tencent cloud


Message Content

最終更新日:2024-01-18 16:28:52

    How do I know what types of SMS messages can be sent and what cannot?

    Please apply for signatures and templates in compliance with application specifications.

    Can I send marketing SMS messages if I am an individual user?

    Individual users cannot send marketing SMS messages.

    Who can send marketing SMS messages?

    Only organizational users can send marketing SMS messages, and they can only send membership marketing SMS messages.

    What is the difference between marketing SMS and notification SMS?

    Whether an SMS message is a marketing or regular one depends on the nature of the message. For more information, please see Glossary.

    Can I send website links?

    You can send text that contains an URL, but the URL must be entered in the body template and can be opened for review.

    Can I send SMS messages offering loans?

    No, you cannot send SMS messages offering loans.

    Can I send SMS messages about job interviews?

    No, you cannot send SMS messages about job interviews or recruitment.

    Can I send SMS messages demanding payments?

    You cannot send SMS messages offering loans or demanding payments.

    Can I send SMS messages offering home decor services?

    Carriers do not allow you to send SMS messages offering home decor services.

    Can I send SMS messages that invite recipients to WeChat groups?

    No, you cannot send SMS messages that ask recipients to follow WeChat/QQ accounts or invite them to groups.

    Can I send marketing SMS messages involving educational services (such as enrollment)?

    Carriers do not allow you to send marketing SMS messages involving educational services.
    No, you cannot send SMS messages that offer loans; otherwise, you account will be banned.

    Can I send SMS messages that contain information about rebates or VIP membership?

    No, you cannot send SMS messages that contain information about rebates.

    My application for marketing SMS message is rejected as it contains text designed to acquire new customers. What does "acquire new customers" mean?

    It refers to sending marketing SMS messages to users who have not purchased a product and have not signed up for membership. Due to a lot of complaints, SMS messages designed to acquire new customers cannot be sent.

    Does the Tencent Cloud SMS service support sending MMS?





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