tencent cloud


MD5 Verification

Last updated: 2024-03-25 15:16:26


    Errors may occur when data is being transmitted between the client and the server. COS can guarantee the integrity of the uploaded data through MD5 verification. Only when the MD5 checksum received by the COS server is the same as that you set can the data be successfully uploaded.
    Each object in COS has a corresponding ETag, which is the information identifier of the object content when the object is created. However, the ETag is not necessarily equivalent to the MD5 checksum of the object content. Therefore, the ETag cannot be used to verify whether the downloaded object is the same as the original object. In this case, you can use custom object metadata (x-cos-meta-*) to verify the object consistency.

    Data Verification Methods

    Verify an uploaded object If you need to verify whether the object uploaded to COS is the same as the local object, you can set the Content-MD5 field in the HTTP upload request to the Base64-encoded MD5 checksum of the object content. After that, the COS server will verify the uploaded object. Only when the MD5 checksum received by the COS server is the same as the Content-MD5 value you set can the object be successfully uploaded.
    Verify a downloaded object If you need to verify whether the downloaded object is the same as the original object, you can use a verification algorithm to calculate the checksum of the object when it is uploaded, set the checksum of the object through custom metadata, recalculate the checksum of the object after downloading the object, and then verify it against the custom metadata. In this mode, you can choose the verification algorithm as you wish, but for the same object, the algorithm used during upload should be the same as that used during download.

    API Samples

    Simple Upload Request

    Below is a sample request for object upload. When uploading the object, set the Content-MD5 to the Base64-encoded MD5 checksum of the object content and set the custom metadata "x-cos-meta-md5" to the checksum of the object. Only when the MD5 checksum received by the COS server is the same as the Content-MD5 value you set can the object be successfully uploaded.
    In the sample, the checksum of the object is obtained through the MD5 checksum algorithm, and you can choose other algorithms as you wish.
    PUT /exampleobject HTTP/1.1
    Host: examplebucket-1250000000.cos.ap-beijing.myqcloud.com
    Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2019 09:24:28 GMT
    Content-Type: image/jpeg
    Content-Length: 13
    Content-MD5: ti4QvKtVqIJAvZxDbP/c+Q==
    Authorization: q-sign-algorithm=sha1&q-ak=AKID8A0fBVtYFrNm02oY1g1JQQF0c3JO****&q-sign-time=1561109068;1561116268&q-key-time=1561109068;1561116268&q-header-list=content-length;content-md5;content-type;date;host&q-url-param-list=&q-signature=998bfc8836fc205d09e455c14e3d7e623bd2****
    x-cos-meta-md5: b62e10bcab55a88240bd9c436cffdcf9
    Connection: close
    [Object Content]

    Multipart Upload Request

    Below is a sample request to initialize a multipart upload. When uploading object parts, you can set the custom metadata of the object by initializing the multipart upload. Here, set the custom metadata "x-cos-meta-md5" as the checksum of the object.
    POST /exampleobject?uploads HTTP/1.1
    Host: examplebucket-1250000000.cos.ap-beijing.myqcloud.com
    Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2019 09:45:12 GMT
    Authorization: q-sign-algorithm=sha1&q-ak=AKID8A0fBVtYFrNm02oY1g1JQQF0c3JO****&q-sign-time=1561109068;1561116268&q-key-time=1561109068;1561116268&q-header-list=content-length;content-md5;content-type;date;host&q-url-param-list=&q-signature=998bfc8836fc205d09e455c14e3d7e623bd2****
    x-cos-meta-md5: b62e10bcab55a88240bd9c436cffdcf9
    For files uploaded using multipart upload, COS will verify the MD5 checksum of each part instead of the MD5 checksum of the merged file.

    Object download response

    Below is a sample response obtained after you send an object download request. You can get the custom metadata "x-cos-meta-md5" of the object from the response and then check it against the recalculated checksum of the object to verify whether the downloaded object is the same as the original object.
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/octet-stream
    Content-Length: 13
    Connection: close
    Accept-Ranges: bytes
    Cache-Control: max-age=86400
    Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=example.jpg
    Date: Thu, 04 Jul 2019 11:33:00 GMT
    ETag: "b62e10bcab55a88240bd9c436cffdcf9"
    Last-Modified: Thu, 04 Jul 2019 11:32:55 GMT
    Server: tencent-cos
    x-cos-request-id: NWQxZGUzZWNfNjI4NWQ2NF9lMWYyXzk1NjFj****
    x-cos-meta-md5: b62e10bcab55a88240bd9c436cffdcf9
    [Object Content]

    SDK Samples

    The following example uses the Python SDK to verify object integrity. The complete sample code is as follows.
    The code is based on Python 2.7. For more information on how to use the Python SDK, see Object Operations.

