tencent cloud


Login and Logout SDK

Last updated: 2024-12-13 21:57:11

    Preparing an SDKAppID

    SDKAppID is a unique identifier used to distinguish customer accounts. We recommend applying for a new SDKAppID for each independent app. Messages between different SDKAppIDs are naturally isolated and cannot be communicated. You must have the correct SDKAppID to initialize. You can view all SDKAppIDs in the Console and click the Create Application button to create a new SDKAppID.

    Feature Description

    You need to call the SDK login API to verify the account identity and obtain the account's feature usage permissions. After successfully logging into the SDK, you can enter the room and perform a series of operations.


    Your first login to an account doesn't require signup, as the SDK will automatically sign the account up after finding out that you are using a new account. You can call the login API (iOS and macOS / Android) to log in.
    The key parameters of the login API are as follows:
    Unique user ID
    It can contain up to 32 bytes of letters (a–z and A–Z), digits (0–9), underscores (_), and hyphens (-).
    Login ticket
    It is calculated by your business server to ensure security. For more information, see User Authentication.
    You can call the login API in the following scenarios:
    You use the features of the SDK for the first time after your application is started.
    A user is kicked offline: When a user is kicked offline, the SDK will notify you through the onKickedOffline callback (iOS and macOS /Android). In this case, you can prompt the user and call login to log in again.
    You don't need to call the login API in the following scenarios:
    When your network is disconnected and then reconnected. In this case, the SDK automatically goes online.
    When a login process is already running. In this case, repeated login is unnecessary.
    1. After you call the SDK API and log in successfully, MAU calculation will start; therefore, call the login API as needed to avoid a high MAU.
    2. Note: You cannot log in to multiple SDK accounts of the same application at the same time; otherwise, only the last logged in account will be online.
    Below is the sample code:
    let sdkAppId = 1400000000 // Please set your own sdkAppID
    let userId = "your user id"
    let userSig = "userSig from your server"
    TUIRoomEngine.login(sdkAppId: sdkAppId, userId: userId, userSig: userSig) {
    } onError: { code, message in
    // The following error codes indicate an expired userSig, and you need to generate a new one for log-in again.
    // 1. ERR_USER_SIG_EXPIRED(6206)
    // Note: Do not call the log-in API in case of other error codes. Otherwise, the SDK may enter an infinite loop of log-in.
    print("failure, code:\\(code), message:\\(message)")
    Context context = getApplicationContext();
    int sdkAppId = 1400000000; // Please set your own sdkAppID
    String userId = "your user id";
    String userSig = "userSig from your server";
    TUIRoomEngine.login(context, sdkAppId, userId, userSig,
    new TUIRoomDefine().ActionCallback() {
    public void onSuccess() {
    Log.i("sdk", "success");
    public void onError(TUICommonDefine.Error error, String message) {
    // The following error codes indicate an expired userSig, and you need to generate a new one for log-in again.
    // 1. ERR_USER_SIG_EXPIRED(6206)
    // Note: Do not call the log-in API in case of other error codes. Otherwise, the SDK may enter an infinite loop of log-in.
    Log.i("sdk", "failure code:" + error + ",message:" + message);

    Getting Basic Information of the Logged-in User

    After a successful login, call getSelfInfo(iOS and macOS / Android) to get the basic information of the logged-in user. If the login fails, the UserID of the logged-in user will be empty.
    Below is the sample code:
    // Get the basic information of the logged-in user
    let selfUserInfo = TUIRoomEngine.getSelfInfo()
    TUIRoomDefine.LoginUserInfo loginUserInfo = TUIRoomEngine.getSelfInfo();

    Log out

    Generally, if your application's lifecycle is the same as the SDK's lifecycle, there is no need to log out before exiting the application. In special cases, for example, if you use the SDK only after entering a specific UI and no longer use it after exiting the UI, you can call the logout API (iOS and macOS / Android) to log out of the SDK.
    Below is the sample code:
    TUIRoomEngine.logout {
    } onError: { code, message in
    print("failure, code:\\(code), message:\\(message)")
    TUIRoomEngine.logout(new TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback() {
    public void onSuccess() {
    public void onError(TUICommonDefine.Error error, String message) {
    Log.i("sdk","error" + error + ",message" + message);

    Account Switch

    Call login to switch between accounts in the application.
    For example, if you are logged in as Alice and want to switch to Bob, simply call login Bob. There is no need to explicitly call logout Alice before login Bob, as the SDK will handle it internally.
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