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Compatibility of TencentDB for MariaDB with MySQL 5.6

Last updated: 2024-01-11 15:28:38

    Compatibility of TencentDB for MariaDB with Open-Source MariaDB

    TencentDB for MariaDB is fully compatible with open-source MariaDB.

    Compatibility of TencentDB for MariaDB with MySQL 5.6

    As TencentDB for MariaDB is highly compatible with MySQL 5.6, you can directly use it with little or no changes to existing code, programs, drivers, or tools that are used with MySQL.
    Data files and table definition files are binary compatible.
    All client APIs and protocols are compatible.
    All filenames, binary files, paths, and port numbers are the same.
    All connectors (including those for PHP, Perl, Python, Java, .NET, Ruby, and MySQL) can be used in TencentDB for MariaDB with no modification required.
    You can use a MySQL client to connect to TencentDB for MariaDB.

    Incompatibility of TencentDB for MariaDB with MySQL 5.6

    1. GTID incompatibility

    GTID of TencentDB for MariaDB is incompatible with that of MySQL 5.6, i.e., MySQL cannot be used as a replica database of TencentDB for MariaDB.

    2. Different default binlog configurations

    Binlogs in TencentDB for MariaDB are in row format, while in native MySQL 5.6 and MariaDB earlier than 10.2.3, they are in statement format by default.

    3. Row-based or command-based replication of the CREATE TABLE ... SELECT command

    To ensure that the CREATE TABLE ... SELECT command can work properly in both row-based and command-based replication, this command in TencentDB for MariaDB will be converted to and executed as the CREATE OR REPLACE command in a replica database. The advantage of this mechanism is that the replica database can run properly after recovery from downtime.

    3.1. Default value deduction

    When you create tables by using the Create table ... Select from statement, the differences between the default values of fields in varchar(N) type are as follows:
    The fields do not have a default value in MariaDB 10.1.
    The default value in MySQL 5.7 is NULL.
    The default value in MySQL 5.5 or 5.6 is an empty string ('').
    Default value of a decimal column: In MySQL 5.5 and 5.6, it is deduced to 0.00; in MariaDB 10.1, it is deduced to NULL. Sample:
    ---------------- MySQL 5.5 -----------------------
    create table t1
    select least(_latin1'a',_latin2'b',_latin5'c' collate latin5_turkish_ci) as f1;
    show create table t1;
    Table Create Table
    t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` (
    `f1` varchar(1) CHARACTER SET latin5 NOT NULL DEFAULT ''
    -------------------- MySQL 5.7 ---------------------------------
    create table t1
    select least(_latin1'a',_latin2'b',_latin5'c' collate latin5_turkish_ci) as f1;
    show create table t1;
    Table Create Table
    t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` (
    `f1` varchar(1) CHARACTER SET latin5 DEFAULT NULL
    ------------------- MariaDB 10.1* --------------------------------
    create table t1
    select least(_latin1'a',_latin2'b',_latin5'c' collate latin5_turkish_ci) as f1;
    show create table t1;
    Table Create Table
    t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` (
    `f1` varchar(1) CHARACTER SET latin5 NOT NULL

    3.2. Differences in processing select statements in subqueries

    In this statement: SELECT a AS x, ROW(11, 12) = (SELECT MAX(x), 12), ROW(11, 12) IN (SELECT MAX(x), 12) FROM t1;
    In MySQL 5.5 and 5.6, the subquery SELECT MAX(x), 12 is considered as SELECT MAX(x), 12 from t1 if it is located after in; it is considered as SELECT x, 12 if it is located after =, where "x" is the alias of a in the current row.
    In MySQL 5.7 and MariaDB 10.1.*, the subquery SELECT MAX(x), 12 always equals SELECT x, 12, where x is the alias of a in the current row. Sample:
    ----------------- MySQL 5.5/5.6 -----------------------
    CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT);
    INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1), (2), (11);
    SELECT a AS x, ROW(11, 12) = (SELECT MAX(x), 12), ROW(11, 12) IN (SELECT MAX(x), 12) FROM t1;
    x ROW(11, 12) = (SELECT MAX(x), 12) ROW(11, 12) IN (SELECT MAX(x), 12)
    1 0 1
    2 0 1
    11 1 1
    --------------------------- MariaDB 10.1.* or MySQL 5.7------------------------------
    CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT);
    INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1), (2), (11);
    SELECT a AS x, ROW(11, 12) = (SELECT MAX(x), 12), ROW(11, 12) IN (SELECT MAX(x), 12) FROM t1;
    x ROW(11, 12) = (SELECT MAX(x), 12) ROW(11, 12) IN (SELECT MAX(x), 12)
    1 0 0
    2 0 0
    11 1 1

