tencent cloud


Data Types

Last updated: 2025-01-07 11:10:09


    Itinerary/Receipt of e-ticket for air transportation

    Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.

    Name Type Description
    Title String Invoice title
    Number String E-ticket No.
    CheckCode String Check code
    SerialNumber String Serial number
    Date String Date of issue
    AgentCode String Agent code
    AgentCodeFirst String First line of the agent code
    AgentCodeSecond String Second line of the agent code
    UserName String Name
    UserID String ID card number
    Issuer String Issuer
    Fare String Fare
    Tax String Tax
    FuelSurcharge String Fuel surcharge
    AirDevelopmentFund String Aviation Development Fund
    Insurance String Insurance
    Total String Total amount (in figures)
    Kind String Invoice type
    DomesticInternationalTag String Domestic or international tag
    DateStart String Not-valid-before date
    DateEnd String Not-valid-after date
    Endorsement String Endorsements/Restrictions
    QRCodeMark Integer Whether there is a QR code (0: No, 1: Yes)
    FlightItems Array of FlightItem Items


    Bus ticket

    Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.

    Name Type Description
    Title String Invoice title
    QRCodeMark Integer Whether there is a QR code (0: No, 1: Yes)
    Number String Invoice number
    Code String Invoice code
    Date String Date of issue
    TimeGetOn String Departure time
    DateGetOn String Departure date
    StationGetOn String Departure station
    StationGetOff String Destination
    Total String Fare
    UserName String Name
    Kind String Consumption type
    UserID String ID card number
    Province String Province
    City String City
    PlaceGetOn String Departure place
    GateNumber String Check-in gate
    TicketType String Fare category
    VehicleType String Vehicle type
    SeatNumber String Seat No.
    TrainNumber String Fleet number



    Used by actions: GeneralAccurateOCR, GeneralBasicOCR, RecognizeGeneralInvoice, RecognizePhilippinesDrivingLicenseOCR, RecognizePhilippinesSssIDOCR, RecognizePhilippinesTinIDOCR, RecognizePhilippinesUMIDOCR, RecognizePhilippinesVoteIDOCR, RecognizeTableAccurateOCR, SmartStructuralOCRV2, SmartStructuralPro, TableOCR.

    Name Type Description
    X Integer Horizontal coordinate
    Y Integer Vertical coordinate


    Coordinates of a word’s four corners in a clockwise order on the input image, starting from the upper-left corner

    Used by actions: GeneralAccurateOCR, GeneralBasicOCR.

    Name Type Description
    WordCoordinate Array of Coord Coordinates of a word’s four corners in a clockwise order on the input image, starting from the upper-left corner


    Information about a character detected, including the character itself and its confidence

    Used by actions: GeneralAccurateOCR, GeneralBasicOCR.

    Name Type Description
    Confidence Integer Confidence. Value range: 0–100
    Character String A possible character


    Flight items

    Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.

    Name Type Description
    TerminalGetOn String Departure terminal
    TerminalGetOff String Arrival terminal
    Carrier String Carrier
    FlightNumber String Flight number
    Seat String Class
    DateGetOn String Departure date
    TimeGetOn String Departure time
    StationGetOn String Departure city
    StationGetOff String Arrival city
    Allow String Baggage allowance
    FareBasis String Fare category


    Items of a general machine-printed invoice

    Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.

    Name Type Description
    Name String Item name
    Specification String Specification
    Unit String Unit
    Quantity String Quantity
    Price String Unit price
    Total String Amount
    TaxRate String Tax rate
    Tax String Tax amount


    The sequence number of an element group in the image

    Used by actions: SmartStructuralOCRV2, SmartStructuralPro.

    Name Type Description
    Groups Array of LineInfo The elements in each line.


    Recognition information of a single invoice/ticket among multiple types of invoices/tickets

    Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.

