tencent cloud


Configuration Overview

Last updated: 2021-04-13 18:20:40

    Configuration Overview

    CDN supports various custom configurations and you can adjust them based on your business needs.

    Basic configurations

    Basic configurations are the contents required for CDN acceleration, including origin server configurations and the basic acceleration service information such as acceleration region and service type, etc.

    Configuration Description
    Basic Information Modifies basic information such as the project, acceleration region, and service type, etc.
    Origin Server Configuration Configures multi-IP round-robin origin-pull, domain name-based origin-pull, weighted round-robin origin-pull, origin domains, and origin-pull protocols.
    Supports configuring hot backup origin servers.
    For global acceleration domain names, the acceleration in and outside the Chinese mainland can be configured separately.

    Access control

    You can configure various rules based on user requests to allow or block access requests.

    Configuration Description
    Hotlink Protection Supports setting referer allowlists and blocklists to determine whether to allow or deny HTTP access requests based on the request referer headers.
    For global acceleration domain names, the acceleration in and outside the Chinese mainland can be configured separately.
    IP Blocklist/Allowlist Supports setting IP allowlists and blocklists to determine whether to allow or deny HTTP access requests based on the request client IPs.
    For global acceleration domain names, the acceleration in and outside the Chinese mainland can be configured separately.
    IP Access Limit Limits the frequency that an IP can access a single node to deny the access requests from client IPs exceeding the limit.
    Authentication Supports various timestamp signature algorithms and rules for anti-hotlinking configuration.
    For global acceleration domain names, the acceleration in and outside the Chinese mainland can be configured separately.
    Video Dragging It is designed for streaming VOD acceleration.
    With the video dragging feature enabled, you can specify the start point of a video through the parameter start.
    UA Blocklist/Allowlist Determines whether to deny or allow requests according to HTTP request header User-Agent.
    Downstream Speed Limit Controls the CDN access bandwidth by setting the downstream speed limit on a URL.

    Cache configuration

    Cache configuration controls cache on CDN nodes.

    Configuration Description
    Ignore Query String For resource cache, it supports configuring whether to ignore parameters after "?" in an access URL.
    We recommend disabling this feature if the parameters after "?" indicate differen contents of your business.
    Node Cache Validity Supports configuring the cache validity of files on nodes based on file path and type.
    Status Code Cache Supports configuring status code cache validity for CDN nodes to respond to 2XX status codes directly, thus reducing pressure on the origin server.
    HTTP Header Cache It can be disabled as needed. CDN nodes cache all origin server response headers by default.
    Cache Ignore URL Case CDN node cache does not ignore letter case by default. Letter case can be ignored as needed.
    Access URL Rewrite Supports customizing URL rewrite configuration to redirect requests from URLs with 302 status code to target URLs.

    Origin-pull configuration

    Origin-pull configuration controls the process of forwarding requests from CDN nodes to origin servers.

    Configuration Description
    Range GETs Range GETs is used for origin-pull by default. If it is not supported by your origin server, you can disable it.
    Request Header Adds specified headers during origin-pull such as the real client IP.
    Follow 301/302 It can be enabled for origin-pull as needed.
    Origin-pull Timeout Configures the TCP connection timeout period (which defaults to 5 seconds) and loading period (which defaults to 10 seconds) of origin-pull.

    HTTPS acceleration configuration

    HTTPS acceleration supports various HTTPS-related configurations.

    Configuration Description
    HTTPS Configuration Supports uploading a self-owned certificate or a hosted certificate to enable HTTPS acceleration.
    HTTP2.0 Configuration With it is enabled, CDN edge servers can support HTTP2.0.
    Please first configure a certificate to enable HTTP2.0.
    Forced Redirection Configuration Forced redirection from HTTPS to HTTP access can be achieved with or without a certificate.
    Forced redirection from HTTP to HTTPS access requires a certificate.
    OCSP Stapling With it is enabled, OCSP stapling is support.
    Please first configure a certificate to enable OCSP stapling.
    HSTS Configuration If it is enabled, the header strict-transport-security will be added.
    Please first configure a certificate to enable HSTS configuration.

    Advanced configuration

    Configuration Description
    Bandwidth Cap Configuration Supports configuring bandwidth cap for the acceleration in and outside the Chinese mainland. Acceleration service can be stopped as needed if the cap is exceeded.
    For global acceleration domain names, the acceleration in and outside the Chinese mainland can be configured separately.
    SEO Configuration Supports automatically recognizing that whether an access IP belongs to a search engine.
    If yes, requests from the IP will be forwarded to the origin server to guarantee the stability of the search engine's weight.
    Response Header Configuration Sets HTTP response headers as needed and adds them to the response requests to clients.
    Smart Compression Configuration Performs Gzip or Brotli compression on specified files based on the file type and range.
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