API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
CreateAssistantCidr | Creates a secondary CIDR block | 100 |
DeleteAssistantCidr | Deletes a secondary CIDR block | 100 |
DeleteTrafficPackages | Deletes traffic packages. | 20 |
DescribeClassicLinkInstances | Queries the list of Classiclink | 100 |
DescribeTrafficPackages | Queries the list of shared traffic packages | 20 |
ModifyAssistantCidr | Modifies secondary CIDR blocks | 100 |
AssignIpv6CidrBlock | Assigns an IPv6 IP range | 20 |
CreateDefaultVpc | Creates a default VPC and subnets | 100 |
CreateLocalGateway | Creates a local gateway | 20 |
DeleteLocalGateway | Deletes a local gateway | 20 |
DescribeAccountAttributes | Queries account attributes | 100 |
DescribeAssistantCidr | Queries a list of secondary CIDR blocks | 100 |
DescribeLocalGateway | Queries local gateways | 20 |
DescribeUsedIpAddress | Queries IP usage of the subnet or VPC | 20 |
DescribeVpcInstances | Queries a list of VCM instances on VPC | 20 |
DescribeVpcIpv6Addresses | Queries the IPv6 list of a VPC | 20 |
DescribeVpcPrivateIpAddresses | Queries the private IP information of a VPC | 20 |
ModifyLocalGateway | Modifies a local gateway | 20 |
UnassignIpv6CidrBlock | Releases IPv6 IP range | 20 |
AttachClassicLinkVpc | Creates a Classiclink | 100 |
CheckAssistantCidr | Checks secondary CIDR block overlaps | 100 |
DeleteVpc | Deletes a VPC | 100 |
DescribeVpcResourceDashboard | Views VPC resources. | 100 |
DetachClassicLinkVpc | Deletes a Classiclink | 100 |
CreateVpc | Creates a VPC | 100 |
DescribeVpcs | Queries the VPC list | 100 |
AdjustPublicAddress | Changes public IPs | 20 |
ModifyVpcAttribute | Modifies VPC attributes | 100 |
CreateReserveIpAddresses | Creates a reserved private IP address | 20 |
DeleteReserveIpAddresses | Deletes a reserved private IP address | 20 |
DescribeReserveIpAddresses | Queries reserved private IP addresses | 20 |
ModifyReserveIpAddress | Modifies a reserved private IP address | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
AssignIpv6SubnetCidrBlock | Assigns an IPv6 subnet IP range | 20 |
DeleteSubnet | Deletes a subnet | 100 |
UnassignIpv6SubnetCidrBlock | Releases the IPv6 subnet IP range | 20 |
CreateSubnet | Creates a subnet | 100 |
CreateSubnets | Creates subnets in batches | 20 |
DescribeSubnetResourceDashboard | Queries resources associated with the subnet | 20 |
DescribeSubnets | Queries the subnet list | 100 |
ModifySubnetAttribute | Modifies subnet attributes | 100 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
NotifyRoutes | Publishes a route to CCN | 20 |
WithdrawNotifyRoutes | Withdraws a route from CCN | 20 |
CreateRouteTable | Creates a route table | 100 |
DeleteRouteTable | Deletes a route table | 100 |
DescribeRouteTables | Queries the route table list | 100 |
ReplaceRouteTableAssociation | Replaces the association relation of a route table | 100 |
DeleteRoutes | Deletes a routing policy | 100 |
ModifyRouteTableAttribute | Modifies route table attributes | 100 |
ResetRoutes | Resets the names and routing policies of route tables | 100 |
CreateRoutes | Creates a routing policy | 100 |
ReplaceRoutes | Replaces a routing policy | 100 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
DescribeAddressQuota | Queries EIP quotas | 10 |
DescribeAddresses | Queries the EIP list | 20 |
DescribeTaskResult | Queries the async job execution results | 20 |
AllocateAddresses | Creates an EIP | 10 |
AssociateAddress | Binds an Elastic IP | 10 |
DisassociateAddress | Unbinds an EIP | 10 |
ModifyAddressAttribute | Modifies EIP attributes | 10 |
ModifyAddressInternetChargeType | Adjusts EIP billing modes | 10 |
ModifyAddressesBandwidth | Modifies the EIP bandwidth | 20 |
ReleaseAddresses | Releases the EIP | 10 |
ReturnNormalAddresses | Unbinds and releases public IPs | 2 |
TransformAddress | Switches an ordinary IP to an EIP | 10 |
ModifyAddressesRenewFlag | Adjusts the renewal flag for the monthly subscription EIP | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
