tencent cloud


Bucket policy

Last updated: 2024-01-23 17:15:08


    This document provides an overview of APIs and SDK code samples related to bucket policies.
    Setting a bucket policy
    Sets a permission policy for the specified bucket
    Querying bucket policy
    Queries the permission policy of the specified bucket
    Deleting bucket policies
    Deletes the permission policies of a specified bucket

    SDK API References

    For the parameters and method descriptions of all the APIs in the SDK, please see SDK API Reference.

    Setting a bucket policy

    Feature description

    This API is used to set an access policy on a bucket.
    The COS iOS SDK version should be v6.1.8 or higher.

    Sample code

    QCloudPutBucketPolicyRequest * request = [QCloudPutBucketPolicyRequest new];
    // Bucket name in the format of `BucketName-APPID` (`APPID` is required), which can be viewed in the COS console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.
    request.bucket = @"0-1250000000";
    request.regionName = @"ap-chengdu";
    // Permission policy. For more information, see [CAM Practices > Policy Syntax](https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/436/12469).
    request.policyInfo = @{
    @"Statement": @[
    @"Principal": @{
    @"qcs": @[
    @"Effect": @"allow",
    @"Action": @[
    @"Resource": @[
    @"version": @"2.0"
    [request setFinishBlock:^(id _Nullable outputObject, NSError * _Nullable error) {
    [[QCloudCOSXMLService defaultCOSXML] PutBucketPolicy:request];
    For the complete sample, go to GitHub.

    Querying a bucket policy

    Feature description

    This API is used to query the access policy on a bucket.
    The COS Android SDK version should not be earlier than v6.1.8.

    Sample code

    QCloudGetBucketPolicyRequest * request = [QCloudGetBucketPolicyRequest new];
    // Bucket name in the format of `BucketName-APPID` (`APPID` is required), which can be viewed in the COS console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.
    request.bucket = @"bucketname-appid";
    request.regionName = @"ap-chengdu";
    [request setFinishBlock:^(QCloudBucketPolicyResult * _Nullable outputObject, NSError * _Nullable error) {
    // For detailed fields in `QCloudBucketPolicyResult`, see the API documentation or SDK source code.
    [[QCloudCOSXMLService defaultCOSXML] GetBucketPolicy:request];
    For the complete sample, go to GitHub.

    Deleting a bucket policy

    Feature description

    This API is used to delete the access policy from a specified bucket.
    The COS Android SDK version should not be earlier than v6.1.8.

    Sample code

    // Bucket name in the format of `BucketName-APPID` (`APPID` is required), which can be viewed in the COS console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.
    QCloudDeleteBucketPolicyRequest * request = [QCloudDeleteBucketPolicyRequest new];
    request.bucket = @"0-1253960454";
    request.regionName = @"ap-chengdu";
    [request setFinishBlock:^(id _Nullable outputObject, NSError * _Nullable error) {
    /// If `error` is null, the request is successful.
    [[QCloudCOSXMLService defaultCOSXML] DeleteBucketPolicy:request];
    For the complete sample, go to GitHub.
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