tencent cloud


Deploying Application

Last updated: 2021-01-15 15:30:52


    After developing your project locally, you can quickly deploy the application, view deployment information, and perform function debugging.


    You have developed your project locally (for more information, please see Project Development).


    Quick deployment

    Serverless Framework enables you to quickly deploy your project in the cloud by following the steps below:

    sls deploy

    After you enter this command, Serverless Framework CLI will perform the following operations:

    1. Scan QR code to authorize

    You can authorize by scanning the QR code. After that, the CLI tool will write the generated temporary key information into the .env file in the current directory. The temporary key is valid for 2 hours. After it expires, you will be asked to scan the QR code again to authorize for deployment purposes.

    If you don't want to scan the QR code repeatedly, you can also configure a permanent key in the .env file in the project directory:

    # .env
    TENCENT_SECRET_ID=xxxxxxxxxx # `SecretId` of your account
    TENCENT_SECRET_KEY=xxxxxxxx # `SecretKey` of your account

    You can get SecretId and SecretKey in API Key Management.

    2. Package and upload

    After authorization is completed, Serverless Framework CLI will automatically package and upload your project according to the project code path configured in the serverless.yml file.

    3. Deploy in the cloud

    Resources will be created in the cloud for the uploaded project according to the parameters configured in the .yml file. After the deployment is completed, the command line will output the resource information.

    Advanced capabilities

    • View specific log information during deployment:

      sls deploy --debug
    • Switch the specified traffic to the $latest function version during multi-version deployment and the rest traffic to the last published function version for grayscale release:

      sls deploy --inputs traffic=0.1 public=true
    • There are multiple Serverless instances in the application directory, and you want to update the specified project only:

      sls deploy --target xxx

      For example, in the project root directory, you can run the sls deploy --target ./cos command to update the COS instance only without affecting other instances.

      ├── src
      │   ├── serverless.yml 
      │   └── index1.js 
      ├── cos
      │   └── serverless.yml 
      ├── db
      │   └── serverless.yml 
      └── .env 

    Viewing deployment information

    After completing the deployment, you can run the following command to view the configuration information of the project:

    sls info

    Debugging function


    Currently, this command is supported only for function projects deployed through the Serverless Framework SCF component. It will be gradually supported for other components in the future.

    The Serverless Framework SCF component supports triggering functions with the invoke command for debugging. For a function successfully deployed by running sls deploy, enter the project directory and run the function invocation command to remotely debug the function resources in the cloud. The debugging result will be output on the command line:

    sls invoke  --inputs function=functionName  clientContext='{"weights":{"2":0.1}}'
    • The invoke command must be executed in the same directory as the serverless.yml file deployed for the function.
    • clientContext is the JSON string passed when the function is triggered. You can simulate different triggering events according to the JSON string format in the triggering event template.


    If a proxy is configured in your environment, the following problems may occur:

    • Problem 1: the wizard does not pop up by default when serverless is entered.
      Solution: make sure that your IP is in the Chinese mainland and add the SERVERLESS_PLATFORM_VENDOR=tencent configuration item to the .env file.

    • Problem 2: after sls deploy is entered, the deployment reports a network error.
      Solution: add the following proxy configuration to the .env file.

      HTTP_PROXY= # Replace "12345" with your proxy port
      HTTPS_PROXY= # Replace "12345" with your proxy port
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