tencent cloud



Last updated: 2025-01-10 11:05:48

1. API Description

Domain name for API request: ccc.intl.tencentcloudapi.com.

Used to make outbound calls by invoking AI models, limited to the use of proprietary phone numbers. Currently, the Advanced version seats are available for a limited time free trial.

Before initiating a call, please ensure your AI model is compatible with OpenAI, Azure, or Minimax protocols, and visit the model provider's website to obtain relevant authentication information. For detailed feature descriptions, please refer to the documentation Tencent Cloud Contact Center AI Call Platform.

A maximum of 20 requests can be initiated per second for this API.

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2. Input Parameters

The following request parameter list only provides API request parameters and some common parameters. For the complete common parameter list, see Common Request Parameters.

Parameter Name Required Type Description
Action Yes String Common Params. The value used for this API: CreateAICall.
Version Yes String Common Params. The value used for this API: 2020-02-10.
Region No String Common Params. This parameter is not required.
SdkAppId Yes Integer Application ID (required) can be found at https://console.tencentcloud.com/ccc.
Callee Yes String Called number.
SystemPrompt Yes String ## Identity
You are Kate from the appointment department at Retell Health calling Cindy over the phone to prepare for the annual checkup coming up. You are a pleasant and friendly receptionist caring deeply for the user. You don't provide medical advice but would use the medical knowledge to understand user responses.

## Style Guardrails
Be Concise: Respond succinctly, addressing one topic at most.
Embrace Variety: Use diverse language and rephrasing to enhance clarity without repeating content.
Be Conversational: Use everyday language, making the chat feel like talking to a friend.
Be Proactive: Lead the conversation, often wrapping up with a question or next-step suggestion.
Avoid multiple questions in a single response.
Get clarity: If the user only partially answers a question, or if the answer is unclear, keep asking to get clarity.
Use a colloquial way of referring to the date (like Friday, January 14th, or Tuesday, January 12th, 2024 at 8am).

## Response Guideline
Adapt and Guess: Try to understand transcripts that may contain transcription errors. Avoid mentioning "transcription error" in the response.
Stay in Character: Keep conversations within your role's scope, guiding them back creatively without repeating.
Ensure Fluid Dialogue: Respond in a role-appropriate, direct manner to maintain a smooth conversation flow.

## Task
You will follow the steps below, do not skip steps, and only ask up to one question in response.
If at any time the user showed anger or wanted a human agent, call transfer_call to transfer to a human representative.
1. Begin with a self-introduction and verify if callee is Cindy.
- if callee is not Cindy, call end_call to hang up, say sorry for the confusion when hanging up.
- if Cindy is not available, call end_call politely to hang up, say you will call back later when hanging up.
2. Inform Cindy she has an annual body check coming up on April 4th, 2024 at 10am PDT. Check if Cindy is available.
- If not, tell Cindy to reschedule online and jump to step 5.
3. Ask Cindy if there's anything that the doctor should know before the annual checkup.
- Ask followup questions as needed to assess the severity of the issue, and understand how it has progressed.
4. Tell Cindy to not eat or drink that day before the checkup. Also tell Cindy to give you a callback if there's any changes in health condition.
5. Ask Cindy if she has any questions, and if so, answer them until there are no questions.
- If user asks something you do not know, let them know you don't have the answer. Ask them if they have any other questions.
- If user do not have any questions, call function end_call to hang up.
LLMType Yes String Model interface protocol types, currently compatible with three protocol types:

- OpenAI protocol (including GPT, Hunyuan, DeepSeek, etc.):"openai"
- Azure protocol:"azure"
- Minimax protocol:"minimax"
Model Yes String Model name, such as

- OpenAI protocol
"gpt-4o-mini","gpt-4o","hunyuan-standard", "hunyuan-turbo","deepseek-chat";

- Azure protocol
"gpt-4o-mini", "gpt-4o";

- Minimax protocol
APIKey Yes String Model API key, for authentication information, please refer to the respective model's official website

- OpenAI protocol: GPT, Hunyuan, DeepSeek;

- Azure protocol: Azure GPT;

- Minimax:Minimax
APIUrl Yes String Model interface address

- OpenAI protocol

- Azure protocol

- Minimax protocol
VoiceType No String The following voice parameter values are available by default. If you wish to customize the voice type, please leave VoiceType blank and configure it in the CustomTTSConfig parameter.

