tencent cloud


Bucket Tag Overview

Terakhir diperbarui:2024-03-25 15:28:24


    A bucket tag is a key-value pair (key = value), which is comprised of a tag key and a tag value that are connected by an equal sign ("="), for example: group = IT. It can be used to manage buckets in groups. You can set, query, and delete the tag for a specified bucket.

    Specifications and Limits

    Limits on Tag Keys

    A tag key starting with "qcs:" or "project" is a default tag key and cannot be created.
    A tag key can only contain characters encoded in UTF-8, spaces, numbers, or special characters including + - = . _ : / @.
    A tag key should be a combination of 0-127 characters encoded in UTF-8.
    Tag keys are case sensitive.

    Limits on Tag Values

    A tag value can only contain characters encoded in UTF-8, spaces, numbers, or special characters including + - = . _ : / @.
    A tag value should be a combination of 0-255 characters encoded in UTF-8.
    Tag values are case sensitive.

    Limits on the Number of Tags

    Bucket dimension: A resource has at most 50 different bucket tags.
    Tag dimension:
    A user has at most 1,000 different keys.
    A key has at most 1,000 values.
    Multiple same keys are not allowed in the same bucket.


    You can set bucket tags using the console or APIs.

    Via the COS Console

    For more information about setting a bucket tag using the COS console, see Setting Bucket Tags in Console Guide.

    Via REST APIs

    Manage bucket tags using the following APIs:
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