tencent cloud


RSA Signature Verification

Last updated: 2024-01-11 16:31:21
    This document describes how to use the RSA signature verification algorithm.

    Operation Directions

    Step 1: Creating an asymmetric signature key

    To use the signature feature, the correct key purpose KeyUsage= ASYMMETRIC_SIGN_VERIFY_RSA_2048 is required when calling the CreateKey API to create a CMK.
    tccli kms CreateKey --Alias test_rsa --KeyUsage ASYMMETRIC_SIGN_VERIFY_RSA_2048
    Returned result:
    "Response": {
    "KeyId": "22d79428-61d9-11ea-a3c8-525400******",
    "Alias": "test_rsa",
    "CreateTime": 1583739580,
    "Description": "",
    "KeyState": "Enabled",
    "KeyUsage": "ASYMMETRIC_SIGN_VERIFY_RSA_2048",
    "TagCode": 0,
    "TagMsg": "",
    "RequestId": "0e3c62db-a408-406a-af27-dd5ced******"

    Step 2: Downloading the public key

    tccli kms GetPublicKey --KeyId 22d79428-61d9-11ea-a3c8-525400******
    Returned result:
    "Response": {
    "RequestId": "408fa858-cd6d-4011-b8a0-653805******",
    "KeyId": "22d79428-61d9-11ea-a3c8-525400******",
    "PublicKey": "MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoEcz1UBgi0DQgAEFLlge0vtct949CwtadHODzisgXJahujq+PvM***************bBs/f3axWbvgvHx8Jmqw==",
    "PublicKeyPem": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\\nMFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoEcz1UBgi0DQgAEFLlge0vtct949CwtadHODzisgXJa\\nhujq+PvM***************bBs/f3axWbvgvHx8Jmqw==\\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\\n"
    Convert the public key PublicKeyPem into the PEM format and save it in the file public_key.pem.
    echo "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
    -----END PUBLIC KEY-----" > public_key.pem
    You can also log in to the KMS console, click Customer Managed CMK on the left sidebar, click a key ID/name in the key list to view the key information, and download the public asymmetric key.

    Step 3: Creating the plaintext file

    Create the testing plaintext file.
    echo "test" > test_verify.txt
    If there are any invisible characters such as line breaks in the generated content, you need to truncate the file (e.g., truncate -s -1 test_verify.txt) to provide a correct signature.

    Step 4: Calculating the message abstract

    If the message to be generated a signature for is not longer than 4,096 bytes, you can skip this step to Step 5.
    If the message to be generated a signature for is longer than 4,096 bytes, you need to calculate a message abstract locally first.
    Use OpenSSL to calculate the message abstract for test_verity.txt.
    openssl dgst -sha256 -binary -out digest.bin test_verify.txt

    Step 5: Calling the KMS signature API to generate a signature

    Call the KMS SignByAsymmetricKey API to calculate the signature.
    1. Base64-encode the original message or message abstract before signature calculation.
    // Base64-encode the message abstract
    openssl enc -e -base64 -A -in digest.bin -out encoded.base64
    // Base64-encode the original message
    openssl enc -e -base64 -A -in test_verify.txt -out encoded.base64
    2. Calculate the signature.
    // Generate the signature for the message abstract using the content of the file `encoded.base64` as the `Message` parameter of `SignByAsymmetricKey`.
    tccli kms SignByAsymmetricKey --KeyId 22d79428-61d9-11ea-a3c8-525400****** --Algorithm RSA_PSS_SHA_256 --Message "qJQj83hSyOuU7Tn0SRReGCk4yuuVWaeZ44BP******==" --MessageType DIGEST
    // Generate the signature for the Base64-encoded original message
    tccli kms SignByAsymmetricKey --KeyId 22d79428-61d9-11ea-a3c8-525400****** --Algorithm RSA_PSS_SHA_256 --Message "dG***Ao=" --MessageType RAW
    // Generate the signature for the message abstract using the content of the file `encoded.base64` as the `Message` parameter of `SignByAsymmetricKey`.
    tccli kms SignByAsymmetricKey --KeyId 22d79428-61d9-11ea-a3c8-525400****** --Algorithm RSA_PKCS1_SHA_256 --Message "qJQj83hSyOuU7Tn0SRReGCk4yuuVWaeZ44BP******==" --MessageType DIGEST
    // Generate the signature for the Base64-encoded original message
    tccli kms SignByAsymmetricKey --KeyId 22d79428-61d9-11ea-a3c8-525400****** --Algorithm RSA_PKCS1_SHA_256 --Message "dG***Ao=" --MessageType RAW
    Returned result:
    "Response": {
    "Signature": "U7Tn0SRReGCk4yuuVWaeZ4******",
    "RequestId": "408fa858-cd6d-4011-b8a0-653805******"
    Save the signature content Signature in the file signContent.sign:
    echo "U7Tn0SRReGCk4yuuVWaeZ4******" | base64 -d > signContent.bin

    Step 6: Verifying the signature

    1. Call the KMS signature verification API to verify the signature (recommended).
    // Verify the message abstract (verify the signature for the message abstract using the content of the file `encoded.base64` mentioned in step 4 as the `Message` parameter of `VerifyByAsymmetricKey`).
    tccli kms VerifyByAsymmetricKey --KeyId 22d79428-61d9-11ea-a3c8-525400****** --SignatureValue "U7Tn0SRReGCk4yuuVWaeZ4******" --Message "QUuAcNFr1Jl5+3GDbCxU7te7Uekq+oTxZ**********=" --Algorithm RSA_PSS_SHA_256 --MessageType DIGEST
    // Verify the Base64-encoded original message.
    tccli kms VerifyByAsymmetricKey --KeyId 22d79428-61d9-11ea-a3c8-525400****** --SignatureValue "U7Tn0SRReGCk4yuuVWaeZ4******" --Message "dG***Ao=" --Algorithm RSA_PSS_SHA_256 --MessageType RAW
    // Verify the message abstract (verify the signature for the message abstract using the content of the file `encoded.base64` mentioned in step 4 as the `Message` parameter of `VerifyByAsymmetricKey`).
    tccli kms VerifyByAsymmetricKey --KeyId 22d79428-61d9-11ea-a3c8-525400****** --SignatureValue "U7Tn0SRReGCk4yuuVWaeZ4******" --Message "QUuAcNFr1Jl5+3GDbCxU7te7Uekq+oTxZ**********=" --Algorithm RSA_PKCS1_SHA_256 --MessageType DIGEST
    // Verify the Base64-encoded original message.
    tccli kms VerifyByAsymmetricKey --KeyId 22d79428-61d9-11ea-a3c8-525400****** --SignatureValue "U7Tn0SRReGCk4yuuVWaeZ4******" --Message "dG***Ao=" --Algorithm RSA_PKCS1_SHA_256 --MessageType RAW
    Returned result:
    "Response": {
    "SignatureValid": true,
    "RequestId": "6758cbf5-5e21-4c37-a2cf-8d47f5******"
    The value of the parameter Message and MessageType used in the signature API call should be the same as those of the signature verification API call.
    2. Verify the signature locally using the KMS public key and signature content.
    // Use the `RSA_PSS_SHA_256` algorithm to verify the signature.
    openssl dgst -verify public_key.pem -sha256 -sigopt rsa_padding_mode:pss -sigopt rsa_pss_saltlen:-1 -signature ./signContent.bin ./test_verify.txt
    // Use the `RSA_PKCS1_SHA_256` algorithm to verify the signature.
    openssl dgst -verify public_key.pem -sha256 -signature ./signContent.bin ./test_verify.txt
    Returned result:
    Verified OK
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