tencent cloud



Last updated: 2023-08-08 16:18:29

    To make it easier for you to view and stay up to date with how instances work, TencentDB for MySQL provides a wide variety of performance monitoring metrics and convenient monitoring features (custom view, time comparison, merged monitoring metrics, etc). You can log in to the TencentDB for MySQL console, and view them in Instance Monitoring on the instance management page.


    • You can get instance monitoring metrics by calling the GetMonitorData API or using the TencentDB for MySQL monitoring metrics in Tencent Cloud Observability Platform (TCOP).
    • You can create dashboards for monitoring metrics to analyze monitored data dynamically.
    • If the number of tables in a single instance exceeds one million, database monitoring may be affected. Make sure that the number of tables in a single instance is below one million.

    Types of Instances for Monitoring

    TencentDB for MySQL source, read-only, and disaster recovery instances as well as database proxy nodes can be monitored, and each instance is provided with a separate monitoring view for easy query.

    Monitoring Types

    Four types of monitoring are available for TencentDB for MySQL: resource monitoring, engine monitoring (general), engine monitoring (extended), and deployment monitoring. You can view the metrics of different monitoring types to gain a quick and accurate understanding of how instances perform and operate.


    TencentDB for MySQL single-node instances of cloud disk edition currently support resource monitoring and engine monitoring (general) but not engine monitoring (extended) and deployment monitoring.

    • Resource monitoring provides monitoring data of CPU, memory, disk, and network.
    • Engine monitoring (general) provides monitoring data of the number of connections, locks, hotspot tables, and slow queries, helping you troubleshoot issues and optimize the performance.
    • Engine monitoring (extended) provides a wider variety of engine-related monitoring metrics so as to assist you in identifying existing or potential database problems as much as possible.
    • Deployment monitoring provides monitoring metrics with regard to source-replica delay. It divides into source monitoring and replica monitoring:
    • If the instance is a source instance, the object of instance deployment monitoring is the linkage between the source instance and its hidden replica. Deployment monitoring displays the IO and SQL thread status of the hidden replica. The source-replica delay (in MB or in seconds) refers to the delay between the source instance and its hidden replica.
    • If the instance is a read-only instance, the object of instance deployment monitoring is the linkage between the source instance and the read-only instance. Deployment monitoring displays the IO and SQL thread status of the read-only instance. The source-replica delay (in MB or in seconds) refers to the delay between the read-only instance and the source instance.
    • If the instance is a disaster recovery instance:
      a. The object of instance deployment monitoring (source) is the linkage between the disaster recovery instance and the source instance. Deployment monitoring displays the IO and SQL thread status of the disaster recovery instance. The source-replica delay (in MB or in seconds) refers to the delay between the disaster recovery instance and the source instance.
      b. The object of instance deployment monitoring (replica) is the linkage between the disaster recovery instance and its hidden replica. Deployment monitoring displays the IO and SQL thread status of the hidden replica. The source-replica delay (in MB or in seconds) refers to the delay between the disaster recovery instance and its hidden replica.

    Monitoring Granularity

    TencentDB for MySQL has adopted an adaptive policy for monitoring granularity since August 11, 2018, which means that you cannot select a monitoring granularity as desired for the time being. The adaptive policy is as follows:

    Time Span Monitoring Granularity Adaptation Description Retention Period
    (0h, 4h] 5 seconds The time span is below 4 hours, and the monitoring granularity is 5 seconds. 1 day
    (4h, 2d] 1 minute The time span is above 4 hours but below 2 days, and the monitoring granularity is 1 minute. 15 days
    (2d, 10d] 5 minutes The time span is above 2 days but below 10 days, and the monitoring granularity is 5 minutes. 31 days
    (10d, 30d] 1 hour The time span is above 10 days but below 30 days, and the monitoring granularity is 1 hour. 62 days

    Currently, you can view monitoring data of TencentDB for MySQL in the past 30 days.

    Monitoring Metrics

    TCOP provides the following monitoring metrics for TencentDB for MySQL instances in the instance dimension:


    For more information on how to use TencentDB monitoring metrics, see Introduction.

