tencent cloud


Data Processing And Security Agreement

Last updated: 2023-11-07 11:47:41


    This Module applies if you use Tencent Cloud Blockchain RPC (“Feature”). This Module is incorporated into the Data Processing and Security Agreement located at Data Processing and Security Agreement (“DPSA”). Terms used but not defined in this Module shall have the meaning given to them in the DPSA. In the event of any conflict between the DPSA and this Module, this Module shall apply to the extent of the inconsistency.


    We will process the following data in connection with the Feature:
    Personal Information
    Application Information: application name, application created time, description of application, IP or whitelisted website domain names (optional), API key (encrypted), RPC https request links (to the extent such information qualifies as personal information)
    We only process this data for the purposes of providing the Feature to you.<br>Please not that this data is stored and backed up in our TencentDB for MySQL feature.
    Application Request Information: IP address, requests from applications and responses from blockchains, units consumption of requests from applications (to the extent such information qualifies as personal information)
    We only process this data for the purposes of providing the Feature to you, including to display request statistics to you.<br>Please note that this data is stored and backed up in our Tencent Cloud House-C feature. In addition, requests from applications and responses from blockchains are shared with Ankr to enable us to provide the Feature to you.
    For the avoidance of doubt, this Feature does not access, view, control and/or influence over any of your business data (including data uploaded by you on the blockchain) (“Business Data”). Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the DPSA, for the purposes of this Feature, “Content” (as defined in the DPSA) does not include Business Data.


    As specified in the DPSA.


    As specified in the DPSA.


    We will store personal data processed in connection with the Feature as follows:
    Personal Information
    Retention Policy
    Application Information
    We retain such data until you request deletion of such data, upon which we will delete it within 15 days.
    Application Request Information
    We retain such data for 1 month, unless you request deletion of such data, in which case we will delete it within 15 days.
    You can request deletion of such personal data in accordance with the DPSA.


    You represent, warrant and undertake that you shall (i) obtain and maintain all necessary consents from, and provide all requisite notices to, data subjects in respect of the processing of their personal data (as applicable) in respect of the Feature, in accordance with applicable laws; and (ii) ensure that any processing of data subjects personal data complies with requirements and restrictions in accordance with applicable laws. You agree you will indemnify and hold Tencent harmless from and against all claims, liabilities, costs, expenses, loss or damage (including consequential losses, loss of profit and loss of reputation and all interest, penalties and legal and other professional costs and expenses) incurred by Tencent arising directly or indirectly from a breach of this requirement.
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