tencent cloud


Billing Usage Statistics

Last updated: 2024-06-25 15:36:07

    Billing usage statistics

    The Tencent Cloud console provides a billing usage statistics query feature for Live Video Broadcasting (LVB) and Live Event Broadcasting (LEB). If you want to know about the current upstream traffic/bandwidth, playback traffic/bandwidth, push channels, live transcoding, live recording, time shifting, live screencapture, enhancement, content moderation, relay task duration, third-party relay, real-time log, and other service usage, you can view the relevant data in Statistics > Billing Usage Statistics in the CSS console. You can view data related to CSS service usage in the last month.
    Upstream Traffic/Bandwidth
    Playback Traffic/Bandwidth
    Push Channels
    Live transcoding
    Live recording
    Time shifting
    Live screencapture
    Content moderation
    Relay task duration
    Third-party relay
    Real-time Log

    Billing details

    Billable Service
    Statistical Item
    Upstream traffic/bandwidth
    Upstream traffic
    Upstream traffic consumed for push during the selected time range
    Peak upstream bandwidth
    Peak bandwidth used for push during the selected time range
    Upstream traffic/bandwidth line chart
    Upstream traffic/bandwidth usage on a 5-minute basis
    Hourly upstream traffic/bandwidth consumption over the last 30 days
    Playback traffic/bandwidth
    Playback traffic
    Downstream traffic consumed for playback during the selected time range
    Peak playback bandwidth
    Peak bandwidth used for playback during the selected time range
    Playback traffic/bandwidth line chart
    Downstream traffic/bandwidth usage on a 5-minute basis. You can choose to view the usage of LVB or LEB.
    Hourly playback traffic/bandwidth consumption over the last 30 days
    Push channels
    Current channels
    Current number of push channels
    Peak channels
    Maximum number of push channels
    Push channel line chart
    Number of push channels on a 5-minute basis
    Peak channels in last 30 days
    Highest number of channels per day in the last 30 days
    Live transcoding
    Total transcoding duration
    Total transcoding duration during the selected time range
    Transcoding duration line chart
    Transcoding durations on a 5-minute basis
    Monthly usage
    Transcoding detail information of stream dimension in the last 30 days
    Live recording
    Recording channel peak
    Highest number of concurrent recording channels during the selected time range
    Total duration to COS
    The total duration of recording shipping to COS during the query period
    Recording channel peak/Total duration to COS line chart
    Highest number of concurrent recording channels on a 5-minute basis/Cumulative data on the duration of recording shipping to COS
    Time shifting
    Time shifting traffic
    Time shifting write volume during the query period
    Time shifting traffic line chart
    Cumulative data of time shifting write volume on a 5-minute basis
    Time shifting write volume by domain name and time shifting day
    Live screencapture
    Accumulated screenshots
    Total number of screenshots taken during the selected time range
    Screenshot number line chart
    Number of screenshots on a 5-minute basis
    Monthly usage
    Total number of screenshots each month in the last six months
    Total duration
    Total enhancement duration during the query period
    Duration line chart
    Enhancement duration data on a 5-minute basis
    Live streaming enhancement consumption data in the last 30 days
    Content moderation
    Moderated images
    Total number of images generated by image moderation during the query period
    Moderated audio
    Total duration generated by audio moderation during the query period
    Image moderation/Audio moderation line chart
    Cumulative data of image moderation/audio moderation on a 5-minute basis
    Content moderation records in the last 30 days
    Relay task duration
    Total duration
    Total duration of relay tasks during the selected time range
    Duration line chart
    Cumulative task duration data on a 5-minute basis
    Usage details
    Detailed information such as task start time and end time by task dimension
    Third-party relay
    Bandwidth peak
    Peak bandwidth of the relay service during the query period
    Relay bandwidth line chart
    Peak bandwidth of the relay service on a 5-minute basis
    Real-time log
    Number of shipped entries
    Total number of shipped entries for push logs/playback logs during the query period
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