewTracer(jaegerConfig.Logger(jaeger.StdLogger)) // Get the tracer based on the configuration
    3. Initialize the Redis connection. Below is a sample:
    func InitRedisConnector() error {
    redisClient = redis.NewUniversalClient(&redis.UniversalOptions{
    Addrs: []string{redisAddress},
    Password: redisPassword,
    DB: 0,
    if err := redisClient.Ping().Err(); err != nil {
    log.Println("redisClient.Ping() error:", err.Error())
    return err
    return nil
    4. Get the Redis connection. Below is a sample:
    func GetRedisDBConnector(ctx context.Context) redis.UniversalClient {
    client := apmgoredis.Wrap(redisClient).WithContext(ctx)
    return client
    The complete code is as follows:
    package main
    import (
    apmgoredis "github.com/opentracing-contrib/goredis"
    jaegerConfig "github.com/uber/jaeger-client-go/config"
    const (
    redisAddress = ""
    redisPassword = ""
    clientServerName = "redis-client-demo"
    testKey = "redis-demo-key"
    endPoint = "xxxxx:6831" // HTTP reporting address
    token = "abc"
    func main() {
    cfg := &jaegerConfig.Configuration{
    ServiceName: clientServerName, // Call trace of the target service. Enter the service name.
    Sampler: &jaegerConfig.SamplerConfig{ // Sampling policy configuration. See section 4.1.1 for details.
    Type: "const",
    Param: 1,
    Reporter: &jaegerConfig.ReporterConfig{ // Configure how the client reports trace information. All fields are optional.
    LogSpans: true,
    LocalAgentHostPort: endPoint,
    // Token configuration
    Tags: []opentracing.Tag{ // Set the tag, where information such as token can be stored.
    opentracing.Tag{Key: "token", Value: token}, // Set the token
    tracer, closer, err := cfg.NewTracer(jaegerConfig.Logger(jaeger.StdLogger)) // Get the tracer based on the configuration
    defer closer.Close()
    if err != nil {
    panic(fmt.Sprintf("ERROR: fail init Jaeger: %v\\n", err))
    redisClient := GetRedisDBConnector(context.Background())
    redisClient.Set(testKey, "redis-client-demo", time.Duration(1000)*time.Second)
    var (
    redisClient redis.UniversalClient
    func GetRedisDBConnector(ctx context.Context) redis.UniversalClient {
    client := apmgoredis.Wrap(redisClient).WithContext(ctx)
    return client
    func InitRedisConnector() error {
    redisClient = redis.NewUniversalClient(&redis.UniversalOptions{
    Addrs: []string{redisAddress},
    Password: redisPassword,
    DB: 0,
    if err := redisClient.Ping().Err(); err != nil {
    log.Println("redisClient.Ping() error:", err.Error())
    return err
    return nil
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