    Name Type Description
    Code String The recognition result.
    OK: Recognition is successful.
    FailedOperation.UnsupportedInvoice: Recognition is not supported.
    FailedOperation.UnKnowError: Recognition failed.
    For the information about other error codes, see the OCR API description for each invoice/ticket.
    Type Integer The type of invoice/ticket to which the recognized image belongs.
    -1: Unknown
    0: Taxi receipt
    1: Quota invoice
    2: Train ticket
    3: VAT invoice
    5: Itinerary/Receipt of e-ticket for air transportation
    8: General machine-printed invoice
    9: Bus ticket
    10: Ship ticket
    11: VAT invoice (roll)
    12: Car sales invoice
    13: Toll receipt
    15: Non-tax revenue invoice
    16: Fully digitalized electronic invoice
    Polygon Polygon The coordinates of the four vertices of the rotated image.
    Angle Float The rotation angle of the recognized image in the image with multiple types of invoices/tickets.
    SingleInvoiceInfos SingleInvoiceItem The recognized content.
    Page Integer The number of the page on which the recognized invoice is in the image or PDF file, starting from 1 by default.
    SubType String The detailed invoice type. See the description of SubType.
    TypeDescription String The invoice description. See the description of TypeDescription.
    CutImage String The image file after cropping, encoded in Base64. This is returned if EnableCutImage is set to true.
    SubTypeDescription String The description of the detailed invoice type. See the description of SubType.


    Pixel coordinates of the text line in the image after rotation correction, which is in the format of (X-coordinate of top-left point, Y-coordinate of top-left point, width, height).

    Used by actions: GeneralAccurateOCR, GeneralBasicOCR.

    Name Type Description
    X Integer X-coordinate of top-left point.
    Y Integer Y-coordinate of top-left point.
    Width Integer Width
    Height Integer Height


    Structured element group

    Used by actions: SmartStructuralOCRV2, SmartStructuralPro.

    Name Type Description
    Key Key The key information.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Value Value The value information.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Key information

    Used by actions: SmartStructuralOCRV2, SmartStructuralPro.

    Name Type Description
    AutoName String The name of the recognized field.
    ConfigName String The name of a defined field (the key passed in).
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Vehicle license plate information

    Used by actions: LicensePlateOCR.

    Name Type Description
    Number String The recognized license plate number.
    Confidence Integer The confidence score (0–100).
    Rect Rect The bounding box coordinates of the text line in the original image.
    Color String The recognized license plate color, which currently includes "white", "black", "blue", "green", "yellow", "yellow-green", and "temporary plate".


    Line number

    Used by actions: SmartStructuralOCRV2, SmartStructuralPro.

    Name Type Description
    Lines Array of ItemInfo The elements in a line


    General machine-printed invoice

    Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.

    Name Type Description
    Title String Invoice title
    QRCodeMark Integer Whether there is a QR code (0: No, 1: Yes)
    Code String Invoice code
    Number String Invoice number
    Date String Date of issue
    Time String Time
    CheckCode String Check code
    Ciphertext String Ciphertext
    Category String Category
    PretaxAmount String Amount before tax
    Total String Total amount (in figures)
    TotalCn String Total amount (in words)
    Tax String Tax
    IndustryClass String Industry
    Seller String Seller's name
    SellerTaxID String Seller's taxpayer identification number
    SellerAddrTel String Seller's address and phone number
    SellerBankAccount String Seller's bank account number
    Buyer String Buyer's name
    BuyerTaxID String Buyer's taxpayer identification number
    BuyerAddrTel String Buyer's address and phone number
    BuyerBankAccount String Buyer's bank account number
    Kind String Invoice type
    Province String Province
    City String City
    CompanySealMark Integer Whether there is a company seal (0: No, 1: Yes)
    ElectronicMark Integer Whether it is a general machine-printed invoice issued by Zhejiang or Guangdong province (0: No, 1: Yes)
    Issuer String Issuer
    Receiptor String Payee
    Reviewer String Reviewer
    Remark String Remarks
    PaymentInfo String Operator's payment information
    TicketPickupUser String Operator-assigned invoice pickup user
    MerchantNumber String Operator's merchant number
    OrderNumber String Operator's order number
    GeneralMachineItems Array of GeneralMachineItem Items


    Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.

