tencent cloud


Billing Overview

Last updated: 2022-08-30 15:09:44

    Service Description

    PTS includes web penetration tests, app penetration tests, and binary penetration tests as compared below:

    Service Category Service Level Feature Details Website Type Identification
    Web penetration test It provides the penetration test service for important business systems, which simulates attack and vulnerability discovery techniques used by hackers to verify the security of target information systems. Level 1
  • Displaying websites: They mainly display company images or brands, such as official websites.
  • Marketing websites: They are commonly used by enterprises and individuals, particularly SMEs, such as cosmetic surgery websites.
  • Level 2
  • Functional websites: Examples include novel websites, movie websites, online education, live streaming, logistics information query, and train ticket booking.
  • Service websites: They provide service query, registration, login, and interaction features, such as government websites.
  • Forum websites: They provide member system, posting, upload, download, and sharing features.
  • Portal websites: They mainly provide news and information, such as Sohu and Sina.
  • Consoles, operation platforms, monitoring systems, etc.
  • Level 3
  • Transactional websites: They mainly provide online transaction features; for example, most ecommerce websites have financial transaction features.
  • Self-built employee OA systems and settlement systems.
  • App penetration test It tests Android and iOS apps to detect possible security vulnerabilities and offers security test reports and improvement suggestions. Client level 1 Functional: Apps that support interactions, enterprise image display, or daily needs and don't involve financial transactions and virtual currency systems.
    Client level 2 Transactional: Apps that involve financial transactions.
    Server level 1 Functional: Apps that support interactions, enterprise image display, or daily needs and don't involve financial transactions and virtual currency systems.
    Server level 2 Transactional: Apps that involve financial transactions.
    Binary penetration test It tests binary PC program clients such as .exe to detect possible security vulnerabilities and offers security test reports and improvement suggestions. Client level 1 Functional: Binary programs that support interactions, enterprise image display, or daily needs and don't involve financial transactions and virtual currency systems.
    Client level 2 Transactional: Binary programs that involve financial transactions.
    Server level 1 Functional: Binary programs that support interactions, enterprise image display, or daily needs and don't involve financial transactions and virtual currency systems.
    Server level 2 Transactional: Binary programs that involve financial transactions.

    Billing Description

    PTS is billed by the number of applications or modules to be tested. Currently, Tencent Cloud can perform tests for web applications, apps, and binary files. The billing rules are as follows:

    Service Category Service Level Limits Billing Unit Tax-exclusive Price (USD/Test)
    Web penetration test Level 1
  • Static pages without registration, login, and personal center features
  • Less than 50 APIs
  • One second-level domain for general businesses 4,970
    Level 2
  • Not involving financial transactions and virtual currency systems.
  • Less than 60 APIs
  • One second-level domain for financial transactions/multiple roles/virtual currency systems 8,280
    Level 3
  • For OA and settlement systems where no test accounts are provided but only peripheral tests are required, an order can be placed for level 2
  • Less than 80 APIs
  • One second-level domain for large websites 13,250
    App penetration test Client level 1
  • Not involving financial transactions and virtual currency systems
  • For app clients only
  • Not greater than 200 MB
  • General app client level 1 - 200 MB 4,970
    Client level 2
  • For app clients only
  • Not greater than 200 MB
  • Transactional app client level 2 - 200 MB 6,625
    Server level 1
  • Not involving financial transactions and virtual currency systems
  • Less than 50 APIs
  • General app server level 1 - 50 APIs 3,310
    Server level 2
  • Not involving financial transactions and virtual currency systems
  • Less than 50 APIs
  • Transactional app server level 2 - 50 APIs 4,970
    Binary penetration test Client level 1
  • Not involving financial transactions and virtual currency systems
  • For binary program clients only
  • Not greater than 200 MB
  • General binary program client level 1 - 200 MB 4,970
    Client level 2
  • For binary program clients only
  • Not greater than 200 MB
  • Transactional binary program client level 2 - 200 MB 6,630
    Server level 1
  • Not involving financial transactions and virtual currency systems
  • For binary program clients only
  • General binary program server level 1 - 50 APIs 3,310
    Server level 2
  • Not involving financial transactions and virtual currency systems
  • For binary program clients only
  • Transactional binary program server level 2 - 50 APIs 4,970
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