ZhiMei: Zhimei, customer service female voice
ZhiXi: Zhixi, general female voice
ZhiQi: Zhiqi, customer service female voice
ZhiTian: Zhitian, female child voice
AiXiaoJing: Ai Xiaojing, dialogue female voice

WeRose:English Female Voice
Monika:English Female Voice



Indonesian (Indonesia):

Malay (Malaysia):

Tamil (Malaysia):

Thai (Thailand):

Vietnamese (Vietnam):

Callers.N No Array of String List of calling numbers.
WelcomeMessage No String Used to set the AI Agent Greeting.
WelcomeType No Integer 0: Use welcomeMessage (if empty, the callee speaks first; if not empty, the bot speaks first)
1: Use AI to automatically generate welcomeMessage and speak first based on the prompt
MaxDuration No Integer Maximum Waiting Duration (milliseconds), default is 60 seconds, if the user does not speak within this time, the call is automatically terminated
Languages.N No Array of String ASR Supported Languages, default is "zh" Chinese,
Fill in the array with up to 4 languages, the first is the primary language for recognition, followed by optional languages,
Note: When the primary language is a Chinese dialect, optional languages are invalid
Currently, the supported languages are as follows. The English name of the language is on the left side of the equals sign, and the value to be filled in the Language field is on the right side, following ISO639:
1. Chinese = "zh" # Chinese
2. Chinese_TW = "zh-TW" # Taiwan (China)
3. Chinese_DIALECT = "zh-dialect" # Chinese Dialect
4. English = "en" # English
5. Vietnamese = "vi" # Vietnamese
6. Japanese = "ja" # Japanese
7. Korean = "ko" # Korean
8. Indonesia = "id" # Indonesian
9. Thai = "th" # Thai
10. Portuguese = "pt" # Portuguese
11. Turkish = "tr" # Turkish
12. Arabic = "ar" # Arabic
13. Spanish = "es" # Spanish
14. Hindi = "hi" # Hindi
15. French = "fr" # French
16. Malay = "ms" # Malay
17. Filipino = "fil" # Filipino
18. German = "de" # German
19. Italian = "it" # Italian
20. Russian = "ru" # Russian
InterruptMode No Integer Interrupt AI speech mode, default is 0, 0 indicates the server interrupts automatically, 1 indicates the server does not interrupt, interruption signal sent by the client side.
InterruptSpeechDuration No Integer Used when InterruptMode is 0, unit in milliseconds, default is 500ms. It means that the server-side detects ongoing vocal input for the InterruptSpeechDuration milliseconds and then interrupts.
EndFunctionEnable No Boolean Whether the model supports (or enables) call_end function calling
EndFunctionDesc No String Effective when EndFunctionEnable is true; the description of call_end function calling, default is "End the call when user has to leave (like says bye) or you are instructed to do so."
TransferFunctionEnable No Boolean
TransferItems.N No Array of AITransferItem
NotifyDuration No Integer The duration after which the user hasn't spoken to trigger a notification, minimum 10 seconds, default 10 seconds
NotifyMessage No String The AI prompt when NotifyDuration has passed without the user speaking, default is "Sorry, I didn't hear you clearly. Can you repeat that?"
NotifyMaxCount No Integer
CustomTTSConfig No String

And VoiceType field needs to select one, here is to use your own custom TTS, VoiceType is some built-in sound qualities

"TTSType": "tencent", // String TTS type, currently supports "tencent" and "minixmax", other vendors support in progress
"AppId": "Your application ID", // String required
"SecretId": "Your Secret ID", // String Required
"SecretKey": "Your Secret Key", // String Required
"VoiceType": 101001, // Integer Required, Sound quality ID, includes standard and premium sound quality. Premium sound quality is more realistic and differently priced than standard sound quality. See TTS billing overview for details. For the full list of sound quality IDs, see the TTS sound quality list.
"Speed": 1.25, // Integer Optional, speech speed, range: [-2,6], corresponding to different speeds: -2: represents 0.6x -1: represents 0.8x 0: represents 1.0x (default) 1: represents 1.2x 2: represents 1.5x 6: represents 2.5x For more precise speed control, you can retain two decimal places, such as 0.5/1.25/2.81, etc. For parameter value to actual speed conversion, refer to Speed Conversion
"Volume": 5, // Integer Optional, Volume level, range: [0,10], corresponding to 11 levels of volume, default is 0, which represents normal volume.
"PrimaryLanguage": 1, // Integer Optional, Primary language 1- Chinese (default) 2- English 3- Japanese
"FastVoiceType": "xxxx" // Optional parameter, Fast VRS parameter

"TTSType": "minimax", // String TTS type,
"Model": "speech-01-turbo",
"APIUrl": "https://api.minimax.chat/v1/t2a_v2",
"APIKey": "eyxxxx",
"GroupId": "181000000000000",
"Speed": 1.2