    Name Type Description
    Title String
    Code String
    Number String
    Total String
    TotalCn String
    Date String
    CheckCode String
    Place String
    Reviewer String


    Motor vehicle sales invoice

    Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.

    Name Type Description
    Title String Invoice title
    Code String Invoice code
    Number String Invoice number
    Date String Date of issue
    PretaxAmount String Amount before tax
    Total String Total amount (in figures)
    TotalCn String Total amount (in words)
    Seller String Seller's name
    SellerTaxID String Seller's company code
    SellerTel String Seller's phone number
    SellerAddress String Seller's address
    SellerBank String Seller's account opening bank
    SellerBankAccount String Seller's bank account number
    Buyer String Buyer's name
    BuyerTaxID String Buyer's taxpayer identification number
    BuyerID String Buyer's ID number/organization code
    TaxAuthorities String Tax authority
    TaxAuthoritiesCode String Code of the tax authority
    VIN String VIN
    VehicleModel String Vehicle model
    VehicleEngineCode String Engine No.
    CertificateNumber String No. of the certificate of conformity
    InspectionNumber String Inspection No.
    MachineID String Machine No.
    VehicleType String Vehicle type
    Kind String Invoice type
    Province String Province
    City String City
    Tax String Tax
    TaxRate String Tax rate
    CompanySealMark Integer Whether there is a company seal (0: No, 1: Yes)
    Tonnage String Tonnage
    Remark String Remarks
    FormType String Form type
    FormName String Form name
    Issuer String Issuer
    TaxNum String Tax payment voucher number
    MaxPeopleNum String Passenger capacity
    Origin String Origin
    MachineCode String Machine-printed invoice code
    MachineNumber String Machine-printed invoice number
    QRCodeMark Integer Whether there is a QR code (0: No, 1: Yes)


    Non-tax revenue

    Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.

    Name Type Description
    Title String Invoice title
    Number String Invoice number
    Code String Invoice code
    CheckCode String Check code
    Date String Date of issue
    Total String Total amount (in figures)
    TotalCn String Total amount (in words)
    Buyer String Payer's name
    BuyerTaxID String Payer's taxpayer identification number
    Seller String Payee's name
    SellerCompany String Payee's company name
    Remark String Remarks
    CurrencyCode String Currency
    Reviewer String Reviewer
    QRCodeMark Integer Whether there is a QR code (0: No, 1: Yes)
    OtherInfo String Other information
    PaymentCode String Payment code
    ReceiveUnitCode String Collecting organization's code
    Receiver String Collecting organization's name
    Operator String Operator
    PayerAccount String Payer's account
    PayerBank String Payer's account opening bank
    ReceiverAccount String Payee's account
    ReceiverBank String Payee's account opening bank
    NonTaxItems Array of NonTaxItem Items


    Non-tax revenue items

    Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.

    Name Type Description
    ItemID String Item code
    Name String Item name
    Unit String Unit
    Quantity String Quantity
    Standard String Standard
    Total String Amount


    Other invoices

    Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.

    Name Type Description
    Title String Invoice title
    Total String Amount
    OtherInvoiceListItems Array of OtherInvoiceItem List
    OtherInvoiceTableItems Array of OtherInvoiceList Table


    Items of other invoices

    Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.

    Name Type Description
    Name String Field name
    Value String Field value


    Table of other invoices

    Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.

    Name Type Description
    OtherInvoiceItemList Array of OtherInvoiceItem List


    Used by actions: MLIDPassportOCR.