    3.3. Processing of NULL for ALL and SOME

    In MySQL 5.5, the NULL in 10 >= ALL (NULL, 1, 10) or 1 <= ALL (NULL, 1, 10) is skipped, i.e., it is considered as non-existent, because NULL is incomparable. In MySQL 5.7 and TencentDB for MariaDB, NULL is an unknown value and the result in the comparisons above is unknown too; therefore, NULL will be returned.

    3.4. alter table inplace operation

    When alter table is used to change the sequence of columns only, the inplace algorithm can be used in TencentDB for MariaDB but not in MySQL. When inplace alter table is executed in TencentDB for MariaDB, the result of running show create table t1 will be the same as that of running ALGORITHM=COPY in MySQL.

    4. Undefined behavior in MySQL and TencentDB for MariaDB

    Undefined behavior is a feature of behavior that can be implemented through any method in MySQL or TencentDB for MariaDB, which may vary by version without the need to notify users or be specified. Implementation of undefined behaviors by MySQL and TencentDB for MariaDB may produce the same or different results.
    For such same or different results in the current and future versions, TencentDB for MariaDB does not guarantee the results or ensure the same kernel optimization. For more information, see MariaDB versus MySQL: Compatibility.

    4.1. Case-insensitive sorting of character-type columns

    Sorting (order by clause) of character-type columns is generally case-insensitive, which means that the order of fields with the same content but different letter cases will be undefined after sorting. You can use the BINARY keyword to force implement case-sensitive sorting, i.e., ORDER BY BINARY column name. Sample:
    The sorting of the following samples in MySQL and TencentDB for MariaDB may be completely random:
    mysql> SELECT email FROM t2 LEFT JOIN t1 ON kid = t2.id WHERE t1.id IS NULL order by email;
    | email |
    | email |
    | eMail |
    | EMail |
    3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

    4.2. Differences in processing Auto_increment field overflow

    Undefined behavior specific to InnoDB:
    In all auto-increment column lock modes (0, 1, 2), the auto-increment behavior will be considered undefined if you set the auto-increment column field to a negative value.
    In all auto-increment column lock modes (0, 1, 2), the auto-increment behavior will be considered undefined if the value of the auto-increment column field is greater than the maximum integer that can be stored as integer type in the column.
    Do not insert (incorrect) numbers into an auto-increment column.

    4.3. Differences in statistics collection method for FOUND ROWS

    The returned value of FOUND_ROWS() will be accurate only when UNION ALL is used in the query statement. If only UNION is used without ALL, TencentDB for MariaDB will remove duplicates in the statistics, while MySQL will retain duplicates. If the UNION query statement is used without the LIMIT clause, the SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS keyword will be ignored, and the returned result of FOUND_ROWS() will be the number of rows in the temporary table created when UNION is executed.

    4.4. Differences in locking sequence of the LOCK TABLES statement

    The LOCK TABLES statement locks tables in the following method: first, all tables that need to be locked are sorted based on the internally-defined method; however, from user's perspective, the sorting order in MySQL and TencentDB for MariaDB is undefined. For example, if you write LOCK TABLES t1, t2, t3, TencentDB for MariaDB and MySQL will not lock the tables according to the sequence of t1, t2, t3. This behavior is undefined in MySQL and TencentDB for MariaDB; therefore, they may use different methods to sort t1, t2, and t3 and lock them based on the resulting sequence.
    Therefore, you should not rely on locking sequence to ensure accuracy in your procedures or query code, as this may cause deadlock.

