tencent cloud


Getting Started

Last updated: 2024-01-30 16:32:08
    This guide will lead you through the process of activating VOD on EO, and creating a functional application within VOD on EO.


    A registered Tencent Cloud account has been established.
    A third-party storage service has been registered and a bucket that already loaded with uploaded media file data is prepared. Take AWS's S3 storage service as an example. A functional AWS S3 bucket, named BucketforVodeo, is located in the Asia Pacific (Sydney) ap-southeast-2 region.

    Step One: Create an AWS sub-user and save the user's secret key

    1. Navigate to the Identity and Access Management (IAM), click Users, then click Create user to add a new user.
    2. Enter the User name, then click Next in the lower right corner.
    3. Select Attach policies directly, enter S3 in the search box, locate AmazonS3FullAccess in the search results and check it, then click Next in the lower right corner.
    4. Click Create user to complete the user creation process.
    5. After creating the user, click the newly created User name in the Users list.
    6. Click Security credentials, locate Access Keys, then click Create access key.
    7. In the Use Case, select Other, click Next to create, and save the generated Access key ID and Secret access key.
    The Secret Access Key for AWS S3 cannot be viewed subsequently, please ensure to copy and store it securely after creation.

    Step Two: Retrieve AWS S3 bucket information

    1. Navigate to the AWS S3 bucket list and copy the name and region information of the bucket you wish to bind.

    Step Three: Create a VOD on EO application

    1. Navigate to the VOD on EO Console, then click Go to Authorize.
    2. On the application creation page, fill in the application name (within 40 characters).
    3. Enter the Access key ID and Secret access key created in Step One, along with the bucket information retrieved in Step Two. Select the corresponding region for the bucket, then click Create to complete the application creation.
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