InquiryPriceModifyAddressesBandwidth | Elastic Public IP Bandwidth Adjustment Pricing Inquiry | 20 |
InquiryPriceRenewAddresses | Queries the price of renewing elastic public IPs | 2 |
InquiryPriceAllocateAddresses | Queries new purchase of Elastic Public IP | 2 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
CreateHaVip | Creates the HAVIP | 20 |
DeleteHaVip | Deletes an HAVIP | 20 |
HaVipAssociateAddressIp | Binds an EIP to an HAVIP | 20 |
HaVipDisassociateAddressIp | Unbinds an EIP from HAVIP | 20 |
ModifyHaVipAttribute | Modifies HAVIP attributes | 20 |
DescribeHaVips | Queries the HAVIP list | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
AssignIpv6Addresses | Assigns an IPv6 address | 20 |
AssignPrivateIpAddresses | Applies for private IPs for an ENI | 100 |
AssociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroups | Attaches a security group to an ENI. | 20 |
CreateAndAttachNetworkInterface | Creates an ENI and binds it to a CVM | 20 |
CreateNetworkInterface | Creates an ENI | 100 |
DescribeNetworkInterfaceLimit | DescribeNetworkInterfaceLimit | 20 |
DisassociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroups | Detaches a security group from an ENI. | 20 |
ModifyIpv6AddressesAttribute | Modifies the IPv6 address attributes of an ENI | 20 |
ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttribute | Modifies an ENI | 100 |
UnassignIpv6Addresses | Releases IPv6 addresses | 20 |
DeleteNetworkInterface | Deletes an ENI | 100 |
DescribeNetworkInterfaces | Queries the ENI list | 100 |
DetachNetworkInterface | Unbinds an ENI from a CVM | 100 |
MigrateNetworkInterface | Migrates an ENI | 100 |
MigratePrivateIpAddress | Migrates private IPs of an ENI | 100 |
ModifyPrivateIpAddressesAttribute | Modifies the private IP information of an ENI | 100 |
UnassignPrivateIpAddresses | Returns the private IPs of an ENI | 100 |
AttachNetworkInterface | Binds an ENI to a CVM | 100 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
DescribeIpGeolocationDatabaseUrl | Obtains the download link of an IP location database | 20 |
DescribeIpGeolocationInfos | Queries IP location | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
DescribeBandwidthPackageBillUsage | Queries the current usage of a pay-as-you-go bandwidth package. | 20 |
DescribeBandwidthPackageQuota | Queries the bandwidth package quota | 20 |
DescribeBandwidthPackageResources | Queries resources in a bandwidth package | 10 |
DescribeBandwidthPackages | Queries bandwidth package resources | 20 |
ModifyBandwidthPackageAttribute | Modifies the attributes of a bandwidth package | 20 |
RemoveBandwidthPackageResources | Deletes a bandwidth package resource | 20 |
AddBandwidthPackageResources | Adds one or more resources to a bandwidth package | 20 |
CreateBandwidthPackage | Creates a bandwidth package | 20 |
DeleteBandwidthPackage | Deletes a bandwidth package | 20 |
ModifyBandwidthPackageBandwidth | ModifyBandwidthPackageBandwidth | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
CreateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule | Creates the port forwarding rule of a NAT gateway | 100 |
CreateNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRule | Creates SNAT rules for a NAT gateway | 20 |
DeleteNatGateway | Deletes a NAT gateway | 100 |
DeleteNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule | Deletes the port forwarding rule of a NAT gateway | 100 |
DeleteNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRule | Deletes a SNAT forwarding rule of a NAT Gateway | 20 |
DescribeNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRules | Queries the port forwarding rule of a NAT gateway | 100 |
DescribeNatGatewayDirectConnectGatewayRoute | Queries the routes between a NAT gateway and Direct Connect | 20 |
DescribeNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRules | Queries a NAT gateway's SNAT forwarding rules | 20 |
