Itinerary/Receipt of e-ticket for air transportation
Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.
Name | Type | Description |
Title | String | Invoice title |
Number | String | E-ticket No. |
CheckCode | String | Check code |
SerialNumber | String | Serial number |
Date | String | Date of issue |
AgentCode | String | Agent code |
AgentCodeFirst | String | First line of the agent code |
AgentCodeSecond | String | Second line of the agent code |
UserName | String | Name |
UserID | String | ID card number |
Issuer | String | Issuer |
Fare | String | Fare |
Tax | String | Tax |
FuelSurcharge | String | Fuel surcharge |
AirDevelopmentFund | String | Aviation Development Fund |
Insurance | String | Insurance |
Total | String | Total amount (in figures) |
Kind | String | Invoice type |
DomesticInternationalTag | String | Domestic or international tag |
DateStart | String | Not-valid-before date |
DateEnd | String | Not-valid-after date |
Endorsement | String | Endorsements/Restrictions |
QRCodeMark | Integer | Whether there is a QR code (0: No, 1: Yes) |
FlightItems | Array of FlightItem | Items |
Bus ticket
Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.
Name | Type | Description |
Title | String | Invoice title |
QRCodeMark | Integer | Whether there is a QR code (0: No, 1: Yes) |
Number | String | Invoice number |
Code | String | Invoice code |
Date | String | Date of issue |
TimeGetOn | String | Departure time |
DateGetOn | String | Departure date |
StationGetOn | String | Departure station |
StationGetOff | String | Destination |
Total | String | Fare |
UserName | String | Name |
Kind | String | Consumption type |
UserID | String | ID card number |
Province | String | Province |
City | String | City |
PlaceGetOn | String | Departure place |
GateNumber | String | Check-in gate |
TicketType | String | Fare category |
VehicleType | String | Vehicle type |
SeatNumber | String | Seat No. |
TrainNumber | String | Fleet number |
Used by actions: GeneralAccurateOCR, GeneralBasicOCR, RecognizeGeneralInvoice, RecognizePhilippinesDrivingLicenseOCR, RecognizePhilippinesSssIDOCR, RecognizePhilippinesTinIDOCR, RecognizePhilippinesUMIDOCR, RecognizePhilippinesVoteIDOCR, RecognizeTableAccurateOCR, SmartStructuralOCRV2, SmartStructuralPro, TableOCR.
Name | Type | Description |
X | Integer | Horizontal coordinate |
Y | Integer | Vertical coordinate |
Coordinates of a word’s four corners in a clockwise order on the input image, starting from the upper-left corner
Used by actions: GeneralAccurateOCR, GeneralBasicOCR.
Name | Type | Description |
WordCoordinate | Array of Coord | Coordinates of a word’s four corners in a clockwise order on the input image, starting from the upper-left corner |
Information about a character detected, including the character itself and its confidence
Used by actions: GeneralAccurateOCR, GeneralBasicOCR.
Name | Type | Description |
Confidence | Integer | Confidence. Value range: 0–100 |
Character | String | A possible character |
Flight items
Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.
Name | Type | Description |
TerminalGetOn | String | Departure terminal |
TerminalGetOff | String | Arrival terminal |
Carrier | String | Carrier |
FlightNumber | String | Flight number |
Seat | String | Class |
DateGetOn | String | Departure date |
TimeGetOn | String | Departure time |
StationGetOn | String | Departure city |
StationGetOff | String | Arrival city |
Allow | String | Baggage allowance |
FareBasis | String | Fare category |
Items of a general machine-printed invoice
Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.
Name | Type | Description |
Name | String | Item name |
Specification | String | Specification |
Unit | String | Unit |
Quantity | String | Quantity |
Price | String | Unit price |
Total | String | Amount |
TaxRate | String | Tax rate |
Tax | String | Tax amount |
The sequence number of an element group in the image
Used by actions: SmartStructuralOCRV2, SmartStructuralPro.
Name | Type | Description |
Groups | Array of LineInfo | The elements in each line. |
Recognition information of a single invoice/ticket among multiple types of invoices/tickets
Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.