    1. Initialization configuration

    Configure user attributes, including SecretId, SecretKey, and region, and create a client object.
    # -*- coding=utf-8
    from qcloud_cos import CosConfig
    from qcloud_cos import CosS3Client
    from qcloud_cos import CosServiceError
    from qcloud_cos import CosClientError
    import sys
    import os
    import logging
    import hashlib
    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, stream=sys.stdout)
    # Configure user attributes, including SecretId, SecretKey, and region
    # APPID has been removed from the configuration. Please specify it using the `Bucket` parameter in the format of `BucketName-APPID`.
    secret_id = os.environ['COS_SECRET_ID'] # User `SecretId`. We recommend you use a sub-account key and follow the principle of least privilege to reduce risks. For information about how to obtain a sub-account key, visit https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/598/37140?from_cn_redirect=1.
    secret_key = os.environ['COS_SECRET_KEY'] # User `SecretKey`. We recommend you use a sub-account key and follow the principle of least privilege to reduce risks. For information about how to obtain a sub-account key, visit https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/598/37140?from_cn_redirect=1.
    region = 'ap-beijing' # Replace with your own region (which is Beijing in this sample)
    token = None # Temporary key token. For more information on how to generate and use a temporary key, visit https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/436/14048?from_cn_redirect=1.
    config = CosConfig(Region=region, SecretId=secret_id, SecretKey=secret_key, Token=token) # Get the configured object
    client = CosS3Client(config)

    2. Verify an object uploaded using simple upload

    (1) Calculate the checksum of the object

    Get the checksum of the object through the MD5 checksum algorithm (you can choose other algorithms as you wish).
    object_body = 'hello cos'
    # Get the MD5 checksum of the object
    md5 = hashlib.md5()
    md5_str = md5.hexdigest()

    (2) upload objects using simple upload

    EnableMD5=True in the code indicates the enablement of MD5 verification for object upload. The SDK for Python will calculate the Content-MD5. Enabling this will increase the time it takes to upload the object. Only when the MD5 checksum of the object received by the COS server is the same as the Content-MD5 can the object be successfully uploaded. x-cos-meta-md5 is a custom parameter (in the name format of x-cos-meta-*), which represents the MD5 checksum of the object.
    # Upload the object using simple upload and enable MD5 verification
    response = client.put_object(
    Bucket='examplebucket-1250000000', # Replace with your own bucket name. Here, examplebucket is a sample bucket, and 1250000000 is a sample APPID
    Body='hello cos', # Content of the uploaded object
    Key='example-object-1', # Replace with the key value of your uploaded object
    EnableMD5=True, # Enable MD5 verification for upload
    Metadata={ # Set the custom parameter and save the MD5 checksum of the object to the COS server as the parameter value
    'x-cos-meta-md5' : md5_str
    print 'ETag: ' + response['ETag'] # Etag value of the object

    (3) Download the object

    Download the object and get the custom parameter.
    # Download the object
    response = client.get_object(
    Bucket='examplebucket-1250000000', # Replace with your own bucket name. Here, examplebucket is a sample bucket, and 1250000000 is a sample APPID
    Key='example-object-1' # Key value of the download object
    fp = response['Body'].get_raw_stream()
    download_object = fp.read() # Get the object content
    print "get object body: " + download_object
    print 'ETag: ' + response['ETag']
    print 'x-cos-meta-md5: ' + response['x-cos-meta-md5'] # Get the custom parameter "x-cos-meta-md5"

    (4) Verify the object

    After successfully downloading the object, you can recalculate the checksum of the object (the verification algorithm should be the same as that used for upload) and check it against the custom parameter "x-cos-meta-md5" to verify whether the downloaded object is the same as the uploaded object.
    # Calculate the MD5 checksum of the downloaded object
    md5 = hashlib.md5()
    md5_str = md5.hexdigest()
    print 'download object md5: ' + md5_str
    # Verify object consistency by checking the MD5 checksum of the downloaded object against that of the uploaded object
    if md5_str == response['x-cos-meta-md5']:
    print 'MD5 check OK'
    print 'MD5 check FAIL'

    3. Verify an object uploaded in parts

    (1) Calculate the checksum of the object

    Simulate object parts and calculate the checksum of the entire object. The MD5 checksum algorithm is used to obtain the checksum of the object in the sample below, and you can choose other algorithms as you wish.
    OBJECT_PART_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 # Size of each simulated part
    OBJECT_TOTAL_SIZE = OBJECT_PART_SIZE * 1 + 123 # Total size of the object
    object_body = '1' * OBJECT_TOTAL_SIZE # Object content
    # Calculate the MD5 checksum of the entire object content
    md5 = hashlib.md5()
    md5_str = md5.hexdigest()