DescribeNatGateways | Queries NAT gateways | 100 |
DisassociateNatGatewayAddress | Unbinds an EIP from a NAT gateway | 100 |
ModifyNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule | Modifies the port forwarding rule of a NAT gateway | 100 |
ModifyNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRule | Modifies a NAT gateway's SNAT forwarding rules | 20 |
RefreshDirectConnectGatewayRouteToNatGateway | Refreshes the routes of a NAT gateway associated with Direct Connect | 20 |
ResetNatGatewayConnection | Adjusts the concurrent connection cap for the NAT gateway | 20 |
AssociateNatGatewayAddress | Binds an EIP to a NAT gateway | 100 |
CreateNatGateway | Creates a NAT gateway | 100 |
ModifyNatGatewayAttribute | Modifies the attributes of a NAT gateway | 100 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
RenewVpnGateway | Renews a VPN gateway | 100 |
ModifyVpnGatewayRoutes | Modifies the route status of a VPN gateway | 20 |
CreateVpnGatewayRoutes | Creates routes of a VPN gateway | 20 |
DeleteVpnGatewayRoutes | Deletes routes of a VPN gateway | 20 |
DescribeCustomerGateways | Queries customer gateways | 100 |
DescribeVpnConnections | Queries the VPN tunnel list | 100 |
DescribeVpnGatewayCcnRoutes | Querying VPN gateway-based CCN routes | 20 |
DescribeVpnGatewayRoutes | Queries routes of a VPN gateway | 20 |
DownloadCustomerGatewayConfiguration | Downloads a VPN tunnel configuration | 100 |
ModifyVpnGatewayCcnRoutes | Modifying VPN gateway-based CCN routes | 20 |
SetVpnGatewaysRenewFlag | Specifies whether to enable auto-renewal for the VPN gateway | 20 |
CreateCustomerGateway | Creates a customer gateway | 100 |
CreateVpnConnection | Creates a VPN tunnel | 100 |
CreateVpnGateway | Creates a VPN gateway | 100 |
DeleteCustomerGateway | Deletes a customer gateway | 100 |
DeleteVpnConnection | Deletes VPN tunnels | 100 |
DeleteVpnGateway | Deletes a VPN gateway | 100 |
DescribeCustomerGatewayVendors | Queries the information of supported customer gateway vendors | 100 |
DescribeVpnGateways | Queries VPN gateways | 300 |
GenerateVpnConnectionDefaultHealthCheckIp | Obtains a pair of VPN tunnel health check addresses | 20 |
InquiryPriceRenewVpnGateway | Queries the price for VPN gateway renewal | 100 |
InquiryPriceResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidth | Queries the price for adjusting the bandwidth cap of a VPN gateway | 100 |
ModifyCustomerGatewayAttribute | Modifies a customer gateway | 100 |
ModifyVpnConnectionAttribute | Modifies the VPN tunnel | 100 |
ModifyVpnGatewayAttribute | Modifies VPN gateway attributes | 100 |
ResetVpnConnection | Resets a VPN tunnel | 100 |
ResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidth | Adjusts the bandwidth cap of a VPN gateway | 100 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
CreateDirectConnectGateway | Creates a direct connect gateway | 20 |
CreateDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutes | Creates the CCN route of a Direct Connect gateway | 20 |
DeleteDirectConnectGateway | Deletes a direct connect gateway | 20 |
DeleteDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutes | Deletes CCN routes of a Direct Connect gateway | 20 |
DescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutes | Queries the CCN routes of a Direct Connect gateway | 20 |
DescribeDirectConnectGateways | Queries direct connect gateways | 20 |
InquirePriceCreateDirectConnectGateway | Queries the price of creating a direct connect gateway | 20 |
ModifyDirectConnectGatewayAttribute | Modifies the attributes of a direct connect gateway | 20 |
ReplaceDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutes | Replaces the CCN routes of a Direct Connect gateway | 20 |
AssociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGateway | Binds a direct connect gateway to a NAT Gateway | 20 |
DisassociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGateway | Unbinds a direct connect gateway from a NAT Gateway | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
