tencent cloud


Legacy Domain Names

마지막 업데이트 시간:2024-01-31 16:33:35
    As this is a historical version of the region document that is no longer updated and maintained, we recommend you view the new version of Regions and Domain Names.

    Available Regions and Access Domain Names

    After a bucket is created, the default domain name will be generated, which can be viewed in Domain Management in the CI console.
    BucketName is the name you set for your bucket upon creation. To view its value, you can go to the CI console and select Bucket Configuration.
    APPID is one of the account identifiers assigned by the system after you successfully applied for the Tencent Cloud account. It can be viewed in Tencent Cloud console > Account Information.

    Regions in the Chinese Mainland

    Upload Domain Name
    Download Domain Name
    Beijing (North China)
    Nanjing (East China)
    Shanghai (East China)
    Guangzhou (South China)
    Chengdu (Southwest China)
    Chongqing (Southwest China)

    Regions in Hong Kong (China) and Outside the Chinese Mainland

    Upload Domain Name
    Download Domain Name
    Hong Kong (China)
    Sample: A user created a bucket in Guangzhou region. The user-defined string of the bucket name is "examplebucket", and the system-generated APPID is "1250000000". In this case, CI's default upload and download domain names are examplebucket-1250000000.pic.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com and examplebucket-1250000000.picgz.myqcloud.com respectively.

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