tencent cloud


Agent Installation Guide

마지막 업데이트 시간:2023-12-26 16:39:31
    This topic describes how to install CWPP Agent.


    CWPP Agent can only be installed and used on the servers that meet the following two conditions.
    Server type
    CWPP supports servers running in a hybrid cloud.
    Tencent Cloud: CVM, Lighthouse, and ECM
    Non-Tencent Cloud servers: third-party cloud vendor servers and IDC servers
    Server OS
    CentOS: 6, 7, 8 (64-bit)
    Ubuntu: 9.10 - 20.10 (64 bit)
    Debian: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 (64 bit)
    RHEL: 6, 7 (64 bit)
    Windows server 2012, 2016, 2019
    Windows server 2008 R2
    Windows server 2003 (limited support)


    Option 1: Install directly upon purchase

    Applicable to: CVM, Lighthouse, and ECM When purchasing the above servers, select Security Reinforcement to automatically install the CWPP Agent.

    Option 2: Install automatically using Tencent Cloud Automation Tools (TAT)

    Applicable to: CVM and Lighthouse Go to TAT>Public Command Library of your CVM or Lighthouse server, locate the installation command of the CWPP Agent, click Execute Command, and select the server to install the agent.

    Option 3: Install by following the installation guide

    1. Log in to the CWPP Console.
    2. Click Server List in the left navigation pane, click Install CWPP Agent to open the installation guide pop-up window, and select an installation method based on your server.

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