tencent cloud


Upload SDK for Android

Last updated: 2022-06-17 14:39:15

    VOD provides an SDK for uploading videos from Android clients. For details about the upload process, see Guide.

    Downloading the source code

    1. Click here to download our Android upload demo and its source code.
    2. Decompress the zip file. In the Demo folder, find the source code in Demo/app/src/main/java/com/tencent/ugcupload/demo/videoupload.

    Copying the source code and adding dependencies

    1. Copy Demo/app/src/main/java/com/tencent/ugcupload/demo/videoupload to your project directory (you need to modify the package name).
    2. Refer to Demo/app/build.gradle to add dependencies in your project:
      implementation 'com.qcloud.cos:cos-android-nobeacon:5.8.5'
      implementation 'com.qcloud.cos:quic:1.5.38'

    You can also manually integrate the dependencies.

    1. Because network and storage permissions are needed to upload videos, add the following permission declarations in AndroidManifest.xml:
      <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
      <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE"/>
      <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>
      <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
      <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
      <receiver android:name=".videoupload.impl.TVCNetWorkStateReceiver">
       <!--Action to detect network changes-->
       <action android:name="android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE"/>
       <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />

    Uploading Videos

    Initialize an upload object

    TXUGCPublish mVideoPublish = new TXUGCPublish(this.getApplicationContext(), "independence_android")

    Set the upload object callback

    mVideoPublish.setListener(new TXUGCPublishTypeDef.ITXVideoPublishListener() {
      public void onPublishProgress(long uploadBytes, long totalBytes) {
          mProgress.setProgress((int) (100*uploadBytes/totalBytes));
      public void onPublishComplete(TXUGCPublishTypeDef.TXPublishResult result) {
          mResultMsg.setText(result.retCode + " Msg:" + (result.retCode == 0 ? result.videoURL : result.descMsg));

    Construct upload parameters

    TXUGCPublishTypeDef.TXPublishParam param = new TXUGCPublishTypeDef.TXPublishParam();
    param.signature = "xxx";
    param.videoPath = "xxx";

    For details on how to calculate signature, please see Signature for Upload from Client.

    Call the upload API

    int publishCode = mVideoPublish.publishVideo(param);

    Uploading Images

    Initialize an upload object

    TXUGCPublish mVideoPublish = new TXUGCPublish(this.getApplicationContext(), "independence_android")

    Set the upload object callback

    mVideoPublish.setListener(new TXUGCPublishTypeDef.ITXMediaPublishListener() {
      public void onMediaPublishProgress(long uploadBytes, long totalBytes) {
          mProgress.setProgress((int) (100*uploadBytes/totalBytes));
      public void onMediaPublishComplete(TXUGCPublishTypeDef.TXMediaPublishResult mediaResult) {
          mResultMsg.setText(result.retCode + " Msg:" + (result.retCode == 0 ? result.videoURL : result.descMsg));

    Construct upload parameters

    TXUGCPublishTypeDef.TXMediaPublishParam param = new TXUGCPublishTypeDef.TXMediaPublishParam();
    param.signature = "xxx";
    param.mediaPath = "xxx";

    For details on how to calculate signature, please see Signature for Upload from Client.

    Call the upload API

    int publishCode = mVideoPublish.publishMedia(param);

    • The upload API automatically selects simple upload or multipart upload based on the file size. You don’t need to manually set up multipart upload.
    • To upload to a subapplication, see Subapplication System - Upload from client.

    Advanced Features

    Uploading a thumbnail

    To upload a thumbnail, pass in the thumbnail path.

    TXUGCPublishTypeDef.TXPublishParam param = new TXUGCPublishTypeDef.TXPublishParam();
    param.signature = "xxx";
    param.videoPath = "xxx";
    param.coverPath = "xxx";

    For details on how to calculate signature, please see Signature for Upload from Client.

    Canceling and resuming upload

    To cancel an upload, call the cancelPublish() API of TXUGCPublish.