Name | Type | Description |
Code | String | The recognition result.OK : Recognition is successful.FailedOperation.UnsupportedInvoice : Recognition is not supported.FailedOperation.UnKnowError : Recognition failed.For the information about other error codes, see the OCR API description for each invoice/ticket. |
Type | Integer | The type of invoice/ticket to which the recognized image belongs. -1: Unknown 0: Taxi receipt 1: Quota invoice 2: Train ticket 3: VAT invoice 5: Itinerary/Receipt of e-ticket for air transportation 8: General machine-printed invoice 9: Bus ticket 10: Ship ticket 11: VAT invoice (roll) 12: Car sales invoice 13: Toll receipt 15: Non-tax revenue invoice 16: Fully digitalized electronic invoice |
Polygon | Polygon | The coordinates of the four vertices of the rotated image. |
Angle | Float | The rotation angle of the recognized image in the image with multiple types of invoices/tickets. |
SingleInvoiceInfos | SingleInvoiceItem | The recognized content. |
Page | Integer | The number of the page on which the recognized invoice is in the image or PDF file, starting from 1 by default. |
SubType | String | The detailed invoice type. See the description of SubType . |
TypeDescription | String | The invoice description. See the description of TypeDescription . |
CutImage | String | The image file after cropping, encoded in Base64. This is returned if EnableCutImage is set to true . |
SubTypeDescription | String | The description of the detailed invoice type. See the description of SubType . |
Pixel coordinates of the text line in the image after rotation correction, which is in the format of (X-coordinate of top-left point, Y-coordinate of top-left point, width, height)
Used by actions: GeneralAccurateOCR, GeneralBasicOCR.
Name | Type | Description |
X | Integer | X-coordinate of top-left point. |
Y | Integer | Y-coordinate of top-left point. |
Width | Integer | Width |
Height | Integer | Height |
Structured element group
Used by actions: SmartStructuralOCRV2, SmartStructuralPro.
Name | Type | Description |
Key | Key | The key information. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Value | Value | The value information. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Key information
Used by actions: SmartStructuralOCRV2, SmartStructuralPro.
Name | Type | Description |
AutoName | String | The name of the recognized field. |
ConfigName | String | The name of a defined field (the key passed in). Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Vehicle license plate information
Used by actions: LicensePlateOCR.
Name | Type | Description |
Number | String | The recognized license plate number. |
Confidence | Integer | The confidence score (0–100). |
Rect | Rect | The bounding box coordinates of the text line in the original image. |
Color | String | The recognized license plate color, which currently includes "white", "black", "blue", "green", "yellow", "yellow-green", and "temporary plate". |
Line number
Used by actions: SmartStructuralOCRV2, SmartStructuralPro.
Name | Type | Description |
Lines | Array of ItemInfo | The elements in a line |
General machine-printed invoice
Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.
Name | Type | Description |
Title | String | Invoice title |
QRCodeMark | Integer | Whether there is a QR code (0: No, 1: Yes) |
Code | String | Invoice code |
Number | String | Invoice number |
Date | String | Date of issue |
Time | String | Time |
CheckCode | String | Check code |
Ciphertext | String | Ciphertext |
Category | String | Category |
PretaxAmount | String | Amount before tax |
Total | String | Total amount (in figures) |
TotalCn | String | Total amount (in words) |
Tax | String | Tax |
IndustryClass | String | Industry |
Seller | String | Seller's name |
SellerTaxID | String | Seller's taxpayer identification number |
SellerAddrTel | String | Seller's address and phone number |
SellerBankAccount | String | Seller's bank account number |
Buyer | String | Buyer's name |
BuyerTaxID | String | Buyer's taxpayer identification number |
BuyerAddrTel | String | Buyer's address and phone number |
BuyerBankAccount | String | Buyer's bank account number |
Kind | String | Invoice type |
Province | String | Province |
City | String | City |
CompanySealMark | Integer | Whether there is a company seal (0: No, 1: Yes) |
ElectronicMark | Integer | Whether it is a general machine-printed invoice issued by Zhejiang or Guangdong province (0: No, 1: Yes) |
Issuer | String | Issuer |
Receiptor | String | Payee |
Reviewer | String | Reviewer |
Remark | String | Remarks |
PaymentInfo | String | Operator's payment information |
TicketPickupUser | String | Operator-assigned invoice pickup user |
MerchantNumber | String | Operator's merchant number |
OrderNumber | String | Operator's order number |
GeneralMachineItems | Array of GeneralMachineItem | Items |
Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.
