tencent cloud



Last updated: 2022-10-26 17:14:03

    Tencent Cloud’s media SDKs (RT-Cube) offer capabilities including real-time communication, live streaming, instant messaging, video on demand, and short video production. They come in mobile, desktop, web, and other editions.

    Quick Overview

    The media SDKs offered by Tencent Cloud are the TRTC SDK, MLVB SDK, UGSV SDK, Player SDK, and All-in-One SDK. Their capabilities are listed in the table below. The All-in-One SDK offers the capabilities of all the other SDKs. You can choose the one that best fits your needs.

    Capability/SDK All-in-One MLVB UGSV TRTC Player
    Publish live streams - -
    Same/Cross-room communication - -
    Shoot, edit, upload, and publish videos - - -
    Audio/Video calls - -
    Play videos live - -
    Play on demand - -

    For more detailed information about the capabilities, see SDK Download.


    We offer demos for you to try out capabilities such as interactive live streaming, audio/video calls, short video production, and video playback.

    The RT-Cube demos integrate Tencent Cloud’s audio/video products including CSS, MLVB, UGSV, and TRTC and offers capabilities such as live stream publishing, same/cross-room communication, video shooting, editing, upload, and publishing, live playback, VOD playback, and audio/video calls. We use a modular design for these capabilities. You can combine the modules you need and build your own audio/video application in as little as one day.

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