FuncList | DESC |
Network quality information. | |
EnumType | DESC |
Error code definition. | |
Network quality. | |
Extension type. | |
| |
Enum | Value | DESC |
SUCCESS | 0 | Operate successfully. |
FAILED | -1 | Unclassified error. |
FREQ_LIMIT | -2 | The operation was frequence-limited, please try again later. |
REPEAT_OPERATION | -3 | Operation is repeated. |
INVALID_PARAMETER | -1001 | An invalid parameter was passed in when the API was called. |
SDK_NOT_INITIALIZED | -1002 | Not logged in, please login first. |
PERMISSION_DENIED | -1003 | Failed to get permission. Audio/video permissions are currently denied. Please check whether the device permissions are enabled. You can use the following error codes to handle in the Room scenarios: The camera does not have system authorization: ERR_CAMERA_NOT_AUTHORIZED. The microphone does not have system authorization: ERR_MICROPHONE_NOT_AUTHORIZED. |
REQUIRE_PAYMENT | -1004 | This function requires additional packages. Please activate the corresponding packages in the TRTC console. |
CAMERA_START_FAIL | -1100 | Failed to turn the camera on. |
CAMERA_NOT_AUTHORIZED | -1101 | No permission to access the camera. Please check the system authorization. |
CAMERA_OCCUPIED | -1102 | The camera is occupied. Please check whether there are other processes using the camera. |
CAMERA_DEVICE_EMPTY | -1103 | There is currently no camera available. |
MICROPHONE_START_FAIL | -1104 | Failed to turn the microphone on. |
MICROPHONE_NOT_AUTHORIZED | -1105 | No permission to access the microphone. Please check the system authorization. |
MICROPHONE_OCCUPIED | -1106 | The microphone is occupied. Please check whether there are other processes using the microphone. |
MICROPHONE_DEVICE_EMPTY | -1107 | There is currently no microphone available. |
GET_SCREEN_SHARING_TARGET_FAILED | -1108 | Failed to obtain the screen sharing source (screen or window). Please check the screen recording permission. |
START_SCREEN_SHARING_FAILED | -1109 | Failed to start screen sharing. Please check whether anyone in the room is sharing the screen. |
ROOM_ID_NOT_EXIST | -2100 | The room does not exist when entering the room. |
OPERATION_INVALID_BEFORE_ENTER_ROOM | -2101 | This operation is valid after entering the room. |
EXIT_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_ROOM_OWNER | -2102 | The owner can not leave room. Conference room type: You can transfer the owner first and then leaving room. Live room type: You can only dismiss the room. |
OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_CURRENT_ROOM_TYPE | -2103 | The current room type does not support the operation. |
ROOM_ID_INVALID | -2105 | The roomId is invalid. It's must be printable ASCII characters (0x20-0x7e) and the maximum length is 48 bytes. |
ROOM_ID_OCCUPIED | -2106 | The room ID is occuiped, please select another room ID. |
ROOM_NAME_INVALID | -2107 | The room name is invalid. The maximum length of the name is 30 bytes. If it contains Chinese, the character encoding must be UTF-8. |
ALREADY_IN_OTHER_ROOM | -2108 | The current user is already in other room and needs to leave room before joining a new room: A single roomEngine instance only supports user entering one room. If you want to enter a different room, please leave room first or use a new roomEngine instance. |
NEED_PASSWORD | -2109 | The current room needs a password to enter. |
WRONG_PASSWORD | -2110 | Error password for entering the room. |
ROOM_USER_FULL | -2111 | The room is full of users. |
ROOM_METADATA_EXCEED_KEY_COUNT_LIMIT | -2112 | The number of room metadata keys exceeds the limit. |
ROOM_METADATA_EXCEED_VALUE_SIZE_LIMIT | -2113 | The size of room metadata value exceeds the limit. |
USER_NOT_EXIST | -2200 | The user does not exist. |
USER_NOT_ENTERED | -2201 | The user is not in the current room. |
NEED_OWNER_PERMISSION | -2300 | The opeation needs owner permission. |