Name | Type | Description |
Title | String | |
Code | String | |
Number | String | |
Total | String | |
TotalCn | String | |
Date | String | |
CheckCode | String | |
Place | String | |
Reviewer | String |
Motor vehicle sales invoice
Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.
Name | Type | Description |
Title | String | Invoice title |
Code | String | Invoice code |
Number | String | Invoice number |
Date | String | Date of issue |
PretaxAmount | String | Amount before tax |
Total | String | Total amount (in figures) |
TotalCn | String | Total amount (in words) |
Seller | String | Seller's name |
SellerTaxID | String | Seller's company code |
SellerTel | String | Seller's phone number |
SellerAddress | String | Seller's address |
SellerBank | String | Seller's account opening bank |
SellerBankAccount | String | Seller's bank account number |
Buyer | String | Buyer's name |
BuyerTaxID | String | Buyer's taxpayer identification number |
BuyerID | String | Buyer's ID number/organization code |
TaxAuthorities | String | Tax authority |
TaxAuthoritiesCode | String | Code of the tax authority |
VIN | String | VIN |
VehicleModel | String | Vehicle model |
VehicleEngineCode | String | Engine No. |
CertificateNumber | String | No. of the certificate of conformity |
InspectionNumber | String | Inspection No. |
MachineID | String | Machine No. |
VehicleType | String | Vehicle type |
Kind | String | Invoice type |
Province | String | Province |
City | String | City |
Tax | String | Tax |
TaxRate | String | Tax rate |
CompanySealMark | Integer | Whether there is a company seal (0: No, 1: Yes) |
Tonnage | String | Tonnage |
Remark | String | Remarks |
FormType | String | Form type |
FormName | String | Form name |
Issuer | String | Issuer |
TaxNum | String | Tax payment voucher number |
MaxPeopleNum | String | Passenger capacity |
Origin | String | Origin |
MachineCode | String | Machine-printed invoice code |
MachineNumber | String | Machine-printed invoice number |
QRCodeMark | Integer | Whether there is a QR code (0: No, 1: Yes) |
Non-tax revenue
Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.
Name | Type | Description |
Title | String | Invoice title |
Number | String | Invoice number |
Code | String | Invoice code |
CheckCode | String | Check code |
Date | String | Date of issue |
Total | String | Total amount (in figures) |
TotalCn | String | Total amount (in words) |
Buyer | String | Payer's name |
BuyerTaxID | String | Payer's taxpayer identification number |
Seller | String | Payee's name |
SellerCompany | String | Payee's company name |
Remark | String | Remarks |
CurrencyCode | String | Currency |
Reviewer | String | Reviewer |
QRCodeMark | Integer | Whether there is a QR code (0: No, 1: Yes) |
OtherInfo | String | Other information |
PaymentCode | String | Payment code |
ReceiveUnitCode | String | Collecting organization's code |
Receiver | String | Collecting organization's name |
Operator | String | Operator |
PayerAccount | String | Payer's account |
PayerBank | String | Payer's account opening bank |
ReceiverAccount | String | Payee's account |
ReceiverBank | String | Payee's account opening bank |
NonTaxItems | Array of NonTaxItem | Items |
Non-tax revenue items
Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.
Name | Type | Description |
ItemID | String | Item code |
Name | String | Item name |
Unit | String | Unit |
Quantity | String | Quantity |
Standard | String | Standard |
Total | String | Amount |
Other invoices
Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.
Name | Type | Description |
Title | String | Invoice title |
Total | String | Amount |
OtherInvoiceListItems | Array of OtherInvoiceItem | List |
OtherInvoiceTableItems | Array of OtherInvoiceList | Table |
Items of other invoices
Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.
Name | Type | Description |
Name | String | Field name |
Value | String | Field value |
Table of other invoices
Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.
Name | Type | Description |
OtherInvoiceItemList | Array of OtherInvoiceItem | List |
Used by actions: MLIDPassportOCR.
