tencent cloud


最后更新时间:2023-11-08 15:32:35


    The SELECT statement must be used together with CREATE VIEW … AS or INSERT INTO; otherwise, a no operator error will occur.


    SELECT Fields to select, separated with commas
    FROM Data source or view
    WHERE Filter condition
    Other subqueries


    SELECT s1.time_, s1.client_ip, s1.uri, s1.protocol_version, s2.status_code, s2.date_
    FROM KafkaSource1 AS s1, KafkaSource2 AS s2
    WHERE s1.time_ = s2.time_ AND s1.client_ip = s2.client_ip;


    You can use WHERE to filter the data to select from. Combine multiple filter conditions with AND or OR. When a TencentDB table is joined, only AND is supported. To use OR, see UNION ALL below.


    You can use HAVING to filter the result of GROUP BY. WHERE filters data before GROUP BY, while HAVING filters data after GROUP BY.
    SELECT SUM(amount)
    FROM Orders
    WHERE price > 10
    GROUP BY users
    HAVING SUM(amount) > 50


    In Stream Compute Service, GROUP BY arranges query results into groups. It supports GROUP BY with a time window and GROUP BY without (continuous query).
    GROUP BY with a time window does not update previous results and therefore generates append (tuple) data streams. Such data can only be written to MySQL, PostgreSQL, Kafka, and Elasticsearch sinks that do not have a primary key.
    GROUP BY without a time window updates previously sent records and therefore generates upsert data streams. Such data can be written to MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Elasticsearch sinks with a primary key (the primary key must be identical to the upsert field in the GROUP BY statement).

    GROUP BY with a time window

    The example below defines a GROUP BY query with a time window. For details about time window functions, see Time Window Functions.
    SELECT user, SUM(amount)
    FROM Orders
    GROUP BY TUMBLE(rowtime, INTERVAL '1' DAY), user
    In Event Time mode (the WATERMARK FOR statement is used to define the timestamp field), the first parameter of the TUMBLE function must be the timestamp field. The same is true for HOP and SESSION.
    In Processing Time mode, the first parameter of the TUMBLE function must be the field declared by proctime(). The same is true for HOP and SESSION.

    GROUP BY without a time window (continuous query)

    The example below defines a GROUP BY query without a time window. This is known as a continuous query. It determines whether to update previously sent results depending on each arriving data record and therefore generates an upsert stream.
    SELECT a, SUM(b) as d
    FROM Orders
    GROUP BY a
    Out of Memory errors may occur for such queries due to too many keys or too much data. Please consider this when setting the timeout period. Do not set it too long.


    Currently, Stream Compute Service only supports Equi-JOIN. That is to say, the JOIN query must include at least one filter condition that equates a field in the left and right tables.

    Inner Equi-JOIN (stream join)

    There are two types of stream join: JOIN with a time range and JOIN without a time range. The former generates append (tuple) streams, while the latter generates upsert streams.

    Inner JOIN with a time range

    A JOIN query with a time range is also known as interval join. The WHERE clause of such queries must have at least one equality join condition and a time range. The time range can be specified using <, <=, >=, > or BETWEEN … AND.
    ltime = rtime
    ltime >= rtime AND ltime < rtime + INTERVAL '10' MINUTE
    ltime BETWEEN rtime - INTERVAL '10' SECOND AND rtime + INTERVAL '5' SECOND
    SELECT *
    FROM Orders o, Shipments s
    WHERE o.id = s.orderId AND
    o.ordertime BETWEEN s.shiptime - INTERVAL '4' HOUR AND s.shiptime

    Inner JOIN without a time range

    An inner join without a time range must have at least one equality join condition, but does not need to specify a time range. This means all historical data will be used for calculation (you can specify a timeout period to exclude inactive elements).
    Such queries may significantly drive up memory usage. We recommend you set an appropriate timeout period to exclude inactive objects.
    Such queries generate upsert streams and therefore can only use MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Elasticsearch sinks that have a primary key.
    SELECT *
    FROM Orders INNER JOIN Product ON Orders.productId = Product.id

    Outer Equi-JOIN

    ‌Outer Equi-JOIN generates upsert streams and therefore can only use MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Elasticsearch sinks that accept such streams.
    Because the join order is not optimized, the JOIN query will follow the order of tables in the FROM clause. This may result in high state pressure and cause the query to fail.
    SELECT *
    FROM Orders LEFT JOIN Product ON Orders.productId = Product.id
    SELECT *
    FROM Orders RIGHT JOIN Product ON Orders.productId = Product.id
    SELECT *
    FROM Orders FULL OUTER JOIN Product ON Orders.productId = Product.id

    JOIN with temporal tables

    Stream Compute Service also supports joining streams and temporal tables (tables that change constantly over time). The syntax is the same, except that the temporal table must be used as the right table.
    o.amout, o.currency, r.rate, o.amount * r.rate
    Orders AS o
    JOIN LatestRates FOR SYSTEM_TIME AS OF o.proctime AS r
    ON r.currency = o.currency
    Make sure you include the FOR SYSTEM_TIME AS OF clause, without which the JOIN query will still be executed, but the database will be read in its entirety only once, and the result may not meet expectations.