    Name Type Description
    Type String
    IssuingCountry String
    PassportID String
    Surname String
    GivenName String
    Name String
    Nationality String
    DateOfBirth String
    Sex String
    DateOfIssuance String
    DateOfExpiration String
    Signature String
    IssuePlace String
    IssuingAuthority String


    The coordinates of the four vertices of the text
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.

    Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice, SmartStructuralOCRV2, SmartStructuralPro.

    Name Type Description
    LeftTop Coord The coordinates of the upper-left vertex.
    RightTop Coord The coordinates of the upper-right vertex.
    RightBottom Coord The coordinates of the lower-left vertex.
    LeftBottom Coord The coordinates of the lower-right vertex.


    Quota invoice

    Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.

    Name Type Description
    Title String Invoice title
    Code String Invoice code
    Number String Invoice number
    Total String Total amount (in figures)
    TotalCn String Total amount (in words)
    Kind String Invoice type
    Province String Province
    City String City
    QRCodeMark Integer Whether there is a QR code (0: No, 1: Yes)
    CompanySealMark Integer Whether there is a company seal (0: No, 1: Yes)



    Used by actions: LicensePlateOCR, SealOCR.

    Name Type Description
    X Integer X-coordinate of top-left point
    Y Integer Y-coordinate of top-left point
    Width Integer Width
    Height Integer Height


    Seal information

    Used by actions: SealOCR.

    Name Type Description
    SealBody String Seal body information
    Location Rect Seal coordinates
    OtherTexts Array of String Other text content
    SealShape String Seal shape. Valid values:
    0: Round
    1: Oval
    2: Rectangle
    3: Diamond
    4: Triangle


    Ship ticket

    Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.

    Name Type Description
    Title String Invoice title
    QRCodeMark Integer Whether there is a QR code (0: No, 1: Yes)
    Code String Invoice code
    Number String Invoice number
    UserName String Name
    Date String Date
    Time String Time
    StationGetOn String Departure station
    StationGetOff String Destination
    Total String Fare
    Kind String Invoice type
    Province String Province
    City String City
    CurrencyCode String Currency


    Content of a single invoice/ticket among multiple types of invoices/tickets

    Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.

    Name Type Description
    VatSpecialInvoice VatInvoiceInfo Special VAT invoice
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    VatCommonInvoice VatInvoiceInfo General VAT invoice
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    VatElectronicCommonInvoice VatInvoiceInfo Electronic general VAT invoice
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    VatElectronicSpecialInvoice VatInvoiceInfo Electronic special VAT invoice
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    VatElectronicInvoiceBlockchain VatInvoiceInfo Blockchain electronic invoice
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    VatElectronicInvoiceToll VatInvoiceInfo Electronic general VAT invoice (toll)
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    VatElectronicSpecialInvoiceFull VatElectronicInfo Electronic invoice (special)
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    VatElectronicInvoiceFull VatElectronicInfo Electronic invoice (general)
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    MachinePrintedInvoice MachinePrintedInvoice General machine-printed invoice
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    BusInvoice BusInvoice Bus ticket
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ShippingInvoice ShippingInvoice Ship ticket
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    TollInvoice TollInvoice Toll receipt
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    OtherInvoice OtherInvoice Other invoice
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    MotorVehicleSaleInvoice MotorVehicleSaleInvoice Motor vehicle sales invoice
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    UsedCarPurchaseInvoice UsedCarPurchaseInvoice Used car invoice
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    VatInvoiceRoll VatInvoiceRoll General VAT invoice (roll)
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    TaxiTicket TaxiTicket Taxi receipt
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    QuotaInvoice QuotaInvoice Quota invoice
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    AirTransport AirTransport Itinerary/Receipt of e-ticket for air transportation
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    NonTaxIncomeGeneralBill NonTaxIncomeBill Non-tax revenue general receipt
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    NonTaxIncomeElectronicBill NonTaxIncomeBill Non-tax revenue unified payment voucher
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    TrainTicket TrainTicket Train ticket
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    MedicalOutpatientInvoice MedicalInvoice
    MedicalHospitalizedInvoice MedicalInvoice


    Cell data

    Used by actions: RecognizeTableAccurateOCR.