Name | Type | Description |
Type | String | |
IssuingCountry | String | |
PassportID | String | |
Surname | String | |
GivenName | String | |
Name | String | |
Nationality | String | |
DateOfBirth | String | |
Sex | String | |
DateOfIssuance | String | |
DateOfExpiration | String | |
Signature | String | |
IssuePlace | String | |
IssuingAuthority | String |
The coordinates of the four vertices of the text
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice, SmartStructuralOCRV2, SmartStructuralPro.
Name | Type | Description |
LeftTop | Coord | The coordinates of the upper-left vertex. |
RightTop | Coord | The coordinates of the upper-right vertex. |
RightBottom | Coord | The coordinates of the lower-left vertex. |
LeftBottom | Coord | The coordinates of the lower-right vertex. |
Quota invoice
Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.
Name | Type | Description |
Title | String | Invoice title |
Code | String | Invoice code |
Number | String | Invoice number |
Total | String | Total amount (in figures) |
TotalCn | String | Total amount (in words) |
Kind | String | Invoice type |
Province | String | Province |
City | String | City |
QRCodeMark | Integer | Whether there is a QR code (0: No, 1: Yes) |
CompanySealMark | Integer | Whether there is a company seal (0: No, 1: Yes) |
Used by actions: LicensePlateOCR, SealOCR.
Name | Type | Description |
X | Integer | X-coordinate of top-left point |
Y | Integer | Y-coordinate of top-left point |
Width | Integer | Width |
Height | Integer | Height |
Seal information
Used by actions: SealOCR.
Name | Type | Description |
SealBody | String | Seal body information |
Location | Rect | Seal coordinates |
OtherTexts | Array of String | Other text content |
SealShape | String | Seal shape. Valid values: 0: Round 1: Oval 2: Rectangle 3: Diamond 4: Triangle |
Ship ticket
Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.
Name | Type | Description |
Title | String | Invoice title |
QRCodeMark | Integer | Whether there is a QR code (0: No, 1: Yes) |
Code | String | Invoice code |
Number | String | Invoice number |
UserName | String | Name |
Date | String | Date |
Time | String | Time |
StationGetOn | String | Departure station |
StationGetOff | String | Destination |
Total | String | Fare |
Kind | String | Invoice type |
Province | String | Province |
City | String | City |
CurrencyCode | String | Currency |
Content of a single invoice/ticket among multiple types of invoices/tickets
Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.
Name | Type | Description |
VatSpecialInvoice | VatInvoiceInfo | Special VAT invoice Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
VatCommonInvoice | VatInvoiceInfo | General VAT invoice Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
VatElectronicCommonInvoice | VatInvoiceInfo | Electronic general VAT invoice Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
VatElectronicSpecialInvoice | VatInvoiceInfo | Electronic special VAT invoice Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
VatElectronicInvoiceBlockchain | VatInvoiceInfo | Blockchain electronic invoice Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
VatElectronicInvoiceToll | VatInvoiceInfo | Electronic general VAT invoice (toll) Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
VatElectronicSpecialInvoiceFull | VatElectronicInfo | Electronic invoice (special) Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
VatElectronicInvoiceFull | VatElectronicInfo | Electronic invoice (general) Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
MachinePrintedInvoice | MachinePrintedInvoice | General machine-printed invoice Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
BusInvoice | BusInvoice | Bus ticket Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
ShippingInvoice | ShippingInvoice | Ship ticket Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
TollInvoice | TollInvoice | Toll receipt Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
OtherInvoice | OtherInvoice | Other invoice Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
MotorVehicleSaleInvoice | MotorVehicleSaleInvoice | Motor vehicle sales invoice Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
UsedCarPurchaseInvoice | UsedCarPurchaseInvoice | Used car invoice Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
VatInvoiceRoll | VatInvoiceRoll | General VAT invoice (roll) Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
TaxiTicket | TaxiTicket | Taxi receipt Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
QuotaInvoice | QuotaInvoice | Quota invoice Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
AirTransport | AirTransport | Itinerary/Receipt of e-ticket for air transportation Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
NonTaxIncomeGeneralBill | NonTaxIncomeBill | Non-tax revenue general receipt Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
NonTaxIncomeElectronicBill | NonTaxIncomeBill | Non-tax revenue unified payment voucher Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
TrainTicket | TrainTicket | Train ticket Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
MedicalOutpatientInvoice | MedicalInvoice | |
MedicalHospitalizedInvoice | MedicalInvoice |
Cell data
Used by actions: RecognizeTableAccurateOCR.