    JOIN with user-defined table functions

    You can use a user-defined table function (UDTF) as the right table in a JOIN query. The syntax is similar to other JOIN queries. You just need to put the UDTF in LATERAL TABLE( ).

    Inner UDTF JOIN

    SELECT users, tag
    FROM Orders, LATERAL TABLE(unnest_udtf(tags)) t AS tag

    Left Outer UDTF JOIN

    SELECT users, tag
    FROM Orders LEFT JOIN LATERAL TABLE(unnest_udtf(tags)) t AS tag ON TRUE
    Currently, Left Outer JOIN with UDTFs only supports ON TRUE, which is similar to CROSS JOIN.

    JOIN with arrays

    Stream Compute Service supports join operations with a defined array object (you can use value construction functions to construct an array object).
    Example: Assume that tags is a defined array.
    SELECT users, tag
    FROM Orders CROSS JOIN UNNEST(tags) AS t (tag)


    UNION ALL combines the results of two queries.
    SELECT *
    FROM (
    (SELECT user FROM Orders WHERE a % 2 = 0)
    (SELECT user FROM Orders WHERE b = 0)
    Currently, Stream Compute Service only supports UNION ALL and not UNION. That is, it does not remove duplicate rows.
    To remove duplicates, you can use DISTINCT together with UNION ALL. DISTINCT converts append (tuple) streams into upsert streams and therefore can only use MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Elasticsearch sinks that have a primary key.


    You can use OVER to aggregate data streams based on hopping windows (without using GROUP BY). In the OVER clause, you can specify the partition, order, and window frame.
    The example below defines an aggregate query based on topping windows. It calculates the total transaction volume (amount) for a window size of 3. To specify the number of preceding rows, use PRECEDING. FOLLOWING is not supported currently.
    You can specify only one timestamp field for ORDER BY. In the example below, the proctime field declared in the data source is used.
    SELECT SUM(amount) OVER (
    ORDER BY proctime
    FROM Orders
    SELECT COUNT(amount) OVER w, SUM(amount) OVER w
    FROM Orders
    WINDOW w AS (
    ORDER BY proctime


    ORDER BY sorts query results. By default, it sorts the data in ascending order (ASC). You can also ‍use DESC to sort the data in descending order.
    The first field specified for sorting must be the time column (Event Time or Processing Time, i.e., PROCTIME), in ascending order. After that, you can specify your own fields to sort by.
    SELECT *
    FROM Orders
    ORDER BY `orderTime`, `username` DESC, `userId` ASC


    DISTINCT removes duplicates from query results. It should be added after SELECT.
    DISTINCT generates upsert streams, so you need to use sinks that accept upsert streams. Please note that continuous use of such queries may result in high memory usage.
    We recommend you set an appropriate timeout period to exclude inactive objects and reduce memory usage.


    You can use the IN keyword to determine whether an element exists in a specified set, such as a subquery.
    This operation is demanding on memory.
    SELECT user, amount
    FROM Orders
    WHERE product IN (
    SELECT product FROM NewProducts


    If the result of the subquery following EXISTS has one or more rows (data exists), true is returned.
    This operation is demanding on memory.
    SELECT user, amount
    FROM Orders
    WHERE product EXISTS (
    SELECT product FROM NewProducts


    ORDER BY sorts data by a specified field.
    This operation is demanding on memory.
    SELECT *
    FROM Orders
    ORDER BY orderTime

    Grouping Sets, Rollup, Cube

    Grouping Sets, Rollup, and Cube generate upsert streams. Therefore, you need to use data sinks that accept upsert streams.
    SELECT SUM(amount)
    FROM Orders
    GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ((user), (product))


    MATCH_RECOGNIZE performs pattern recognition on an input stream, allowing you to use a SQL query to describe complex event processing (CEP) logic.
    SELECT T.aid, T.bid, T.cid
    FROM MyTable
    PARTITION BY userid
    ORDER BY proctime
    A.id AS aid,
    B.id AS bid,
    C.id AS cid
    A AS name = 'a',
    B AS name = 'b',
    C AS name = 'c'
    ) AS T
    The above example defines three events, A, B, and C, where the name field equates a, b, and c. PATTERN specifies the trigger rule. In the example, the trigger rule is when A, B, and C occur consecutively. MEASURES specifies the output format.
    For details, see the Flink document Detecting Patterns in Tables.


    Top-N gets the N smallest or largest values from a data stream. It generates upsert streams, so you need to use data sinks that accept upsert streams.
    To learn more about ‌Top-N syntax, see the Flink document Top-N.


    In cases where the input data includes consecutive duplicate values, you can use this clause to remove the duplicates. To learn more about the syntax, see Flink document Deduplication.




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