tencent cloud



最終更新日:2024-01-18 16:21:35

    SMS Verification Codes

    Send SMS verification codes to your users when they sign up, log in, change their password, make a payment, or verify their identity on your app or website. SMS provides reliable support for apps with hundreds of millions of users worldwide, including QQ and WeChat, with more than 3 billion messages sent every month.

    System Notifications

    Send notifications to users related to payments, suspicious logins, order confirmations, consumption reminders, shipment tracking, price change, and system updates or maintenance.

    Marketing and Promotional Messages

    Send marketing and promotional messages on various topics such as customer care, holiday greetings, new product launches, product deals, discounts, business promotions, and events to broaden your customer reach.




    電話サポート(24 時間365日対応)