    To resume an upload, call publishVideo of TXUGCPublish again, passing in the same upload parameters and video and thumbnail paths.

    Setting up checkpoint restart

    The SDK supports automatic checkpoint restart. If an upload is interrupted, you can resume the upload from where it left off.

    With checkpoint restart, if an upload is interrupted, it can be resumed from where it left off within one day. After one day passes, the upload cannot be resumed, and the file can only be reuploaded from the beginning.

    You can use the enableResume parameter to enable or disable checkpoint start. It’s enabled by default.


    Given that most upload errors are caused by network connection failures or timeout, we have added an optimized pre-upload logic, which involves resolving HTTPDNS, getting the recommended upload target region, and detecting the optimal upload target region.

    We recommend you call TXUGCPublishOptCenter.getInstance().prepareUpload(signature) when launching your app. The pre-upload module will cache the <domain name,="" ip=""> mapping table, and the optimal upload target region locally, and will purge and refresh the cache when a network change is detected.


    Make sure you register the network monitoring module in AndroidManifest.xml:

    <receiver android:name=".videoupload.impl.TVCNetWorkStateReceiver">
       <!--Action to detect network changes-->
       <action android:name="android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE"/>
       <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />

    For details on how to calculate signature, see Signature for Upload from Client.

    Enabling HTTPS upload

    To enable HTTPS upload, set enableHTTPS in TXPublishParam to true.

    TXUGCPublishTypeDef.TXPublishParam param = new TXUGCPublishTypeDef.TXPublishParam();
    param.enableHttps = true;

    Video Upload APIs

    TXUGCPublish: Initialize an upload object

    Parameter Description Type Required
    context Application context. Context Yes
    customKey This parameter is used to identify users. We recommend you set it to your app account ID to facilitate troubleshooting. String No

    TXUGCPublish.setAppId: Set the appId.

    Parameter Description Type Required
    appId VOD appId. int Yes

    TXUGCPublish.publishVideo: Upload a video

    Parameter Description Type Required
    param Upload parameters. TXUGCPublishTypeDef.TXPublishParam Yes

    TXUGCPublishTypeDef.TXPublishParam: Upload parameters

    Parameter Description Type Required
    signature Signature for Upload from Client. String Yes
    videoPath The path of the local video file. String Yes
    coverPath The path of a local thumbnail image. This parameter is left empty by default. String No
    enableResume Whether to enable checkpoint restart. It is enabled by default. boolean No
    enableHttps Whether to enable HTTPS. It is disabled by default. boolean No
    fileName The name of the uploaded file in Tencent Cloud. If this parameter is left empty, the original name of the local file will be used. String No

    TXUGCPublish.setListener: Set the upload callbacks

    Parameter Description Type Required
    listener The upload progress and result callbacks. TXUGCPublishTypeDef.ITXVideoPublishListener Yes

    TXUGCPublishTypeDef.ITXVideoPublishListener.onPublishProgress: The progress callback

    Variable Description Type
    uploadBytes Uploaded bytes. long
    totalBytes Total bytes. long

    TXUGCPublishTypeDef.ITXVideoPublishListener.onPublishComplete: The result callback

    Variable Name Description Type
    result The upload result. TXUGCPublishTypeDef.TXPublishResult

    TXUGCPublishTypeDef.TXPublishResult: The upload result

    Member Variable Description Type
    retCode The result code. int
    descMsg The error message. String
    videoId The VOD file ID. String
    videoURL The video URL. String
    coverURL The thumbnail URL. String

    TXUGCPublishOptCenter.prepareUpload: Set up pre-upload

    Parameter Description Type Required
    signature Signature for Upload from Client. String Yes

    Image Upload APIs

    TXUGCPublish: Initialize an upload project

    Parameter Description Type Required
    context Application context. Context Yes
    customKey This parameter is used to identify users. We recommend you set it to your app account ID to facilitate troubleshooting. String No