    Name Type Description
    ColTl Integer Column index of the upper-left corner of the cell
    RowTl Integer Row index of the upper-left corner of the cell
    ColBr Integer Column index of the lower-right corner of the cell
    RowBr Integer Row index of the lower-right corner of the cell
    Text String Recognized string text within the cell. If there are multiple lines, they are separated by "\n".
    Type String Cell type
    Confidence Float Cell confidence
    Polygon Array of Coord Four-point coordinates of the cell in the image


    Recognized table information

    Used by actions: RecognizeTableAccurateOCR.

    Name Type Description
    Cells Array of TableCellInfo Cell content
    Note: This parameter may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Type Integer Type of text in the image. Valid values:
    0: Non-table text
    1: Text in a bordered table
    2: Text in a borderless table
    Note: This parameter may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    TableCoordPoint Array of Coord The coordinates of the four vertices (upper-left, upper-right, lower-right, and lower-left) of the table body.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Taxi receipt

    Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.

    Name Type Description
    Title String Invoice title
    QRCodeMark Integer Whether there is a QR code (0: No, 1: Yes)
    Code String Invoice code
    Number String Invoice number
    Date String Date of issue
    TimeGetOn String Start time
    TimeGetOff String End time
    Price String Unit price
    Mileage String Distance
    Total String Total amount
    Place String Invoice place
    Province String Province
    City String City
    Kind String Invoice type
    LicensePlate String License plate number
    FuelFee String Fuel surcharge
    BookingCallFee String Booking fee
    CompanySealMark Integer Whether there is a company seal (0: No, 1: Yes)


    OCR result.

    Used by actions: GeneralAccurateOCR, GeneralBasicOCR.

    Name Type Description
    DetectedText String Recognized text line content.
    Confidence Integer Confidence. Value range: 0–100.
    Polygon Array of Coord Text line coordinates, which are represented as 4 vertex coordinates.
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    AdvancedInfo String Extended field.
    The paragraph information Parag returned by the GeneralBasicOcr API contains ParagNo.
    ItemPolygon ItemCoord Pixel coordinates of the text line in the image after rotation correction, which is in the format of (X-coordinate of top-left point, Y-coordinate of top-left point, width, height).
    Words Array of DetectedWords Information about a character, including the character itself and its confidence. Supported APIs: GeneralBasicOCR, GeneralAccurateOCR
    WordCoordPoint Array of DetectedWordCoordPoint Coordinates of a word’s four corners on the input image. Supported APIs: GeneralBasicOCR, GeneralAccurateOCR


    Recognition result

    Used by actions: RecognizePhilippinesDrivingLicenseOCR, RecognizePhilippinesSssIDOCR, RecognizePhilippinesTinIDOCR, RecognizePhilippinesUMIDOCR, RecognizePhilippinesVoteIDOCR.

    Name Type Description
    Value String The recognized text line content.
    Polygon Array of Coord The coordinates, represented in the coordinates of the four points.


    Form recognition result.

    Used by actions: TableOCR.

    Name Type Description
    ColTl Integer Column index of the top-left corner of the cell.
    RowTl Integer Row index of the top-left corner of the cell.
    ColBr Integer Column index of the bottom-right corner of the cell.
    RowBr Integer Row index of the bottom-right corner of the cell.
    Text String Cell text
    Type String Cell type. Valid values: body, header, footer
    Confidence Integer Confidence. Value range: 0–100
    Polygon Array of Coord Text line coordinates, which are represented as 4 vertex coordinates.
    AdvancedInfo String Extended field


    Toll receipt

    Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.