    4.5. Timing for running the RESET MASTER statement

    You cannot run RESET MASTER when any duplicate replica server is running; otherwise, the behaviors of primary and replica servers will be undefined (and not supported) in TencentDB for MariaDB and MySQL. Various predictable errors may or may not occur during execution of RESET MASTER. The official development teams of TencentDB for MariaDB and MySQL do not consider these errors as bugs and are not responsible for any errors that actually occur in this way.

    4.6. Conversion of date and time types to year type

    In MySQL 5.5, when variables in year and date types are compared, the date type will be converted to the year type. For example, "2011-01-01" will be converted to "2011".
    In MySQL 5.7 and TencentDB for MariaDB, variables in date type will stay unchanged; therefore, comparisons with variables in year type are different. Similarly, TencentDB for MariaDB cannot convert the time type to year type, while MySQL 5.6 uses the year part in the timestamp of the current session as the year value for every value in time type, which means that the year in the timestamp of the current session will be used every time a time-type value needs to be converted to year type.

    4.7. Processing method of unknown characters

    Character encoding conversion is implemented in different ways in different versions of MySQL and TencentDB for MariaDB. For example, if an encoding byte string is not recognized by unhex, an empty string ('') will be returned in MySQL 5.5/5.6/5.7, while a question mark character (?) will be returned in MariaDB 10.1.
    The UPDATE t1 SET a=unhex(code) ORDER BY code statement assigns a value to field a in table t1; however, some of the assignment operations will fail as unhex can only recognize and convert byte strings within a certain range.
    The default storage engine in MySQL 5.5 is MyISAM, which does not support transactions. Therefore, the statement will exit when it fails to assign a value to a in any row in t1; however, all assigned values will be still stored in t1.
    The default storage engine in MySQL 5.7 is InnoDB; therefore, the transaction will be rolled back when the statement fails to assign a value to a in any row in t1, i.e., all assigned values will be rolled back as well.
    The default storage engine in TencentDB for MariaDB is InnoDB. When unhex is unable to find a corresponding character for a byte string, a question mark (?, i.e., 0x3F) will be returned; therefore, the operation will always succeed no matter whether the storage engine is InnoDB or MyISAM.
    When inserting a hexadecimal string using the insert into statement, if the corresponding utf8mb4 character is not found:
    If the HEAP storage engine is used in MySQL 5.5/5.6, this unknown character will be ignored.
    MariaDB 10.1 and MySQL 5.7 will use 0x3F (i.e., question mark "?") to replace this character.
    For an invalidly encoded string field, MySQL with the InnoDB storage engine will directly return an error, while TencentDB for MariaDB will replace the field with 3F and then insert it.