    Metric Name Parameter Unit Description
    Queries per Second qps Counts/second Number of SQL statements (INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, and REPLACE) executed by the database per second. This metric mainly represents the actual processing capability of the TencentDB instance.
    Transactions per Second tps Counts/second The number of transactions executed per second in the database
    Slow Queries slow_queries - The number of queries that take more than long_query_time second(s) to be executed
    Full-Table Scans select_scan Counts/sec The number of full-table scans executed per second
    SELECT Queries select_count Counts/sec The number of queries executed per second
    UPDATE Queries com_update Counts/sec The number of updates executed per second
    DELETE Queries com_delete Counts/sec The number of deletions executed per second
    INSERT Queries com_insert Counts/sec The number of insertions executed per second
    REPLACE Queries com_replace Counts/sec The number of replacements executed per second
    Total Queries queries Counts/sec All executed SQL statements such as SET and SHOW
    Open Connections threads_connected - The number of currently open connections
    Connection Utilization connection_use_rate % The number of open connections/the maximum number of connections
    Query Utilization query_rate % Actual QPS/Recommended QPS
    Total Disk Usage capacity MB This includes MySQL's data directories and logs such as binlog, relaylog, undolog, errorlog, and slowlog.
    Disk Space Used by Data real_capacity MB This includes only MySQL's data directories.
    Disk Space Used by Logs log_capacity MB This includes only MySQL's logs binlog, relaylog, undolog, errorlog, and slowlog.
    Disk Space Used by Log Files disk_log_used MB This includes only MySQL's binlog, relaylog, and undolog.
    Disk Space Used by Temp Files disk_tmp_used MB This includes only MySQL's temp files.
    Disk Utilization volume_rate % Total disk usage/Purchased instance space
    Private Outbound Traffic bytes_sent Byte/sec The number of bytes sent per second
    Private Inbound Traffic bytes_received Byte/sec The number of bytes received per second
    Query Cache Hit Rate qcache_hit_rate % The query cache hit rate
    Query Cache Utilization qcache_use_rate % The query cache utilization
    Table Locks Awaited table_locks_waited Counts/second The number of times that a request for a table lock could not be granted immediately and a wait was needed
    Temp Tables created_tmp_tables Counts/second The number of internal temporary tables created by the server while executing statements
    InnoDB Cache Hit Rate innodb_cache_hit_rate % The InnoDB engine cache hit rate
    InnoDB Cache Utilization innodb_cache_use_rate % The InnoDB engine cache utilization
    InnoDB Disk Reads innodb_os_file_reads Counts/sec The total number of file reads performed by read threads within InnoDB
    InnoDB Disk Writes innodb_os_file_writes Counts/second The total number of file writes performed by write threads within InnoDB
    InnoDB fsync() Calls innodb_os_fsyncs Counts/second The number of calls of the fsync function by InnoDB per second
    Tables Opened by InnoDB innodb_num_open_files - The number of tables InnoDB currently holds open
    MyISAM Cache Hit Rate key_cache_hit_rate % The MyISAM engine cache hit rate
    MyISAM Cache Utilization key_cache_use_rate % The MyISAM engine cache utilization
    CPU Utilization cpu_use_rate % If overuse of idle resources is permitted, the CPU utilization may exceed 100%
    Memory Utilization memory use rate % If overuse of idle resources is permitted, the memory utilization may exceed 100%
    Memory Usage memory_use MB If overuse of idle resources is permitted, the used memory may exceed the purchased specification
    Temp Files created_tmp_files Counts/sec The number of temp files created per second
    Opened Tables opened_tables - The number of open tables
    COMMIT Statements com_commit Counts/sec The number of COMMIT statements per second
    ROLLBACK Statements com_rollback Counts/sec The number of ROLLBACK statements per second
    Created Threads threads_created - The number of threads created to handle connections
    Running Threads threads_running - The number of threads that are not sleeping
    Max Connections max_connections - The maximum number of connections
    Temp Disk Tables created_tmp_disk_tables Counts/sec The number of internal on-disk temporary tables created by the server while executing statements
    Requests to Read Next Row handler_read_rnd_next Counts/sec The number of requests to read the next row in the data file
    Rollbacks Performed in Storage Engine handler_rollback Counts/sec The number of requests for a storage engine to perform a rollback operation
    Internal COMMIT Statements handler_commit Counts/sec The number of internal COMMIT statements per second
    InnoDB Free Pages innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free - The number of free pages in the InnoDB buffer pool
    Total InnoDB Pages innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total - The total size of the InnoDB buffer pool in pages
    InnoDB Logical Reads innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests Counts/sec The number of logical read requests
    InnoDB Physical Reads innodb_buffer_pool_reads Counts/sec The number of logical reads that InnoDB could not satisfy from the buffer pool, and had to read directly from disk
    Data Read in InnoDB innodb_data_read Byte/sec The amount of data read per second
    Total InnoDB Reads innodb_data_reads Counts/sec The total number of data reads per second
    Total InnoDB Writes innodb_data_writes Counts/sec The total number of data writes per second
    Data Written in InnoDB innodb_data_written Byte/sec The amount of data written per second
    InnoDB Rows Deleted innodb_rows_deleted Counts/sec The number of rows deleted from InnoDB tables
    InnoDB Rows Inserted innodb_rows_inserted Counts/sec The number of rows inserted into InnoDB tables
    InnoDB Rows Updated innodb_rows_updated Counts/sec The number of rows updated in InnoDB tables
    InnoDB Rows Read innodb_rows_read Counts/sec The number of rows read from InnoDB tables
    Avg. Time to Acquire an InnoDB Row Lock innodb_row_lock_time_avg ms The average time to acquire a row lock for InnoDB tables
    InnoDB Row Lock Waits innodb_row_lock_waits Counts/sec The number of times operations on InnoDB tables had to wait for a row lock
    Unused Blocks in Key Cache key_blocks_unused - The number of key blocks unused by the MyISAM key cache
    Used Blocks in Key Cache key_blocks_used - The number of key blocks used by the MyISAM key cache
    Blocks Read from Key Cache key_read_requests Counts/sec The number of requests to read a key block from the MyISAM key cache
    Blocks Read from Disk key_reads Counts/sec The number of requests to read a disk data block from the MyISAM key cache
    Blocks Written into Key Cache key_write_requests Counts/sec The number of requests to write a key block to the MyISAM key cache
    Blocks Written into Disk key_writes Counts/sec The number of requests to write a disk data block to the MyISAM key cache
    Source-Replica Delay (in MB) master_slave_sync_distance MB The amount of data by which the replica has lagged behind the source
    Source-Replica Delay (in Seconds) seconds_behind_master Sec The source-replica delay (in seconds)
    IO Thread Status slave_io_running Status values: 0: Yes; 1: No; 2: Connecting The IO thread running status
    SQL Thread Status slave_sql_running Status value: 0: Yes; 1: No The SQL thread running status
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