    Name Type Description
    Title String Invoice title
    Code String Invoice code
    Number String Invoice number
    Total String Total amount (in figures)
    Kind String Invoice type
    Date String Date
    Time String Time
    Entrance String Entrance
    Exit String Exit
    HighwayMark Integer Highway mark (0: No, 1: Yes)
    QRCodeMark Integer Whether there is a QR code (0: No, 1: Yes)


    Train ticket

    Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.

    Name Type Description
    Title String Invoice title
    Number String Invoice number
    DateGetOn String Departure date
    TimeGetOn String Departure time
    Name String Passenger's name
    StationGetOn String Departure station
    StationGetOff String Destination
    Seat String Seat class
    Total String Total amount
    Kind String Invoice type
    SerialNumber String Serial number
    UserID String ID card number
    GateNumber String Check-in gate
    TrainNumber String Fleet number
    HandlingFee String Handling fee
    OriginalFare String Original ticket price
    TotalCn String Total amount (in words)
    SeatNumber String Seat No.
    PickUpAddress String Ticket pickup address
    TicketChange String Ticket change information
    AdditionalFare String Additional fare
    ReceiptNumber String Receipt No.
    QRCodeMark Integer Whether there is a QR code (0: No, 1: Yes)
    ReimburseOnlyMark Integer Whether it is for reimbursement only (0: No, 1: Yes)


    Used car sales invoice

    Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.

    Name Type Description
    Title String Invoice title
    QRCodeMark Integer Whether there is a QR code (0: No, 1: Yes)
    Code String Invoice code
    Number String Invoice number
    Date String Date of issue
    Total String Total amount (in figures)
    TotalCn String Total amount (in words)
    Seller String Seller's name
    SellerTel String Seller's phone number
    SellerTaxID String Seller's company code/personal ID card number
    SellerAddress String Seller's address
    Buyer String Buyer's name
    BuyerID String Buyer's company code/personal ID card number
    BuyerAddress String Buyer's address
    BuyerTel String Buyer's phone number
    CompanyName String Company (used car market) name
    CompanyTaxID String Company's taxpayer identification number
    CompanyBankAccount String Company's account opening bank and account number
    CompanyTel String Company's phone number
    CompanyAddress String Company's address
    TransferAdministrationName String Name of the transfer-to department of motor vehicles
    LicensePlate String License plate number
    RegistrationNumber String Registration certificate No.
    VIN String VIN
    VehicleModel String Vehicle model
    Kind String Invoice type
    Province String Province
    City String City
    VehicleType String Vehicle type
    Remark String Remarks
    FormType String Form type
    FormName String Form name
    CompanySealMark Integer Whether there is a company seal (0: No, 1: Yes)


    Value information

    Used by actions: SmartStructuralOCRV2, SmartStructuralPro.

    Name Type Description
    AutoContent String The value of the recognized field.
    Coord Polygon The coordinates of the four vertices.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Return values for an electronic invoice

    Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.

    Name Type Description
    Title String Invoice title
    Number String Invoice number
    Date String Date of issue
    PretaxAmount String Amount before tax
    Tax String Tax
    Total String Total amount (in figures)
    TotalCn String Total amount (in words)
    Seller String Seller's name
    SellerTaxID String Seller's taxpayer identification number
    Buyer String Buyer's name
    BuyerTaxID String Buyer's taxpayer identification number
    Issuer String Issuer
    Remark String Remarks
    SubTotal String Subtotal amount
    SubTax String Subtotal tax
    VatElectronicItems Array of VatElectronicItemInfo Detailed items of an electronic invoice


    Detailed items of an electronic invoice

    Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.

