1. Tencent Cloud Peering Connection Service
Tencent Cloud Peering Connection is a cloud-resource interconnection service featuring large bandwidth and high quality, allowing you to connect resource communication links on Tencent Cloud, details of which shall be subject to the introduction on the official website of Tencent Cloud.
2. Guaranteed Indicators of Service
Tencent Cloud sets up the service level indicators for the service purchased by you, and has the right to adjust certain indicators in response to the change of situations in due course.
2.1 Service Availability
Service Availability of Peering Connection is calculated based on each Service Period from the perspective of a single instance as follows:
Service Availability = ((Total Time of a Service Period Calculated in Minutes – Service Downtime Calculated in Minutes) / Total Time of a Service Period Calculated in Minutes) * 100%
Peering Connection availability at the level of Platinum, Gold and Silver is set forth in the chart below. You are entitled to the compensation set forth in Section 3 hereunder if the guaranteed availability is not met.
Relevant Explanations:
Service Period: One calendar month will be counted as one service period.
Total Time of a Service Period Calculated in Minutes: the number of days of the Service Period × 24 (hours) × 60 (minutes).
Service Downtime Calculated in Minutes: When all the continuous attempted communication made by a client within one minute via designated Peering Connection fail, the Peering Connection instance service during such one minute shall be deemed unavailable. The sum of the unavailable minutes of the Peering Connection instance during a Service Period shall be the service downtime calculated in minutes for such Service Period. The guaranteed Service Availability indicator requires Peering Connection packet loss rate data, of which the original data shall be subject to Network Detection & Tencent Cloud backend monitoring data. Please enable the Network Detection service.
Monthly Service Fee: the total service fee paid by a client in one calendar month for a single Peering Connection instance.
The service downtime due to any of the following reasons is not eligible for compensation:
(1) any system maintenance with prior notice by Tencent Cloud to a client, including system cutover, maintenance, upgrade and failure simulation test;
(2) any failure or configuration adjustment of network or equipment that is not Tencent Cloud facility;
(3) any hacker attack targeting the application or data information of a client;
(4) any improper route configuration of a client;
(5) any loss or leak of any data, pin or password due to improper maintenance or improper confidentiality measures of a client;
(6) any upgrade of the operation system by a client on its own;
(7) any application of a client or the installation;
(8) any negligence of a client or any operation authorized by a client;
(9) any force majeure event or accident;
(10) any other reason not attributable to Tencent Cloud.
2.2 Privacy of Service
Clients may control and segregate external access by configuring access authentication settings in accordance with actual needs to ensure data privacy.
2.3 Review of Service
In accordance with the current laws and regulations, and provided that procedure and formality requirements are fully satisfied, Tencent Cloud may provide certain information (including operation log of key components, operation records of operation and maintenance personnel, operation records of the client, etc.) of the Peering Connection service, due to the need to cooperate with the supervision by the governmental supervisory authority or security evidence collection and investigation or otherwise.
3. Service Compensation
3.1 Scope of Compensation
Compensation is applicable when the guaranteed Service Availability of Peering Connection for a client is not met by the end of a month due to malfunction of Tencent Cloud.
3.2 Standards and Principles of Compensation
The compensation amount shall be calculated according to the standards set forth in the chart below based on monthly Service Availability of a single Peering Connection instance. The compensation will be made in the form of coupon only, and the total amount of the compensation shall not exceed the Monthly Service Fee (excluding the portion deductible by the coupon) paid by the client for such Peering Connection instance for such month of which the guaranteed Service Availability is not met.
Platinum | 99.95% > Av ≥ 99.00% | 10% |
| 99.00% > Av ≥ 98.00% | 25% |
| 98.00% > Av | 100% |
Gold | 99.50% > Av ≥ 99.00% | 10% |
| 99.00% > Av ≥ 95.00% | 25% |
| 95.00% > Av | 100% |
Silver | 99.00% > Av ≥ 98.00% | 10% |
| 98.00% > Av ≥ 95.00% | 25% |
| 95.00% > Av | 100% |
3.3 Application for Compensation
If a client believes that Tencent Cloud fails to meet certain guaranteed service indicator set forth under the service level agreement (SLA), the client shall notify the customer manager in writing / by e-mail within twenty (20) business days following the occurrence of such failure.
Upon verification and confirmation by Tencent Cloud of such failure to meet the indicator under the SLA, Tencent Cloud shall make corresponding compensation to the client according to the terms of the SLA.
The coupon of an amount equivalent to the confirmed deductible fee will be accounted to the client during the following billing circle.
4. Miscellaneous
Tencent Cloud shall have the right to amend any provision of this SLA in response to the change of situations in due course, and such amendment will be concurrently published on the official website.
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