Name | Type | Description |
ColTl | Integer | Column index of the upper-left corner of the cell |
RowTl | Integer | Row index of the upper-left corner of the cell |
ColBr | Integer | Column index of the lower-right corner of the cell |
RowBr | Integer | Row index of the lower-right corner of the cell |
Text | String | Recognized string text within the cell. If there are multiple lines, they are separated by "\n". |
Type | String | Cell type |
Confidence | Float | Cell confidence |
Polygon | Array of Coord | Four-point coordinates of the cell in the image |
Recognized table information
Used by actions: RecognizeTableAccurateOCR.
Name | Type | Description |
Cells | Array of TableCellInfo | Cell content Note: This parameter may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Type | Integer | Type of text in the image. Valid values: 0: Non-table text 1: Text in a bordered table 2: Text in a borderless table Note: This parameter may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
TableCoordPoint | Array of Coord | The coordinates of the four vertices (upper-left, upper-right, lower-right, and lower-left) of the table body. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Taxi receipt
Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.
Name | Type | Description |
Title | String | Invoice title |
QRCodeMark | Integer | Whether there is a QR code (0: No, 1: Yes) |
Code | String | Invoice code |
Number | String | Invoice number |
Date | String | Date of issue |
TimeGetOn | String | Start time |
TimeGetOff | String | End time |
Price | String | Unit price |
Mileage | String | Distance |
Total | String | Total amount |
Place | String | Invoice place |
Province | String | Province |
City | String | City |
Kind | String | Invoice type |
LicensePlate | String | License plate number |
FuelFee | String | Fuel surcharge |
BookingCallFee | String | Booking fee |
CompanySealMark | Integer | Whether there is a company seal (0: No, 1: Yes) |
OCR result.
Used by actions: GeneralAccurateOCR, GeneralBasicOCR.
Name | Type | Description |
DetectedText | String | Recognized text line content. |
Confidence | Integer | Confidence. Value range: 0–100. |
Polygon | Array of Coord | Text line coordinates, which are represented as 4 vertex coordinates. Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
AdvancedInfo | String | Extended field. The paragraph information Parag returned by the GeneralBasicOcr API contains ParagNo . |
ItemPolygon | ItemCoord | Pixel coordinates of the text line in the image after rotation correction, which is in the format of (X-coordinate of top-left point, Y-coordinate of top-left point, width, height) . |
Words | Array of DetectedWords | Information about a character, including the character itself and its confidence. Supported APIs: GeneralBasicOCR , GeneralAccurateOCR |
WordCoordPoint | Array of DetectedWordCoordPoint | Coordinates of a word’s four corners on the input image. Supported APIs: GeneralBasicOCR , GeneralAccurateOCR |
Recognition result
Used by actions: RecognizePhilippinesDrivingLicenseOCR, RecognizePhilippinesSssIDOCR, RecognizePhilippinesTinIDOCR, RecognizePhilippinesUMIDOCR, RecognizePhilippinesVoteIDOCR.
Name | Type | Description |
Value | String | The recognized text line content. |
Polygon | Array of Coord | The coordinates, represented in the coordinates of the four points. |
Form recognition result.
Used by actions: TableOCR.
Name | Type | Description |
ColTl | Integer | Column index of the top-left corner of the cell. |
RowTl | Integer | Row index of the top-left corner of the cell. |
ColBr | Integer | Column index of the bottom-right corner of the cell. |
RowBr | Integer | Row index of the bottom-right corner of the cell. |
Text | String | Cell text |
Type | String | Cell type. Valid values: body, header, footer |
Confidence | Integer | Confidence. Value range: 0–100 |
Polygon | Array of Coord | Text line coordinates, which are represented as 4 vertex coordinates. |
AdvancedInfo | String | Extended field |
Toll receipt
Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.
Name | Type | Description |
Title | String | Invoice title |
Code | String | Invoice code |
Number | String | Invoice number |
Total | String | Total amount (in figures) |
Kind | String | Invoice type |
Date | String | Date |
Time | String | Time |
Entrance | String | Entrance |
Exit | String | Exit |
HighwayMark | Integer | Highway mark (0: No, 1: Yes) |
QRCodeMark | Integer | Whether there is a QR code (0: No, 1: Yes) |
Train ticket
Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.