  • Volcano TTS

For type of sound quality configuration, refer to theVolcano TTS documentation

TTS Sound Quality List - Voice Technology - Volcano Engine

Large Model TTS Sound Quality List - Voice Technology - Volcano Engine

"TTSType": "volcengine", // Required: String TTS type
"AppId" : "xxxxxxxx", // Required: String Volcano Engine assigned AppId
"Token" : "TY9d4sQXHxxxxxxx", // Required: String type Volcano Engine access token
"Speed" : 1.0, // Optional parameter: Playback speed, default is 1.0
"Volume": 1.0, // Optional parameter: Volume, default is 1.0
"Cluster" : "volcano_tts", // Optional parameter: Business cluster, default is volcano_tts
"VoiceType" : "zh_male_aojiaobazong_moon_bigtts" // Sound quality type, default is the sound quality of the large model TTS. If using normal TTS, fill in the corresponding sound quality type. Incorrect sound quality type will result in no sound.

"TTSType": "azure", // Required: String TTS type
"SubscriptionKey": "xxxxxxxx", // Required: String subscription key
"Region": "chinanorth3", // Required: String subscription region
"VoiceName": "zh-CN-XiaoxiaoNeural", // Required: String Timbre Name required
"Language": "zh-CN", // Required: String Language for synthesis
"Rate": 1 // Optional: float Playback Speed 0.5-2 default is 1

  • Custom


Please refer to the specific protocol standards in the Tencent documentation

"TTSType": "custom", // Required String
"APIKey": "ApiKey", // Required String for Authentication
"APIUrl": "" // Required String, TTS API URL
"AudioFormat": "wav", // String, optional, expected audio format, such as mp3, ogg_opus, pcm, wav, default is wav, currently only pcm and wav are supported,
"SampleRate": 16000, // Integer, optional, audio sample rate, default is 16000 (16k), recommended value is 16000
"AudioChannel": 1, // Integer, optional, number of audio channels, values: 1 or 2, default is 1

PromptVariables.N No Array of Variable

3. Output Parameters

Parameter Name Type Description
SessionId String Newly created session ID.
RequestId String The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.

4. Example

Example1 Create an AI call example (Patient Follow-up Scenario)

This example simulates a hospital using a large model to conduct telephone follow-up surveys with the parents of patients discharged from surgery.

Input Example

Host: ccc.intl.tencentcloudapi.com
Content-Type: application/json
X-TC-Action: CreateAICall
<Common request parameters>

    "Callee": "008612300000000",
    "SdkAppId": 1400000000,
    "SystemPrompt": "You are Dr. Li, a friendly and kind follow-up doctor from People's Hospital, calling the parent of the patient Xiaoming.",
    "WelcomeMessage": "Hello",
    "LLMType": "openai",
    "Model": "gpt-4o-mini",
    "APIKey": "sk-proj-xxxxx",
    "APIUrl": "https://api.openai.com/v1/",
    "VoiceType": "ZhiXi",
    "EndFunctionEnable": true

Output Example

    "Response": {
        "RequestId": "6bb56a09-2787-40bc-80c5-dc6dab783eff",
        "SessionId": "6bb56a09278740bc80c5dc6dab783eff"

5. Developer Resources


TencentCloud API 3.0 integrates SDKs that support various programming languages to make it easier for you to call APIs.

Command Line Interface

6. Error Code

The following only lists the error codes related to the API business logic. For other error codes, see Common Error Codes.

Error Code Description
FailedOperation.CallOutFailed Outbound call failure.
FailedOperation.CalleeIsBlackUser High-risk users, do not call
FailedOperation.CallerOverFrequency Caller ID exceeds the outbound call limit.
FailedOperation.CalloutRuleBlindArea The number is in a restricted calling zone.
FailedOperation.CalloutRuleMaxCallCountCalleeIntervalTime Exceeded call limit for the callee within a set time.
FailedOperation.CalloutRuleMaxCallCountCalleePerDayAppID Exceeded daily call limit for the callee.
FailedOperation.CalloutRuleNotWorkTime Calls are not allowed at this time.
FailedOperation.NoCallOutNumber No available outbound call numbers.
FailedOperation.PermissionDenied Insufficient permissions.
InternalError An internal error occurs.
InvalidParameterValue Invalid Parameter
InvalidParameterValue.InstanceNotExist The SDKAppID does not exist.
LimitExceeded.BasePackageExpired Your call package is used up.
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