    TXUGCPublish.setAppId: Set VOD appId

    Parameter Description Type Required
    appId VOD appId. int Yes

    TXUGCPublish.publishMedia: Upload an image

    Parameter Description Type Required
    param Upload parameters. TXUGCPublishTypeDef.TXMediaPublishParam Yes

    TXUGCPublishTypeDef.TXMediaPublishParam: Upload parameters

    | Parameter | Description Type | Required |
    | ------------ | -------------------------------------------------- | ------- | ---- |
    | signature | Signature for Upload from Client. | String | Yes |
    | mediaPath | The path of the local image file. | String | Yes |
    | enableResume | Whether to enable checkpoint restart. It is enabled by default. | boolean | No |
    | enableHttps | Whether to enable HTTPS. It is disabled by default. | boolean | No |
    | fileName | The name of the uploaded file in Tencent Cloud. If this parameter is left empty, the original name of the local file will be used. | String | No |

    TXUGCPublish.setListener: Set the upload callbacks

    Parameter Description Type Required
    listener The upload progress and result callbacks. TXUGCPublishTypeDef.ITXVideoPublishListener Yes

    TXUGCPublishTypeDef.ITXMediaPublishListener.onPublishProgress: The progress callback

    Variable Description Type
    uploadBytes Uploaded bytes. long
    totalBytes Total bytes. long

    TXUGCPublishTypeDef.ITXMediaPublishListener.onPublishComplete: The result callback

    Variable Description Type
    result The upload result. TXUGCPublishTypeDef.TXPublishResult

    TXUGCPublishTypeDef.TXPublishResult: The upload result

    Member Variable Description Type
    retCode The result code. int
    descMsg The error message. String
    mediaId The VOD file ID. String
    mediaURL The file URL. String

    TXUGCPublishOptCenter.prepareUpload: Set up pre-upload

    Parameter Description Type Required
    signature Signature for Upload from Client. String Yes

    Error Codes

    The SDK listens for video upload status using TXUGCPublishTypeDef.ITXVideoPublishListene\ITXMediaPublishListener. Therefore, to get the upload status, check retCode in TXUGCPublishTypeDef.TXPublishResult\TXMediaPublishResult.

    Status Code TVCConstants Description
    0 NO_ERROR Uploaded successfully.
    1001 ERR_UGC_REQUEST_FAILED The upload request failed, usually due to invalid or expired client signature. Please get the signature again.
    1002 ERR_UGC_PARSE_FAILED Failed to parse the request information.
    1003 ERR_UPLOAD_VIDEO_FAILED Failed to upload the video.
    1004 ERR_UPLOAD_COVER_FAILED Failed to upload the thumbnail image.
    1005 ERR_UGC_FINISH_REQUEST_FAILED Failed to end the upload.
    1006 ERR_UGC_FINISH_RESPONSE_FAILED A response error occurred when ending the upload.
    1007 ERR_CLIENT_BUSY The client is busy (the object cannot process more requests).
    1008 ERR_FILE_NOEXIT The file to be uploaded does not exist.
    1009 ERR_UGC_PUBLISHING The video is being uploaded.
    1010 ERR_UGC_INVALID_PARAM The upload parameter is empty.
    1012 ERR_UGC_INVALID_SIGNATURE The signature for uploading video is empty.
    1013 ERR_UGC_INVALID_VIDOPATH The video file path is empty.
    1014 ERR_UGC_INVALID_VIDEO_FILE The video file does not exist under the current path.
    1015 ERR_UGC_FILE_NAME The video file name exceeds 40 characters or contains special characters.
    1016 ERR_UGC_INVALID_COVER_PATH The path of the thumbnail image is invalid. The file does not exist
    1017 ERR_USER_CANCEL The user cancelled the upload.
    1018 ERR_UPLOAD_VOD Failed to upload a file of less than 5 MB directly to VOD.
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