tencent cloud


Video Moderation

Last updated: 2024-02-02 14:36:36


    This document describes how to use the content moderation feature provided by Cloud Infinite (CI). CI fully integrates the processing capabilities with the COS SDK.
    To use the content moderation service, you need to have the permission to use CI:
    For root accounts, click here for role authorization.
    This document provides an overview of APIs and SDK code samples for video moderation.
    Submits video moderation job.
    Queries the result of specified video moderation job.

    Submitting Video Moderation Job

    Feature description

    The video moderation feature is async. You can submit a job to moderate your video files, and then use the API for querying video moderation job result to query the moderation results.
    The following example shows how to submit a video moderation job and then query the result by JobId.
    To perform this operation, the bucket should have CI features enabled.
    Video moderation APIs are supported starting from v5.4.24. To download the latest SDK, go to Releases or see Getting Started.
    To view the version change log, go to GitHub.

    Sample code

    using COSXML.Model.CI;
    using COSXML.Auth;
    using System;
    using System.Threading;
    using COSXML;
    namespace COSSnippet
    public class SubmitVideoCensorJobModel {
    private CosXml cosXml;
    SubmitVideoCensorJobModel() {
    CosXmlConfig config = new CosXmlConfig.Builder()
    .SetRegion("COS_REGION") // Set the default region. For the abbreviations for COS regions, visit https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/436/6224?from_cn_redirect=1.
    string secretId = "SECRET_ID"; // `SecretId` of your TencentCloud API key. For more information on how to get it, visit https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi.
    string secretKey = "SECRET_KEY"; // `SecretKey` of your TencentCloud API key. For more information on how to get it, visit https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi.
    long durationSecond = 600; // Validity period of the request signature in seconds
    QCloudCredentialProvider qCloudCredentialProvider = new DefaultQCloudCredentialProvider(secretId,
    secretKey, durationSecond);
    this.cosXml = new CosXmlServer(config, qCloudCredentialProvider);
    /// Submit the video moderation job
    public string SubmitVideoCensorJob()
    // Bucket name, which must be in the format of `bucketname-APPID`. For more information on how to get the `APPID`, visit https://console.tencentcloud.com/developer.
    string bucket = "examplebucket-1250000000"; // Note: To perform this operation, the bucket should have the content moderation feature enabled.
    SubmitVideoCensorJobRequest request = new SubmitVideoCensorJobRequest(bucket);
    request.SetCensorObject("video.mp4"); // Object key of the media file, which should be replaced with that of the actual media file in the bucket.
    // The scene to be moderated, such as `Porn` (pornography) and `Ads` (advertising). You can pass in multiple types and separate them by comma, such as `Porn,Ads`.
    // Video image moderation is implemented by taking a certain number of screenshots based on the video frame capturing capability and then moderating the screenshots one by one. This parameter is used to specify the configuration of video frame capturing.
    request.SetSnapshotMode("Average"); // Frame capturing mode. Valid values: `Interval` (interval mode), `Average` (average mode), `Fps` (fixed frame rate mode).
    request.SetSnapshotCount("100"); // The number of captured frames. Value range: (0, 10000].
    request.SetSnapshotTimeInterval("1.0"); // Video frame capturing frequency. Value range: (0.000, 60.000] seconds. The value supports the float format, accurate to the millisecond.
    // Execute the request
    SubmitCensorJobResult result = cosXml.SubmitVideoCensorJob(request);
    return result.censorJobsResponse.JobsDetail.JobId;
    static void Main(string[] args)
    SubmitVideoCensorJobModel m = new SubmitVideoCensorJobModel();
    /// Submit the moderation job. The `JobId` uniquely identifies the result of the submitted job.
    string JobId = m.SubmitVideoCensorJob();
    /// Print the `JobId`
    Console.WriteLine("JobId : " + JobId);
    For more complete samples, visit GitHub.

    Querying Video Moderation Job Result

    Feature description

    This API is used to query the status and result of a video moderation job.

    Sample code

    using COSXML.Model.CI;
    using COSXML.Auth;
    using System;
    using System.Threading;
    using COSXML;
    namespace COSSnippet
    public class SubmitVideoCensorJobModel {
    private CosXml cosXml;
    SubmitVideoCensorJobModel() {
    CosXmlConfig config = new CosXmlConfig.Builder()
    .SetRegion("COS_REGION") // Set the default region. For the abbreviations for COS regions, visit https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/436/6224?from_cn_redirect=1.
    string secretId = "SECRET_ID"; // `SecretId` of your TencentCloud API key. For more information on how to get it, visit https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi.
    string secretKey = "SECRET_KEY"; // `SecretKey` of your TencentCloud API key. For more information on how to get it, visit https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi.
    long durationSecond = 600; // Validity period of the request signature in seconds
    QCloudCredentialProvider qCloudCredentialProvider = new DefaultQCloudCredentialProvider(secretId,
    secretKey, durationSecond);
    this.cosXml = new CosXmlServer(config, qCloudCredentialProvider);
    /// Query the video moderation job result
    public void GetVideoCensorJobResult(string JobId)
    // Bucket name, which must be in the format of `bucketname-APPID`. For more information on how to get the `APPID`, visit https://console.tencentcloud.com/developer.
    string bucket = "examplebucket-1250000000"; // Note: To perform this operation, the bucket should have the content moderation feature enabled.
    GetVideoCensorJobRequest request = new GetVideoCensorJobRequest(bucket, JobId);
    // Execute the request
    GetVideoCensorJobResult result = cosXml.GetVideoCensorJob(request);
    // Read the moderation result
    // Moderate video screenshots
    for(int i = 0; i < result.resultStruct.JobsDetail.Snapshot.Count; i++)
    static void Main(string[] args)
    SubmitVideoCensorJobModel m = new SubmitVideoCensorJobModel();
    // Enter the `JobId` obtained when you submit the moderation job
    string JobId = "xxx";
    /// Query the moderation job
    For more complete samples, visit GitHub.
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