tencent cloud


Windows Custom Images

Last updated: 2024-01-13 11:19:29


    To use Windows services, you need to create custom images from existing Windows Server images. This document introduces how to create a Windows custom image.


    You have registered a Tencent Cloud account. If not, go to the Sign up page.


    Installing required software on a CVM

    Log in to the CVM Console to view details of the CVM you have created. After remote login, install all necessary software on the CVM and test the connectivity.

    Creating a custom image

    1. Locate the CVM for which you want to create a custom image, click More -> Create image under the Operation column, as shown below:
    2. In the pop-up window, enter the image name and description, and click Create Image.
    3. After the image is created, click Images on the left sidebar to view custom images, as shown below:
    You can obtain the custom image ID on the Image page.

    Using a custom image to submit the test job

    You can obtain and modify the official sample to create a Batch Compute environment under your account. See below to learn about each configuration item in the compute environment.
    tccli batch SubmitJob --version 2017-03-12 --Job '{
    "JobName": "TestJob", // Job name
    "JobDescription": "for test ", // Job description
    "Priority": "1", // Job priority
    "Tasks": [ // Task list (this example only has one task)
    "TaskName": "Task1", // Task 1 name
    "Application": { // Task execute command
    "DeliveryForm": "LOCAL", // Run the local command
    "Command": "python -c \\"fib=lambda n:1 if n<=2 else fib(n-1)+fib(n-2); print(fib(20))\\" " // Command content (Fibonacci summation)
    "ComputeEnv": { // Compute environment configuration
    "EnvType": "MANAGED", // Compute environment types: managed and unmanaged
    "EnvData": { // Specific configuration (current type is managed. Refer to the CVM instance creation description)
    "InstanceType": "S1.SMALL1", // CVM instance type
    "ImageId": "", // CVM image ID (Replace with your custom image ID)
    "RedirectInfo": { // Configuration of standard output redirection
    "StdoutRedirectPath": "cos://dondonbatchv5-1251783334.cosgz.myqcloud.com/logs/", // Standard output (to be replaced)
    "StderrRedirectPath": "cos://dondonbatchv5-1251783334.cosgz.myqcloud.com/logs/" // Standard error (to be replaced)
    "Zone": "ap-guangzhou-2" // Availability zone (to be replaced)
    You can use the following sample codes. Refer to the “Job Configuration” section in Using CLI - Submit a Job, and replace the To be replaced fields with your actual information. For example, replace ImageId with your custom image ID.
    tccli batch SubmitJob --version 2017-03-12 --Job '{"JobName": "TestJob", "JobDescription": "for test", "Priority": "1", "Tasks": [{"TaskName": "Task1", "TaskInstanceNum": 1, "Application": {"DeliveryForm": "LOCAL", "Command": "python -c \\"fib=lambda n:1 if n<=2 else fib(n-1)+fib(n-2); print(fib(20))\\" "}, "ComputeEnv": {"EnvType": "MANAGED", "EnvData": {"InstanceType": "S1.SMALL1", "ImageId": "To be replaced" } }, "RedirectInfo": {"StdoutRedirectPath": "To be replaced", "StderrRedirectPath": "To be replaced"}, "MaxRetryCount": 1 } ] }' --Placement '{"Zone": "ap-guangzhou-2"}'
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