Name | Type | Description |
Title | String | Invoice title |
Number | String | Invoice number |
DateGetOn | String | Departure date |
TimeGetOn | String | Departure time |
Name | String | Passenger's name |
StationGetOn | String | Departure station |
StationGetOff | String | Destination |
Seat | String | Seat class |
Total | String | Total amount |
Kind | String | Invoice type |
SerialNumber | String | Serial number |
UserID | String | ID card number |
GateNumber | String | Check-in gate |
TrainNumber | String | Fleet number |
HandlingFee | String | Handling fee |
OriginalFare | String | Original ticket price |
TotalCn | String | Total amount (in words) |
SeatNumber | String | Seat No. |
PickUpAddress | String | Ticket pickup address |
TicketChange | String | Ticket change information |
AdditionalFare | String | Additional fare |
ReceiptNumber | String | Receipt No. |
QRCodeMark | Integer | Whether there is a QR code (0: No, 1: Yes) |
ReimburseOnlyMark | Integer | Whether it is for reimbursement only (0: No, 1: Yes) |
Used car sales invoice
Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.
Name | Type | Description |
Title | String | Invoice title |
QRCodeMark | Integer | Whether there is a QR code (0: No, 1: Yes) |
Code | String | Invoice code |
Number | String | Invoice number |
Date | String | Date of issue |
Total | String | Total amount (in figures) |
TotalCn | String | Total amount (in words) |
Seller | String | Seller's name |
SellerTel | String | Seller's phone number |
SellerTaxID | String | Seller's company code/personal ID card number |
SellerAddress | String | Seller's address |
Buyer | String | Buyer's name |
BuyerID | String | Buyer's company code/personal ID card number |
BuyerAddress | String | Buyer's address |
BuyerTel | String | Buyer's phone number |
CompanyName | String | Company (used car market) name |
CompanyTaxID | String | Company's taxpayer identification number |
CompanyBankAccount | String | Company's account opening bank and account number |
CompanyTel | String | Company's phone number |
CompanyAddress | String | Company's address |
TransferAdministrationName | String | Name of the transfer-to department of motor vehicles |
LicensePlate | String | License plate number |
RegistrationNumber | String | Registration certificate No. |
VIN | String | VIN |
VehicleModel | String | Vehicle model |
Kind | String | Invoice type |
Province | String | Province |
City | String | City |
VehicleType | String | Vehicle type |
Remark | String | Remarks |
FormType | String | Form type |
FormName | String | Form name |
CompanySealMark | Integer | Whether there is a company seal (0: No, 1: Yes) |
Value information
Used by actions: SmartStructuralOCRV2, SmartStructuralPro.
Name | Type | Description |
AutoContent | String | The value of the recognized field. |
Coord | Polygon | The coordinates of the four vertices. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Return values for an electronic invoice
Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.
Name | Type | Description |
Title | String | Invoice title |
Number | String | Invoice number |
Date | String | Date of issue |
PretaxAmount | String | Amount before tax |
Tax | String | Tax |
Total | String | Total amount (in figures) |
TotalCn | String | Total amount (in words) |
Seller | String | Seller's name |
SellerTaxID | String | Seller's taxpayer identification number |
Buyer | String | Buyer's name |
BuyerTaxID | String | Buyer's taxpayer identification number |
Issuer | String | Issuer |
Remark | String | Remarks |
SubTotal | String | Subtotal amount |
SubTax | String | Subtotal tax |
VatElectronicItems | Array of VatElectronicItemInfo | Detailed items of an electronic invoice |
Detailed items of an electronic invoice
Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.
Name | Type | Description |
Name | String | Item name |
Quantity | String | Quantity |
Specification | String | Specification |
Price | String | Unit price |
Total | String | Amount |
TaxRate | String | Tax rate |
Tax | String | Tax amount |
Unit | String | Unit |
VehicleType | String | Vehicle type |
VehicleBrand | String | Vehicle No. |
DeparturePlace | String | Departure place |
ArrivalPlace | String | Destination |
TransportItemsName | String | Name of the transported goods. It is returned only for a goods transport service invoice. |
PlaceOfBuildingService | String | Location of the construction service. It is returned only for a construction invoice. |
BuildingName | String | Name of the construction project. It is returned only for a construction invoice. |
EstateNumber | String | Property or real estate ownership certificate No. It is returned only for a real estate operation and leasing service invoice. |
AreaUnit | String | Unit of area. It is returned only for a real estate operation and leasing service invoice. |
Return values for a VAT invoice
Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.
