tencent cloud


Getting Started

Terakhir diperbarui:2022-10-26 15:23:04

    Feature Description

    The file-to-HTML conversion feature allows you to generate HTML pages for preview from multiple types of files. It enables easy online file preview on PC, app, and other terminals. It is widely suitable for diverse business scenarios, such as online education, enterprise OA, online knowledge base, and online file preview.


    • COS encapsulates the preview JS-SDK, so you can connect to the HTML preview service with only one URL.
    • If you want to use it in WeChat mini programs, see Data Processing.
    • To connect to a CDN domain name, you need to enable Advanced Cache Expiration Settings in CDN as instructed in Node Caching Rule Configuration (Legacy).


    Sample request

    GET /<ObjectKey>?ci-process=doc-preview&dstType=html HTTP/1.1
    Host: <BucketName-APPID>.cos.<Region>.myqcloud.com
    Date: GMT Date

    Request headers

    This API only uses common request headers. For more information, see Common Request Headers.

    Request parameters

    Name Description Type Required
    ObjectKey Object name, such as folder/document.pdf. String Yes
    ci-process COS' processing capability, which is fixed at doc-preview for HTML preview. String Yes
    dstType Output target file type, which is fixed at html for HTML preview. String Yes
    srcType Source file type as listed below. String No
    sign Object download signature, which must be URL-encoded. If the previewed object is privately readable, the signature needs to be passed in. For more information, see Request Signature. String No
    copyable Whether the file content is copyable. Valid values: 1 (yes), 0 (no). String No
    htmlParams Custom configuration parameters in JSON structure, which must be URL-safe Base64-encoded as described in FAQs. Default configuration: { commonOptions: { isShowTopArea: true, isShowHeader: true } }. For supported configurations, see Custom Configuration Overview. String No
    htmlwaterword Watermark text, which must be URL-safe Base64-encoded as described in FAQs and is empty by default. String No
    htmlfillstyle Watermark RGBA (color and transparency), which must be URL-safe Base64-encoded as described in FAQs and is rgba(192,192,192,0.6) by default. String No
    htmlfront Watermark text style, which must be URL-safe Base64-encoded as described in FAQs and is bold 20px Serif by default. String No
    htmlrotate Rotation angle of the watermark text in degrees. Value range: 0–360. Default value: 315. String No
    htmlhorizontal Horizontal spacing of the watermark text in px. Default value: 50. String No
    htmlvertical Vertical spacing of the watermark text in px. Default value: 100. String No

    • Currently supported input file types include:
    • Presentation files: PPTX, PPT, POT, POTX, PPS, PPSX, DPS, DPT, PPTM, POTM, PPSM.
    • Text files: DOC, DOT, WPS, WPT, DOCX, DOTX, DOCM, DOTM.
    • Spreadsheet files: XLS, XLT, ET, ETT, XLSX, XLTX, CSV, XLSB, XLSM, XLTM, ETS.
    • Other files: PDF, LRC, C, CPP, H, ASM, S, JAVA, ASP, BAT, BAS, PRG, CMD, RTF, TXT, LOG, XML, HTM, HTML.
    • The input file size cannot exceed 200 MB.
    • The number of pages in the input file cannot exceed 5,000.

    Request body

    The request body of this request is empty.


    Response headers

    This API only returns common response headers. For more information, see Common Response Headers.

    Response body

    The response body of this API request is the HTML preview content.

    Error codes

    There are no special error messages for this request. For common error messages, see Error Codes.


    Sample 1: Simple preview

    To preview the PPT file with the test.pptx ObjectKey in the examples-1258125638 bucket online, the final URL is as follows:


    You can also implement more custom features through JS-SDK. For more information, see Custom Configuration Overview.

    Open the link directly in a browser to view the generated preview page. For slides, you can also perform full-screen slideshow, which supports animation, trigger, and other effects and provides virtual laser pointer, speaker mode, and other features.

    Sample 2: Watermark + preview with custom configurations

    Preview the PPT file with the test.pptx ObjectKey in the examples-1258125638 bucket online.

    1. Make it uncopyable by setting copyable to 0.
    2. Set the test watermark, which is URL-safe Based64-encoded into htmlwaterword=dGVzdAog.
    3. Set custom configuration parameters. htmlParams is {"mode":"normal","commonOptions":{"isShowHeader":false,"isShowTopArea":true},"pptOptions":{"isSlidesStatusPlay": true}}, which is URL-safe Base64-encoded into htmlParams=eyJtb2RlIjoibm9ybWFsIiwiY29tbW9uT3B0aW9ucyI6eyJpc1Nob3dIZWFkZXIiOmZhbHNlLCJpc1Nob3dUb3BBcmVhIjp0cnVlfSwicHB0T3B0aW9ucyI6eyJpc1NsaWRlc1N0YXR1c1BsYXkiOiB0cnVlfX0=.

    The final URL is as follows:


    Open the link directly in a browser to view the generated preview page. For slides, you can also perform full-screen slideshow, which supports animation, trigger, and other effects and provides virtual laser pointer, speaker mode, and other features.

    The preview link can also be embedded in a business webpage as an iframe as follows:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
      <meta charset="utf-8">
      <meta name="viewport"
          content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no">
      <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
      <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">
      <meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="upgrade-insecure-requests">
      <meta name="keywords" content="COS, file preview">
      <meta name="description" content="">
      <title>Tencent Cloud - COS - file preview</title>
          body {
              padding: 0;
              margin: 0;
              height: 100%;
              touch-action: manipulation;
      <iframe src="https://examples-1258125638.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/test.pptx?ci-process=doc-preview&dstType=html©able=0&htmlwaterword=dGVzdAog&htmlParams=eyJtb2RlIjoibm9ybWFsIiwiY29tbW9uT3B0aW9ucyI6eyJpc1Nob3dIZWFkZXIiOmZhbHNlLCJpc1Nob3dUb3BBcmVhIjp0cnVlfSwicHB0T3B0aW9ucyI6eyJpc1NsaWRlc1N0YXR1c1BsYXkiOiB0cnVlfX0=" width="100%" height="100%" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>
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