tencent cloud


Creating a Private Cluster

最后更新时间:2023-11-08 10:56:31


    1. You have a Tencent Cloud account. To learn about how to create an account, see Signing Up.
    2. If you log in with a sub-account, you need to grant the sub-account necessary permissions. For details, see Granting ‍access to ‍Stream Compute Service and Granting access to other services.


    Log in to the Stream Compute Service console. Select Compute resources on the left sidebar and click Create cluster. ‍Fill in the information and click Buy now. The cluster will be created successfully after you make the payment. In the cluster list, you will find the newly created cluster. After the status of the cluster changes from "Initializing" to "Running", you can start creating jobs with the cluster.
    Select a region and availability zone. Note that the cluster must be in the same region and availability zone as the resources (such as message queues and cloud databases) to be used by the cluster.
    Name and describe the cluster.
    Select the number of CUs (minimum 12 and maximum 300). If you want to purchase more than 300 CUs, please contact us.
    Select a VPC and subnet. Please select the same VPC for resources (such as message queues and cloud databases) to be used by the cluster. The cluster will use an ENI and a certain number of IP addresses in the selected VPC. The subnet you select should have more CUs than the number you purchase.
    Select a COS bucket. A private cluster stores data such as job checkpoints and JAR packages in COS buckets. If you don't have a COS bucket in the selected region, you can create one in the COS console. Using COS buckets to store data will incur fees. For details, see COS > Billing Overview.
    ‍Set the Flink UI password for accessing jobs. The username is "admin" by default.
    You can tag the cluster. Tags allow you to manage your resources from different dimensions. For details, see Tags.
    You can also select Auto-renewal to avoid service suspension caused by expiration.
    ‍To ‍make the most of the underlying hardware resources, we recommend you purchase a multiple of six CUs.
    ‍For performance considerations, we do not recommend you purchase more than 800 CUs for a cluster.

    Core versions

    Currently, new clusters only support Flink 1.13, Flink 1.14, and Flink 1.16 tasks. To create Flink 1.11 tasks, please submit a ticket.
    For existing clusters, only versions of already created tasks are supported. You can submit a ticket to upgrade a cluster.
    By default, Flink 1.13, Flink 1.14, and Flink 1.16 tasks are deployed in application mode.




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