    Name Type Description
    Name String Item name
    Quantity String Quantity
    Specification String Specification
    Price String Unit price
    Total String Amount
    TaxRate String Tax rate
    Tax String Tax amount
    Unit String Unit
    VehicleType String Vehicle type
    VehicleBrand String Vehicle No.
    DeparturePlace String Departure place
    ArrivalPlace String Destination
    TransportItemsName String Name of the transported goods. It is returned only for a goods transport service invoice.
    PlaceOfBuildingService String Location of the construction service. It is returned only for a construction invoice.
    BuildingName String Name of the construction project. It is returned only for a construction invoice.
    EstateNumber String Property or real estate ownership certificate No. It is returned only for a real estate operation and leasing service invoice.
    AreaUnit String Unit of area. It is returned only for a real estate operation and leasing service invoice.


    Return values for a VAT invoice

    Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.

    Name Type Description
    CheckCode String Check code
    FormType String Form type
    TravelTax String Vehicle and vessel tax
    BuyerAddrTel String Buyer's address and phone number
    BuyerBankAccount String Buyer's bank account number
    CompanySealContent String Company seal content
    TaxSealContent String Tax authority seal content
    ServiceName String Service type
    City String City
    QRCodeMark Integer Whether there is a QR code (0: No, 1: Yes)
    AgentMark Integer Whether there is an agent (0: No, 1: Yes)
    TransitMark Integer Whether there is a toll (0: No, 1: Yes)
    OilMark Integer Whether there is refined oil (0: No, 1: Yes)
    Title String Invoice title
    Kind String Invoice type
    Code String Invoice code
    Number String Invoice number
    NumberConfirm String Machine-printed invoice number
    Date String Date of issue
    Total String Total amount (in figures)
    TotalCn String Total amount (in words)
    PretaxAmount String Amount before tax
    Tax String Tax
    MachineCode String Machine No.
    Ciphertext String Ciphertext
    Remark String Remarks
    Seller String Seller's name
    SellerTaxID String Seller's taxpayer identification number
    SellerAddrTel String Seller's address and phone number
    SellerBankAccount String Seller's bank account number
    Buyer String Buyer's name
    BuyerTaxID String Buyer's taxpayer identification number
    CompanySealMark Integer Whether there is a company seal (0: No, 1: Yes)
    Issuer String Issuer
    Reviewer String Reviewer
    Province String Province
    VatInvoiceItemInfos Array of VatInvoiceItemInfo Information about VAT invoice items
    CodeConfirm String Machine-printed invoice code
    Receiptor String Payee
    ElectronicFullMark Integer
    ElectronicFullNumber String
    FormName String


    Information about VAT invoice items

    Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.

    Name Type Description
    Name String Item name
    Specification String Specification
    Unit String Unit
    Quantity String Quantity
    Price String Unit price
    Total String Amount
    TaxRate String Tax rate
    Tax String Tax amount
    DateStart String Start date
    DateEnd String End date
    LicensePlate String License plate number
    VehicleType String Vehicle type


    General VAT invoice (roll)

    Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.

    Name Type Description
    Title String Invoice title
    Code String Invoice code
    Number String Invoice number
    NumberConfirm String Machine-printed invoice number
    Date String Date of issue
    CheckCode String Check code
    Seller String Seller's name
    SellerTaxID String Seller's taxpayer identification number
    Buyer String Buyer's name
    BuyerTaxID String Buyer's taxpayer identification number
    Category String Category
    Total String Total amount (in figures)
    TotalCn String Total amount (in words)
    Kind String Invoice type
    Province String Province
    City String City
    CompanySealMark Integer Whether there is a company seal (0: No, 1: Yes)
    QRCodeMark Integer Whether there is a QR code (0: No, 1: Yes)
    ServiceName String Service type
    CompanySealContent String Company seal content
    TaxSealContent String Tax authority seal content
    VatRollItems Array of VatRollItem Items


    Items of a general VAT invoice (roll)

    Used by actions: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.

    Name Type Description
    Name String Item name
    Quantity String Quantity
    Price String Unit price
    Total String Amount


    The recognized text information.

    Used by actions: SmartStructuralOCRV2, SmartStructuralPro.

    Name Type Description
    DetectedText String The text content.
    Coord Polygon The coordinates of the four vertices.
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