    4.8. Precision of time type

    SELECT CAST(CAST('10:11:12.098700' AS TIME) AS DECIMAL(20,6));
    CAST(CAST('10:11:12.098700' AS TIME) AS DECIMAL(20,6))
    When the above statements are used, the ways to process them are different in MySQL 5.5/5.6 and MySQL 5.7/MariaDB 10.1:
    - In MySQL 5.5/5.6, 101112.098700 will be returned and the precision will still be retained.
    - In MySQL 5.7 and MariaDB 10.1, 101112.000000 will be returned. This is because the statement does not specify a precision for `TIME` and the default precision of `TIME` is 0; therefore, the values after the decimal point of `CAST('10:11:12.098700' AS TIME)` will be lost.
    You can use the following statement to keep the time precision.
    SELECT CAST(CAST('10:11:12.098700' AS TIME(6)) AS DECIMAL(20,6)); +-----------------------------------------------------------+ | CAST(CAST('10:11:12.098700' AS TIME(6)) AS DECIMAL(20,6)) | +-----------------------------------------------------------+ | 101112.098700 | +-----------------------------------------------------------+
    >?The default precision of `TIME` is not consistent. If time precision is required, you should specify a precision of time for upgrade or migration.
    In MySQL 5.5/5.6, `NULL` will be returned; in MariaDB 10.1 and MySQL 5.7, `2016-08-03 23:38:58` will be returned.
    - If the first parameter of `TIMESTAMP()` is in time type, the returned value will be `NULL` as MySQL 5.5 cannot automatically convert it to timestamp type.
    - In MySQL 5.7 and TencentDB for MariaDB, values in time type will be automatically converted to timestamp type, i.e., current date + entered time variable.
    ### 5. Appendix: TencentDB for MariaDB parameters and MySQL parameters
    #### 5.1. Different parameters with the same variable name
    Parameters with the same variable name have the same main feature.
    <tr><th width="20%">Parameter</th><th width="30%">MariaDB 10.1</th><th width="30%">MySQL 5.6</th></tr>
    <td> /data/home/tdengine/dongzhi/src/tdsql-mariadb-10.1.9-release1/build_dongzhi/mysql-test/var/</td>
    <td> /data/home/tdengine/dongzhi/src/tdsql-mariadb-10.1.9-release1/mysql-test/std_data/cacert.pem</td>
    #### 5.2. Variables unique to TencentDB for MariaDB
    - aria_block_size 8192
    - aria_checkpoint_interval 30
    - aria_checkpoint_log_activity 1048576
    - aria_encrypt_tables OFF
    - aria_force_start_after_recovery_failures 0
    - aria_group_commit none
    - aria_group_commit_interval 0
    - aria_log_file_size 1073741824
    - aria_log_purge_type immediate
    - aria_max_sort_file_size 9223372036853727232
    - aria_page_checksum ON
    - aria_pagecache_age_threshold 300
    - aria_pagecache_buffer_size 134217728
    - aria_pagecache_division_limit 100
    - aria_pagecache_file_hash_size 512
    - aria_recover NORMAL
    - aria_repair_threads 1
    - aria_sort_buffer_size 268434432
    - aria_stats_method nulls_unequal
    - aria_sync_log_dir NEWFILE
    - aria_used_for_temp_tables ON
    - autoremoverelaylog ON
    - binlog_annotate_row_events OFF
    - binlog_commit_wait_count 0
    - binlog_commit_wait_usec 100000
    - binlog_optimize_thread_scheduling ON
    - deadlock_search_depth_long 15
    - deadlock_search_depth_short 4
    - deadlock_timeout_long 50000000
    - deadlock_timeout_short 10000
    - debug_no_thread_alarm OFF
    - default_master_connection
    - default_regex_flags
    - encrypt_binlog OFF
    - encrypt_tmp_disk_tables OFF
    - encrypt_tmp_files OFF
    - enforce_storage_engine
    - expensive_subquery_limit 100
    - extra_max_connections 20
    - extra_port 0
    - flush_relay_logs_for_strong_consistency ON
    - gtid_binlog_pos
    - gtid_binlog_state
    - gtid_current_pos
    - gtid_domain_id 0
    - gtid_ignore_duplicates OFF
    - gtid_seq_no 0
    - gtid_slave_pos
    - gtid_strict_mode OFF
    - histogram_size 0
    - histogram_type SINGLE_PREC_HB
