tencent cloud


Status Codes and Solutions

Last updated: 2021-09-23 14:58:19

The table below explains the status codes of CDN.

Status Code Meaning Suggestion
400 HTTP request syntax error and the server cannot parse the request Check whether the request syntax is correct.
403 Request is rejected Check whether the request is blocked by access controls such as referer blocklist/allowlist, IP blocklist/allowlist, and authentication.
404 Server cannot return correct information Check whether the original server is running normally, and whether the original server information or origin domain configurations are changed.
413 Content length of the POST request exceeds the limit Check the content size of the POST request from the client (the maximum size is 32 MB by default).
414 URL length exceeds the limit The maximum URL size is 2 KB by default.
423 Looping request Check the 301/302 configuration, HTTPS origin-pull, and rewriting method of the origin server.
499 The client closes the connection Check the client status and timeout configuration.
502 Gateway Error Check whether the business origin server is normal.
503 COS frequency control is triggered Check the cache configuration or whether the COS origin server returns no-cache/no-store.
509 Blocked due to CC attack Please submit a ticket
514 IP access frequency exceeds the limit Check the IP access frequency control configuration in the CDN Console.
531 Error resolving the origin-pull domain name in the HTTP request Check the domain name resolution configuration of the origin server.
532 Failed to establish a connection with the origin server in the HTTPS request Check the port 443 status of the origin server, certificate configuration, or availability of the origin server.
533 Origin-pull connection timeout in the HTTPS request Check the port 443 status of the origin server, certificate configuration, or availability of the origin server.
537 Origin server data reception timeout in the HTTPS request Check the stability of the business origin server.
538 SSL handshake of HTTPS request failed Check the compatibility between the origin server protocol and algorithm.
539 Certificate validation of HTTPS request failed Check whether the certificate of the origin server is correctly configured (validity period and completeness of the certificate chain).
540 Certificate domain name validation of HTTPS request failed Check whether the certificate of the origin server is correctly configured.
562 Failed to establish a connection in the HTTPS request Please submit a ticket and provide the X-NWS-LOG-UUID information for troubleshooting.
563 Connection timeout in the HTTPS request Please submit a ticket and provide the X-NWS-LOG-UUID information for troubleshooting.
564 HTTP origin request failed If HTTP is configured as the origin request protocol, check the load and bandwidth utilization or access limit of the origin server. If the protocol is set to Follow Request, check the port 443 status and certificate configuration of the origin server. If no error is found in the origin server, please submit a ticket and provide the X-NWS-LOG-UUID information for troubleshooting.
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