Name | Type | Description |
CheckCode | String | Check code |
FormType | String | Form type |
TravelTax | String | Vehicle and vessel tax |
BuyerAddrTel | String | Buyer's address and phone number |
BuyerBankAccount | String | Buyer's bank account number |
CompanySealContent | String | Company seal content |
TaxSealContent | String | Tax authority seal content |
ServiceName | String | Service type |
City | String | City |
QRCodeMark | Integer | Whether there is a QR code (0: No, 1: Yes) |
AgentMark | Integer | Whether there is an agent (0: No, 1: Yes) |
TransitMark | Integer | Whether there is a toll (0: No, 1: Yes) |
OilMark | Integer | Whether there is refined oil (0: No, 1: Yes) |
Title | String | Invoice title |
Kind | String | Invoice type |
Code | String | Invoice code |
Number | String | Invoice number |
NumberConfirm | String | Machine-printed invoice number |
Date | String | Date of issue |
Total | String | Total amount (in figures) |
TotalCn | String | Total amount (in words) |
PretaxAmount | String | Amount before tax |
Tax | String | Tax |
MachineCode | String | Machine No. |
Ciphertext | String | Ciphertext |
Remark | String | Remarks |
Seller | String | Seller's name |
SellerTaxID | String | Seller's taxpayer identification number |
SellerAddrTel | String | Seller's address and phone number |
SellerBankAccount | String | Seller's bank account number |
Buyer | String | Buyer's name |
BuyerTaxID | String | Buyer's taxpayer identification number |
CompanySealMark | Integer | Whether there is a company seal (0: No, 1: Yes) |
Issuer | String | Issuer |
Reviewer | String | Reviewer |
Province | String | Province |
VatInvoiceItemInfos | Array of VatInvoiceItemInfo | Information about VAT invoice items |
CodeConfirm | String | Machine-printed invoice code |
Receiptor | String | Payee |
ElectronicFullMark | Integer | |
ElectronicFullNumber | String | |
FormName | String |
Information about VAT invoice items
Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.
Name | Type | Description |
Name | String | Item name |
Specification | String | Specification |
Unit | String | Unit |
Quantity | String | Quantity |
Price | String | Unit price |
Total | String | Amount |
TaxRate | String | Tax rate |
Tax | String | Tax amount |
DateStart | String | Start date |
DateEnd | String | End date |
LicensePlate | String | License plate number |
VehicleType | String | Vehicle type |
General VAT invoice (roll)
Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.
Name | Type | Description |
Title | String | Invoice title |
Code | String | Invoice code |
Number | String | Invoice number |
NumberConfirm | String | Machine-printed invoice number |
Date | String | Date of issue |
CheckCode | String | Check code |
Seller | String | Seller's name |
SellerTaxID | String | Seller's taxpayer identification number |
Buyer | String | Buyer's name |
BuyerTaxID | String | Buyer's taxpayer identification number |
Category | String | Category |
Total | String | Total amount (in figures) |
TotalCn | String | Total amount (in words) |
Kind | String | Invoice type |
Province | String | Province |
City | String | City |
CompanySealMark | Integer | Whether there is a company seal (0: No, 1: Yes) |
QRCodeMark | Integer | Whether there is a QR code (0: No, 1: Yes) |
ServiceName | String | Service type |
CompanySealContent | String | Company seal content |
TaxSealContent | String | Tax authority seal content |
VatRollItems | Array of VatRollItem | Items |
Items of a general VAT invoice (roll)
Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.
Name | Type | Description |
Name | String | Item name |
Quantity | String | Quantity |
Price | String | Unit price |
Total | String | Amount |
The recognized text information.
Used by actions: SmartStructuralOCRV2, SmartStructuralPro.
Name | Type | Description |
DetectedText | String | The text content. |
Coord | Polygon | The coordinates of the four vertices. |
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