AcceptAttachCcnInstances | Accepts instance association to a CCN | 20 |
DescribeCrossBorderCompliance | Queries a compliance review request | 20 |
DetachCcnInstances | Unbinds instances from a CCN | 100 |
EnableCcnRoutes | Enables CCN routes | 100 |
ModifyCcnAttachedInstancesAttribute | Modifies CCN-associated instance attributes | 20 |
ModifyCcnAttribute | Modifies CCN attributes | 100 |
RejectAttachCcnInstances | Rejects instance association | 20 |
ResetAttachCcnInstances | Re-applies for the instance association | 20 |
CreateCcn | Creates a CCN | 100 |
DeleteCcn | Deletes a CCN | 100 |
DisableCcnRoutes | Disables CCN routes | 100 |
SetCcnRegionBandwidthLimits | Sets the outbound bandwidth cap of each CCN region | 100 |
AttachCcnInstances | Associates an instance with a CCN | 100 |
DescribeCcnRegionBandwidthLimits | Queries the outbound bandwidth caps of all regions connected with the specified CCN instance | 100 |
AuditCrossBorderCompliance | Performs a compliance audit | 20 |
DescribeCcnAttachedInstances | Queries the list of instances associated with a CCN | 100 |
DescribeCcnRoutes | Queries the CCN routing policy | 100 |
DescribeCcns | Queries the CCN list | 100 |
GetCcnRegionBandwidthLimits | Queries the inter-region bandwidth limits of a CCN | 20 |
ModifyCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsType | Modifies the bandwidth limit policy of a postpaid instance | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
DescribeSecurityGroupReferences | Queries referred security groups | 20 |
CloneSecurityGroup | Clones an security group | 20 |
DeleteSecurityGroup | Deletes a security group | 100 |
DeleteSecurityGroupPolicies | Deletes security group policies | 100 |
DescribeSecurityGroupAssociationStatistics | Queries statistics on the instances associated with a security group | 100 |
DescribeSecurityGroupPolicies | Queries security group policies | 100 |
DescribeSecurityGroups | Queries security groups | 100 |
ModifySecurityGroupAttribute | Modifies security group attributes | 100 |
ModifySecurityGroupPolicies | Modifies the outbound and inbound policies of a security group | 100 |
ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicies | Batch modifies security group policies | 20 |
ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicy | Replaces a single security group rule | 100 |
CreateSecurityGroupPolicies | Adds policies to a security group | 100 |
CreateSecurityGroupWithPolicies | Creates security groups and policies | 100 |
CreateSecurityGroup | Creates a security group | 100 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
AssociateNetworkAclSubnets | Associates a network ACL with subnets | 20 |
CreateNetworkAclQuintupleEntries | Adds rules of the network ACL quintuple | 20 |
DeleteNetworkAcl | Deletes a network ACL | 20 |
DeleteNetworkAclQuintupleEntries | Deletes specified rules of the network ACL quintuple. | 20 |
DescribeNetworkAclQuintupleEntries | Queries the list of the network ACL quintuple entries | 20 |
DisassociateNetworkAclSubnets | Disassociates a network ACL from a subnet | 20 |
ModifyNetworkAclAttribute | Modifies network ACL attributes | 20 |
ModifyNetworkAclQuintupleEntries | Updates the network ACL quintuple rules incrementally | 20 |
DescribeNetworkAcls | Queries a list of network ACLs | 20 |
ModifyNetworkAclEntries | Modifies network ACL rules | 20 |
CreateNetworkAcl | Creates a network ACL | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
CreateAddressTemplate | Creates an IP address template | 100 |
CreateAddressTemplateGroup | Creates an IP address template group | 100 |
DeleteAddressTemplate | Deletes an IP address template | 100 |
DeleteAddressTemplateGroup | Deletes an IP address template group | 100 |
DeleteServiceTemplate | Deletes a protocol port template | 100 |
DeleteServiceTemplateGroup | Deletes a protocol port template group | 100 |
DescribeAddressTemplateGroups | Queries an IP address template group | 100 |