    - in_transaction 0
    - innodb_adaptive_hash_index_partitions 1
    - innodb_background_scrub_data_check_interval 3600
    - innodb_background_scrub_data_compressed OFF
    - innodb_background_scrub_data_interval 604800
    - innodb_background_scrub_data_uncompressed OFF
    - innodb_buf_dump_status_frequency 0
    - innodb_buffer_pool_populate OFF
    - innodb_cleaner_lsn_age_factor HIGH_CHECKPOINT
    - innodb_compression_algorithm none
    - innodb_corrupt_table_action assert
    - innodb_default_encryption_key_id 1
    - innodb_defragment OFF
    - innodb_defragment_fill_factor 0.900000
    - innodb_defragment_fill_factor_n_recs 20
    - innodb_defragment_frequency 40
    - innodb_defragment_n_pages 7
    - innodb_defragment_stats_accuracy 0
    - innodb_disallow_writes OFF
    - innodb_empty_free_list_algorithm BACKOFF
    - innodb_encrypt_log OFF
    - innodb_encrypt_tables OFF
    - innodb_encryption_rotate_key_age 1
    - innodb_encryption_rotation_iops 100
    - innodb_encryption_threads 0
    - innodb_fake_changes OFF
    - innodb_fatal_semaphore_wait_threshold 600
    - innodb_force_primary_key OFF
    - innodb_foreground_preflush EXPONENTIAL_BACKOFF
    - innodb_idle_flush_pct 100
    - innodb_immediate_scrub_data_uncompressed OFF
    - innodb_instrument_semaphores OFF
    - innodb_kill_idle_transaction 0
    - innodb_locking_fake_changes ON
    - innodb_log_arch_dir ./
    - innodb_log_arch_expire_sec 0
    - innodb_log_archive OFF
    - innodb_log_block_size 512
    - innodb_log_checksum_algorithm INNODB
    - innodb_max_bitmap_file_size 104857600
    - innodb_max_changed_pages 1000000
    - innodb_mtflush_threads 8
    - innodb_prefix_index_cluster_optimization OFF
    - innodb_sched_priority_cleaner 19
    - innodb_scrub_log OFF
    - innodb_scrub_log_speed 256
    - innodb_show_locks_held 10
    - innodb_show_verbose_locks 0
    - innodb_simulate_comp_failures 0
    - innodb_stats_modified_counter 0
    - innodb_stats_traditional ON
    - innodb_track_changed_pages OFF
    - innodb_use_atomic_writes OFF
    - innodb_use_fallocate OFF
    - innodb_use_global_flush_log_at_trx_commit ON
    - innodb_use_mtflush OFF
    - innodb_use_stacktrace OFF
    - innodb_use_trim OFF
    - join_buffer_space_limit 2097152
    - join_cache_level 2
    - key_cache_file_hash_size 512
    - key_cache_segments 0
    - last_gtid
    - log_slow_filter admin,filesort,filesort_on_disk,full_join,full_scan,query_cache,query_cache_miss,tmp_table,tmp_table_on_disk
    - log_slow_rate_limit 1
    - log_slow_verbosity
    - log_tc_size 24576
    - loglevel 3
    - max_long_data_size 4194304
    - max_statement_time 0.000000
    - mrr_buffer_size 262144
    - myisam_block_size 1024
    - mysql56_temporal_format ON
    - old_mode
    - optimizer_selectivity_sampling_limit 100
    - optimizer_use_condition_selectivity 1
    - plugin_maturity unknown
    - progress_report_time 5
    - query_cache_strip_comments OFF
    - relay_log_sync_threshold 134217728
    - relay_log_sync_timeout 200
    - relay_log_sync_txn_count 5
    - replicate_annotate_row_events OFF
    - replicate_do_db
    - replicate_do_table
    - replicate_events_marked_for_skip REPLICATE
    - replicate_ignore_db
    - replicate_ignore_table
    - replicate_wild_do_table
    - replicate_wild_ignore_table
    - rowid_merge_buff_size 8388608
    - rpl_semi_sync_master_enabled OFF
    - rpl_semi_sync_master_timeout 10000
    - rpl_semi_sync_master_trace_level 32
    - rpl_semi_sync_master_wait_no_slave ON
    - rpl_semi_sync_master_wait_point AFTER_COMMIT
    - rpl_semi_sync_slave_enabled OFF
    - rpl_semi_sync_slave_trace_level 32
    - skip_parallel_replication OFF
    - skip_replication OFF
    - slave_current_parallel_transactions 0
    - slave_ddl_exec_mode IDEMPOTENT
    - slave_domain_parallel_threads 0
    - slave_max_parallel_transactions 0
    - slave_parallel_max_queued 131072
