tencent cloud


Single-Line Text Log Structuration

Terakhir diperbarui:2024-01-20 17:44:35

    Use Case

    Tom has collected a log to CLS. The log does not use a fixed separator and is in single-line text format. Now Tom wants to structuralize the log and extract the log time, log level, operation, and URL information from the text for subsequent search and analysis.

    Scenario Analysis

    According to Tom's requirements, the processing ideas are as follows:1.The content in {...} is the detailed information of operations and can be extracted with a regular expression.2. Use a regular expression to extract the log time, log level, and URL.

    Raw Log

    "content": "[2021-11-24 11:11:08,232][328495eb-b562-478f-9d5d-3bf7e][INFO] curl -H 'Host: ' http://abc.com:8080/pc/api -d {\\"version\\": \\"1.0\\",\\"user\\": \\"CGW\\",\\"password\\": \\"123\\",\\"interface\\": {\\"Name\\": \\"ListDetail\\",\\"para\\": {\\"owner\\": \\"1253\\",\\"orderField\\": \\"createTime\\"}}}"

    DSL Processing Function

    fields_set("logtime",regex_select(v("content"),regex="\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2} \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2},\\d{3}",index=0,group=0))

    DSL Processing Function Details

    1. Create a field named Action and use the regular expression {[^}]+} to match {...}.
    2. Create a field named loglevel and use the regular expression [A-Z]{4} to match INFO.
    3. Create a field named logtime and use the regular expression d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2} \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2},\\d{3} to match 2021-11-24 11:11:08.
    fields_set("logtime",regex_select(v("content"),regex="\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2} \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2},\\d{3}",index=0,group=0))
    4. Create a field named Url, use the regular expression [a-z]{3}.[a-z]{3} to match abc.com, and use [0-9]{4} to match 8080.
    5. Discard the content field.

    Processing Result

    {"Action":"{\\"version\\": \\"1.0\\",\\"user\\": \\"CGW\\",\\"password\\": \\"123\\",\\"interface\\": {\\"Name\\": \\"ListDetail\\",\\"para\\": {\\"owner\\": \\"1253\\",\\"orderField\\": \\"createTime\\"}","Url":"abc.com:8080","loglevel":"[INFO]","logtime":"2021-11-24 11:11:08,232"}
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