Node Type | Node Specifications |
1 FE, standard | CPU:4 cores Memory: 16 GB Hard disk: Enhanced SSD Cloud Disk 200 GB |
3 BEs, standard | CPU:16 cores Memory: 64 GB Hard disk: Enhanced SSD Cloud Disk 1000 GB |
sh -s 100 -c 10
TPC-H Table Name | Number of rows | Remarks |
REGION | 5 | Region Table |
NATION | 25 | Country Table |
SUPPLIER | 1 million | Supplier Table |
PART | 20 million | Parts List |
PARTSUPP | 80 million | Parts Supply List |
CUSTOMER | 15 million | Customer Table |
ORDERS | 150 million | Order Table |
LINEITEM | 600 million | Order Details Table |
# cat doris-cluster.conf# Any of FE hostexport FE_HOST=''# http_port in fe.confexport FE_HTTP_PORT=8030# query_port in fe.confexport FE_QUERY_PORT=9030# Doris usernameexport USER='root'# Doris passwordexport PASSWORD=''# The database where TPC-H tables locatedexport DB='tpch_100g_decimalv3'# The scale of testing dataexport SCALE='100g' # only support '100g' or '1t'
sh load-tpch-data.shMySQL [tpch100g]> show data;+-----------+-------------+--------------+| TableName | Size | ReplicaCount |+-----------+-------------+--------------+| customer | 1.317 GB | 24 || lineitem | 20.880 GB | 96 || nation | 2.571 KB | 1 || orders | 6.302 GB | 96 || part | 752.470 MB | 24 || partsupp | 4.375 GB | 24 || region | 1.090 KB | 1 || supplier | 85.528 MB | 12 || Total | 33.693 GB | 278 || Quota | 1024.000 TB | 1073741824 || Left | 1023.967 TB | 1073741546 |+-----------+-------------+--------------+11 rows in set (0.00 sec)
[root@9 tpch-tools]# sh bin/run-tpch-queries.shq1: 2103q2: 305q3: 792q4: 516q5: 1036q6: 60q7: 493q8: 954q9: 4411q10: 870q11: 183q12: 1847q13: 2886q14: 165q15: 255q16: 398q17: 520q18: 1665q19: 468q20: 347q21: 1741q22: 412total time: 22427 ms
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