    - slave_parallel_mode conservative
    - slave_parallel_threads 0
    - slave_run_triggers_for_rbr NO
    - sqlasyn OFF
    - sqlasyntimeout 10
    - sqlasynwarntimeout 3
    - strict_password_validation ON
    - thread_pool_high_prio_mode transactions
    - thread_pool_high_prio_tickets 4294967295
    - thread_pool_idle_timeout 60
    - thread_pool_max_threads 1000
    - thread_pool_oversubscribe 3
    - thread_pool_oversubscribe_parall 1
    - thread_pool_size 8
    - thread_pool_stall_limit 500
    - use_stat_tables NEVER
    - userstat OFF
    - version_malloc_library system
    - version_ssl_library OpenSSL 1.0.2d 9 Jul 2015
    - wsrep_auto_increment_control ON
    - wsrep_causal_reads OFF
    - wsrep_certify_nonpk ON
    - wsrep_cluster_address
    - wsrep_cluster_name my_wsrep_cluster
    - wsrep_convert_lock_to_trx OFF
    - wsrep_data_home_dir /data/home/tdengine/dongzhi/src/tdsql-mariadb-10.1.9-release1/build_dongzhi/mysql-test/var/mysqld.1/data/
    - wsrep_dbug_option
    - wsrep_debug OFF
    - wsrep_desync OFF
    - wsrep_dirty_reads OFF
    - wsrep_drupal_282555_workaround OFF
    - wsrep_forced_binlog_format NONE
    - wsrep_gtid_domain_id 0
    - wsrep_gtid_mode OFF
    - wsrep_load_data_splitting ON
    - wsrep_log_conflicts OFF
    - wsrep_max_ws_rows 131072
    - wsrep_max_ws_size 1073741824
    - wsrep_mysql_replication_bundle 0
    - wsrep_node_address
    - wsrep_node_incoming_address AUTO
    - wsrep_node_name
    - wsrep_notify_cmd
    - wsrep_on OFF
    - wsrep_osu_method TOI
    - wsrep_patch_version wsrep_25.11
    - wsrep_provider none
    - wsrep_provider_options
    - wsrep_recover OFF
    - wsrep_replicate_myisam OFF
    - wsrep_restart_slave OFF
    - wsrep_retry_autocommit 1
    - wsrep_slave_fk_checks ON
    - wsrep_slave_threads 1
    - wsrep_slave_uk_checks OFF
    - wsrep_sst_auth
    - wsrep_sst_donor
    - wsrep_sst_donor_rejects_queries OFF
    - wsrep_sst_method rsync
    - wsrep_sst_receive_address AUTO
    - wsrep_start_position 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:-1
    - wsrep_sync_wait 0
    #### 5.3. Variables unique to MySQL 5.6
    - avoid_temporal_upgrade OFF
    - bind_address *
    - binlog_error_action IGNORE_ERROR
    - binlog_gtid_simple_recovery OFF
    - binlog_max_flush_queue_time 0
    - binlog_order_commits ON
    - binlog_rows_query_log_events OFF
    - binlogging_impossible_mode IGNORE_ERROR
    - block_encryption_mode aes-128-ecb
    - core_file ON
    - disconnect_on_expired_password ON
    - end_markers_in_json OFF
    - enforce_gtid_consistency OFF
    - eq_range_index_dive_limit 1
    - gtid_executed
    - gtid_mode OFF
    - gtid_next AUTOMATIC
    - gtid_owned
    - gtid_purged
    - innodb_tmpdir
    - log_bin_use_v1_row_events OFF
    - log_slow_admin_statements OFF
    - log_slow_slave_statements OFF
    - log_throttle_queries_not_using_indexes 0
    - master_info_repository FILE
    - new OFF
    - optimizer_trace enabled=off,one_line=off
    - optimizer_trace_features greedy_search=on,range_optimizer=on,dynamic_range=on,repeated_subselect=on
    - optimizer_trace_limit 1
    - optimizer_trace_max_mem_size 16384
    - optimizer_trace_offset -1
    - relay_log_info_repository FILE
    - rpl_stop_slave_timeout 31536000
    - server_id_bits 32
    - server_uuid 9078a55d-6904-11e6-bfa9-ecf4bbcdc829
    - sha256_password_private_key_path private_key.pem
    - sha256_password_public_key_path public_key.pem
    - show_old_temporals OFF
    - simplified_binlog_gtid_recovery OFF
    - slave_allow_batching OFF
    - slave_checkpoint_group 512
    - slave_checkpoint_period 300
    - slave_parallel_workers 0
    - slave_pending_jobs_size_max 16777216
    - slave_rows_search_algorithms TABLE_SCAN,INDEX_SCAN
    - table_open_cache_instances 1
    - transaction_allow_batching OFF
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