tencent cloud


Policy Structure

Last updated: 2024-01-11 15:28:38

    Policy Syntax

    CAM policy configuration example:
    "condition": {"key":{"value"}}
    version is required. Currently, only "2.0" is allowed. (This value actually represents the version of TencentCloud APIs acceptable to CAM.)
    statement describes the details of one or more permissions. This element contains a permission or permission set of other elements such as effect, action, resource, and condition. One policy has only one statement.
    action describes the allowed or denied action. An action entered here is a string prefixed with "mariadb:" and suffixed with an TencentDB for MariaDB API. This element is required.
    resource describes the details of authorization. A resource is described in a six-segment format. Detailed resource definitions vary by product. For more information on how to specify a resource, please see the documentation for the product whose resources you are writing a statement for. This element is required.
    condition describes the condition for the policy to take effect. A condition consists of operator, action key, and action value. A condition value may contain information such as time and IP address. Some services allow you to specify additional values in a condition. This element is required.
    effect describes whether the result produced by the statement is "allowed" (allow) or "denied" (deny). This element is required.
    The API keyword in CAM of TencentDB for MariaDB is "mariadb".

    Operations in TencentDB

    In a TencentDB policy statement, you can specify any API operation from any service that supports TencentDB. APIs prefixed with "mariadb:" should be used for TencentDB, such as mariadb: mariadb:CloseDBExtranetAccess (disabling public network access).
    To specify multiple operations in a single statement, separate them with commas as shown below:
    You can also specify multiple operations using a wildcard. For example, you can specify all operations beginning with "Describe" in name as shown below:
    If you want to specify all operations in TencentDB, use a wildcard as shown below:

    TencentDB Resources

    Each CAM policy statement has its own resources. Resources are generally in the following format:
    project_id describes the project information, which is only used to enable compatibility with legacy CAM logic and can be left empty.
    service_type describes the product abbreviation such as TencentDB for MariaDB.
    region describes the region information, such as ap-guangzhou. For more information, please see Regions.
    account is the root account of the resource owner, such as uin/65xxx763.
    resource describes detailed resource information of each product, such as instance/instance_id1 or instance/*.
    For example:
    You can specify a resource for a specific instance (tdsql-k05xdcta) in a statement as shown below:
    "resource":[ "qcs::mariadb:ap-guangzhou:uin/65xxx763:instance/tdsql-k05xdcta"]
    You can also use the wildcard "*" to specify it for all instances that belong to a specific account as shown below:
    "resource":[ "qcs::mariadb:ap-guangzhou:uin/65xxx763:instance/*"]
    If you want to specify all resources or a specific API operation does not support resource-level permission control, you can use the wildcard "*" in the "Resource" element as shown below:
    "resource": ["*"]
    To specify multiple resources in a single command, separate them with commas. Below is an example where two resources are specified:
    The table below describes the resources that can be used by TencentDB and the corresponding resource description methods. In the table, words prefixed with $ are placeholders.
    region is region.
    account is account ID.
    Resource Description Method in Authorization Policy
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