DescribeAddressTemplates | Queries an IP address template | 100 |
DescribeServiceTemplateGroups | Queries a protocol port template group | 100 |
DescribeServiceTemplates | Queries a protocol port template | 100 |
ModifyAddressTemplateAttribute | Modifies an IP address template | 100 |
ModifyAddressTemplateGroupAttribute | Modifies an IP address template group | 100 |
ModifyServiceTemplateGroupAttribute | Modifies a protocol port template group | 100 |
CreateServiceTemplate | Creates a protocol port template | 100 |
CreateServiceTemplateGroup | Creates a protocol port template group | 100 |
ModifyServiceTemplateAttribute | Modifies a protocol port template | 100 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
CheckNetDetectState | CheckNetDetectState | 100 |
CreateNetDetect | CreateNetDetect | 100 |
DeleteNetDetect | DeleteNetDetect | 100 |
ModifyNetDetect | ModifyNetDetect | 100 |
DescribeNetDetects | DescribeNetDetects | 100 |
DescribeNetDetectStates | DescribeNetDetectStates | 100 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
DeleteFlowLog | Deletes a flow log | 20 |
DisableFlowLogs | Disables flow log | 20 |
EnableFlowLogs | Enables flow log | 20 |
ModifyFlowLogAttribute | Modifies the attributes of a flow log | 20 |
DescribeFlowLog | Queries information of a flow log | 20 |
DescribeFlowLogs | Queries the list of flow logs | 20 |
CreateFlowLog | Creates a flow log | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
DescribeGatewayFlowQos | Queries the inbound IP bandwidth limit of a gateway. | 20 |
DisableGatewayFlowMonitor | Disables gateway traffic monitor | 20 |
EnableGatewayFlowMonitor | Enables gateway traffic monitor | 20 |
ModifyGatewayFlowQos | Adjusts the bandwidth limit of a gateway | 20 |
DescribeGatewayFlowMonitorDetail | Queries the monitoring details of a gateway | 30 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
CreateVpcEndPoint | Creates an endpoint | 20 |
CreateVpcEndPointService | Creates an endpoint service | 20 |
CreateVpcEndPointServiceWhiteList | Creates the endpoint service allowlist | 20 |
DeleteVpcEndPoint | Deletes an endpoint | 20 |
DeleteVpcEndPointService | Deletes an endpoint service | 20 |
DeleteVpcEndPointServiceWhiteList | Deletes the endpoint service allowlist | 20 |
DescribeVpcEndPointServiceWhiteList | Queries the endpoint service allowlist | 20 |
DisassociateVpcEndPointSecurityGroups | Unbinds an endpoint from a security group | 20 |
ModifyVpcEndPointAttribute | Modifies endpoint attributes | 20 |
ModifyVpcEndPointServiceWhiteList | Modifies the attributes of the endpoint service allowlist | 20 |
ModifyVpcEndPointServiceAttribute | Modifies endpoint service attributes | 20 |
DescribeVpcEndPoint | Queries the endpoint list | 20 |
EnableVpcEndPointConnect | Determines whether to accept the request of connecting with an endpoint | 20 |
DescribeVpcEndPointService | Queries the endpoint service list | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
AttachSnapshotInstances | Associates a snapshot policy with specified instances | 20 |
CreateSnapshotPolicies | Creates snapshot policies | 20 |
DeleteSnapshotPolicies | Deletes snapshot policies | 20 |
DescribeSgSnapshotFileContent | Querying contents of snapshot files | 20 |
DescribeSnapshotAttachedInstances | Queries instances associated with a snapshot policy | 20 |
DescribeSnapshotPolicies | Queries snapshot policies | 20 |
DetachSnapshotInstances | Disassociates a snapshot policy with instances | 20 |
DisableSnapshotPolicies | Disables specified snapshot policies | 20 |
EnableSnapshotPolicies | Enables specified snapshot policies | 20 |
ModifySnapshotPolicies | Modifies specified snapshot policies | 20 |
ResumeSnapshotInstance | Restores security group policies | 20 |
DescribeSnapshotFiles | Query snapshot files | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
DescribeVpcTaskResult | Queries VPC async task execution results | 20 |
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