NEED_ADMIN_PERMISSION | -2301 | The opeation needs owner or administrator permission. |
REQUEST_NO_PERMISSION | -2310 | The request does not have permission, such as canceling an request that was not requested by oneself. |
REQUEST_ID_INVALID | -2311 | The request ID is invalid or has been processed. |
REQUEST_ID_REPEAT | -2312 | The request is repeated. |
REQUEST_ID_CONFLICT | -2313 | The request conflict. |
MAX_SEAT_COUNT_LIMIT | -2340 | The number of seats exceeds the maximum number of seats in your package. |
ALREADY_IN_SEAT | -2341 | The current user is already on the seat. |
SEAT_OCCUPIED | -2342 | The current seat is already occupied. |
SEAT_LOCKED | -2343 | The current seat is locked. |
SEAT_INDEX_NOT_EXIST | -2344 | The seat number does not exist. |
USER_NOT_IN_SEAT | -2345 | The current user is not on the seat. |
ALL_SEAT_OCCUPIED | -2346 | The number of people on the seat is full. |
SEAT_NOT_SUPPORT_LINK_MIC | -2347 | The current room does not support connect microphone before the seat is enabled. |
OPEN_MICROPHONE_NEED_SEAT_UNLOCK | -2360 | The current seat audio is locked, and you can't push audio stream when using the microphone. |
OPEN_MICROPHONE_NEED_PERMISSION_FROM_ADMIN | -2361 | You need to apply the owner or administrator to open the microphone. |
OPEN_CAMERA_NEED_SEAT_UNLOCK | -2370 | The current seat video is locked, and you can't push video stream when using camera. |
OPEN_CAMERA_NEED_PERMISSION_FROM_ADMIN | -2371 | You need to apply to the owner or administrator to open the camera. |
OPEN_SCREEN_SHARE_NEED_SEAT_UNLOCK | -2372 | The current seat video is locked. The owner needs to unlock the seat before screen sharing can be enabled. |
OPEN_SCREEN_SHARE_NEED_PERMISSION_FROM_ADMIN | -2373 | You need to apply to the owner or administrator to enable screen sharing. |
SEND_MESSAGE_DISABLED_FOR_ALL | -2380 | All users can't send message in the current room. |
SEND_MESSAGE_DISABLED_FOR_CURRENT | -2381 | You can't send message in the current room. |
ROOM_ALREADY_CONNECTED | -3001 | The room has been connected with current. |
ROOM_CONNECTED_IN_OTHER | -3002 | The room has been connected with other room. |
MAX_CONNECTED_COUNT_LIMIT | -3003 | The current room connection exceeds the maximum limit. |
Enum | Value | DESC |
UNKNOWN | 0 | Undefine. |
EXCELLENT | 1 | The current network is excellent. |
GOOD | 2 | The current network is good. |
POOR | 3 | The current network is poor. |
BAD | 4 | The current network is bad. |
VERY_BAD | 5 | The current network is very bad. |
DOWN | 6 | The current network does not meet TRTC's minimum requirements. |
Enum | Value | DESC |
DEVICE_MANAGER | 1 | Device management extension. |
LIVE_LIST_MANAGER | 2 | Live management extension. |
CONFERENCE_LIST_MANAGER | 3 | Conference list extensions. |
CONFERENCE_INVITATION_MANAGER | 4 | Conference invitation extensions. |
LIVE_LAYOUT_MANAGER | 5 | Live layout extensions. |
EnumType | DESC |
delay | Network delay(ms). |
downLoss | Downlink packet loss rate, unit (%). The smaller the value, the better the network. If downLoss is 0%, it means that the network quality of the downlink is very good and the data packets received from the cloud are basically not lost. If downLoss is 30%, it means that 30% of the audio and video data packets transmitted from the cloud to the SDK will be lost in the transmission link. |
quality | Network quality. |
upLoss | Uplink packet loss rate, unit (%). The smaller the value, the better the network. If upLoss is 0%, it means that the network quality of the uplink is very good and the data packets uploaded to the cloud are basically not lost. If upLoss is 30%, it means that 30% of the audio and video data packets sent by the SDK to the cloud will be lost in the transmission link. |
userId | User ID. |
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