    (2) Initialize the multipart upload

    When initializing the multipart upload, set the custom parameter "x-cos-meta-md5" and use the MD5 checksum of the entire object as the parameter value.
    # Initialize the multipart upload
    response = client.create_multipart_upload(
    Bucket='examplebucket-1250000000', #Replace with your own bucket name and APPID
    Key='exampleobject-2', # Replace with the key value of the uploaded object
    StorageClass='STANDARD', # Storage class of the object
    'x-cos-meta-md5' : md5_str # Set the custom parameter to the MD5 checksum
    #Get the UploadId of the multipart upload
    upload_id = response['UploadId']

    (3) Upload the object in parts

    During a multipart upload, an object is divided into multiple (up to 10,000) parts for the upload. The size of each part can range from 1 MB to 5 GB, and the last part can be less than 1 MB. When uploading the parts, you need to set the PartNumber of each part. EnableMD5=True indicates enabling the part check, which increases the time it takes to upload the object. The Python SDK will calculate the Content-MD5 of each part. Only when the MD5 checksum of the object received by the COS server is the same as the Content-MD5 can the parts be successfully uploaded. After the upload succeeds, the ETag of each part will be returned.
    #Upload an object in parts where the size of each part is OBJECT_PART_SIZE except the last part which may be smaller
    part_list = list()
    position = 0
    left_size = OBJECT_TOTAL_SIZE
    part_number = 0
    while left_size > 0:
    part_number += 1
    if left_size >= OBJECT_PART_SIZE:
    body = object_body[position:position+OBJECT_PART_SIZE]
    body = object_body[position:]
    position += OBJECT_PART_SIZE
    left_size -= OBJECT_PART_SIZE
    # Upload parts
    response = client.upload_part(
    Bucket='examplebucket-1250000000', #Replace with your own bucket name and APPID
    Key='exampleobject-2', # Key value of the object
    EnableMD5=True # Enable part verification and the COS server will perform MD5 verification on each part
    etag = response['ETag'] # ETag represents the MD5 checksum of each part
    part_list.append({'ETag' : etag, 'PartNumber' : part_number})
    print etag + ', ' + str(part_number)

    (4) Complete the multipart upload

    After all parts are uploaded, you need to complete the multipart upload operation. The ETag and PartNumber of each part should be in one-to-one correspondence which will be used by the COS server to verify the part accuracy. After the multipart upload completes, the returned ETag represents the unique tag value of the merged object but not the MD5 checksum of the entire object content. As a result, you can use the custom parameter to verify the object when downloading it.
    #Complete the multipart upload
    response = client.complete_multipart_upload(
    Bucket='examplebucket-1250000000', # Replace with your own bucket name. Here, examplebucket is a sample bucket, and 1250000000 is a sample APPID
    Key='exampleobject-2', # Key value of the object
    MultipartUpload={ # Requires one-to-one correspondence between ETag and PartNumber for each part
    'Part' : part_list
    # ETag represents the unique tag value of the merged object, which is not the MD5 checksum of the object content and can only be used to verify the object's uniqueness
    print "ETag: " + response['ETag']
    print "Location: " + response['Location'] #URL
    print "Key: " + response['Key']

    (5) Download the object

    Download the object and get the custom parameter.
    # Download the object
    response = client.get_object(
    Bucket='examplebucket-1250000000', #Replace with your own bucket name and APPID
    Key='exampleobject-2' # Key value of the object
    print 'ETag: ' + response['ETag'] # The ETag of the object is not the MD5 checksum of the object content
    print 'x-cos-meta-md5: ' + response['x-cos-meta-md5'] # Get the custom parameter "x-cos-meta-md5"

    (6) Verify the object

    After successfully downloading the object, you can recalculate the MD5 checksum of the object and check it against the custom parameter "x-cos-meta-md5" to verify whether the downloaded object is the same as the uploaded object.
    # Calculate the MD5 checksum of the downloaded object
    fp = response['Body'].get_raw_stream()
    DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE = 1024*1024
    md5 = hashlib.md5()
    chunk = fp.read(DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE)
    while chunk:
    chunk = fp.read(DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE)
    md5_str = md5.hexdigest()
    print 'download object md5: ' + md5_str
    # Verify object consistency by checking the MD5 checksum of the downloaded object against that of the uploaded object
    if md5_str == response['x-cos-meta-md5']:
    print 'MD5 check OK'
    print 'MD5 check FAIL'
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