tencent cloud


SM2 Signature Verification

Last updated: 2024-01-11 16:31:21
    This document describes how to use the SM2 signature verification algorithm.

    Operation Directions

    Step 1: Creating an asymmetric signature key

    To use the signature feature, the correct key purpose KeyUsage= ASYMMETRIC_SIGN_VERIFY_SM2 is required when calling the KMS CreateKey API to create a CMK.
    tccli kms CreateKey --Alias test --KeyUsage ASYMMETRIC_SIGN_VERIFY_SM2
    Returned result:
    "Response": {
    "KeyId": "22d79428-61d9-11ea-a3c8-525400******",
    "Alias": "test",
    "CreateTime": 1583739580,
    "Description": "",
    "KeyState": "Enabled",
    "TagCode": 0,
    "TagMsg": "",
    "RequestId": "0e3c62db-a408-406a-af27-dd5ced******"

    Step 2: Downloading the public key

    tccli kms GetPublicKey --KeyId 22d79428-61d9-11ea-a3c8-525400******
    Returned result:
    "Response": {
    "RequestId": "408fa858-cd6d-4011-b8a0-653805******",
    "KeyId": "22d79428-61d9-11ea-a3c8-525400******",
    "PublicKey": "MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoEcz1UBgi0DQgAEFLlge0vtct949CwtadHODzisgXJahujq+PvM***************bBs/f3axWbvgvHx8Jmqw==",
    "PublicKeyPem": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\\nMFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoEcz1UBgi0DQgAEFLlge0vtct949CwtadHODzisgXJa\\nhujq+PvM***************bBs/f3axWbvgvHx8Jmqw==\\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\\n"
    Convert the public key PublicKeyPem into the PEM format and save it in the file public_key.pem:
    echo "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
    -----END PUBLIC KEY-----" > public_key.pem
    You can also log in to the KMS console, click Customer Managed CMK on the left sidebar, click a key ID/name in the key list to view the key information, and download the public asymmetric key.

    Step 3: Creating the plaintext file

    Create the testing plaintext file:
    echo "test" > test_verify.txt
    If there are any invisible characters such as line breaks in the generated content, you need to truncate the file (truncate -s -1 test_verify.txt) to provide a correct signature.

    Step 4: Calculating the message abstract

    If the message to be generated a signature for is not longer than 4,096 bytes, you can skip this step to Step 5.
    If the message to be generated a signature for is longer than 4,096 bytes, you need to calculate a message abstract locally first. Use GmSSL to calculate the message abstract for test_verity.txt:
    gmssl sm2utl -dgst -in ./test_verify.txt -pubin -inkey ./public_key.pem -id 1234567812345678 > digest.bin

    Step 5: Calling the KMS signature API to generate a signature

    Call the KMS SignByAsymmetricKey API to calculate the signature.
    1. Base64-encode the original message or message abstract before signature calculation.
    // Base64-encode the message abstract
    gmssl enc -e -base64 -A -in digest.bin -out encoded.base64
    // Base64-encode the original message
    gmssl enc -e -base64 -A -in test_verify.txt -out encoded.base64
    2. Calculate the signature. Request:
    // Generate the signature for the message abstract using the content of the file `encoded.base64` as the `Message` parameter of `SignByAsymmetricKey`.
    tccli kms SignByAsymmetricKey --KeyId 22d79428-61d9-11ea-a3c8-525400****** --Algorithm SM2DSA --Message "qJQj83hSyOuU7Tn0SRReGCk4yuuVWaeZ44BP******==" --MessageType DIGEST
    // Generate the signature for the Base64-encoded original message
    tccli kms SignByAsymmetricKey --KeyId 22d79428-61d9-11ea-a3c8-525400****** --Algorithm SM2DSA --Message "dG***Ao=" --MessageType RAW
    Returned result:
    "Response": {
    "Signature": "U7Tn0SRReGCk4yuuVWaeZ4******",
    "RequestId": "408fa858-cd6d-4011-b8a0-653805******"
    Save the signature content Signature in the file signContent.sign:
    echo "U7Tn0SRReGCk4yuuVWaeZ4******" | base64 -d > signContent.bin

    Step 6: Verifying the signature

    Call the KMS signature verification API to verify the signature (recommended). Request:
    // Verify the Base64-encoded original message
    tccli kms VerifyByAsymmetricKey --KeyId 22d79428-61d9-11ea-a3c8-525400****** --SignatureValue "U7Tn0SRReGCk4yuuVWaeZ4******" --Message "dG***Ao=" --Algorithm SM2DSA --MessageType RAW
    // Verify the message abstract (verify the signature for the message abstract using the content of the file `encoded.base64` mentioned in step 4 as the `Message` parameter of `VerifyByAsymmetricKey`).
    tccli kms VerifyByAsymmetricKey --KeyId 22d79428-61d9-11ea-a3c8-525400****** --SignatureValue "U7Tn0SRReGCk4yuuVWaeZ4******" --Message "QUuAcNFr1Jl5+3GDbCxU7te7Uekq+oTxZ**********=" --Algorithm SM2DSA --MessageType DIGEST
    The value of the parameter Message and MessageType used in the signature API call should be the same as those of the signature verification API call.
    Returned result:
    "Response": {
    "SignatureValid": true,
    "RequestId": "6758cbf5-5e21-4c37-a2cf-8d47f5******"
    Verify the signature locally using the KMS public key and signature content. Request:
    gmssl sm2utl -verify -in ./test_verify.txt -sigfile ./signContent.bin -pubin -inkey ./public_key.pem -id 1234567812345678
    Returned result:
    Signature Verification Successful
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